neural circuitry

  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    Despite evidence for effective integrated behavior therapy for treating comorbid obesity and depression, treatment response is highly variable and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unknown. This hampers efforts to identify mechanistic targets in order to optimize treatment precision and potency. Funded within the NIH Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) Research Network, the 2-phased ENGAGE research project applies an experimental precision medicine approach to address this gap. The Phase 1 study focused on demonstrating technical feasibility, target engagement and potential neural mechanisms of responses to an integrated behavior therapy. This therapy combines a video-based behavioral weight loss program and problem-solving therapy for depression, with as-needed intensification of antidepressant medications, and its clinical effectiveness was demonstrated within a parent randomized clinical trial. Here, we describe the ENGAGE Phase 2 (ENGAGE-2) study protocol which builds on Phase 1 in 2 ways: (1) pilot testing of an motivational interviewing-enhanced, integrated behavior therapy in an independent, primarily minority patient sample, and (2) evaluation of a priori defined neural targets, specifically the negative affect (threat and sadness) circuits which demonstrated engagement and malleability in Phase 1, as mediators of therapeutic outcomes. Additionally, the Phase 2 study includes a conceptual and methodological extension to explore the role of microbiome-gut-brain and systemic immunological pathways in integrated behavioral treatment of obesity and depression. This protocol paper documents the conceptualization, design and the transdisciplinary methodologies in ENGAGE-2, which can inform future clinical and translational research in experimental precision medicine for behavior change and chronic disease management. Trial registration: #NCT 03,841,682.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Impaired self-awareness has often been described in schizophrenia. Recent neuroimaging studies examining the self-reflection processes in schizophrenia have produced inconsistent results.
    METHODS: We examined the self-reflective neural network using self- and other-evaluation tasks in schizophrenia. Fifteen schizophrenia patients and fifteen age- and sex-matched healthy subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Subjects were required to decide whether the sentence described their own personal trait (self-evaluation) and that of their close friends (other-evaluation).
    RESULTS: Unlike normal control subjects, the schizophrenia patients did not have greater activation of the left posterior cingulate gyrus and hippocampus during self-evaluation than during other-evaluation. On the other hand, the schizophrenia patients had higher activation of the right superior frontal and right supramarginal gyri during self-evaluation than control subjects. Only the patient group exhibited hyperactivation in the left hippocampus and right external capsule associated with the other-evaluation task.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide evidence for an altered neural basis of self-reflective processing, which may underlie the self-awareness deficits in schizophrenia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetically encoded voltage sensors expand the optogenetics toolkit into the important realm of electrical recording, enabling researchers to study the dynamic activity of complex neural circuits in real time. However, these probes have thus far performed poorly when tested in intact neural circuits. Hybrid voltage sensors (hVOS) enable the imaging of voltage by harnessing the resonant energy transfer that occurs between a genetically encoded component, a membrane-tethered fluorescent protein that serves as a donor, and a small charged molecule, dipicrylamine, which serves as an acceptor. hVOS generates optical signals as a result of voltage-induced changes in donor-acceptor distance. We expressed the hVOS probe in mouse brain by in utero electroporation and in transgenic mice with a neuronal promoter. Under conditions favoring sparse labeling we could visualize single-labeled neurons. hVOS imaging reported electrically evoked fluorescence changes from individual neurons in slices from entorhinal cortex, somatosensory cortex, and hippocampus. These fluorescence signals tracked action potentials in individual neurons in a single trial with excellent temporal fidelity, producing changes that exceeded background noise by as much as 16-fold. Subthreshold synaptic potentials were detected in single trials in multiple distinct cells simultaneously. We followed signal propagation between different cells within one field of view and between dendrites and somata of the same cell. hVOS imaging thus provides a tool for high-resolution recording of electrical activity from genetically targeted cells in intact neuronal circuits.





