medical writing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proficiency in medical writing is crucial for disseminating reports of medical studies. The impact of workshops in this regard on participants\' confidence is a subject of debate. We assessed the impact of a hands-on workshop on participants\' confidence in medical writing. Participants of a 2-day \"learning-by-doing\" workshop held at McMaster University participated in this before-after study. We used a unique, reliable, and valid tool comprising two domains of confidence in medical writing and using English language before and after receiving the educational intervention. Of 25 participants, 21 completed the instrument before and after the workshop. Typical participants were female, and students in their 30s, who had not attended a prior workshop. The mean (95% CI) increase in the participants\' confidence for domain 1 was 15.3 (10.5, 20.1), for domain 2 was 16.8 (9.8, 23.8), and for the total score was 32.1 (20.9, 43.2) (all P<0.001). Between-subgroup analyses showed the score increase was significantly higher in participants with less than 5 years of experience in medical research. The workshop had a positive impact on enhancing participants\' confidence in writing skills, including using active verbs, crafting short sentences, summarizing main findings, and adhering to checklists like CONSORT. Hands-on medical writing workshops can boost participants\' confidence in writing medical articles and using optimal English language. Targeting junior researchers and graduate students could result in a better outcome. Emphasizing the writing areas where participants achieved higher score changes might yield better outcomes for such workshops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) language models continue to expand in both access and capability. As these models have evolved, the number of academic journals in medicine and healthcare which have explored policies regarding AI-generated text has increased. The implementation of such policies requires accurate AI detection tools. Inaccurate detectors risk unnecessary penalties for human authors and/or may compromise the effective enforcement of guidelines against AI-generated content. Yet, the accuracy of AI text detection tools in identifying human-written versus AI-generated content has been found to vary across published studies. This experimental study used a sample of behavioral health publications and found problematic false positive and false negative rates from both free and paid AI detection tools. The study assessed 100 research articles from 2016-2018 in behavioral health and psychiatry journals and 200 texts produced by AI chatbots (100 by \"ChatGPT\" and 100 by \"Claude\"). The free AI detector showed a median of 27.2% for the proportion of academic text identified as AI-generated, while commercial software Originality.AI demonstrated better performance but still had limitations, especially in detecting texts generated by Claude. These error rates raise doubts about relying on AI detectors to enforce strict policies around AI text generation in behavioral health publications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the ways that nurses engage with referral letters and discharge summaries, and the qualities of these documents they find valuable for safe and effective practice.
    METHODS: This study comprised a qualitative, case-study design within a constructivist paradigm using convenience sampling.
    METHODS: Interviews were conducted with nurses to investigate their practices relating to referral letters and discharge summaries. Data collection also involved nurses\' examination and evaluation of a diverse range of 10 referral letters and discharge summaries from medical records at two Australian hospitals through focus-group sessions. The data were transcribed and analysed inductively.
    RESULTS: In all, 67 nurses participated in interviews or focus groups. Nurses indicated they used referral letters and discharge summaries to inform their work when caring for patients at different times throughout their hospitalisation. These documents assisted them with verbal handovers, to enable them to educate patients about their condition and treatment and to provide a high standard of care. The qualities of referral letters and discharge summaries that they most valued were language and communication, an awareness of audience and clinical knowledge, as well as balancing conciseness with comprehensiveness of information.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses relied on referral letters and discharge summaries to ensure safe and effective patient care. They used these documents to enhance their verbal handovers, contribute to patient care and to educate the patient about their condition and treatment. They identified several qualities of these documents that assisted them in maintaining patient safety including clarity and conciseness of information.
    UNASSIGNED: It is important that referral letters and discharge summaries are written clearly, concisely and comprehensively because nurses use them as key sources of evidence in planning and delivering care, and in communicating with other health professionals in relaying goals of care and implementing treatment plans.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses reported that they regularly used referral letters and discharge summaries as valuable sources of evidence throughout their patients\' hospitalisation. The qualities of these documents which they most valued were language and communication styles, awareness of audience and clinical knowledge, as well as balancing conciseness with comprehensiveness of information. This research has important impact on the patient experience in relation to encouraging effective referral letter and discharge summary writing.
