
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sparse and conflicting data exist regarding the normal partogram of grand-multiparous (GMP, defined as parity of 6+) parturients. Customized partograms may potentially lower cesarean delivery rates for protraction disorders in this population. In this study, we aim to construct a normal labor curve of GMP women and compare it to the multiparous (MP, defined as parity of 2-5) partogram. We conducted a multicenter retrospective cohort analysis of deliveries between the years 2003 and 2019. Eligible parturients were the trials of labor of singletons ≥37 + 0 weeks in cephalic presentation with ≥2 documented cervical examinations during labor. Exclusion criteria were elective cesarean delivery without a trial of labor, preterm labor, major fetal anomalies, and fetal demise. GMP comprised the study group while the MP counterparts were the control group. A total of 78,292 deliveries met the inclusion criteria, comprising 10,532 GMP and 67,760 MP parturients. Our data revealed that during the first stage of labor, cervical dilation progressed at similar rates in MPs and GMPs, while head descent was a few minutes faster in GMPs compared to MPs, regardless of epidural anesthesia. The second stage of labor was faster in GMPs compared to MPs; the 95th percentile of the second stage duration of GMPs (48 min duration) was 43 min less than that of MPs (91 min duration). These findings remained similar among deliveries with and without epidural analgesia or labor induction. We conclude that GMPs\' and MPs\' cervical dilation progression in the active phase of labor was similar, and the second stage of labor was shorter in GMPs, regardless of epidural use. Thus, GMPs\' uterus function during labor corresponds, and possibly surpasses, that of MPs. These findings indicate that health providers can use the standard partogram of the active phase of labor when caring for GMP parturients.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    BACKGROUND: Documentation and assessment of progress in labour using a partograph is recommended by the World Health Organisation to assist in the timely recognition of labour dystocia. Recent studies have tested new designs of partographs that aim to account for more variable rates of labour progress. However, other studies have suggested that poor compliance in the completion of partographs affects utility. The objective of this study was to compare two types of partographs for compliance in documentation and use for managing labour.
    METHODS: Low-risk nulliparous women in spontaneous labour (n = 228) were randomised to either an Action Line (control) (n = 114) or Dystocia Line partograph (intervention) (n = 114). Primary outcome was compliance with instructions for commencement of the partograph following a multifaceted training strategy. Secondary outcomes included compliance with the accompanying clinical management protocol for each partograph; and labour and birth outcomes.
    RESULTS: The compliance rate for commencing the Action line partograph was 43.2% compared to 67.0% (p = 0.02) for the Dystocia line partograph. Other than a reduction in artificial rupture of membranes in the Dystocia Line group there were no other differences in labour management or birth outcomes. The use of centralised electronic display of labour progress may be a contributing factor.
    CONCLUSIONS: Compliance with the commencement and use of either partograph was low. There was little indication that the partograph was being utilized in the assessment and management of prolonged labour. Further studies are needed to explore the current utility of partographs in labour management and the effect of centralised monitoring of progress in high resource settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the discrepancy between historical and more recent descriptions of the first stage of labour by testing whether the statistical techniques used recently (repeated-measures polynomial and interval-censored regression) were appropriate for detection of periods of rapid acceleration of cervical dilatation as might occur at the time of transition from a latent to an active phase of labour.
    A simulation study using regression techniques.
    We created a simulated data set for 500 000 labours with clearly defined latent and active phases using the parameters described by Friedman. Additionally, we created a data set comprising 500 000 labours with a progressively increasing rate of cervical dilatation.
    Repeated-measures polynomial regression was used to create summary labour curves based on simulated cervical examinations. Interval-censored regression was used to create centimetre-by-centimetre estimates of rates of cervical dilatation and their 95th centiles.
    Labour summary curves and rates of cervical dilatation.
    Repeated-measures polynomial regression did not detect the rapid acceleration in cervical dilatation (i.e. acceleration phase) and overestimated lengths of labour, especially at smaller cervical dilatations. There was a two-fold overestimation in the mean rate of cervical dilatation from 4 to 6 cm. Interval-censored regression overestimated median transit times, at 4- to 5-cm cervical dilatation or when cervical examinations occurred less frequently than 0.5- to 1.5-hourly.
