neuronal excitability

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a technique that modulates brain excitability in humans. Increasing the stimulation intensity or duration within certain limits could enhance tDCS efficacy with a polarity-dependent effect; anodal stimulation increases cortical excitability, whereas cathodal stimulation decreases excitability. However, recent studies have reported a non-linear effect of cathodal tDCS on neuronal excitability in humans, and there is no conclusive result regarding the effect of cathodal tDCS on muscle performance.
    METHODS: Our study aimed to investigate the immediate effects of different intensities (i.e., 1, 1.5, and 2 mA and sham tDCS) of cathodal tDCS on muscle strength in healthy participants. All participants [mean age 23.17 (3.90) years] were recruited and randomly allocated into four groups (1, 1.5, and 2 mA cathodal tDCS and sham tDCS). Muscle strength in bilateral upper and lower extremities was measured before and immediately after tDCS using a handheld dynamometer.
    RESULTS: Our results showed that cathodal tDCS at 1 and 1.5 mA reduced muscle strength bilaterally in upper and lower extremity muscles, whereas stimulation at 2 mA tended to increase muscle strength on the dominant limb.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the non-linear effects of cathodal tDCS on muscle strength, which should be considered for the clinical use of tDCS in motor rehabilitation.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04672122, date of first registration 17/12/2020.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distinct spiking patterns may arise from qualitative differences in ion channel expression (i.e. when different neurons express distinct ion channels) and/or when quantitative differences in expression levels qualitatively alter the spike generation process. We hypothesized that spiking patterns in neurons of the superficial dorsal horn (SDH) of spinal cord reflect both mechanisms. We reproduced SDH neuron spiking patterns by varying densities of KV 1- and A-type potassium conductances. Plotting the spiking patterns that emerge from different density combinations revealed spiking-pattern regions separated by boundaries (bifurcations). This map suggests that certain spiking pattern combinations occur when the distribution of potassium channel densities straddle boundaries, whereas other spiking patterns reflect distinct patterns of ion channel expression. The former mechanism may explain why certain spiking patterns co-occur in genetically identified neuron types. We also present algorithms to predict spiking pattern proportions from ion channel density distributions, and vice versa.
    Neurons are often classified by spiking pattern. Yet, some neurons exhibit distinct patterns under subtly different test conditions, which suggests that they operate near an abrupt transition, or bifurcation. A set of such neurons may exhibit heterogeneous spiking patterns not because of qualitative differences in which ion channels they express, but rather because quantitative differences in expression levels cause neurons to operate on opposite sides of a bifurcation. Neurons in the spinal dorsal horn, for example, respond to somatic current injection with patterns that include tonic, single, gap, delayed and reluctant spiking. It is unclear whether these patterns reflect five cell populations (defined by distinct ion channel expression patterns), heterogeneity within a single population, or some combination thereof. We reproduced all five spiking patterns in a computational model by varying the densities of a low-threshold (KV 1-type) potassium conductance and an inactivating (A-type) potassium conductance and found that single, gap, delayed and reluctant spiking arise when the joint probability distribution of those channel densities spans two intersecting bifurcations that divide the parameter space into quadrants, each associated with a different spiking pattern. Tonic spiking likely arises from a separate distribution of potassium channel densities. These results argue in favour of two cell populations, one characterized by tonic spiking and the other by heterogeneous spiking patterns. We present algorithms to predict spiking pattern proportions based on ion channel density distributions and, conversely, to estimate ion channel density distributions based on spiking pattern proportions. The implications for classifying cells based on spiking pattern are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Besides its well-known actions on sensory afferents, eugenol also affects general excitability of the nervous system, but the mechanisms involved in the recent effect, especially through modulation of ion channels, have received much less attention. In this study, we studied the effects of eugenol on the excitability of central neurons of land snail Caucasotachea atrolabiata and tried to elucidate the underlying ionic mechanisms. The lower concentration of eugenol (0.5mM) reversibly reduced the frequency of spontaneous action potentials that was associated with elevation of threshold, reduction of maximum slope of rising phase and prolongation of actin potentials. These effects were mimicked by riluzole, suggesting that they might be mediated by inhibition of Na+ channels. Eugenol also prolonged the single-spike afterhyperpolarization and post stimulus inhibitory period, but these effects seemed to be consequent to action potential prolongation that indirectly augment Ca2+ inward currents and Ca2+-activated K+ currents. This concentration of eugenol was also able to prevent or abolish pentylenetetrazole-induced epileptiform activity. On the other hand, a higher concentration of eugenol (2mM) reversibly increased the frequency of action potentials and then induced epileptiform activity in majority of treated neurons. Several criteria suggest that the inhibition of K+ channels by higher concentration of eugenol and indirect augmentation of Ca2+ currents are central to the hyperexcitability and epileptiform activity induced by eugenol. Our findings indicate that while low concentration of eugenol could have antiepileptic properties, at higher concentration it induces epileptiform activity. It seems that does dependent inhibition of the ionic currents underlying rising and falling phases of action potential is relevant to the eugenol suppressant and excitatory actions, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In adulthood, differentiation of precursor cells into neurons continues in several brain structures as well as in the olfactory neuroepithelium. Isolated precursors allow the study of the neurodevelopmental process in vitro. The aim of this work was to determine whether the expression of functional Voltage-Activated Ca(2+) Channels (VACC) is dependent on the neurodevelopmental stage in neuronal cells obtained from the human olfactory epithelium of a single healthy donor. The presence of channel-forming proteins in Olfactory Sensory Neurons (OSN) was demonstrated by immunofluorescent labeling, and VACC functioning was assessed by microfluorometry and the patch-clamp technique. VACC were immunodetected only in OSN. Mature neurons responded to forskolin with a five-fold increase in Ca(2+). By contrast, in precursor cells, a subtle response was observed. The involvement of VACC in the precursors\' response was discarded for the absence of transmembrane inward Ca(2+) movement evoked by step depolarizations. Data suggest differential expression of VACC in neuronal cells depending on their developmental stage and also that the expression of these channels is acquired by OSN during maturation, to enable specialized functions such as ion movement triggered by membrane depolarization. The results support that VACC in OSN could be considered as a functional marker to study neurodevelopment.