    UNASSIGNED: We have adhered to the relevant EQUATOR guidelines through the SRQR reporting method.
    UNASSIGNED: No patient or public contribution.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The purpose of this study was to determine the practicality of using a teleconferencing platform to assess the effect of hype on clinicians\' evaluations of reports of clinical trials in spinal care.
    UNASSIGNED: Twelve chiropractic clinicians were interviewed via a videoconferencing application. Interviews were recorded and timed. Participant behaviour was monitored for compliance with the protocol. Differences between participants numerical ratings of hyped and non-hyped abstracts based on four measures of quality were analysed using pairwise comparisons (Wilcoxon signed rank test for independent samples). In addition, a linear mixed effects model was fitted with condition (i.e. hype vs. no hype) as a fixed effect and participant and abstract as random effects.
    UNASSIGNED: The interviews and data analysis were conducted without significant technical difficulty. Participant compliance was high, and no harms were reported. There were no statistically significant differences in the quality rankings of hyped versus non-hyped abstracts.
    UNASSIGNED: The use of a videoconferencing platform to measure the effects of hype on clinicians\' evaluations of abstracts of clinical trials is practical and an adequately powered study is justified. Lack of statistically significant results may well be due to low participant numbers.
    UNASSIGNED: L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer s’il était possible d’utiliser une plateforme de téléconférence pour mesurer l’effet du battage médiatique sur les évaluations par les cliniciens des rapports d’essais cliniques dans le domaine des soins de la colonne vertébrale.
    UNASSIGNED: Douze chiropracticiens ont été interrogés par le biais d’une application de vidéoconférence. Les entretiens ont été enregistrés et chronométrés. Le comportement des participants a été contrôlé pour s’assurer qu’ils respectaient le protocole. Les différences entre les évaluations numériques des participants pour les résumés avec et sans publicité, basées sur quatre mesures de qualité, ont été analysées en utilisant des comparaisons par paire (test de rang signé de Wilcoxon pour les échantillons indépendants). En outre, un modèle linéaire à effets mixtes a été ajusté avec la condition (c’est-à-dire avec ou sans battage publicitaire) comme effet fixe et le participant et le résumé comme effets aléatoires.
    UNASSIGNED: Les entretiens et l’analyse des données se sont déroulés sans difficulté technique majeure. Les participants se sont montrés très coopératifs et aucun problème n’a été signalé. Il n’y a pas eu de différences statistiquement significatives dans le classement de la qualité des résumés avec ou sans battage médiatique.
    UNASSIGNED: L’utilisation d’une plate-forme de vidéoconférence pour mesurer les effets du battage médiatique sur les évaluations des résumés d’essais cliniques par les cliniciens est pratique et une étude suffisamment puissante est justifiée. L’absence de résultats statistiquement significatifs pourrait bien être due au faible nombre de participants.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess the reporting quality of systematic review (SR) abstracts published in leading general dental journals according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Abstracts (PRISMA-A) guidelines, and to identify factors associated with overall reporting quality.
    We identified SR abstracts published in 10 leading general dental journals and assessed their reporting quality. For each abstract, an overall reporting score (ORS, range: 0-13) was calculated. Risk ratio (RR) was calculated to compare the reporting quality of abstracts in Pre-PRISMA (2011-2012) and Post-PRISMA (2017-2018) periods. Univariable and multivariable linear regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with reporting quality.
    A total of 104 eligible abstracts were included. The mean ORS was 5.59 (SD = 1.48) and 6.97 (1.74) respectively in the Pre- and Post-PRISMA abstracts, with statistically significant difference (mean difference = 1.38; 95% CI: 0.70, 2.05). Reporting of the exact P-value (B = 1.22; 95% CI: 0.45, 1.99) was a significant predictor of higher reporting quality.
