kidney disease progression

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Acute kidney injury (AKI) affects up to 20% of hospitalizations and is associated with chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, increased mortality, and increased health care costs. Proper documentation of AKI in discharge summaries is critical for optimal monitoring and treatment of these patients once discharged. Currently, there is limited literature evaluating the quality of discharge communication after AKI. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and quality of documentation of episodes of AKI at a tertiary care center in British Columbia, Canada.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a retrospective chart review study of adult patients who experienced AKI during hospital admission between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018. Laboratory data were used to identify all admissions to the cardiac and general medicine ward complicated by AKI defined by the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. A random sample of 300 AKI admissions stratified by AKI severity (eg, stages 1, 2, and 3) were identified for chart review. Patients were excluded if they required ongoing renal replacement therapy after admission, had a history of kidney transplant, died during their admission, or did not have a discharge summary available. Discharge summaries were reviewed for documentation of the following: presence of AKI, severity of AKI, AKI status at discharge, practitioner and laboratory follow-up plans, and medication changes.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 1076 patients with 1237 AKI admissions were identified. Of the 300 patients selected for discharge summary review, 38 met exclusion criteria. In addition, AKI was documented in 140 (53%) discharge summaries and was more likely to be documented in more severe AKI: stage 1, 38%; stage 2, 51%; and stage 3, 75%. Of those with their AKI documented, 94 (67%) documented AKI severity, and 116 (83%) mentioned the AKI status or trajectory at the time of discharge. A total of 239 (91%) of discharge summaries mentioned a follow-up plan with a practitioner, but only 23 (10%) had documented follow-up with nephrology. Patients with their AKI documented were more likely to have nephrology follow-up than those without AKI documented (17% vs 1%). Regarding laboratory investigations, 92 (35%) of the summaries had documented recommendations. In summaries that included medications typically held during AKI, only about half made specific reference to those medications being held, adjusted, or documented a post-discharge plan for that medication. For those with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) listing, 64% of discharge summaries mentioned holding, and 9% mentioned a discharge plan. For those with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi)/angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) listing, 38% mentioned holding these medications, and 46% mentioned a discharge plan. In summaries with diuretics listed, 35% mentioned holding, and 51% included a discharge plan.
    UNASSIGNED: We found suboptimal quality and completeness of discharge reporting in patients hospitalized with AKI. This may contribute to inadequate follow-up and post-hospitalization care for this patient population. Strategies are required for increasing the presence and quality of AKI reporting in discharge summaries. Limitations include our definition of AKI based on lab criteria, which may have missed some of the injuries that met the criteria based on urine output. Another limitation is that our definition of AKI based on the highest and lowest creatinine during admission may have led to some overclassification. In addition, without outpatient laboratories, it is possible that we have not captured the true baseline creatinine in some patients.
    UNASSIGNED: L’insuffisance rénale aiguë (IRA) complique jusqu’à 20 % des hospitalisations; elle est associée à l’insuffisance rénale chronique, aux maladies cardiovasculaires, à une mortalité accrue et à une augmentation des coûts de santé. La documentation appropriée de l’IRA dans les résumés de départ est essentielle pour optimiser la surveillance et le traitement des patients après leur sortie de l’hôpital. Il existe peu de littérature évaluant la qualité de la documentation de l’IRA dans les résumés de départ. Cette étude visait à évaluer l’exactitude et la qualité de la documentation des épisodes d’IRA dans un center de soins tertiaires de la Colombie-Britannique (Canada).
    UNASSIGNED: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective des dossiers de patients adultes ayant présenté une IRA au cours de leur admission à l’hôpital entre le 1er janvier 2018 et le 31 décembre 2018. Les données de laboratoire ont été utilisées pour répertorier toutes les admissions compliquées par une IRA (définie par les critères KDIGO) dans les services de cardiologie et de médecine générale. Un échantillon aléatoire de 300 admissions avec IRA stratifiée selon sa gravité (p. ex., stade, 1, 2 et 3) a été constitué pour l’examen des dossiers. Ont été exclus les patients qui avaient eu besoin d’une thérapie de suppléance rénale continue après leur admission, ceux qui avaient des antécédents de transplantation rénale, ceux qui étaient décédés pendant leur admission et ceux pour qui aucun résumé de départ n’était disponible. Les résumés de départ ont été examinés à la recherche d’une mention des éléments suivants : présence d’une IRA, gravité de l’IRA, statut de l’IRA à la sortie, plans de suivi pour les tests de laboratoire et suivi avec un praticien, changements dans la médication.
