
  • 文章类型: Review
    Priapism is a disorder where the penis without sexual stimulation maintains a prolonged rigid erection lasting 4 or more hours. There are two classifications of priapism, ischemic (low flow) or nonischemic high flow, and each have specific etiologies, diagnostic criteria, and management. This presented case study involved a 58-year-old male who experienced an ischemic priapism more than 24 hours after an anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF). A flaccid penis was achieved after the patient received two 400 µg of phenylephrine HCL into the corpora cavernosum. Review of the literature suggests anesthetic medications given during the surgical procedure may have caused the priapism. Lessons that can be learned from this case study highlight that even though the nurse may not expect to see a priapism after an ALIF, the nurse must always be diligent and not become complacent with unexpected findings or assessments that may cause irreparable harm to the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of minor components represents a challenging problem in spectrophotometric analysis of pharmaceuticals. If one component has a low absorptivity or present in a low concentration compared to the other components, this will hinder its quantitation by spectrophotometric methods. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) as a signal processing technique was utilized to figure out a solution to such a problem. A comparative study was established between traditional derivative spectrophotometry (Numerical Differentiation, ND) and CWT to indicate the advantages and limitations of each technique and possibility of solving the problem of minor components. A mixture of ibuprofen (IBU) and phenylephrine (PHE) with its degradation products forming a ternary mixture was used for comparing the two techniques. The two techniques were applied on raw spectral data and on ratio spectra data resulting in four methods, namely ND, CWT, Derivative Ratio-Zero Crossing (DRZC) and Continuous Wavelet Transform Ratio-Zero Crossing (CWTR-ZC) methods. By comparing the results in laboratory prepared mixtures, CWT technique showed advantages in analysis of mixtures with minor components than ND. The proposed methods were validated according to the ICH guideline Q2(R1), where their linearity was established with correlation coefficient ranging from 0.9995 to 0.9999. The linearity was in the range 3-40 μg/mL for PHE in all methods, while for IBU it was 20-180 and 30-180 μg/mL in CWT and ND methods, respectively. The CWT methods were applied for quantitative determination of the drugs in their dosage form showing the ability of the methods to quantitate minor components in pharmaceutical formulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Current guidelines recommend prophylactic vasopressor administration during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery to maintain intraoperative blood pressure above 90% of the baseline value. We sought to determine the optimum baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP) reading to guide the management of spinal hypotension.
    METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of data collected from normotensive patients presenting for elective cesarean delivery in a tertiary care institution from October 2018 to August 2020. We compared the magnitude of hypotension in patients who reported nausea versus those who did not, using a case-control design. Baseline MAPs at last office visit, morning of surgery, or operating room (pre-spinal) were determined. We calculated the duration and degree of hypotension using the area under the curve (AUC) when the MAP of the respective patient was below 90% of each baseline.
    RESULTS: The patients who experienced nausea (n=45) had longer and more profound periods of hypotension than those who did not develop nausea (n=240). A comparison of AUC using MAP baseline at the last office visit or on the morning of surgery showed a statistically significant between-group difference, P=0.02, and P=0.005, respectively, and no significant between-group difference when 90% of the MAP baseline in the operating room was used.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients had the highest preoperative MAP in the operating room and the AUC was similar for those with and without nausea when the pre-spinal MAP baseline was used. Therefore, maintaining higher intraoperative blood pressure using individual pre-spinal MAP as baseline should reduce intraoperative maternal nausea.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic, which means it acts analogous to adrenaline. Phenylephrine can be taken orally to treat nasal congestion symptoms. It is also frequently mixed with other medicines in products meant to relieve cough and cold symptoms. Given the widespread usage of phenylephrine, related drug eruptions appear to be uncommon.
    Here we discuss a case of a 19-year-old female patient who reported to our hospital with blebs on the skin throughout her legs and torso. The drug eruption or adverse drug response was linked with itching, had a slow beginning, and progressed. Her medical history indicated that she had been taking phenylephrine 10 mg orally twice a day. On the sixth day, she experienced an adverse medication response caused by the medicine phenylephrine. Phenylephrine was stopped immediately and the other medications, such as levocetirizine, montelukast, and nasal spray, were continued. The patient was told not to use phenylephrine, either alone or in combination with FDCs. There are no other complaints. As a result, the patient was diagnosed with phenylephrine- induced eruption.
