nutrition care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many intensive care unit (ICU) survivors suffer long-term health issues that affect their quality of life. Nutrition inadequacy can limit their rehabilitation potential. This study investigates nutrition intake and support during ICU admission and recovery.
    In this prospective cohort study, 81 adult ICU patients with stays ≥48 h were included. Data on dietary intake, feeding strategies, baseline and ICU characteristics, and 1-year outcomes (physical health and readmission rates) were collected. The number of patients achieving 1.2 gram per kilogram per day of protein and 25 kilocalories per kilogram per day at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after ICU admission was recorded. The impact of dietary supplementation during the year was assessed. Baseline characteristics, intake barriers, and rehabilitation\'s influence on nutrition intake at 12 months were evaluated, along with the effect of inadequate intake on outcomes.
    After 12 months, only 10% of 60 patients achieved 1.2 g/kg/day protein intake, whereas 28% reached the advised 25 kcal/kg/day energy target. Supplementary feeding significantly increased protein intake at 3, 6, and 12 months (P = 0.003, P = 0.012, and P = 0.033, respectively) and energy intake at 3 months (P = 0.003). A positive relation was found between female sex and energy intake at 12 months after ICU admission (β = 4.145; P = 0.043) and taste issues were independently associated with higher protein intake (β = 0.363; P = 0.036). However, achieving upper-quartile protein or energy intake did not translate into improved physical health outcomes.
    Continuous and improved nutrition care is urgently needed to support patients in reaching nutrition adequacy.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    Extended duration of nutrition interventions in critical illness is a plausible mechanism of benefit and of interest to inform future research. The aim of this study was to describe nutrition processes of care from intensive care unit (ICU) admission to discharge from inpatient rehabilitation.
    This was a single-center retrospective study conducted at a health care network in Melbourne, Australia. Adult patients in the ICU >48 h and discharged to inpatient rehabilitation within 28 d were included. Dietitian assessment data and nutrition impacting symptoms were collected until day 28. Data are presented as n (%), mean ± SD or median (interquartile range).
    Fifty patients were included. Of the 50 patients, 28 were men (56%). Patients were 65 ± 19 y of age with an Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II score 15.5 ± 5.2. ICU length of stay (LOS) was 3 d (3-6), acute ward LOS was 10 d (7-14), and rehabilitation LOS was 17 d (8-37). Patients assessed by a dietitian and days to assessment in ICU, acute ward, and rehabilitation were 43 (86%) and 1 (0-1); 42 (84%) and 1 (1-3), and 32 (64%) and 2 (1-4) d, respectively. Oral nutrition was the most common mode: 40 (80%) in the ICU and 48 (96%) on the acute ward and rehabilitation. There was at least one nutrition impacting symptom reported in 44 patients (88%).
    Rehabilitation LOS was longer than in the ICU or acute wards, yet patients in rehabilitation were assessed the least by a dietitian and time to assessment was longest. Symptoms that impact nutrition intake were common; nutrition interventions beyond the acute care setting in critical illness need investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malnutrition and frailty are common conditions that impact overall health and function. There is limited research exploring the barriers and enablers to providing coordinated nutrition care to malnourished or frail clients in the community (including transitions from hospital). This study aimed to explore dietitians\' experiences and perspectives on providing coordinated nutrition care for frail and malnourished clients identified in the community or being discharged from hospital. Semi-structured interviews with clinical/acute, community, and aged care dietitians across Australia and New Zealand were conducted. Interviews were 23-61 min long, audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Eighteen dietitians participated in interviews, including five clinical, eleven community, and two residential aged care dietitians. Three themes, describing key factors influencing the transition and coordination of nutrition care, emerged from the analysis: (i) referral and discharge planning practices, processes, and quality; (ii) dynamics and functions within the multidisciplinary team; and (iii) availability of community nutrition services. Guidelines advising on referral pathways for malnourished/frail clients, improved communication between acute and community dietitians and within the multidisciplinary team, and solutions for community dietetic resource shortages are required to improve the delivery of coordinated nutrition care to at-risk clients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Addressing the high prevalence of disease-related malnutrition (DRM) requires political will. The aim of this study is to define DRM as a health public policy issue from the point of view of the stakeholders.