    Repeated-measures polynomial regression and interval-censored regression should not be routinely used to define labour progress because they do not accurately reflect the underlying data.
    Repeated-measures polynomial and interval-censored regression techniques are not appropriate to model first stage of labour.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    We have examined the nurses\' thinking process in their professional judgment and action in the Partogram of 170 labors by 17 Midwifery students in 2 years.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    BACKGROUND: The ePartogram is a tablet-based application developed to improve care for women in labor by addressing documented challenges in partograph use. The application is designed to provide real-time decision support, improve data entry, and increase access to information for appropriate labor management. This study\'s primary objective was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of ePartogram use in resource-constrained clinical settings.
    METHODS: The ePartogram was introduced at three facilities in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Following 3 days of training, skilled birth attendants (SBAs) were observed for 2 weeks using the ePartogram to monitor laboring women. During each observed shift, data collectors used a structured observation form to document SBA comfort, confidence, and ability to use the ePartogram. Results were analyzed by shift. Short interviews, conducted with SBAs (n = 82) after each of their first five ePartogram-monitored labors, detected differences over time. After the observation period, in-depth interviews were conducted (n = 15). A thematic analysis of interview transcripts was completed.
    RESULTS: Observations of 23 SBAs using the ePartogram to monitor 103 women over 84 shifts showed that the majority of SBAs (87-91%) completed each of four fundamental ePartogram tasks-registering a client, entering first and subsequent measurements, and navigating between screens-with ease or increasing ease on their first shift; this increased to 100% by the fifth shift. Nearly all SBAs (93%) demonstrated confidence and all SBAs demonstrated comfort in using the ePartogram by the fifth shift. SBAs expressed positive impressions of the ePartogram and found it efficient and easy to use, beginning with first client use. SBAs noted the helpfulness of auditory reminders (indicating that measurements were due) and visual alerts (signaling abnormal measurements). SBAs expressed confidence in their ability to interpret and act on these reminders and alerts.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible and acceptable for SBAs to use the ePartogram to support labor management and care. With structured training and support during initial use, SBAs quickly became competent and confident in ePartogram use. Qualitative findings revealed that SBAs felt the ePartogram improved timeliness of care and supported decision-making. These findings point to the ePartogram\'s potential to improve quality of care in resource-constrained labor and delivery settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Backgound Partographs are used in many labour settings to provide a pictorial overview of a woman\'s cervical dilation pattern in the first stage of labor and to alert clinicians to slow progress possibly requiring intervention. Recent reviews called for large trials to establish the efficacy of partographs to improve birth outcomes whilst highlighting issues of clinician compliance with use. Previous studies have also reported issues with participant recruitment related to concerns regarding the possibility of a longer labour. Objectives We sought to compare a standard partograph with an action line, to a newly designed partograph with a stepped line, to determine the feasibility of recruitment to a larger clinical trial. Methods A pragmatic, single-blind randomised trial wherein low-risk, nulliparous women in spontaneous labour at term were randomized to an action-line or stepped-line partograph. First stage labour management was guided by the allocated partograph. Primary outcomes included the proportion of eligible women recruited, reasons for failed recruitment and compliance with partograph use. Secondary outcomes included rates of intervention, mode of birth, maternal and neonatal outcomes. Results Of the 384 potentially eligible participants, 38% (149/384) were approached. Of these 77% (116/149) consented, with 85% (99/116) randomized, only nine women approached (6%) declined to participate. A further 9% (14/149) who were consented antenatally were not eligible at onset of labor and 7% (10/149) of women approached in the birth suite but did not meet the inclusion criteria. Compliance with partograph completion was 65% (action) versus 84% (dystocia line). Conclusions for Practice Participant recruitment to a larger randomized controlled trial comparing new labour management guidelines to standard care is feasible. Effective strategies to improve partograph completion compliance would be required to maintain trial fidelity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess fetal descent rates of nulliparous and multiparous women in the active phase of labor and to evaluate significant impact factors.
