medical image

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diagnostic imaging is essential in modern trauma care for initial evaluation and identifying injuries requiring intervention. Deep learning (DL) has become mainstream in medical image analysis and has shown promising efficacy for classification, segmentation, and lesion detection. This narrative review provides the fundamental concepts for developing DL algorithms in trauma imaging and presents an overview of current progress in each modality. DL has been applied to detect free fluid on Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST), traumatic findings on chest and pelvic X-rays, and computed tomography (CT) scans, identify intracranial hemorrhage on head CT, detect vertebral fractures, and identify injuries to organs like the spleen, liver, and lungs on abdominal and chest CT. Future directions involve expanding dataset size and diversity through federated learning, enhancing model explainability and transparency to build clinician trust, and integrating multimodal data to provide more meaningful insights into traumatic injuries. Though some commercial artificial intelligence products are Food and Drug Administration-approved for clinical use in the trauma field, adoption remains limited, highlighting the need for multi-disciplinary teams to engineer practical, real-world solutions. Overall, DL shows immense potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of trauma imaging, but thoughtful development and validation are critical to ensure these technologies positively impact patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: The aim of our research was to systematically review papers specifically focused on the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) diagnostic performance of DL methods based on medical images. (2) Materials: To identify related studies, a comprehensive search was conducted in prominent databases, including Embase, IEEE, PubMed, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. The search was limited to studies published before 3 July 2023. The inclusion criteria consisted of studies that either developed or utilized DL methods to diagnose HCC using medical images. To extract data, binary information on diagnostic accuracy was collected to determine the outcomes of interest, namely, the sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve (AUC). (3) Results: Among the forty-eight initially identified eligible studies, thirty studies were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled sensitivity was 89% (95% CI: 87-91), the specificity was 90% (95% CI: 87-92), and the AUC was 0.95 (95% CI: 0.93-0.97). Analyses of subgroups based on medical image methods (contrast-enhanced and non-contrast-enhanced images), imaging modalities (ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography), and comparisons between DL methods and clinicians consistently showed the acceptable diagnostic performance of DL models. The publication bias and high heterogeneity observed between studies and subgroups can potentially result in an overestimation of the diagnostic accuracy of DL methods in medical imaging. (4) Conclusions: To improve future studies, it would be advantageous to establish more rigorous reporting standards that specifically address the challenges associated with DL research in this particular field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated superior data generation capabilities compared to other methods, making them popular for use in medical image applications. These features have intrigued researchers in the medical imaging field, resulting in a swift implementation of these techniques in various conventional and novel applications such as image reconstruction, segmentation, detection, classification, and cross-modality synthesis. A comprehensive review of recent medical imaging breakthroughs will benefit researchers interested in this field. In this review, we aimed to introduce the origin, principle, and extended forms of GANs and summarize the state-of-the-art progress of GAN-based medical image processing methods.
    METHODS: We searched the literature for studies on Google Scholar and PubMed using the keywords \"Segmentation,\" \"Classification,\" \"medical image,\" and \"generative adversarial network.\" Specifically, the initial search revealed 5423 publications after the removal of duplicated and non-accessible fulltext publications. Then, after the title and abstract screening, 680 underwent full-text screening. Finally, 121 studies were included in our final analysis after full-text screening.
    RESULTS: The date range of the studies covered in this review is from January 1, 2017, to the present. After a thorough screening and qualification assessment, 121 studies involving GAN-based applications in seven areas of medical images were included in the final methodological review. These areas included synthesis, classification, segmentation, conversion, reconstruction, denoising, and lesion detection. We further classified and summarized these papers into clinical applications, classification methods, and imaging modalities.