    UNASSIGNED: En tout, 1 076 patients avec un total de 1 237 admissions avec IRA ont été identifiés. Parmi les 300 patients sélectionnés pour l’examen du résumé de départ, 38 répondaient aux critères d’exclusion. L’IRA avait été documentée dans 140 (53 %) des cas et plus elle était grave, plus elle était susceptible d’être documentée (stade 1 = 38 %; stade 2 = 51 %; stade 3 = 75 %). Parmi ceux où l’IRA était documentée, 94 (67 %) mentionnaient sa gravité et 116 (83 %) mentionnaient son statut ou sa trajectoire à la sortie du patient. Un plan de suivi avec le praticien était mentionné dans 239 (91 %) des résumés de départ, mais seuls 23 (10 %) mentionnaient un suivi en néphrologie. Les patients dont l’IRA était documentée étaient plus susceptibles de faire l’objet d’un suivi en néphrologie que ceux sans mention de l’IRA (17 % contre 1 %). En ce qui concerne les plans de suivi de laboratoire, 92 (35 %) des résumés contenaient des recommandations. Dans les résumés qui mentionnaient des médicaments normalement maintenus pendant un épisode d’IRA, seule la moitié environ faisait spécifiquement référence à ces médicaments comme ayant été cessés, ajustés ou documentés dans un plan post-sortie. Dans les résumés de départ qui listaient des AINS, 64 % mentionnaient qu’ils avaient été cessés temporairement et 9 % comprenaient un plan au congé de l’hôpital. Dans les résumés de départ qui listaient des IECA/ARA, 38 % mentionnaient que ces médicaments avaient été cessés temporairement et 46 % comprenaient un plan au congé de l’hôpital. Dans les résumés qui listaient des diurétiques, 35 % mentionnaient qu’ils avaient été cessés temporairement et 51 % comprenaient un plan au congé de l’hôpital.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous avons constaté que la qualité et l’exhaustivité des résumés de départ étaient sous-optimales chez les patients hospitalisés ayant vécu un épisode d’IRA. Cette situation peut contribuer à l’inadéquation du suivi et des soins post-hospitalization pour cette population de patients. Des stratégies sont nécessaires pour accroître la documentation d’un épisode d’IRA dans les résumés de départ et augmenter la qualité de sa communication. Les résultats de cette étude sont notamment limités par notre définition de l’IRA fondée sur des critères de laboratoire qui pourraient avoir manqué des patients répondant aux critères fondés sur la production d’urine. Notre définition de l’IRA fondée sur le taux de créatinine le plus élevée et le plus faible pendant l’admission pourrait également avoir conduit à un surdiagnostic. En outre, sans les résultats de laboratoires externes, il est possible que nous n’ayons pas saisi la mesure initiale réelle de la créatinine chez certains patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This narrative review summarizes a decade of experience examining the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships of arterial stiffness, as assessed using carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, with outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease enrolled in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort. Our goal is to review the importance of the pulse wave contour and pulse wave velocity and present data on the reproducibility of pulse wave velocity measurements, determinants of pulse wave velocity, and the relationship that velocity measurements have with longitudinal kidney and cardiovascular outcomes. Measures of arterial stiffness have contributed substantially to our understanding of mechanisms of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease progression, and all-cause mortality. Given the independent relationship of arterial stiffness to a variety of outcomes, it is our hope that future developments in behavioral, nutritional, and pharmacologic approaches to vascular destiffening will provide interventions that benefit patients with chronic kidney diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess pregnancy outcome in women with Alport syndrome and the impact of pregnancy on the disease progression.
    We describe one of the largest series of pregnancies in Alport syndrome. Seven pregnancies of six women were monitored by a multidisciplinary team of nephrologists and gynecologists. After delivery, patients were followed for at least 3 years. We compare our results with those in the literature.
    Pregnancy course was uneventful in the patient with isolated microscopic hematuria. In the other cases, all presenting mild proteinuria at conception, some complications occurred. Proteinuria worsened during the last trimester, reaching nephrotic ranges in five out of six pregnancies and was associated with fluid overload leading to hospitalizations and early delivery. The majority of the newborns had a low birth weight. The two patients with arterial hypertension at conception and twin pregnancy developed pre-eclampsia and renal function deterioration persisted after delivery. The one with pre-pregnancy renal dysfunction reached end-stage renal disease. In the other patients, in which renal function and blood pressure were and remained normal, proteinuria improved after delivery and no signs of disease progression were recorded at last observation.
    Our observations suggest that Alport syndrome should be considered a potential risk factor for pregnancy in proteinuric patients due to the development of pre-eclampsia, renal function deterioration, and/or full-blown nephrotic syndrome that results in anasarca, slowing of fetal growth and pre-term delivery. Thus, all women with Alport syndrome should receive pre-conceptional counseling and be kept in close follow-up during pregnancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Albuminuria, elevated serum creatinine and low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) are pivotal indicators of kidney decline. Yet, it is uncertain if these and emerging biomarkers such as uric acid represent independent predictors of kidney disease progression or subsequent outcomes among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study systematically examined the available literature documenting the role of albuminuria, serum creatinine, eGFR, and uric acid in predicting kidney disease progression and cardio-renal outcomes in persons with T2DM.
    Embase, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Central Trials Register and Database of Systematic Reviews were searched for relevant studies from January 2000 through May 2016. PubMed was searched from 2013 until May 2016 to retrieve studies not yet indexed in the other databases. Observational cohort or non-randomized longitudinal studies relevant to albuminuria, serum creatinine, eGFR, uric acid and their association with kidney disease progression, non-fatal cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality as outcomes in persons with T2DM, were eligible for inclusion. Two reviewers screened citations to ensure studies met inclusion criteria.
    From 2249 citations screened, 81 studies were retained, of which 39 were omitted during the extraction phase (cross-sectional [n = 16]; no outcome/measure of interest [n = 13]; not T2DM specific [n = 7]; review article [n = 1]; editorial [n = 1]; not in English language [n = 1]). Of the remaining 42 longitudinal study publications, biomarker measurements were diverse, with seven different measures for eGFR and five different measures for albuminuria documented. Kidney disease progression differed substantially across 31 publications, with GFR loss (n = 9 [29.0%]) and doubling of serum creatinine (n = 5 [16.1%]) the most frequently reported outcome measures. Numerous publications presented risk estimates for albuminuria (n = 18), serum creatinine/eGFR (n = 13), or both combined (n = 6), with only one study reporting for uric acid. Most often, these biomarkers were associated with a greater risk of experiencing clinical outcomes.
    Despite the utility of albuminuria, serum creatinine, and eGFR as predictors of kidney disease progression, further efforts to harmonize biomarker measurements are needed given the disparate methodologies observed in this review. Such efforts would help better establish the clinical significance of these and other biomarkers of renal function and cardio-renal outcomes in persons with T2DM.