    We conducted a qualitative phenomenological study consisting of grey data search and individual semi-structured in-depth interviews with stakeholders (policy-makers, academics, and civil society organization representatives) from 17 Latin American countries. The analyzed themes reflected ideas repeatedly found across the interviews.
    26 respondents were interviewed (5 policy-makers, 18 academics, 3 civil society organizations representatives). The grey data research and interviews showed that Brazil and Costa Rica were the only countries in the Region that had developed a specific public health policy addressing DRM and nutrition care issues. The rest of the Latin American countries had a nutrition policy which neither addressed DRM specifically nor included nutrition care, with important heterogeneity existing in terms of national regulation of selected nutritional care categories. Stakeholder opinions allowed to identify heterogeneity in the understanding of the nature and causes of DRM, confusing DRM with malnutrition caused by food insecurity and lack of food availability. Policy in the field of clinical nutrition can be addresses from two approaches: interdisciplinarity and a human rights-based approach.
    DRM is an unaddressed problem by health policy. Due to internal and external factor related to the health systems DRM has not been able to become a public policy issue. The study highlights the need for the development of public policy in clinical nutrition aimed at improving access to nutrition care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutrition care plays a critical role in optimising outcomes for patients receiving treatment for head and neck cancer (HNC), with carers playing an important role in supporting patients to maintain nutrition intake. This study explores patient and carer experience of nutrition care from diagnosis of HNC to 1 year post treatment completion to identify areas for improvement of service delivery. A longitudinal qualitative study design was used with a heterogeneous sample of 20 patients and 15 carers of patients undergoing curative intent treatment for HNC. Interviews conducted at four time points provided a total of 117 interview datasets that were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis based on Gadamerian hermeneutic inquiry. Patient and carer experiences were reflected in two primary themes: (1) the battle to maintain control and (2) navigating the road ahead. This research identifies the need to co-design strategies to improve nutrition care that is inclusive of patients and carers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Promoting patient participation in health care is a worldwide health care priority. When patients participate in their nutrition care during hospitalisation, they are more likely to meet their dietary needs. Patient participation is a potential solution to hospital malnutrition, for which inadequate dietary intake is the major modifiable risk factor. Our team developed a health information technology (HIT) intervention aiming to improve patients\' dietary intakes during hospitalisation by engaging them in their nutrition care. The aim of this study was to explore patient perceptions and acceptability of the intervention.
    This qualitative descriptive study was conducted at a tertiary teaching hospital in Australia. Participants were a subset of patients from a larger feasibility study, selected using maximum variation purposive sampling to include a broad representation of patients in terms of age, gender and experience with technology. All patients had used the HIT intervention to participate in their nutrition care in hospital, through nutritional goal setting and dietary intake monitoring. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect qualitative data on patients\' perceptions of the intervention, focusing on acceptability. Data were analysed thematically.
    11 patients participated in interviews, from which two main themes emerged. The first captured patients\' experiences and perceptions of using technology to participate in their nutrition care. Patients found it easy to use, useful and valuable, but still valued interaction with researchers and hospital staff. The second theme portrayed the spectrum of participation, from simply learning about nutrition, to self-monitoring and evaluating, to changing behaviour. Participants enjoyed gaining new knowledge and awareness around nutrition. Most self-monitored their food intake and evaluated their goals, and some changed what foods they ordered based on what they had learned.
    Patients responded positively to the intervention, likely because they found it valuable and easy to use. These findings are promising for potential future use of HIT to engage hospital patients in care. Future research should investigate the effects of HIT interventions on patient-centred outcomes in hospital.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Change promotes quality in healthcare, yet adopting change can be challenging. Understanding how change in nutrition care is adopted may support better design and implementation of interventions that aim to address inadequate food intake in hospital. The present study followed the process of change in a healthcare organisation, exploring staff attitudes, beliefs and experiences of the implementation of a mealtime intervention.
    In total, 103 h of fieldwork were conducted in this longitudinal ethnographic study over a 4-month period. Over 170 staff participated, with data captured using observation, interviews and focus groups. Data were analysed using an inductive, thematic approach, informed by implementation theory.