    The reporting quality of SR abstracts published in leading general dental journals improved after the release of PRISMA-A guidelines, but is still suboptimal. Relevant stakeholders need to work together to enhance the reporting quality of SR abstracts in dentistry.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: English Abstract
    The use of different guides to report types of study in the medical field has been widely disseminated for decades, however, their adherence and use by an important part of researchers is still limited, this has negatively impacted the dissemination of new findings, which has generated criticism regarding how medical research is designed, conducted and reported. Parallel to this, there are extensions to these guidelines which are little known and used by the personnel involved in research work, they focus on more specific approaches to report different types of studies, among which are: meta-analysis, systematic reviews, clinical trials randomized, diagnostic accuracy studies, observational studies, among others; for this reason, its promotion, knowledge, and use is of vital importance. The objective of this review is to synthesize the main extensions of the guidelines used in medical research; for this purpose, its main characteristics were reviewed, as well as application scenarios according to the level of evidence; Its adequate adherence will allow health personnel involved in research work to increase the transparency and quality of their findings, contemplate potential sources of bias, as well as the development of good practices for the presentation of their results according to the type of study selected.
    El uso de diferentes guías para reportar tipos de estudio en el campo médico ha sido ampliamente difundido desde hace décadas; sin embargo, su adherencia y utilización por una parte importante de investigadores aún es limitada. Esto ha impactado de manera negativa en la difusión de nuevos hallazgos, lo cual ha generado críticas en relación a cómo se diseñan, realizan y reportan investigaciones médicas. Paralelo a ello, existen extensiones a dichas guías, las cuales son poco conocidas y utilizadas por el personal involucrado en labores de investigación, estas se enfocan en aproximaciones más específicas para reportar diferentes tipos de estudios entre los que destacan: metaanálisis, revisiones sistemáticas, ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, estudios de precisión diagnóstica, estudios observacionales, entre otros. Por tal motivo, es de vital importancia su promoción, conocimiento y utilización. El objetivo de la presente revisión es sintetizar las principales extensiones de las guías utilizadas en investigación médica. Para tal efecto se revisaron sus principales características, así como escenarios de aplicación de acuerdo con el nivel de evidencia; su adecuada adhesión permitirá al personal de salud involucrado en labores de investigación incrementar la transparencia y calidad de sus hallazgos, contemplar fuentes potenciales de sesgos, así como el desarrollo de buenas prácticas para la presentación de sus resultados de acuerdo al tipo de estudio seleccionado.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to assess the reporting and methodological quality of split-mouth trials (SMTs) in oral implantology published during the past 10 years, and to investigate whether there was any improvement over time.
    METHODS: We searched PubMed for SMTs in oral implantology published during 2011-20. We used CONSORT 2010, its extension for within-person trial (WPT), and an SMT-specific methodological checklist to assess trial reporting quality (TRQ), WPT-specific reporting quality (WRQ), and SMT-specific methodological quality (SMQ), respectively. Binary scores were given to each item, and total scores of TRQ (range 0-32), WRQ (0-15), and SMQ (0-3) were calculated for each study. Multivariable regression analyses were performed to compare the quality of SMTs published before (2011-17) and after (2018-20) the release of CONSORT for WPT.
    RESULTS: Seventy-nine SMTs were included. The mean TRQ, WRQ, and SMQ were 16.4, 6.7, and 1.3, respectively. Less than one-third (n = 25, 31.6%) reported the rationale for using split-mouth designs. Only 4 (5.1%) trials adequately conducted sample size calculation, and 40 (50.6%) used appropriate statistical methods that considered dependency and clustering of data. In multivariable analyses, compared with 2011-17, studies published in 2018-20 had significantly higher TRQ (p = .044), while WRQ and SMQ did not show improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reporting and methodological quality of SMTs in oral implantology need to be improved. Joint efforts are needed to improve the reporting and methodology of SMTs in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To conduct a bibliometric case study of the journal Perspectives on Medical Education (PME) to provide insights into the journal\'s inner workings and to \"take stock\" of where PME is today, where it has been, and where it might go.
