
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticides threat marine organisms worldwide. Among them, the Pacific oyster is a bivalve mollusc model in marine ecotoxicology. A large body of literature already stated on the multiple-scale effects pesticides can trigger in the Pacific oyster, throughout its life cycle and in a delayed manner. In particular, reproductive toxicity is of major concern because of its influence on population dynamics. However, past studies mostly investigated pesticide reprotoxicity as a direct effect of exposure during gametogenesis or directly on gametes and little is known about the influence of an early embryo exposure on the breed capacity. Therefore, we studied delayed and multigenerational consequences through gametogenesis features (i.e. sex ratio, glycogen content, gene expression) and reproductive success in two consecutive oyster generations (F0 and F1) exposed to an environmentally-relevant pesticide mixture (sum nominal concentration: 2.85 μg.L-1) during embryo-larval development (0-48 h post fertilization, hpf). In the first generation, glycogen content increased in exposed individuals and the expression of some gametogenesis target genes was modified. The reproductive success measured 48 hpf was higher in exposed individuals. A multigenerational influence was observed in the second generation, with feminisation, acceleration of gametogenesis processes and the sex-specific modification of glycogen metabolism in individuals from exposed parents. This study is the first to highlight the delayed effects on reproduction induced by an early exposure to pesticides, and its multigenerational implications in the Pacific oyster. It suggests that environmental pesticide contamination can have impacts on the recruitment and the dynamics of natural oyster populations exposed during their embryo-larval phase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bivalves are a diverse group of molluscs that have recently attained a central role in plenty of biological research fields, thanks to their peculiar life history traits. Here, we propose that bivalves should be considered as emerging model systems also in sex-determination (SD) studies, since they would allow to investigate: 1) the transition between environmental and genetic SD, with respect to different reproductive backgrounds and sexual systems (from species with strict gonochorism to species with various forms of hermaphroditism); 2) the genomic evolution of sex chromosomes (SCs), considering that no heteromorphic SCs are currently known and that homomorphic SCs have been identified only in a few species of scallops; 3) the putative role of mitochondria at some level of the SD signaling pathway, in a mechanism that may resemble the cytoplasmatic male sterility of plants; 4) the evolutionary history of SD-related gene (SRG) families with respect to other animal groups. In particular, we think that this last topic may lay the foundations for expanding our understanding of bivalve SD, as our current knowledge is quite fragmented and limited to a few species. As a matter of fact, tracing the phylogenetic history and diversity of SRG families (such as the Dmrt, Sox, and Fox genes) would allow not only to perform more targeted functional experiments and genomic analyses, but also to foster the possibility of establishing a solid comparative framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a consolidated technique for the study of biological systems, usually ex vivo or in culture, under different experimental conditions. Yet, the diffusion of the technique in the scientific context of histology is still rather slow and limited. In the present work, we demonstrate the potential of AFM, in terms of morphological and nanomechanical imaging, to study the effects of nano- and micro-sized metallic pollutants in living biological systems. As a model, we investigated marine molluscs (Mytilus galloprovincialis) grown in the Adriatic Sea. We characterized histological sections from two organs (gonads and digestive glands) of molluscs collected during several surveys at different growth time and distance from gas extraction platforms. We evaluated the effects of nano-pollutants mostly on the local tissue structure by combining AFM microscopy with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, the AFM images allowed evidencing the presence of nano- or micro-sized structures that exhibit different nanomechanical properties compared to the rest of the tissue. The results demonstrate how coupling AFM and SEM analysis can provide an effective procedure to evaluate the morphological alterations produced by the exposure to exogenous nano-pollutants in tissue and constitute a promising way to reveal basic mechanisms mediating the cytotoxicity of specific exogenous pollutants ingested by edible organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species of trematodes belonging to the genus Drepanocephalus are intestinal parasites of piscivorous birds, primarily cormorants (Phalachrocorax spp.), and are widely reported in the Americas. During a 4-year malacological study conducted on an urban lake in Brazil, 27-collar-spined echinostome cercariae were found in 1665/15,459 (10.7 %) specimens of Biomphalaria straminea collected. The cercariae were identified as Drepanocephalus spp. by sequencing the 18S (SSU) rDNA, ITS1/5.8S rDNA/ITS2 (ITS), 28S (LSU) rDNA region, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1), and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) markers. In experimental life cycle studies, metacercariae developed in laboratory-reared guppies (Poecilia reticulata); however, attempts to infect birds and rodents were unsuccessful. Two closely related morphotypes of cercariae were characterized. One species, identified by molecular markers as a genetic variant of Drepanocephalus auritus (99.9 % similarity at SSU, ITS, LSU; 97.2 % at CO1; 95.8 % at ND1), differs slightly from an archived North American isolate of this species also sequenced as part of this study. A second species, putatively identified as Drepanocephalus sp., has smaller cercariae and demonstrates significant differences from D. auritus at the CO1 (11.0 %) and ND1 (13.6 %) markers. Aspects related to the morphological taxonomic identification of 27-collar-spined echinostome metacercariae are briefly discussed. This is the first report of the involvement of molluscs of the genus Biomphalaria in the transmission of Drepanocephalus and the first report of D. auritus in South America.