    We present this case to highlight the importance of inspiring a pharmacovigilance mindset among all clinicians providing care as a routine alert drug, phenylephrine-induced drug eruption.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Transpulmonary thermodilution is often used to measure extravascular lung water during liver transplantation. Here, the case of new onset atrial fibrillation during orthotopic liver transplantation, which may have been induced by iced saline injection for transpulmonary thermodilution measurement, is described. A 52-year-old male patient underwent orthotopic liver transplantation due to alcoholic cirrhosis combined with portal hypertension. During dissection of the recipient liver, transpulmonary thermodilution was performed. At 3 minutes following iced saline injected, atrial fibrillation occurred, the ventricular rate increased to more than 120 beats per min, and blood pressure dropped to 75/50 mmHg. Massive haemorrhage, inferior vena cava clamping, electrolyte disorder, acid-base balance disorder, and hypothermia were all ruled out, and iced saline injection was suspended. Hemodynamic stability was maintained with phenylephrine and lanatocide C (cedilanid), and chemical cardioversion was performed using amiodarone. During the reperfusion phase, transient hemodynamic instability was managed by norepinephrine. The neohepatic phase was uneventful. Atrial fibrillation lasted for 5 days and reversed to sinus rhythm automatically. The patient was hemodynamically stable during this period, and recovery was smooth with no thromboembolic events. In conclusion, atrial fibrillation may be induced by iced saline injection for transpulmonary thermodilution measurement during orthotopic liver transplantation.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine tumors (NET) that secrete hormones and other substances into the circulation, causing shifts in hemodynamics and other unpleasant symptoms. This case report describes a case in which the patient had a midgut NET that metastasized to the liver, causing carcinoid syndrome. The patient underwent general anesthesia for an exploratory laparotomy, small bowel resection with anastomosis, mesenteric mass resection, and a right liver lobectomy. The patient had carcinoid syndrome and developed carcinoid crisis during the surgery. Octreotide and phenylephrine infusions and phenylephrine boluses were used during the procedure to stabilize hemodynamics. The pathophysiology of carcinoid tumors, carcinoid syndrome, carcinoid crisis, and carcinoid heart disease are reviewed and octreotide application in the setting of carcinoid syndrome and carcinoid crisis is also reviewed. Octreotide is a first-generation somatostatin analog that binds to somatostatin receptor 2 with high affinity, somatostatin receptor 3 and somatostatin receptor 5 with lower affinity, and suppresses the secretion of serotonin. Anesthesia recommendations are given for patients undergoing surgery with carcinoid syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Collyrium administration is a common procedure in the neonatal ward, both in preterm and at term babies. Various molecules are used to induce mydriasis and cycloplegia: among them, phenylephrine and tropicamide are the most popular, and their administration is generally considered safe.
    A 35 + 2 weeks-old, 2510 g, well-appearing male newborn required an ophthalmologic evaluation after a doubtful red reflex test. A collyrium with 1% phenylephrine and 0.95% tropicamide was administered prior to the consult, one drop per eye. Two minutes after the administration, the baby developed a severe apnea that required tactile stimulation. Moreover, the area around his eyes became visibly pale. Three minutes later, the baby became severely bradycardic (59 bpm), but remained in good general condition, so that resuscitation maneuvers were not required. Bradycardia lasted for almost three hours and then gradually resolved.
    Cardiopulmonary manifestations, such as bradycardia and even cardiopulmonary arrest, are severe complications that can happen after phenylephrine collyrium administration in preterm newborns. However, they have been described in babies below 1500 g or with concurrent respiratory manifestations. Our patient, on the other hand, was late preterm, and never required a ventilatory support prior to the collyrium administration. Practitioners who deal with premature babies, even if late preterm, must be aware of these possible complications and administer phenylephrine collyrium carefully, where cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment and personnel are available.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This report aimed to determine if pupil-dilating eye drops (mydriatics) affected serous pigment epithelial detachment elevation in an eye with central serous chorioretinopathy using spectral domain-optical coherence tomography. A 47-year-old man presented to our clinic with metamorphopsia in his right eye, which had best corrected visual acuity of 20/20. Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography revealed minimal subretinal fluid and serous pigment epithelial detachment. During the follow-up examination after the final diagnosis of central serous chorioretinopathy and serous pigment epithelial detachment, different pigment epithelial detachment elevations on optical coherence tomography images before and after pupil dilation were found incidentally. These elevations were re-measured separately on different days before and after pupil dilation with 2.5% phenylephrine and 1% tropicamide to determine if this was a mydriatic-induced increase in pigment epithelial detachment elevation, which was eventually found to be the case. Mydriatics appeared to affect pigment epithelial detachment elevation in central serous chorioretinopathy. A thorough consideration of pre-dilation ocular examination and imaging data in central serous chorioretinopathy may be valuable.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) associated with left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction in the event of an ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a rare cause of hypotension during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Herein, we describe a 57-year-old woman who presented with STEMI and underwent PCI. She developed hypotension which worsened during inotropic therapy. Echocardiography revealed evidence of LVOT obstruction in the setting of TCM. Therefore, inotropic support was promptly discontinued. Beta blockers and phenylephrine were rapidly administrated, resulting in improved blood pressure and stabilisation of the patient.





