photon counting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) with photon-counting x-ray detectors (PCDs) can be used to improve the classification of breast cancers as benign or malignant. Commercially-available PCD-based mammography systems use silicon-based PCDs. Cadmium-telluride (CdTe) PCDs may provide a practical advantage over silicon-based PCDs because they can be implemented as large-area detectors that are more easily adaptable to existing mammography systems.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this work is to optimize CESM implemented with CdTe PCDs and to investigate the influence of the number of energy bins, electronic noise level, pixel size, and anode material on image quality.
    METHODS: We developed a Monte Carlo model of the energy-bin-dependent modulation transfer functions (MTFs) and noise power spectra, including spatioenergetic noise correlations. We validated model predictions using a CdTe PCD with analog charge summing for charge-sharing suppression. Using the ideal-observer detectability, we optimized CESM for the task of detecting a 7-mm-diameter iodine nodule embedded in a breast with 50% glandularity. We optimized the tube voltage, beam filtration, and the location of energy thresholds for 50 and 100- μ $\\mu$ m pixels, tungsten and molybdenum anodes, and two electronic noise levels. One of the electronic noise levels was that of the experimental system; the other was half that of the experimental system. Optimization was performed for CdTe PCDs with two or three energy bins. We also estimated the impact of anatomic noise due to background parenchymal enhancement and computed the minimum detectable iodine area density in the presence of quantum and anatomic noise.
    RESULTS: Model predictions of the MTFs and noise power spectra agreed well with experiment. For optimized systems, adding a third energy bin increased quantum noise levels and reduced detectability by ∼55% compared to two-bin approaches that simply suppress contrast between fibroglandular and adipose tissue. Decreasing the electronic noise standard deviation from 3.4 to 1.7 keV increased iodine detectability by ∼5% and ∼30% for two-bin imaging and three-bin imaging, respectively. After optimizing for tube voltage, beam filtration, and the location of energy thresholds, there was ∼a 3% difference in iodine detectability between molybdenum and tungsten anodes for two-bin imaging, but for three-bin imaging, molybdenum anodes provided up to 14% increase in detectability relative to tungsten anodes. Anatomic noise decreased iodine detectability by 15% to 40%, with greater impact for lower electronic noise settings and larger pixel sizes.
    CONCLUSIONS: For CESM implemented with CdTe PCDs, (1) quantitatively-accurate three-material decompositions using three energy bins are associated with substantial increases in quantum noise relative to two-energy-bin approaches that simply suppress contrast between fibroglandular and adipose tissues; (2) tungsten and molybdenum anodes can provide nearly equal iodine detectability for two-bin imaging, but molybdenum provides a modest detectability advantage for three-bin imaging provided that all other technique parameters are optimized; (3) reducing pixel sizes from 100 to 50  μ $\\mu$ m can reduce detectability by up to 20% due to charge sharing; (4) anatomic noise due to background parenchymal enhancement is estimated to have a substantial impact on lesion visibility, reducing detectability by approximately 30%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND. Variable beam hardening based on patient size causes variation in CT numbers for energy-integrating detector (EID) CT. Photon-counting detector (PCD) CT more accurately determines effective beam energy, potentially improving CT number reliability. OBJECTIVE. The purpose of the present study was to compare EID CT and deep silicon PCD CT in terms of both the effect of changes in object size on CT number and the overall accuracy of CT numbers. METHODS. A phantom with polyethylene rings of varying sizes (mimicking patient sizes) as well as inserts of different materials was scanned on an EID CT scanner in single-energy (SE) mode (120-kV images) and in rapid-kilovoltage-switching dual-energy (DE) mode (70-keV images) and on a prototype deep silicon PCD CT scanner (70-keV images). ROIs were placed to measure the CT numbers of the materials. Slopes of CT number as a function of object size were computed. Materials\' ideal CT number at 70 keV was computed using the National Institute of Standards and Technology XCOM Photon Cross Sections Database. The root mean square error (RMSE) between measured and ideal numbers was calculated across object sizes. RESULTS. Slope (expressed as Hounsfield units per centimeter) was significantly closer to zero (i.e., less variation in CT number as a function of size) for PCD CT than for SE EID CT for air (1.2 vs 2.4 HU/cm), water (-0.3 vs -1.0 HU/cm), iodine (-1.1 vs -4.5 HU/cm), and bone (-2.5 vs -10.1 HU/cm) and for PCD CT than for DE EID CT for air (1.2 vs 2.8 HU/cm), water (-0.3 vs -1.0 HU/cm), polystyrene (-0.2 vs -0.9 HU/cm), iodine (-1.1 vs -1.9 HU/cm), and bone (-2.5 vs -6.2 HU/cm) (p < .05). For all tested materials, PCD CT had the smallest RMSE, indicating CT numbers closest to ideal numbers; specifically, RMSE (expressed as Hounsfield units) for SE EID CT, DE EID CT, and PCD CT was 32, 44, and 17 HU for air; 7, 8, and 3 HU for water; 9, 10, and 4 HU for polystyrene; 31, 37, and 13 HU for iodine; and 69, 81, and 20 HU for bone, respectively. CONCLUSION. For numerous materials, deep silicon PCD CT, in comparison with SE EID CT and DE EID CT, showed lower CT number variability as a function of size and CT numbers closer to ideal numbers. CLINICAL IMPACT. Greater reliability of CT numbers for PCD CT is important given the dependence of diagnostic pathways on CT numbers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comparison was made between the image quality of a photon-counting CT (PCCT) and a dual-source CT (DSCT). The evaluation of image quality was performed using a Catphan CT phantom, and the physical metrics, such as the noise power spectrum and task transfer function, were measured for both PCCT and DSCT at three CT dose indices (1, 5 and 10 mGy). Polyenergetic and