    CONCLUSIONS: We thoroughly examined the latest research progress of GAN-based medical image augmentation. These techniques effectively alleviate the challenge of limited training samples for medical image diagnosis and treatment models. Furthermore, several critical issues associated with GANs, such as pattern collapse, instability, and lack of interpretability, require attention in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteoporosis causes harmful influences on both men and women of all races. Bone mass, also referred to as \"bone density,\" is frequently used to assess the health of bone. Humans frequently experience bone fractures as a result of trauma, accidents, metabolic bone diseases, and disorders of bone strength, which are typically led by changes in mineral composition and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteopenia, etc. Artificial intelligence holds a lot of promise for the healthcare system. Data collection and preprocessing seem to be more essential for analysis, so bone images from different modalities, such as X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), are taken into consideration that help to recognize, classify, and evaluate the patterns in clinical images. This research presents a comprehensive overview of the performance of various image processing techniques and deep learning approaches used to predict osteoporosis through image segmentation, classification, and fault detection. This survey outlined the proposed domain-based deep learning model for image classification in addition to the initial findings. The outcome identifies the flaws in the existing literature\'s methodology and lays the way for future work in the deep learning-based image analysis model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep learning-based methods have become the dominant methodology in medical image processing with the advancement of deep learning in natural image classification, detection, and segmentation. Deep learning-based approaches have proven to be quite effective in single lesion recognition and segmentation. Multiple-lesion recognition is more difficult than single-lesion recognition due to the little variation between lesions or the too wide range of lesions involved. Several studies have recently explored deep learning-based algorithms to solve the multiple-lesion recognition challenge. This paper includes an in-depth overview and analysis of deep learning-based methods for multiple-lesion recognition developed in recent years, including multiple-lesion recognition in diverse body areas and recognition of whole-body multiple diseases. We discuss the challenges that still persist in the multiple-lesion recognition tasks by critically assessing these efforts. Finally, we outline existing problems and potential future research areas, with the hope that this review will help researchers in developing future approaches that will drive additional advances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, a particular technique of artificial intelligence (AI) is applied for diagnosis and classifying medical images of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Chest radiography and laboratory-based tests are two of the most important diagnostic approaches for the detection of people with the coronavirus. Recently, a lot of studies have been carried out on using AI techniques for achieving appropriate diagnosis of COVID-19 patients using computed tomography (CT) of the chest. The present study is reviewing all available literature that have investigated the role of chest CT toward AI in the detection of COVID-19. As a novel field of computer science, AI focuses on teaching computers to be capable of learning complex tasks and decide about their solution methods. In this study, we used Matlab, Payton, and Fortran software as well as other software which are suitable for this research. In this regard, the present review study is aimed to collect the information from all the studies conducted on the role of AI as a decisive and comprehensive technology for the detection of coronavirus in patients to have a more accurate diagnosis and investigate its epidemiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease with hyperglycemia. If not treated in time, it may lead to lower limb amputation. At the initial stage, the detection of diabetes-related foot ulcer (DFU) is very difficult. Deep learning has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various fields and has been used to analyze images of DFUs.
    This article reviewed current applications of deep learning to the early detection of DFU to avoid limb amputation or infection.
    Relevant literature on deep learning models, including in the classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation for images of DFU, published during the past 10 years, were analyzed.
    Currently, the primary uses of deep learning in early DFU detection are related to different algorithms. For classification tasks, improved classification models were all based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The model with parallel convolutional layers based on GoogLeNet and the ensemble model outperformed the other models in classification accuracy. For object detection tasks, the models were based on architectures such as faster R-CNN, You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO) v3, YOLO v5, or EfficientDet. The refinements on YOLO v3 models achieved an accuracy of 91.95% and the model with an adaptive faster R-CNN architecture achieved a mean average precision (mAP) of 91.4%, which outperformed the other models. For semantic segmentation tasks, the models were based on architectures such as fully convolutional networks (FCNs), U-Net, V-Net, or SegNet. The model with U-Net outperformed the other models with an accuracy of 94.96%. Taking segmentation tasks as an example, the models were based on architectures such as mask R-CNN. The model with mask R-CNN obtained a precision value of 0.8632 and a mAP of 0.5084.
