
  • 文章类型: Review
    Hydatidiform moles are classified into complete hydatidiform moles (CHMs), which are androgenetic and diploid, and partial hydatidiform moles (PHM), which are triploid with two paternal chromosomes and one maternal chromosome. The incidence of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia differs substantially between CHM and PHM. However, they are occasionally difficult to diagnose. In this review, auxiliary and experimental methods based on cytogenetic features and advanced molecular detection techniques applied to the diagnosis and analysis of hydatidiform moles are summarized, including basic principles, characteristics, and clinical implications. Short tandem repeat polymorphism analysis is considered the gold standard for the genetic diagnosis of hydatidiform moles. In clinical settings, immunohistochemical analyses of p57KIP2 , an imprinted gene product, are widely used to differentiate CHMs from other conceptuses, including PHMs. Recently, new molecular genetic techniques, such as single nucleotide polymorphism arrays, have been applied to research on hydatidiform moles. In addition to insights from classical methods, such as chromosome analysis, recently developed approaches have yielded novel findings related to the mechanism underlying the development of androgenetic CHMs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To generate sufficient numbers of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vitro, a detailed understanding of how this process takes place in vivo is essential. The endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition (EHT), which culminates in the production of the first HSCs, is a highly complex process during which key regulators are switched on and off at precise moments, and that is embedded into a myriad of microenvironmental signals from surrounding cells and tissues. We have previously demonstrated an HSC-supportive function for GATA3 within the sympathetic nervous system and the sub-aortic mesenchyme, but show here that it also plays a cell-intrinsic role during the EHT. It is expressed in hemogenic endothelial cells and early HSC precursors, where its expression correlates with a more quiescent state. Importantly, endothelial-specific deletion of Gata3 shows that it is functionally required for these cells to mature into HSCs, placing GATA3 at the core of the EHT regulatory network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is now definitively established that a large part of the human genome is transcribed. However, only a scarce percentage of the transcriptome (about 1.2%) consists of RNAs that are translated into proteins, while the large majority of transcripts include a variety of RNA families with different dimensions and functions. Within this heterogeneous RNA world, a significant fraction consists of sequences with a length of more than 200 bases that form the so-called long non-coding RNA family. The functions of long non-coding RNAs range from the regulation of gene transcription to the changes in DNA topology and nucleosome modification and structural organization, to paraspeckle formation and cellular organelles maturation. This review is focused on the role of long non-coding RNAs as regulators of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors\' (CDKIs) levels and activities. Cyclin-dependent kinases are enzymes necessary for the tuned progression of the cell division cycle. The control of their activity takes place at various levels. Among these, interaction with CDKIs is a vital mechanism. Through CDKI modulation, long non-coding RNAs implement control over cellular physiology and are associated with numerous pathologies. However, although there are robust data in the literature, the role of long non-coding RNAs in the modulation of CDKIs appears to still be underestimated, as well as their importance in cell proliferation control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Androgenetic complete hydatidiform moles (CHMs) are associated with an increased risk of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. P57KIP2 expression in hydatidiform moles is thought to be a powerful marker for differentiating CHMs from partial hydatidiform moles (PHMs). However, since there are so few such families clinically, very few studies have addressed the importance of p57KIP2-positive in the diagnosis and prognosis of CHM. This study aimed to emphasize the significance of the accurate diagnosis of rare CHM and careful follow-up. The classification of the hydatidiform mole was based on morphologic examination and p57KIP2 expression was determined by p57KIP2 immunohistochemical staining. Copy number variation sequencing was used to determine the genetic make-up of the mole tissues. In addition, the short tandem repeat polymorphism analysis was used to establish the parental origin of the moles. Finally, whole-exome sequencing was performed to identify the causal genetic variants associated with this case. In one Chinese family, the proband had numerous miscarriages throughout her two marriages. Morphologic evaluation and molecular genotyping accurately sub-classified two molar specimens as uniparental disomy CHM of androgenetic origin. Furthermore, p57KIP2 expression was found in cytotrophoblasts and villous stromal cells. In the tissue, there were hyperplasia trophoblastic cells and heteromorphic nuclei. In this family, no deleterious variant genes associated with recurrent CHM were detected. It is important to evaluate the prognostic value of p57KIP2 expression in androgenetic recurrent CHM. This knowledge may help to minimize erroneous diagnosis of CHMs as PHMs, as well as making us aware of the need to manage potential gestational trophoblastic neoplasia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the ability of kobusone to reduce high glucose levels and promote β-cell proliferation.
    METHODS: Four-week-old female db/db mice were assigned to the kobusone (25 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally twice a day) or control group (same volume of PBS). Glucose levels and body weight were measured twice a week. After 6 weeks, intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests and immunohistochemical studies were performed, and insulin levels were determined. The expression of mRNAs involved in cell proliferation, such as PI3K, Akt, cyclin D3 and p57Kip2, was measured by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR).
