organic matter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadmium (Cd) pollution has gained significant attention in mangrove sediments due to its high toxicity and mobility. However, the sources of Cd and the factors influencing its accumulation in these sediments have remained elusive. In this study, we utilized lead (Pb) isotopic signatures for the first time to assess Cd contamination in mangrove sediments from the northern region of the Beibu Gulf. A strong correlation was observed between Cd and Pb concentrations in the mangrove sediments, suggesting a shared source that can be estimated using Pb isotopic signatures. By employing a Bayesian mixing model, we determined that 70.1 ± 8.2 % of Cd originated from natural sources, while 12.9 ± 4.9 %, 9.8 ± 3.7 %, and 7.1 ± 3.4 % were attributed to agricultural activities, non-ferrous metal smelting, and coal combustion, respectively. Our study clearly suggests that natural Cd could also dominate the high Cd content. Agricultural activities were the most important anthropogenic Cd sources, and the increased anthropogenic Cd accumulation in mangrove sediment was related to organic matter. This study introduces a novel approach for assessing Cd contamination in mangrove sediment, providing useful insights into Cd pollution in coastal wetlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unraveling the geochemical and microbial controls on methylmercury (MeHg) dynamics in mangrove sediments is important, as MeHg can potentially pose risks to marine biota and people that rely on these ecosystems. While the important role of sulfate-reducing bacteria in MeHg formation has been examined in this ecologically important habitat, the contribution of non-Hg methylating communities on MeHg production remains particularly unclear. Here, we collected sediment samples from 13 mangrove forests in south China and examined the geochemical parameters and microbial communities related to the Hg methylation. MeHg concentrations were significantly correlated to the OM-related parameters such as organic carbon content, total nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations, suggesting the importance of OM in the MeHg production. Sulfate-reducing bacteria were the major Hg-methylators in mangrove sediments. Desulfobacteraceae and Desulfobulbaceae dominated the Hg-methylating microbes. Classification random forest analysis detected strong co-occurrence between Hg methylators and putative non-Hg methylators, thus suggesting that both types of microorganisms contribute to the MeHg dynamics in the sediments. Our study provides an overview of MeHg contamination in south China and advances our understanding of Hg methylation in mangrove ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PFAS from degrading landfill waste partition into organic matter, leachate, and landfill gas. Driven by the limited understanding of PFAS distribution in landfill organics, we analyzed PFAS across various depths and seven spatially distinct locations within a municipal landfill. The measured PFAS concentrations in organics ranged from 6.71 to 73.06 µg kg-1, a sum of twenty-nine PFAS from six classes. Perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) and fluorotelomer carboxylic acids (FTCAs) were the dominant classes, constituting 25-82 % and 8-40 % of total PFAS at different depths. PFBA was the most dominant PFCA with a concentration range of 0.90-37.91 µg kg-1, while 5:3 FTCA was the most prevalent FTCA with a concentration of 0.26-17.99 µg kg-1. A clear vertical distribution of PFAS was observed, with significantly greater PFAS concentrations at the middle depths (20-35 ft), compared to the shallow (10-20 ft) and high depths (35-50 ft). A strong positive correlation (r > 0.50) was noted between total PFAS, total carbon, and dissolved organic matter in landfill organics. Multivariate statistical analysis inferred common sources and transformations of PFAS within the landfill. This study underscores the importance of a system-level analysis of PFAS fate in landfills, considering waste variability, chemical properties, release mechanisms, and PFAS transformations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most up-to-date regulatory guidelines for establishing acute and chronic numeric limits for copper in freshwaters are based on a biotic ligand model for various species, but the model for Cu lacks data on dietary uptake. In addition, some common macroinvertebrate toxicity assay parameters are less representative of the ecosystem. We investigated the effects of diet and its type in the experimental setup and as an exposure pathway to an established amphipod (crustacean) Hyalella azteca (H. azteca) for Cu toxicity assays. We also investigated another overlooked aspect, the organic matter (OM) source. Our experiments compared the toxicity of pre-equilibrated and unequilibrated natural diets and a laboratory-favored diet in effluent and stormwater sources of organic matter adjusted to standard water