lymphatic metastasis

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The authors present a procedure guideline for scintigraphic detection of sentinel lymph nodes in malignant melanoma, in breast cancer, in penile and vulva tumors, in head and neck cancer, and in prostate carcinoma. Important goals of sentinel lymph node scintigraphy comprise reduction of the extent of surgery, lower postoperative morbidity and optimization of histopathological examination focussing on relevant lymph nodes. Sentinel lymph node scintigraphy itself does not diagnose tumorous lymph node involvement and is not indicated when lymph node or distant metastases have been definitely diagnosed before sentinel lymph node scintigraphy. Procedures are compiled with the aim to reliably localise sentinel lymph nodes with a high detection rate typically in early tumour stages. New aspects in this guideline are new radiopharmaceuticals such as tilmanocept and Tc-99m-PSMA and SPECT/CT allowing an easier anatomical orientation. Initial dynamic lymphoscintigraphy in breast cancer is of little significance nowadays. Radiation exposure is low so that pregnancy is not a contraindication for sentinel lymph node scintigraphy. A one-day protocol should preferentially be used. Even with high volumes of scintigraphic sentinel lymph node procedures surgeons, theatre staff and pathologists receive a radiation exposure < 1 mSv/year so that they do not require occupational radiation surveillance. Aspects of quality control were included (scintigraphy, quality control of gamma probe, 6 h SLN course for surgeons, certified breast centers, medical surveillance center).
    Die Autoren veröffentlichen eine Verfahrensanweisung zur szintigrafischen Lokalisation von Wächterlymphknoten beim malignen Melanom, beim Mammakarzinom, beim Penis- und Vulvakarzinom sowie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren und beim Prostatakarzinom. Wesentliche Ziele der szintigrafischen Wächterlymphknotendiagnostik bestehen in der Minimierung des Operationsausmaßes und der postoperativen Morbidität sowie der Optimierung der histopathologischen Aufarbeitung durch Fokussierung auf die relevanten Lymphknoten. Die Wächterlymphknotenszintigrafie trifft selbst keine Aussage zu einem evtl. tumorösen Befall und ist nicht indiziert, wenn bereits eine lymphogene (Ausnahme Prostata-Ca) oder Fernmetastasierung diagnostiziert ist. Es werden Vorgehensweisen zur Durchführung zusammengestellt, die zum Ziel haben, den oder die Wächterlymphknoten zuverlässig und mit hoher Nachweisrate typischerweise in einem frühen Stadium einer Tumorerkrankung zu detektieren. Neue Aspekte in dieser überarbeiteten Leitlinie sind neue Radiopharmaka wie Tilmanocept und Tc-99m-PSMA sowie die SPECT/CT, die besonders bei Genitaltumoren und im Kopf-Hals-Bereich die anatomische Orientierung erleichtert. Abgewertet wird die Bedeutung der initialen dynamischen Lymphszintigrafie beim Mammakarzinom. Die Strahlenexposition des Patienten/der Patientin ist so niedrig, dass Schwangerschaft keine grundsätzliche Kontraindikation darstellt. Bei Schwangerschaft wird bevorzugt ein 1-Tages-Protokoll eingesetzt. Aufgrund der sehr geringen Strahlenexposition von < 1 mSv/Jahr müssen auch Operateur, OP-Personal und Pathologe selbst bei häufiger Durchführung der Sentinel-Lymphonodektomie (SLNE) nicht als beruflich strahlenexponierte Personen geführt werden. Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung wurden neu aufgenommen (Szintigramm, Überprüfung der Messsonde, 6 h SLN-Kurs für Operateure, zertifizierte Brustzentren, Überprüfung durch die Ärztlichen Stellen).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most commonly diagnosed carcinomas in China, and postoperative radiotherapy plays an important role in improving the prognosis of patients. Carcinomas in different locations of the oesophagus could have different patterns of lymph node metastasis after surgery.
