
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In biogeography, vicariance and long-distance dispersal are often characterised as competing scenarios. However, they are related concepts, both relying on collective geological, ecological, and phylogenetic evidence. This is illustrated by freshwater fishes, which may immigrate to islands either when freshwater connections are temporarily present and later severed (vicariance), or by unusual means when ocean gaps are crossed (long-distance dispersal). Marine barriers have a strong filtering effect on freshwater fishes, limiting immigrants to those most capable of oceanic dispersal. The roles of vicariance and dispersal are debated for freshwater fishes of the Greater Antilles. We review three active hypotheses [Cretaceous vicariance, Greater Antilles-Aves Ridge (GAARlandia), long-distance dispersal] and propose long-distance dispersal to be an appropriate model due to limited support for freshwater fish use of landspans. Greater Antillean freshwater fishes have six potential source bioregions (defined from faunal similarity): Northern Gulf of México, Western Gulf of México, Maya Terrane, Chortís Block, Eastern Panamá, and Northern South America. Faunas of the Greater Antilles are composed of taxa immigrating from many of these bioregions, but there is strong compositional disharmony between island and mainland fish faunas (>90% of Antillean species are cyprinodontiforms, compared to <10% in Northern Gulf of México and Northern South America, and ≤50% elsewhere), consistent with a hypothesis of long-distance dispersal. Ancestral-area reconstruction analysis indicates there were 16 or 17 immigration events over the last 51 million years, 14 or 15 of these by cyprinodontiforms. Published divergence estimates and evidence available for each immigration event suggests they occurred at different times and by different pathways, possibly with rafts of vegetation discharged from rivers or washed to sea during storms. If so, ocean currents likely provide critical pathways for immigration when flowing from one landmass to another. On the other hand, currents create dispersal barriers when flowing perpendicularly between landmasses. In addition to high salinity tolerance, cyprinodontiforms collectively display a variety of adaptations that could enhance their ability to live with rafts (small body size, viviparity, low metabolism, amphibiousness, diapause, self-fertilisation). These adaptations likely also helped immigrants establish island populations after arrival and to persist long term thereafter. Cichlids may have used a pseudo bridge (Nicaragua Rise) to reach the Greater Antilles. Gars (Lepisosteidae) may have crossed the Straits of Florida to Cuba, a relatively short crossing that is not a barrier to gene flow for several cyprinodontiform immigrants. Indeed, widespread distributions of Quaternary migrants (Cyprinodon, Gambusia, Kryptolebias), within the Greater Antilles and among neighbouring bioregions, imply that long-distance dispersal is not necessarily inhibitory for well-adapted species, even though it appears to be virtually impossible for all other freshwater fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The climatic changes that took place in Europe during the Quaternary period influenced plant habitats as well as their species and vegetation composition. In this article, biogeographical studies on Hercynian mountain plants that include data for the Alps, Carpathians, and European lowlands are reviewed in order to discuss the phylogeographical structure and divergence of the Hercynian populations from those in other European mountain ranges, Scandinavia, and lowlands. The analyzed studies show specific phylogeographical relations between the Hercynian mountains, Alps, Scandinavia, Carpathians, and European lowlands. The results also indicate that the genetic patterns of plant populations in the Hercynian Mountains may differ significantly in terms of origin. The main migration routes of species to the Hercynian ranges began in the Alps or Carpathians. Some species, such as Rubus chamaemorus L., Salix lapponum L., and Salix herbacea L., are glacial relics that may have arrived and settled in the Hercynian Mountains during the Ice Age and that survived in isolated habitats. The Hercynian Mountains are composed of various smaller mountain ranges and are a crossroads of migration routes from different parts of Europe; thus, intensive hybridization has occurred between the plant populations therein, which is indicated by the presence of several divergent genetic lines.