characteristics. The experiments indicated a more toxic effect of the pre-equilibrated diet and natural dietary sources, and less toxic effects in the presence of effluent OM compared with stormwater OM, shifting LC50 or EC20 values by as much as 67% compared with the controls. The use of a pre-equilibrated natural diet in toxicity assays provides the advantage of producing toxicity data more representative of field conditions. Considering organic matter type, especially in dietary exposures, will better predict toxicity, accounting for copper complexation with OM from different sources and partitioning to the food supply. Adapting these ecologically relevant parameters in whole effluent toxicity testing or other assays will also provide safer regulatory oversite of discharges to surface waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, a multivariate analysis of the parameters determining the transport and fate of selected heavy metals in the water - bottom sediment interface was carried out. The studies were carried out in the summer season of 2019 at Nielisz Reservoir (southeastern Poland, Lublin Voivodeship). Finally, a previously unknown factor related to the quality of organic matter was identified. Autochthonous organic matter was shown to promote the accumulation of the studied heavy metals. To date, the significance of the origin of organic matter in the context of the transport and fate of heavy metals in retention reservoirs has rarely been reported in the scientific literature. More than that, this factor was not considered an important component in the process of heavy metal deposition in bottom sediments. However, it turns out that not only the quantity of organic matter, but also its quality plays an important role in the circulation of heavy metals in retention reservoir ecosystems. It was found that autochthonous organic matter promotes the accumulation of the studied heavy metals. It can be assumed that, in a sense, it plays the role of a catenary (\"hub\") controlling the fate of heavy metals in the water-sediment system. It has also been conjectured that, in a sense, OMS may reflect the potential for heavy metal assimilation by aquatic vascular plants (mainly of the C3 group). Plants with a photosynthetic pathway similar to the C3 group generally have a much lower enrichment in the 13C isotope (δ13C from -38‰ to -22‰). In our case, the lowest δ13C-TOCS value was -24.05‰, and the average for the whole reservoir was -21.53‰. In addition, it was observed that quantitative changes in the isotopic composition of total organic carbon δ13C-TOCS, corresponded with changes in the content of the heavy metals studied in entrapped sediments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the impact of human activities on organic matter pollution is recognized, how these impacts vary seasonally in the Changjiang Delta needs further investigation. This study addresses this gap by investigating seasonal variations in organic matter sources and ecological responses to human activities in Changjiang Delta sediments. Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic compositions of surface sediments collected from the Taipu River and Dalian Lake wetland were analyzed. Both water bodies exhibited similar seasonal trends for TOC and TN, with the Taipu River containing an average of 0.46% and 0.03% higher concentrations of TOC and TN, respectively, compared to Dalian Lake. Additionally, the organic index (OI) and organic nitrogen (ON) index were elevated in both water bodies during the wet season. Sediments from Dalian Lake remained uncontaminated to moderately contaminated, while those from the Taipu River were generally classified as moderately to heavily contaminated. Stable isotope analysis identified terrestrial C3 plants (averaging 25.5%), C4 plants (averaging 16.0%), and municipal wastewater (averaging 16.0%) as the main contributors to organic matter in the sediments. These findings suggest that terrestrial plant material and municipal wastewater are key targets for managing organic matter contamination in the Changjiang Delta. Implementing strategic land-use planning and targeted interventions to minimize these inputs can significantly improve water quality and ecosystem health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of typical organic compounds including easily degradable organic matters sodium acetate, yeast and methanol, and refractory organic matter (ROM) humic acid on anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) systems in short-term and medium-term exposure time were studied. During short-term experiments, nitrogen removal activity (NRA) was inhibited at sodium acetate level of 150 mg L-1 total organic carbon (TOC) and methanol level of 30-150 mg L-1 TOC, but humic acid and yeast (≤150 mg L-1 TOC) enhanced nitrogen removal in anammox systems. The greatest NRA of 30.10 mg TN g-1 VSS h-1 was recorded at yeast level of 90 mg L-1 TOC. In medium-term experiments, organics significantly