    METHODS: In this multicentric retrospective study, we enrolled patients with middle thoracic oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas from 3 cancer centres, and none of the patients underwent radiotherapy before or after surgery. We analysed the lymph node recurrence rates in different stations to explore the postoperative lymphatic recurrence pattern.
    RESULTS: From January 1st, 2014, to December 31st, 2019, 132 patients met the criteria, and were included in this study. The lymphatic recurrence rate was 62.1%. Pathological stage (P = 0.032) and lymphadenectomy method (P = 0.006) were significant predictive factors of lymph node recurrence. The recurrence rates in the supraclavicular, upper and lower paratracheal stations of lymph nodes were 32.6%, 28.8% and 16.7%, respectively, showing a high incidence. The recurrence rate of the subcarinal node station was 9.8%, while 8.3% (upper, middle and lower) thoracic para-oesophageal nodes had recurrences.
    CONCLUSIONS: We recommend including the supraclavicular, upper and lower paratracheal stations of lymph nodes in the postoperative radiation field in middle thoracic oesophageal carcinomas. Subcarinal station is also potentially high-risk, while whether to include thoracic para-oesophageal or abdominal nodes needs careful consideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Data from recently trials have provided practice-changing recommendations in management of the axilla in early breast cancer (eBC). However, further controversies have been raised, resulting in heterogeneous diffusion of these recommendations. Our purpose was to obtain a better homogeneity.
    METHODS: In 2021, the Tuscan Breast Network (TBN) established a consensus with the aim to update recommendations in this area. We performed a literature review on axillary management in eBC patients which led to an expert Delphi consensus aiming to explore the gray areas, build consensus and propose evidence-based suggestions for an appropriate management. Thereafter, we investigate their implementation in clinical practice.
    RESULTS: (1) DCIS patients should have SLN biopsy only in case of mastectomy or in conservative surgery if tumor is in a location that would preclude future nodal sampling or in case of a mass; (2) ALND may be omitted for 1-2 positive SLN patients undergoing BCS in T1-2 tumors with 1-2 SLN positive, eligible for whole-breast irradiation and adjuvant systemic therapies; (3) consider the option of RNI in patients with 1-3 positive lymph nodes and one or more high-risk characteristics; (4) the population identified in 2) should NOT undergo lymph node irradiation as an alternative to axillary surgery and (5) patients with clinically (pre-operatively) positive axilla, or undergoing primary systemic therapy, or outside the criteria reported in 2) must receive additional ALND and/or RT as per local policy.
    CONCLUSIONS: This consensus provided a practical tool to stimulate local and national breast surgical and radiotherapy protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study prostate specific membrane antigen - positron emission tomography (Ga68PSMA-PETCT) based patterns of relapse at biochemical failure (BCF) after prostate-only radiotherapy (PORT) in high-risk (HR) prostate cancer and its implications on pelvic contouring recommendations.
    METHODS: Patients with clinico-radiological high-risk node-negative prostate cancer treated with curative PORT and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), either within the POP-RT randomised trial or off trial, who underwent a Ga68PSMA-PETCT upon BCF were included. Patterns of regional and distant recurrence on Ga68PSMA-PETCT were studied. Pelvic nodal recurrences were mapped with reference to the superior border of pubic symphysis. Pelvic lymph nodal caudal border (PLNcb) recommendations in the published contouring guidelines (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, PIVOTALcb, NRGcb, GFRUcb) were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Of the total 262 patients screened, 68 eligible patients were included (POP-RT trial 35 patients; off-trial 33 patients). Median follow-up was 91 months (IQR, 72-117) and median time to BCF was 65 months (IQR, 49-83). Regional and distant recurrence was seen in 31 (46%) and 31 (46%) patients, respectively. Of the nodal recurrences, nearly half (46%, 14/31) had no distant metastases and 64% (20/31) had a failure in the common iliac nodal region. The lower-most nodal recurrence was 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, GFRUcb) and 10 mm cranial to the PIVOTALcb. The PLNcb recommended by NRG guideline (NRGcb) had an inter-patient variability of 32 mm, ranging from 16 mm above to 16 mm below the top of pubic symphysis, and the lower most nodal recurrence ranged from 4 mm to 36 mm cranial to NRGcb.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic failures accounted for a major proportion of recurrences after prostate-only radiotherapy, with the caudal most nodal recurrence being 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis. This could have implications in defining the caudal border of contouring recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To summarize the radiotherapy-relevant statements of the 18th St. Gallen Breast Cancer Consensus Conference and interpret the findings in light of German guideline recommendations.