  • 文章类型: Review
    DNA Barcoding is an important tool for disciplines such as taxonomy, phylogenetics and phylogeography, with Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) being the largest database of partial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences. We provide the first extensive revision of the information available in this database for the insect order Thysanoptera, to assess: how many COI sequences are available; how representative these sequences are for the order; and the current potential of BOLD as a reference library for specimen identification and species delimitation. The COI database at BOLD currently represents only about 5% of the over 6400 valid thrips species, with a heavy bias towards a few species of economic importance. Clear Barcode gaps were observed for 24 out of 33 genera evaluated, but many outliers were also observed. We suggest that the COI sequences available in BOLD as a reference would not allow for accurate identifications in about 30% of Thysanoptera species in this database, which rises to 40% of taxa within Thripidae, the most sampled family within the order. Thus, we call for caution and a critical evaluation in using BOLD as a reference library for thrips Barcodes, and future efforts should focus on improving the data quality of this database.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continental East Asia has a mild Pleistocene climate and a complex recent geological history. Phylogeographic studies of animals over the last 30 years have produced several distinctive patterns. Glaciation refugia are numerous and are not restricted to any particular regions. Most of them are localized and species-specific, although several large refugia, for example the mountains of SW China, are shared by multiple species and have refugia-within-refugia. Furthermore, postglaciation range expansion events vary greatly in time, scale and direction. Large-scale south-to-north post-LGM expansions are few and mostly occurred in the northern regions. Additionally, several unique geographic features, including the three-step terrain of China and the northern arid belt, have significant impacts on many species histories. Overall, the impacts of Pleistocene glaciations, particularly the LGM, on species history vary drastically from nondetectable to significant. The impacts are the least for species from the southwestern region and are most dominant for species from the north. Geological events play a more significant role in shaping species history than Pleistocene climatic changes. Phylogeographic patterns among animals species are highly consistent with those of plants. Future phylogeographic endeavour in East Asia should be hypothesis-driven and seek processes that underlie common patterns. The wide use of genomic data allow accurate estimates of historical population processes and exploration of older history beyond the Pleistocene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considerable research exists on the life history traits, evolutionary history, and environmental factors that shape the population genetic structure of marine organisms, including sharks and rays. Conservation concerns are particularly strong for this group as they are highly susceptible to anthropogenic stressors due to a combination of life history traits including late maturity and low fecundity. Here, we provide a review and synthesis of the global phylogeography of sharks and rays. We examined existing data for 40 species of sharks belonging to 17 genera and 19 species of rays belonging to 11 genera. Median joining haplotype networks were constructed for each species for the mtDNA cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI), and an Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) was conducted to understand patterns of genetic diversity and structure across the three major ocean basins-the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Haplotype networks showed very shallow coalescence in most species, a finding previously reported for marine teleosts. Star topologies were predominant among sharks while complex mutational topologies predominated among rays, a finding we attribute to extremely limited dispersal in the early life history of rays. Population structuring varied amongst species groups, apparently due to differences in life history traits including reproductive philopatry, site fidelity, pelagic habitat, migratory habits, and dispersal ability. In comparison to reef-associated and demersal species, pelagic and semi pelagic species showed lower levels of structure between and within ocean basins. As expected, there is variation between taxa and groups, but there are also some broad patterns that can guide management and conservation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic variability of apicomplexan parasite Babesia species is a principal strategy used by piroplasma to evade their hosts\' immune responses. The purpose of this review was to evaluate our current knowledge on global haplotype distribution and phylogeography of Babesia ovis derived from sheep, goat, horse and ixodid (hard) ticks. Bibliographic English databases were searched from 2017 to 2023, identifying a total of 11 publications. The 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) sequences of B. ovis from Asia, Europe, and Africa were retrieved and subjected to estimate the genetic diversity and phylogenetic assessment. A haplotype network indicated a total of 29 haplotypes being classified into two distinct geographical haplogroups I and II including Nigeria and Uganda-derived B. ovis isolates. A moderately high level of genetic diversity was characterized in sheep/tick-derived B. ovis isolates originating from Iraq (Haplotype diversity: 0.781) and Turkey (Hd: 0.841). Based on the cladistic phylogenetic tree, two geographically different lineages of A and B were genetically differentiated except for Turkish isolates, indicating haplotype migration occurred between various geographical clades. In addition, the topology of UPGMA tree indicated that B. ovis population has a distinct clade compared to the rest clades