    METHODS: In a retrospective cohort study at the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, we evaluated 6045 spontaneous vaginal deliveries with a singleton in vertex presentation between January 2007 and July 2014 at 34 0/7 to 42 0/7 gestational weeks. Median fetal descent rates and their 10th and 90th percentiles were assessed in the active phase of labor and different impact factors were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Fetal descent rates are exponentially increasing. Nulliparous women have slower fetal descent than multiparous women (P<0.001), ranging from 0 to 5.81 cm/h and from 0 to 15 cm/h, respectively. The total duration of fetal descent in labor is 5.42 h for nulliparous and 2.71 h for multiparous women. Accelerating impact factors are a lower fetal station, multiparity, increasing maternal weight and fetal occipitoanterior position, whereas epidural anesthesia decelerates fetal descent (P<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Fetal descent is a hyperbolic increasing process with faster descent in multiparous women compared to nulliparous women, is highly inter individual and is associated with different impact factors. The diagnosis of labor arrest or prolonged labor should therefore be based on such rates as well as on individual evaluation of every parturient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Newborns are at the greatest risk for dying during the intrapartum period, including labor and delivery, and the first day of life. Fetal heart rate monitoring (FHRM) and partogram use to track labor progress are evidence-based techniques that can help to identify maternal and fetal risk factors so that these can be addressed early. The objective of this study was to assess health worker adherence to protocols for FHRM and partogram use during the intrapartum period, and to assess the association between adherence and intrapartum stillbirth in a tertiary hospital of Nepal.
    A case-referent study was conducted over a 15-month period. Cases included all intrapartum stillbirths, while 20 % of women with live births were randomly selected on admission to make up the referent population. The frequency of FHRM and the use of partogram were measured and their association to intrapartum stillbirth was assessed using logistic regression analysis.
    During the study period, 4,476 women with live births were enrolled as referents and 136 with intrapartum stillbirths as cases. FHRM every 30 min was only completed in one-fourth of the deliveries, and labor progress was monitored using a partogram in just over half. With decreasing frequency of FHRM, there was an increased risk of intrapartum stillbirth; FHRM at intervals of more than 30 min resulted in a four-fold risk increase for intrapartum stillbirth (aOR 4.17, 95 % CI 2.0-8.7), and the likelihood of intrapartum stillbirth increased seven times if FHRM was performed less than every hour or not at all (aOR 7.38, 95 % CI 3.5-15.4). Additionally, there was a three-fold increased risk of intrapartum stillbirth if the partogram was not used (aOR 3.31, 95 % CI 2.0-5.4).
    The adherence to FHRM and partogram use was inadequate for monitoring intrapartum progress in a tertiary hospital of Nepal. There was an increased risk of intrapartum stillbirth when fetal heart rate was inadequately monitored and when the progress of labor was not monitored using a partogram. Further exploration is required in order to determine and understand the barriers to adherence; and further, to develop tools, techniques and interventions to prevent intrapartum stillbirth.
    ISRCTN97846009 .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the association between the quality of basic note keeping and partogram documentation with progression of shift and workload on labour ward.
    METHODS: This was a prospective observational study.
    METHODS: The setting of this study was a labour ward of a teaching district hospital in an inner city London hospital.
    METHODS: Intrapartum notes and partograms of 61 consecutive labouring women were assessed for quality of midwifery documentation at the beginning, middle and end of a 12-h shift.
    METHODS: The measurements of this study were a basic note-keeping composite score based on validated criteria by the Nursing and Midwifery Record Keeping Guidance 2010 and a partogram completion score based on the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines for Intrapartum Care 2007.
    RESULTS: The basic note keeping deteriorated between the middle and the end of the 12-h shift, but it appeared unaffected by workload, with no statistically significant difference between day and night shifts. Partogram documentation was poorer in the middle compared to the beginning of the shift, and there was no statistical difference between day and night shifts. Partogram completion appeared to be influenced by women: midwife ratio as well as progression through a shift.
    CONCLUSIONS: The basic note keeping and partogram documentation were best at the beginning of the shift, and fatigue may play a role in poorer documentation towards the middle and the end of the shifts.
    CONCLUSIONS: Appropriately scheduled breaks especially during the final third of the shifts may help improve the quality of documentation.