    METHODS: Statements and voting results from the 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference were collected and analyzed according to their relevance for the radiation oncology community. The voting results were discussed in two hybrid meetings among the authors of this manuscript on March 18 and 19, 2023, in light of the German S3 guideline and the 2023 version of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie (AGO) guidelines.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was a high level of agreement between the radiotherapy-related statements of the 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Consensus Conference and the German S3 and AGO guidelines. Discrepancies include the impact of number of lymph node metastases for the indication for postmastectomy radiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many sentinel lymph node (SLN) ultrastaging protocols for endometrial cancer exist, but there is no consensus method.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop guidelines for size criteria in SLN evaluation for endometrial cancer, to determine whether a single cytokeratin AE1:AE3 immunohistochemical slide provides sufficient data for diagnosis, and to compare cost efficiency between current and limited ultrastaging protocols at a large tertiary care institution.
    METHODS: Our current SLN ultrastaging protocol consists of cutting two adjacent paraffin block sections at two levels (L1 and L2), 50 μm apart, with two slides at each level stained with hematoxylin and eosin and cytokeratin AE1:AE3 immunohistochemistry. We retrospectively reviewed digitized L1 and L2 slides of all positive ultrastaged SLNs from patients treated for endometrial cancer between January 2013 and January 2020. SLN diagnosis was defined by measuring the largest cluster of contiguous tumor cells in a single cross section: macrometastasis (>2.0 mm), micrometastasis (>0.2 to ≤2.0 mm or >200 cells), or isolated tumor cells (≤0.2 mm or ≤200 cells). Concordance between L1 and L2 results was evaluated. Cost efficiency between current (two immunohistochemical slides per block) and proposed limited (one immunohistochemical slide per block) protocols was compared.
    RESULTS: Digitized slides of 147 positive SLNs from 109 patients were reviewed; 4.1% of SLNs were reclassified based on refined size criteria. Complete concordance between L1 and L2 interpretations was seen in 91.8% of SLNs. A false-negative rate of 0%-0.9% in detecting micrometastasis and macrometastasis using a limited protocol was observed. Estimated charge-level savings of a limited protocol were 50% per patient.
    CONCLUSIONS: High diagnostic accuracy in SLN interpretation may be achieved using a limited ultrastaging protocol of one immunohistochemical slide per block and linear measurement of the largest cluster of contiguous tumor cells. Implementation of the proposed limited ultrastaging protocol may result in laboratory cost savings with minimal impact on health outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to establish a consensus on the surgical technique for sentinel lymph node (SLN) dissection in cervical cancer.
    METHODS: A 26 question survey was emailed to international expert gynecological oncology surgeons. A two-step modified Delphi method was used to establish consensus. After a first round of online survey, the questions were amended and a second round, along with semistructured interviews was performed. Consensus was defined using a 70% cut-off for agreement.