of ovine babesiosis (B. crassa and B. motasi). The present results strengthen our knowledge to evaluate the evolutionary paradigms and transmission dynamics of B. ovis in different regions of the world; also it will provide groundwork for public health policy to control ovine babesiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Being nocturnal, hiding in prickly bushes and shrubs during the day, Eupholidoptera species in Crete and its neighbouring islands are easily overlooked, and until now our knowledge about their distribution was based on some thirty sightings across 11 species. In this paper results are presented of a study of Eupholidoptera specimens collected between 1987 and 2020 by hand-catches and pitfall and fermenting traps on the Greek islands of Crete, Gavdos, Gavdopoula, and Andikithira. Diagnostic features of all known species are presented and illustrated with stacked images. An updated key to all species is provided. Eupholidopterafrancisae Tilmans & Odé, sp. nov. from Andikithira and southwestern Crete and Eupholidopteramarietheresae Willemse & Kotitsa, sp. nov. from Mt. Dikti are described. Female E.cretica, E.gemellata, and E.mariannae are described, and the female of E.astyla is redescribed. Bioacoustics for E.francisae Tilmans & Odé, sp. nov., E.giuliae, and E.jacquelinae are presented for the first time. Eupholidopterasmyrnensis is reported for the first time from Crete. A substantial amount of new distribution data for Eupholidoptera species on Crete is presented. The current distribution pattern and first analyses of phylogeny based on molecular data of Eupholidoptera species on Crete are discussed in relation to paleogeographical events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic characterization of circulating influenza type-A viruses (IAVs) directs the selection of appropriate vaccine formulations and early detection of potentially pandemic virus strains. However, longitudinal data on the genomic evolution and transmission of IAVs in Africa are scarce, limiting Africa\'s benefits from potential influenza control strategies. We searched seven databases: African Journals Online, Embase, Global Health, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science according to the PRISMA guidelines for studies that sequenced and/or genomically characterized Africa IAVs. Our review highlights the emergence and diversification of IAVs in Africa since 1993. Circulating strains continuously acquired new amino acid substitutions at the major antigenic and potential N-linked glycosylation sites in their hemagglutinin proteins, which dramatically affected vaccine protectiveness. Africa IAVs phylogenetically mixed with global strains forming strong temporal and geographical evolution structures. Phylogeographic analyses confirmed that viral migration into Africa from abroad, especially South Asia, Europe, and North America, and extensive local viral mixing sustained the genomic diversity, antigenic drift, and persistence of IAVs in Africa. However, the role of reassortment and zoonosis remains unknown. Interestingly, we observed substitutions and clades and persistent viral lineages unique to Africa. Therefore, Africa\'s contribution to the global influenza ecology may be understated. Our results were geographically biased, with data from 63% (34/54) of African countries. Thus, there is a need to expand influenza surveillance across Africa and prioritize routine whole-genome sequencing and genomic analysis to detect new strains early for effective viral control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Y chromosome has been widely explored for the study of human migrations. Due to its paternal inheritance, the Y chromosome polymorphisms are helpful tools for understanding the geographical distribution of populations all over the world and for inferring their origin, which is really useful in forensics. The remarkable historical context of Europe, with numerous migrations and invasions, has turned this continent into a melting pot. For this reason, it is interesting to study the Y chromosome variability and how it has contributed to improving our knowledge of the distribution and development of European male genetic pool as it is today. The analysis of Y lineages in Europe shows the predominance of four haplogroups, R1b-M269, I1-M253, I2-M438 and R1a-M420. However, other haplogroups have been identified which, although less frequent, provide significant evidence about the paternal origin of the populations. In addition, the study of the Y chromosome in Europe is a valuable tool for revealing the genetic trace of the different European colonizations, mainly in several American countries, where the European ancestry is mostly detected by the presence of the R1b-M269 haplogroup. Therefore, the objective of this review is to compile the studies of the Y chromosome haplogroups in current European populations, in order to provide an outline of these haplogroups which facilitate their use in forensic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reduce global HIV-1 incidence, there is a need to understand and disentangle HIV-1 transmission dynamics and to determine the geographic areas and populations that act as hubs or drivers of HIV-1 spread. In Sub-Saharan Africa (sSA), the region with the highest HIV-1 burden, information about such transmission dynamics is sparse. Phylogenetic inference is a powerful method for the study of HIV-1 transmission networks and source attribution. In this review, we assessed available phylogenetic data on mixing between HIV-1 hotspots (geographic areas and populations with high HIV-1 incidence and prevalence) and areas or populations with lower HIV-1 burden in sSA. We searched PubMed and identified and reviewed 64 studies on HIV-1 transmission dynamics within and between risk groups and geographic locations in sSA (published 1995-2021). We describe HIV-1 transmission from both a geographic and a risk group perspective in sSA. Finally, we discuss the challenges facing phylogenetic inference in mixed epidemics in sSA and offer our perspectives and potential solutions to the identified challenges.






