
角蛋白 - 10
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This pilot study was aimed at comparing TLR7/TLR9 expression, cytoskeletal arrangement, and cell proliferation by indirect immunofluorescence in parallel lesional and non lesional skin samples of guttate psoriasis (PG) and psoriasis vulgaris (PV) in five male patients for each group (n=10). TLR7 expression was detected throughout all the epidermal compartment in PV samples, while in PG skin was restricted to the granular layer. TLR9 was present in the granular layer of non lesional skin and in the suprabasal layers of PV/PG lesional skin. Cell proliferation was localized in all the epidermal layers in lesional PG and PV, consistently with the immunopositivity for the \"psoriatic keratin\" K16. In the suprabasal layers of lesional PG and PV skin, a similar K17 expression was detected and K10 exhibited a patchy distribution. The present results suggest that TLR7 expression can be considered an intrinsic and differential histomorphological feature of PV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a large-scale ageing study, 30 inbred mouse strains were systematically screened for histologic evidence of lesions in all organ systems. Ten strains were diagnosed with similar nail abnormalities. The highest frequency was noted in NON/ShiLtJ mice. Lesions identified fell into two main categories: acute to chronic penetration of the third phalangeal bone through the hyponychium with associated inflammation and bone remodelling or metaplasia of the nail matrix and nail bed associated with severe orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis replacing the nail plate. Penetration of the distal phalanx through the hyponychium appeared to be the initiating feature resulting in nail abnormalities. The accompanying acute to subacute inflammatory response was associated with osteolysis of the distal phalanx. Evaluation of young NON/ShiLtJ mice revealed that these lesions were not often found, or affected only one digit. The only other nail unit abnormality identified was sporadic subungual epidermoid inclusion cysts which closely resembled similar lesions in human patients. These abnormalities, being age-related developments, may have contributed to weight loss due to impacts upon feeding and should be a consideration for future research due to the potential to interact with other experimental factors in ageing studies using the affected strains of mice.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The possibility to use a suspended tridimensional matrix as scaffolding for re-epithelialization of in vitro cutaneous wounds was investigated with the aid of a human in vitro wound healing model based on viable full thickness skin. Macroporous gelatin microcarriers, CultiSpher-S, were applied to in vitro wounds and cultured for 21 days. Tissue sections showed incorporation of wound edge keratinocytes into the microcarriers and thicker neoepidermis in wounds treated with microcarriers. Thickness of the neoepidermis was measured digitally, using immunohistochemical staining of keratins as epithelial demarcation. Air-lifting of wounds enhanced stratification in control wounds as well as wounds with CultiSpher-S. Immunohistochemical staining revealed expression of keratin 5, keratin 10, and laminin 5 in the neoepidermal component. We conclude that the CultiSpher-S microcarriers can function as tissue guiding scaffold for re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds.






  • Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) plays a pivotal role in psoriasis, an immuno-mediated and genetic skin disease. Anti-TNF-α inhibitors, such as etanercept, are widely used in clinical practice. By immunofluorescence, we investigated the expression of junctional transmembrane proteins in desmosomes (desmocollin-1, Dsc1; desmoglein-1, Dsg1), adherens junctions (E-cadherin), tight junctions (occludin), biomarkers of keratinocyte differentiation (keratin-10, K10; keratin-14, K14; keratin-16, K16; involucrin), epithelial proliferation and apoptosis in psoriatic skin before/after etanercept treatment (n = 5) and in control skin samples (n = 5). Occludin, K14, K16 and involucrin expressions were altered in psoriatic epidermis, while Dsc1, Dsg1, E-cadherin and K10 localisations were comparable to controls. Etanercept promoted the restoration of the physiological condition as suggested by a more differentiated keratinocyte phenotype and a reduced epidermal proliferation rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    Epidermal keratinocytes in psoriatic lesions are characterized by activated Stat3, and increased levels of cytokines and growth factors that promote Stat3 activation have been found within psoriatic lesions. K5.Stat3C transgenic mice, in which keratinocytes express a constitutively active Stat3, develop psoriasis-like skin lesions. In this study, we examined whether STA-21, a small Stat3 inhibitor, could be useful in ameliorating the skin lesions not only in the model mouse but also in human psoriasis. Treatment with STA-21 markedly inhibited the cytokine-dependent nuclear translocation of Stat3 in normal human keratinocytes in vitro. Keratinocyte proliferation was inhibited by STA-21 in a dose-dependent manner through downregulation of c-Myc and cyclin D1, whereas involucrin, transglutaminase 1, and keratin 10 levels were upregulated. Topical application of STA-21 abolished the generation of skin lesions in K5.Stat3C mice. Finally, we treated psoriasis patients with STA-21-containing ointment in a nonrandomized study. Psoriatic lesions in six of the eight patients showed improvement after topical STA-21 treatment for 2 weeks. Therefore, we conclude that targeting Stat3 may lead to a therapy for psoriasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The exact origin and classification of warty dyskeratoma in epithelial tumours are still debated. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between this tumour and the pilosebaceous follicles.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective, anatomoclinical study. Expression of cytokeratins 1, 5, 10, 17 and 19 was studied in ten of the samples using Immunohistochemistry techniques.