    RESULTS: Twenty-five of 38 (65.8%) experts responded to the first and second rounds of the online survey. Agreement ≥70% was reached for 13 (50.0%) questions in the first round and for 15 (57.7%) in the final round. Consensus agreement identified 15 recommended, three optional, and five not recommended steps. Experts agreed on the following recommended procedures: use of indocyanine green as a tracer; superficial (with or without deep) injection at 3 and 9 o\'clock; injection at the margins of uninvolved mucosa avoiding vaginal fornices; grasping the cervix with forceps only in part of the cervix is free of tumor; use of a minimally invasive approach for SLN biopsy in the case of simple trachelectomy/conization; identification of the ureter, obliterated umbilical artery, and external iliac vessels before SLN excision; commencing the dissection at the level of the uterine artery and continuing laterally; and completing dissection in one hemi-pelvis before proceeding to the contralateral side. Consensus was also reached in recommending against injection at 6 and 12 o\'clock, and injection directly into the tumor in cases of the tumor completely replacing the cervix; against removal of nodes through port without protective maneuvers; absence of an ultrastaging protocol; and against modifying tracer concentration at the time of re-injection after mapping failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recommended, optional, and not recommended steps of SLN dissection in cervical cancer have been identified based on consensus among international experts. These represent a surgical guide that may be used by surgeons in clinical trials and for quality assurance in routine practice.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The indolent nature and favorable outcomes associated with papillary thyroid microcarcinoma have prompted numerous prospective studies on active surveillance (AS) and its adoption as an alternative to immediate surgery in managing low-risk thyroid cancer. This article reviews the current status of AS, as outlined in various international practice guidelines. AS is typically recommended for tumors that measure 1 cm or less in diameter and do not exhibit aggressive subtypes on cytology, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastasis, or distant metastasis. To determine the most appropriate candidates for AS, factors such as tumor size, location, multiplicity, and ultrasound findings are considered, along with patient characteristics like medical condition, age, and family history. Moreover, shared decision-making, which includes patient-reported outcomes such as quality of life and cost-effectiveness, is essential. During AS, patients undergo regular ultrasound examinations to monitor for signs of disease progression, including tumor growth, extrathyroidal extension, or lymph node metastasis. In conclusion, while AS is a feasible and reliable approach for managing lowrisk thyroid cancer, it requires careful patient selection, effective communication for shared decision-making, standardized follow-up protocols, and a clear definition of disease progression.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Penile squamous cell carcinoma is a rare, highly aggressive cancer of older men. The metastatic stage has significant therapeutic and prognostic features. Treatment of penile cancer is significantly influenced by the operation, in which an R0 situation must be achieved to ensure a realistic chance of cure. Other local therapeutic procedures such as radiotherapy are often of secondary importance. Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are relevant components of multimodal therapy. Post-therapeutically, patients require lifelong, risk-adapted follow-up care.
    UNASSIGNED: Das Plattenepithelkarzinom des Penis ist eine seltene hochaggressive Krebserkrankung des älteren Mannes. Das metastasierte Stadium hat entscheidende therapeutische und prognostische Besonderheiten. Die Therapie des Peniskarzinoms wird maßgeblich von der Operation geprägt, die im Gesunden erfolgen muss, um eine realistische Heilungschance zu gewährleisten. Andere lokaltherapeutische Verfahren wie Strahlentherapie sind häufig nur nachrangig. Neoadjuvante und adjuvante Chemotherapien sind relevante Bestandteile der multimodalen Therapie im metastasierten Stadium. Posttherapeutisch bedürfen die Patienten einer lebenslangen, risikoadaptierten Nachsorge.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Lateral lymph node metastasis (LLNM) is common in mid-low rectal cancer and is also a major cause of postoperative local recurrence. Currently, there is still controversy regarding the diagnosis and treatment of LLNM in rectal cancer. This consensus, based on the \"Chinese Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Lateral Lymph Node Metastasis in Rectal Cancer (2019 edition),\" incorporates the latest domestic and international research findings and revises aspects related to the diagnosis, treatment strategies, follow-up, and management of recurrence of LLNM in rectal cancer. A total of 42 domestic colorectal cancer experts participated in this consensus. It proposes 18 consensus statements on the diagnosis and treatment of LLNM, using the evaluation criteria of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force for grading recommendations. The aim is to standardize further the diagnostic criteria and treatment strategies for LLNM in rectal cancer. Unresolved issues in this consensus require further clinical practice and active engagement in high-quality clinical research to explore and address them progressively.