    Attitudes and experiences of change in nutrition care are described by three themes: (i) staff recognised the inevitability of change; (ii) staff cooperated with the intervention, recognising potential value in the intervention to support patient care, where increased awareness of their mealtime behaviours supported adopting practice changes; and (iii) some staff were able to reflect on their practice after implementing the intervention, whereas others could not. A model illustrating the interconnectedness of factors influencing implementation emerged from the research, guiding future nutrition care intervention design and supporting change.
    The requirement to address the underlying perceptions of staff about the need to change should not be underestimated. Increased efforts to market the change message to specific staff groups and physical behavioural reinforcement strategies are needed. Nutrition care in the future should focus on helping staff feel positive about making practice changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A person-centred approach to nutritional care has the potential to increase an older person\'s role in making informed decisions about their own care and possibly improving their quality of life. However, despite the considerable interest shown in person-centred nutritional care in recent years, delivery of such care still appears to lack consideration for older persons\' needs and preferences. The present study aimed to explore healthcare professionals\' views on how older persons and their family caregivers participate in decisions about their own nutritional care and possible barriers for that participation.
    Semi-structured in-depth interviews with 23 healthcare professionals in acute geriatric care and home care were conducted. Data were analysed thematically.
    The analysis of the interviews resulted in three main themes: (i) lack of shared decision-making in nutritional care; (ii) conflict between patient\'s preferences and standard nutritional care procedures; and (iii) the value of family caregivers who are seldom involved in nutritional care.
    Healthcare professionals were aware of the importance of actively engaging older persons and their family members in the nutritional care to achieve positive outcomes. However, they encountered individual and structural barriers, including resistance from patients and family caregivers, conflicts between the patients\' nutritional wishes and standard nutritional procedures, a wish to shield the family caregivers from the stress of caring for a sick relative, and lack of time and caring structures that facilitate the older persons and their family\'s active participation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improved dietary and nutrition behavior may help reduce the occurrence of noncommunicable diseases which have become global public health emergencies in recent times. However, doctors do not readily provide nutrition counseling to their patients. We explored medical students\' perspectives on health professionals\' nutrition care responsibility, and why doctors should learn about nutrition and provide nutrition care in the general practice setting.
    Semistructured interviews were conducted among 23 undergraduate clinical level medical students (referred to as future doctors). All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim with data analysis following a comparative, coding, and thematic process.
    Future doctors were of the view that all health professionals who come into contact with patients in the general practice setting are responsible for the provision of nutrition care to patients. Next to nutritionists/dieticians, future doctors felt doctors should be more concerned with the nutrition of their patients than any other health-care professionals in the general practice setting. Reasons why doctors should be more concerned about nutrition were as follows: patients having regular contacts with the doctor; doctors being the first point of contact; patients having more trust in the doctors\' advice; helping to meet the holistic approach to patient care; and the fact that nutrition plays an important role in health outcomes of the patient.
    Future doctors perceived all health professionals to be responsible for nutrition care and underscored the need for doctors to learn about nutrition and to be concerned about the nutrition of their patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malnutrition is a common and complex problem in hospitals. This study used an integrated knowledge translation approach to develop, implement, and evaluate a multifaceted, tailored intervention to improve nutrition care, delivery, and intake among acute medical inpatients. This observational, pre-post study was conducted in a medical ward at a public hospital in Australia. The intervention was co-developed with key stakeholders and targeted three levels: individuals (nutrition intake magnets at patient bedsides), the ward (multidisciplinary hospital staff training), and the organisation (foodservice system changes). Observational data were collected pre- and post-intervention on patient demographics, food intakes, and the mealtime environment. Data were entered into SPSS and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Ethical approval was gained through the hospital and university ethics committees. A total of 207 patients were observed; 116 pre- and 91 post-intervention. After intervention implementation, patients\' mean energy and protein intakes (in proportion to their estimated requirements) were significantly higher and the number of patients eating adequately doubled (p < 0.05). In summary, a multifaceted, pragmatic intervention, tailored to the study context and developed and implemented alongside hospital staff and patients, seemed to be effective in improving nutrition practices and patient nutrition intakes on an acute medical ward.