    RESULTS: We studied 43 cases of warty dyskeratoma in 42 patients of mean age 61 years. Lesions were described mainly as papular nodules (70%), in most cases keratotic (58%), with frequent central umbilication (30%), and commonly located in the cervicocephalic region (65%). Histological examination frequently revealed a cupuliform aspect (77%), with numerous contiguous invaginated foci in 43% of cases. Less frequently, the lesions were superficial (12%) or nodular cystic (12%). In 72% of cases, at least one instance of follicular differentiation was seen. CK1 and CK10 were expressed in the suprabasal levels of the warty dyskeratoma while CK5 and CK17 were seen in the basal layers. CK19 was not expressed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the histological and immunohistochemical findings, we proposed the hypothesis of benign epithelial tumour of follicular type, beginning in the pilar infundibulum.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of epidermal stem cells (ESCs) in different degrees of burn wounds in scalded rats.
    METHODS: Thirty-two Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were employed in the study. First degree (I), shallow (shallow II) and deep partial thickness (deep II) and full thickness burn wounds (III) were created on the rat skin. Burn wound samples were harvested at 24 postburn hours (PBHs) from all the wounds and were processed to tissue slices. The tissue slices were stained by immunohistochemistry technique. The expression and distribution of ESCs in different degrees of burn wounds were observed with integrins alpha 2 beta 1 and keratin 10 (K10) as first antibodies.
    RESULTS: K10 positive cells were found to distribute in the strata spinosum, granulosum and lucidum in the first degree burn wound (I) with large amounts of integrins alpha 2 beta 1 positive cells in the residual basal layer and skin appendages (hair follicles) in shallow partial thickness burn wound (shallow II degree), and there were less integrins alpha 2 beta 1 positive cells in the remaining skin appendages in deep dermis in deep partial thickness burn wound (deep II degree). Finally, integrins alpha 2 beta 1 positive cells were sparsely found in the III degree burn wound.
    CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of ESCs in burn wounds was closely related to the depth of burn wound. The residual ESCs might be the origin of burn wound regeneration and reepithelization.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the different location and the expression characteristics of epidermal stem cells in normal adult skin and scar tissue.
    METHODS: Skin tissue specimens were harvested from the corresponding sites from 6 healthy volunteers and from scar tissue of 6 patients 1 year after major deep burn. beta1 integrin and keratin 19 (K19) were employed as the biochemical markers for stem cells and transit amplifying cells identification and keratin 14 (K14) and keratin 10 (K10) as markers for post-mitotic cells and terminally differentiated cells respectively. Integrin and keratin were determined by Elivision two-step immunohistochemistry.
    RESULTS: The expression of beta1 integrin and the K19 positive cell count in the epithelial basal layers of scar tissue were evidently decreased and weakened than those in normal adult healthy skin. Furthermore, the positive cells expressing K14 in epidermis of scar tissue were only located in 2 - 3 layers of basal epidermis, and their number was much less than that in normal adult skin. Whereas the cells positively expressing K10 were distributed wider in area than that in normal healthy skin. The epidermal stem cells and transit amplifying cells in scar epidermis were much less in number than that in normal skin. The differentiation process of scar epidermal stem cells was different from that of normal skin. And the proportions of post-mitotic cells and terminally differentiated cells were abnormal.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that the self-renewal ability of the scar epidermis was decreased, and the differentiation process of it was in disorder, which may be a reason for the abnormality of structure and function of the epidermis in scar, and a reason for the decreased ability of wound healing of scar tissue.