inhibited the nitrogen removal ability. As a ROM, humic acid enhanced sludge aggregation and biological diversity, but decreased the bioactivity and extracellular polymeric substances levels. Due to the endogenous denitrification, the relative abundance of anammox bacteria (AnAOB) was decreased. Candidatus Kuenenia is still dominant in sludge with methanol and humid acid, but AnAOB are not dominant due to the addition of sodium acetate and yeast. This research would be beneficial for the full-scale application of the anammox process in treating real wastewater with organics and ammonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study introduces groundbreaking insights into how organic matter (OM) of the black phosphate (RB-Ph) uniquely influences phosphorus (P) solubility during acetic acid (AA) leaching, expanding our understanding in this crucial area. To highlight such role, the OM of the RB-Ph was treated separately by different procedures including calcination at 550 ℃/4 h (CB-Ph), 30% hydrogen peroxide (HB-Ph) and intensive grinding to nano-sizes (NB-Ph). The mineralogical, chemical and morphological characteristics of phosphatic and non-phosphatic components of these phosphatic materials were carefully examined pre- and post-treatment via different techniques. The P dissolution of the precursor RB-Ph and its modified derivatives all over the applied experimental parameters traced the following trend: NB-Ph > RB-Ph > CB-Ph > HB-Ph. Intensive grinding to nanoscale resulted in amorphous components with conspicuous OM content (TOC, 0.410%), significantly enhanced P dissolution rate of NB-Ph (730-980 ppm), despite the noticeable reduction in its P2O5 content to 22.34 wt.%. The precursor RB-Ph, thanks to its high OM content (TOC, 0.543%), also displayed a sufficient P dissolution rate (470-750 ppm) compared to the two other modified derivatives, CB-Ph (410-700 ppm) and HB-Ph (130-610 ppm). Such deep and conspicuous impact of OM on P solubility can be tied to their decomposition, releasing not only organic acids but also the adsorbed P by the OM\'s surficial binding sites to the solution. Finally, the optimum conditions of P leaching were attained at 2:1 acid/solid (w/w) ratio and 2 h of retention time of all investigated samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal trends for concentrations of mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were evaluated from year 2000-2020 in 20 (Hg), 23 (Pb) and 11 (Cd) watercourses in remote forest catchments in Europe. Decreasing trends were observed in 15% (Hg), 39% (Pb) and 45% (Cd) of the watercourses during the period of evaluation. Decreasing trends were mainly observed between 2000 and 2005 for Hg and between 2000 and 2015 for Pb and Cd. For the last five years of the studied time period (2015-2020), more watercourses showed significant increasing, rather than decreasing Hg, Pb and Cd trends. This was interpreted as a legacy effect of metals still retained in catchment soils. The overall negative trends during the earlier part of the study period were likely driven by declining deposition of metals over Europe, especially for Pb and Cd. Other changes related to metal transport and chemistry may have contributed to the observed trends as well, including recovery from acidification and the ongoing browning of surface waters at northern latitudes. Here we found that organic carbon could explain the seasonal variation in Hg and Pb, but was not related the interannual trends. This study highlights the need for long-term monitoring and robust statistical methods that can detect multidirectional, long-term change in water chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-temperature baking is a typical method to remove organic matter from diatoms, but it\'s not suitable for bio-silica because of the high crystallinity. This study provides a method using the VAUS™ to remove organic matter from diatoms more quickly and biocompatibly. Organic matter was removed by using VAUS™, while NaOCl was utilized to remove the organic matter from the silicate frustule. The optimal frequency for organic matter removal was investigated to domestically produced M. nummuloides. The removal efficiency of TOC/TN was calculated and analyzed. The C and Si elements were analyzed in EDS, while visual confirmation of organic matter removal was analyzed by using XRD. TOC RE% at a frequency of 35kHz exhibited the highest value, indicating a statistically significant difference. XRD analysis demonstrated that the organic matter was almost removed using NaOCl compared to the high-temperature baked M. nummuloides. In the EDS analysis, there were significant differences in the C and Si elements with respect to frequency. This is very similar to the values from the positive control group, high-temperature baked M. nummuloides. This new procedure of applying periodic negative pressure to NaOCl pre-treatment is considered to be an effective method of chemically removing organic matter from diatoms.