    Although current research is promising in the ability of deep learning to improve a patient\'s quality of life, further research is required to better understand the mechanisms of deep learning for DFUs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since early 2020, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread widely around the world. COVID-19 infects the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. Early detection of COVID-19 is important for the prevention and treatment of pandemic. Numerous sources of medical images (e.g., Chest X-Rays (CXR), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)) are regarded as a desirable technique for diagnosing COVID-19 cases. Medical images of coronavirus patients show that the lungs are filled with sticky mucus that prevents them from inhaling. Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based algorithms have made a significant shift in the computer aided diagnosis due to their effective feature extraction capabilities. In this survey, a complete and systematic review of the application of Machine Learning (ML) methods for the detection of COVID-19 is presented, focused on works that used medical images. We aimed to evaluate various ML-based techniques in detecting COVID-19 using medical imaging. A total of 26 papers were extracted from ACM, ScienceDirect, Springerlink, Tech Science Press, and IEEExplore. Five different ML categories to review these mechanisms are considered, which are supervised learning-based, deep learning-based, active learning-based, transfer learning-based, and evolutionary learning-based mechanisms. A number of articles are investigated in each group. Also, some directions for further research are discussed to improve the detection of COVID-19 using ML techniques in the future. In most articles, deep learning is used as the ML method. Also, most of the researchers used CXR images to diagnose COVID-19. Most articles reported accuracy of the models to evaluate model performance. The accuracy of the studied models ranged from 0.84 to 0.99. The studies demonstrated the current status of AI techniques in using AI potentials in the fight against COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the development of deep learning, the number of training samples for medical image-based diagnosis and treatment models is increasing. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have attracted attention in medical image processing due to their excellent image generation capabilities and have been widely used in data augmentation. In this paper, a comprehensive and systematic review and analysis of medical image augmentation work are carried out, and its research status and development prospects are reviewed.
    This paper reviews 105 medical image augmentation related papers, which mainly collected by ELSEVIER, IEEE Xplore, and Springer from 2018 to 2021. We counted these papers according to the parts of the organs corresponding to the images, and sorted out the medical image datasets that appeared in them, the loss function in model training, and the quantitative evaluation metrics of image augmentation. At the same time, we briefly introduce the literature collected in three journals and three conferences that have received attention in medical image processing.
    First, we summarize the advantages of various augmentation models, loss functions, and evaluation metrics. Researchers can use this information as a reference when designing augmentation tasks. Second, we explore the relationship between augmented models and the amount of the training set, and tease out the role that augmented models may play when the quality of the training set is limited. Third, the statistical number of papers shows that the development momentum of this research field remains strong. Furthermore, we discuss the existing limitations of this type of model and suggest possible research directions.
    We discuss GAN-based medical image augmentation work in detail. This method effectively alleviates the challenge of limited training samples for medical image diagnosis and treatment models. It is hoped that this review will benefit researchers interested in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Since Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) was introduced into the field of deep learning in 2014, it has received extensive attention from academia and industry, and a lot of high-quality papers have been published. GAN effectively improves the accuracy of medical image segmentation because of its good generating ability and capability to capture data distribution. This paper introduces the origin, working principle, and extended variant of GAN, and it reviews the latest development of GAN-based medical image segmentation methods.
    METHODS: To find the papers, we searched on Google Scholar and PubMed with the keywords like \"segmentation\", \"medical image\", and \"GAN (or generative adversarial network)\". Also, additional searches were performed on Semantic Scholar, Springer, arXiv, and the top conferences in computer science with the above keywords related to GAN.
    RESULTS: We reviewed more than 120 GAN-based architectures for medical image segmentation that were published before September 2021. We categorized and summarized these papers according to the segmentation regions, imaging modality, and classification methods. Besides, we discussed the advantages, challenges, and future research directions of GAN in medical image segmentation.
    CONCLUSIONS: We discussed in detail the recent papers on medical image segmentation using GAN. The application of GAN and its extended variants has effectively improved the accuracy of medical image segmentation. Obtaining the recognition of clinicians and patients and overcoming the instability, low repeatability, and uninterpretability of GAN will be an important research direction in the future.