virtual monoenergetic reconstructions were used to evaluate the performance differences by simulating a Gaussian spot with a radius of 5 mm and calculating the detectability index. The highest iterative reconstruction level was able to decrease the noise by about 70% compared with the filtered back projection using a parenchyma reconstruction kernel. The PCCT task transfer functions remained constant, while those of the DSCT increased with the reconstruction strength level. At monoenergetic 70 keV, a 50% decrease in noise was observed for DSCT with image smoothing, while PCCT had the same 50% decrease in noise without any smoothing. The PCCT detectability index at a reconstruction strength level of two was equivalent to the highest level of ADMIRE 5 for DSCT. The PCCT showed its superiority over the DSCT, especially for lung nodule detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When irradiating a molecular material containing photo-isomerizable groups with pure circularly polarized light, a particular handedness may get imprinted into the material. To study the mechanism and kinetics of this process in situ and operando, we have developed a new chiroptical tool where the circular polarization of the incident circularly polarized light is monitored after transmission through the photoactive layer. Practical limits to the resolution and sensitivity of the measurements as well as its calibration are discussed. To aid interpretation of experimental results, we present kinetic Monte Carlo simulations on a model for the active material involving photo-induced reorientation of molecules in a cholesteric organization. The simulations support the interpretation of a transient minimum in the degree of circular polarization of the transmitted light in terms of a nematic transient state during photo-inversion of a cholesteric organization in the molecular material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: We investigated the performance of a neural network (NN) material decomposition method under varying pileup conditions. Approach: Experiments were performed at tube current settings that provided count rates incident on the detector through air equal to 9%, 14%, 27%, 40%, and 54% of the maximum detector count rate. An NN was trained for each count-rate level using transmission measurements through known thicknesses of basis materials (PMMA and aluminum). The NN trained for each count-rate level was applied to x-ray transmission measurements through test materials and to CT data of a rod phantom. Material decomposition error was evaluated as the distance in basis material space between the estimated thicknesses and ground truth. Results: There was no clear trend between count-rate level and material decomposition error for all test materials except neoprene. As an example result, Teflon error was 0.33 cm at the 9% count-rate level and 0.12 cm at the 54% count-rate level for the x-ray transmission experiments. Decomposition error increased with count-rate level for the neoprene test case, with 0.65-cm error at 9% count-rate level and 1.14-cm error at the 54% count-rate level. In the CT study, material decomposition error decreased with increasing incident count rate. For example, the material decomposition error for Teflon was 0.089, 0.066, 0.054 at count-rate levels of 14%, 27%, and 40%, respectively. Conclusions: Results demonstrate over a range of incident count-rate levels that an NN trained at a specific count-rate level can learn the relationship between photon-counting spectral measurements and basis material thicknesses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head computed tomography (CT) plays an important role in the comprehensive evaluation of acute stroke. Photon-counting spectral detectors, as promising candidates for use in the next generation of x-ray CT systems, allow for assigning more weight to low-energy x-rays that generally contain more contrast information. Most importantly, the spectral information can be utilized to decompose the original set of energy-selective images into several basis function images that are inherently free of beam-hardening artifacts, a potential advantage for further improving the diagnosis accuracy. We are developing a photon-counting spectral detector for CT applications. The purpose of this work is to determine the optimal beam quality for material decomposition in two head imaging cases: nonenhanced imaging and K-edge imaging. A cylindrical brain tissue of 16-cm diameter, coated by a 6-mm-thick bone layer and 2-mm-thick skin layer, was used as a head phantom. The imaging target was a 5-mm-thick blood vessel centered in the head phantom. In K-edge imaging, two contrast agents, iodine and gadolinium, with the same concentration ([Formula: see text]) were studied. Three parameters that affect beam quality were evaluated: kVp settings (50 to 130 kVp), filter materials ([Formula: see text] to 83), and filter thicknesses [0 to 2 half-value layer (HVL)]. The image qualities resulting from the varying x-ray beams were compared in terms of two figures of merit (FOMs): squared signal-difference-to-noise ratio normalized by brain dose ([Formula: see text]) and that normalized by skin dose ([Formula: see text]). For nonenhanced imaging, the results show that the use of the 120-kVp spectrum filtered by 2 HVL copper ([Formula: see text]) provides the best performance in both FOMs. When iodine is used in K-edge imaging, the optimal filter is 2 HVL iodine ([Formula: see text]) and the optimal kVps are 60 kVp in terms of [Formula: see text] and 75 kVp in terms of [Formula: see text]. A tradeoff of 65 kVp was proposed to lower the potential risk of skin injuries if a relatively long exposure time is necessarily performed in the iodinated imaging. In the case of gadolinium imaging, both SD and BD can be minimized at 120 kVp filtered with 2 HVL thulium ([Formula: see text]). The results also indicate that with the same concentration and their respective optimal spectrum, the values of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] in gadolinium imaging are, respectively, around 3 and 10 times larger than those in iodine imaging. However, since gadolinium is used in much lower concentrations than iodine in the clinic, iodine may be a preferable candidate for K-edge imaging.