    Data, including bibliographic metadata, reviewer and author details, and downloads, were collected for manuscripts submitted to and published in PME from the journal\'s Editorial Manager and Web of Science. Gender of authors and reviewers was predicted using To visualize and analyze collaboration patterns, citation relationships and term co-occurrence social network analyses (SNA) were conducted. VOSviewer was used to visualize the social network maps.
    Between 2012-2019 PME received, on average, 260 manuscripts annually (range = 73-402). Submissions were received from authors in 81 countries with the majority in the United States (US), United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. PME published 518 manuscripts with authors based in 31 countries, the majority being in the Netherlands, US, and Canada. PME articles were downloaded 717,613 times (mean per document: 1388). In total 1201 (55% women) unique peer reviewers were invited and 649 (57% women) completed reviews; 1227 (49% women) unique authors published in PME. SNA revealed that PME authors were quite collaborative, with most authoring articles with others and only a minority (n = 57) acting as single authors.
    This case study provides a glimpse into PME and offers evidence for PME\'s next steps. In the future, PME is committed to growing the journal thoughtfully; diversifying and educating editorial teams, authors, and reviewers, and liberating and sharing journal data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe prominent authorship positions held by women and the overall percentage of women co-authoring manuscripts submitted during the covid-19 pandemic compared with the previous two years.
    Cross sectional study.
    Nine specialist and two large general medical journals.
    Authors of research manuscripts submitted between 1 January 2018 and 31 May 2021.
    Primary outcome: first author\'s gender.
    last and corresponding authors\' gender; number (percentage) of women on authorship byline in \"pre-pandemic\" period (1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019) and in \"covid-19\" and \"non-covid-19\" manuscripts during pandemic.
    A total of 63 259 manuscripts were included. The number of female first, last, and corresponding authors respectively were 1313 (37.1%), 996 (27.9%), and 1119 (31.1%) for covid-19 manuscripts (lowest values in Jan-May 2020: 230 (29.4%), 165 (21.1%), and 185 (22.9%)), compared with 8583 (44.9%), 6118 (31.2%), and 7273 (37.3%) for pandemic non-covid-19 manuscripts and 12 724 (46.0%), 8923 (31.4%), and 10 981 (38.9%) for pre-pandemic manuscripts. The adjusted odds ratio of having a female first author in covid-19 manuscripts was <1.00 in all groups (P<0.001) compared with pre-pandemic (lowest in Jan-May 2020: 0.55, 98.75% confidence interval 0.43 to 0.70). The adjusted odds ratio of having a woman as last or corresponding author was significantly lower for covid-19 manuscripts in all time periods (except for the two most recent periods for last author) compared with pre-pandemic (lowest values in Jan-May 2020: 0.74 (0.57 to 0.97) for last and 0.61 (0.49 to 0.77) for corresponding author). The odds ratios for pandemic non-covid-19 manuscripts were not significantly different compared with pre-pandemic manuscripts. The median percentage of female authors on the byline was lower for covid-19 manuscripts (28.6% in Jan-May 2020) compared with pre-pandemic (36.4%) and non-covid-19 pandemic manuscripts (33.3% in Jan-May 2020). Gender disparities in all prominent authorship positions and the proportion of women authors on the byline narrowed in the most recent period (Feb-May 2021) compared with the early pandemic period (Jan-May 2020) and were very similar to values observed for pre-pandemic manuscripts.
    Women have been underrepresented as co-authors and in prominent authorship positions in covid-19 research, and this gender disparity needs to be corrected by those involved in academic promotion and awarding of research grants. Women attained some prominent authorship positions equally or more frequently than before the pandemic on non-covid-19 related manuscripts submitted at some time points during the pandemic.