    RESULTS: Kobusone reduced blood glucose levels after 3 weeks and more strongly increased serum insulin levels than the vehicle. Immunohistochemistry illustrated that kobusone increased 5-bromo-2\'-deoxyuridine incorporation into islet β-cells, suggesting that it can stimulate islet β-cell replication in vivo. RT-qPCR indicated that kobusone upregulated the mRNA expression of PI3K, Akt, and cyclin D3 and downregulated that of p57Kip2.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that kobusone is a potent pancreatic islet β-cell inducer that has the potential to be developed as an anti-diabetic agent.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    p57Kip2 protein is a member of the CIP/Kip family, mainly localized in the nucleus where it exerts its Cyclin/CDKs inhibitory function. In addition, the protein plays key roles in embryogenesis, differentiation, and carcinogenesis depending on its cellular localization and interactors. Mutations of CDKN1C, the gene encoding human p57Kip2, result in the development of different genetic diseases, including Beckwith-Wiedemann, IMAGe and Silver-Russell syndromes. We investigated a specific Beckwith-Wiedemann associated CDKN1C change (c.946 C>T) that results in the substitution of the C-terminal amino acid (arginine 316) with a tryptophan (R316W-p57Kip2). We found a clear redistribution of R316W-p57Kip2, in that while the wild-type p57Kip2 mostly occurs in the nucleus, the mutant form is also distributed in the cytoplasm. Transfection of two expression constructs encoding the p57Kip2 N- and C-terminal domain, respectively, allows the mapping of the nuclear localization signal(s) (NLSs) between residues 220-316. Moreover, by removing the basic RKRLR sequence at the protein C-terminus (from 312 to 316 residue), p57Kip2 was confined in the cytosol, implying that this sequence is absolutely required for nuclear entry. In conclusion, we identified an unreported p57Kip2 NLS and suggest that its absence or mutation might be of relevance in CDKN1C-associated human diseases determining significant changes of p57Kip2 localization/regulatory roles.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postnatal growth restriction (PGR) increases the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adulthood, yet there is minimal mechanistic rationale for the observed pathology. The purpose of this study was to identify proteomic differences in hearts of growth-restricted and unrestricted mice, and propose mechanisms related to impairment in adulthood. Friend leukemia virus B (FVB) mouse dams were fed a control (CON: 20% protein), or low-protein (LP: 8% protein) isocaloric diet 2 weeks before mating. LP dams produce 20% less milk, inducing growth restriction. At birth (postnatal; PN1), pups born to dams fed the CON diet were switched to LP dams (PGR group) or a different CON dam. At PN21, a sub-cohort of CON (n = 3 males; n = 3 females) and PGR (n = 3 males; n = 3 females) were euthanized and their proteome analyzed by two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) and mass spectroscopy. Western blotting and silver nitrate staining confirmed 2D DIGE results. Littermates (CON: n = 4 males and n = 4 females; PGR: n = 4 males and n = 4 females) were weaned to the CON diet. At PN77, echocardiography measured cardiac function. At PN80, hearts were removed for western blotting to determine if differences persisted into adulthood. 2D DIGE and western blot confirmation indicated PGR had reductions in p57kip2, Titin (Ttn), and Collagen (Col). At PN77, PGR had impaired cardiac function as measured by echocardiography. At PN80, western blots of p57kip2 showed protein abundance recovered from PN21. PN80 silver staining of large molecular weight proteins (Ttn and Col) was reduced in PGR. PGR reduces cell cycle activity at PN21, which is recovered in adulthood. However, collagen fiber networks are altered into adulthood.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cyclin/CDK inhibitor p57Kip2 belongs to the Cip/Kip family, with p21Cip1 and p27Kip1, and is the least studied member of the family. Unlike the other family members, p57Kip2 has a unique role during embryogenesis and is the only CDK inhibitor required for embryonic development. p57Kip2 is encoded by the imprinted gene CDKN1C, which is the gene most frequently silenced or mutated in the genetic disorder Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), characterized by multiple developmental anomalies. Although initially identified as a cell cycle inhibitor based on its homology to other Cip/Kip family proteins, multiple novel functions have been ascribed to p57Kip2 in recent years that participate in the control of various cellular processes, including apoptosis, migration and transcription. Here, we will review our current knowledge on p57Kip2 structure, regulation, and its diverse functions during development and homeostasis, as well as its potential implication in the development of various pathologies, including cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In numerous instances, the fate of a single cell not only represents its peculiar outcome but also contributes to the overall status of an organism. In turn, the cell division cycle and its control strongly influence cell destiny, playing a critical role in targeting it towards a specific phenotype. Several factors participate in the control of growth, and among them, p27Kip1 and p57Kip2, two proteins modulating various transitions of the cell cycle, appear to play key functions. In this review, the major features of p27 and p57 will be described, focusing, in particular, on their recently identified roles not directly correlated with cell cycle modulation. Then, their possible roles as molecular effectors of polyphenols\' activities will be discussed. Polyphenols represent a large family of natural bioactive molecules that have been demonstrated to exhibit promising protective activities against several human diseases. Their use has also been proposed in association with classical therapies for improving their clinical effects and for diminishing their negative side activities. The importance of p27Kip1 and p57Kip2 in polyphenols\' cellular effects will be discussed with the aim of identifying novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of important human diseases, such as cancers, characterized by an altered control of growth.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lithium salt is the first-line therapeutic option for bipolar disorder and has been proposed as a potential antitumoral drug. The effects of LiCl treatment were investigated in SH-SY5Y, a human neuroblastoma cell line and an in vitro model of dopaminergic neuronal differentiation. LiCl, at the dosage used in psychiatric treatment, does not affect cell proliferation, while at higher doses it delays the SH-SY5Y cell division cycle and for prolonged usage reduces cell viability. Moreover, the ion treatment affects DNA integrity as demonstrated by accumulation of p53 and γH2AX (the phosphorylated form of H2AX histone), two important markers of genome damage. p57Kip2, a CIP/Kip protein, is required for proper neuronal maturation and represents a main factor of response to stress including genotoxicity. We evaluated the effect of lithium on p57Kip2 levels. Unexpectedly, we found that lithium downregulates the level of p57Kip2 in a dose-dependent manner, mainly acting at the transcriptional level. A number of different approaches, mostly based on p57Kip2 content handling, confirmed that the CKI/Kip reduction plays a key role in the DNA damage activated by lithium and suggests the unanticipated view that p57Kip2 might be involved in DNA double-strand break responses. In conclusion, our study identified novel roles for p57Kip2 in the molecular mechanism of lithium at high concentration and, more in general, in the process of DNA repair.






