
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In dermatology, a keloid is one of the most common skin morphological abnormalities caused by excessive proliferation of fibroblasts. Keloids that are large or occur near important joint sites often cause varying degrees of physiological dysfunction in patients, therefore requiring medical treatment. A boy with congenital syndactyly developed huge keloids at the surgical site after undergoing surgical correction treatment. After treatment using trepanation combined with superficial radiotherapy (SRT-100) in our hospital, most of the boy\'s keloids shrank and flattened. The affected foot returned to its normal appearance, and the boy could wear shoes normally. The boy did not complain of pain, numbness, or any other distinctive discomfort after completing the treatment. This suggested that the combination of trepanation and SRT-100 may be one of the options for treating hypertrophic keloids that cannot be treated by surgical excision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Keloids are hypertrophic scars that develop as a result of various pathophysiologic mechanisms. We report a case of a 30-year-old Cameroonian woman who presented with keloid-like masses in the abdomen. The onset was postpartum without trauma. After histopathologic confirmation, we concluded a postinflammatory keloid.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mast cells and inflammatory cells are abundant in keloid and hypertrophic scar tissues. Even if the cause of physical injury is similar, such as piercing or scratching with hands, clinical findings show differences in the size of keloids in the same area. Hence, we performed histological studies on giant keloids larger than the earlobe, and other smaller keloids. We also examined the risk factors associated with the formation of giant lesions. No statistically significant differences in the association of the risk factors were observed. However, histological observations clearly showed a high number of degranulated or active mast cells with a trend towards a greater number of degranulated mast cells in the giant keloid tissues. Collagen production also tended to increase. Two patients with giant keloids were severely obese, suggesting that the persistent inflammatory state of obesity may also be involved in the growth of keloid lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Most severe-appearing keloids tend to occur around joints because of the increased extensional stimulation of the scar in those areas. However, erythema elevatum diutinum (EED) appears more commonly on friction sites including extensor surfaces of the extremities and dorsal surfaces of joints. EEDs also presents as red-brown and elevated lesions.
    METHODS: In this report, we describe a 42-year-old female who presented with firm, sporadic, brown-colored raised nodules on her bilateral lower extremities. As the appearance of these nodules resembled keloids, resection of the affected area with subsequent radiation therapy was initiated. However, histopathologic examination performed after treatment revealed tuberous lesions in the dermis, increased wired collagen fibers, neutrophilic infiltrate with nuclear dust, and edematous endothelial cells in the small vessels. Consequently, the patient was later diagnosed with EED. Post-surgery, no recurrence or abnormal scars appeared.
    CONCLUSIONS: Whereas clinical findings of EED are similar to that of keloids, the mechanisms of the two conditions differ considerably, leading to varying management strategies. EEDs can be misdiagnosed as keloids on several grounds; they can both appear morphologically similar, exhibit as stiff lesions, demonstrate chronic inflammation of the reticular dermis, and appear anywhere on the body. The only definitive method of differentiating between the two is through histopathologic examination.
    CONCLUSIONS: EED should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses for any patients presenting with keloid-like lesions on friction sites and biopsy should be performed prior to resection and radiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Keloids are benign fibrous tumors derived by excessive proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen synthesis after an injury, and they do not regress spontaneously. Earlobes keloids may develop either on the helix or on the anterior or posterior lobe, up to several years after piercing.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a combined protocol of CO2 laser + dye laser versus CO2 laser + dye laser + Enerjet.
    METHODS: Eighty patients with a total of 83 ear keloids were divided in two groups: One group has been treated in the same session with a single CO2 laser procedure + a pulsed Dye laser procedure; the second group has been treated as the group one with an adjunctive Enerjet procedure.
    RESULTS: Of the 40 patients for a total of 41 treated keloids in the first group, 85.4% of keloids did not recur during a follow-up period (3 months-7 years), 14.6% of the lesions recurred (6/41) with mild thickening of the scar and underwent to further treatments. The second group (40 patients, 42 keloids) results showed a 90.5% of keloids which did not recur during a follow-up period (3 months-2 years), while 9.5% of the lesions recurred (4/42) with mild thickening of the scar and underwent to further treatments.
    CONCLUSIONS: Lasers demonstrated a synergistic effect when combined together and an excellent outcome has been obtained in the 88% of treated lesions, with a slighter higher prevalence of excellent outcome of the group treated with a further procedure with Enerjet.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Burns and scalds are relatively common injuries in children. Formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids is feared complications. A 2-year-old girl who spilled a cup of hot coffee onto herself developed widespread hypertrophic scars and beginning keloids on her upper chest, despite application of pressure garments and daily massage with silicone gel. Herein, we describe instructions for use of prolonged continuous 24-hour occlusive application of self-adherent silicone sheets to help mitigate the formation of scar tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The limited available effective treatments make the management of keloids challenging. Intralesional triamcinolone and pulsed dye laser have been used for the treatment of keloids. We sought to assess the efficacy of a treatment regime using rotational intralesional triamcinolone and pulsed dye laser in the management of keloids. Materials (Subjects) and Methods: Case notes and photographic records of 99 patients with keloids treated with pulsed dye laser (PDL) alone or rotational PDL and intralesional triamcinolone (ILT) at our centre between 2005 and 2010 were reviewed. Patients with raised, erythematous and/or symptomatic keloids unresponsive to ILT alone (usually 6 treatments) are referred for consideration of PDL. Patients are offered repeated rotational treatments of three PDL (4-15 J/cm(2), 7 mm spot, 1.5 msec pulse duration, 595 nm wavelength, DCD, 30 msec spray: 20 msec delay; spaced at 6-8 weeks intervals) followed by one ILT (10 mg or 40 mg/dl). ILT-treated flat but erythematous and/or symptomatic keloids are treated with PDL alone at 6-8 week intervals. Response after each laser treatment is documented as a percentage improvement from baseline. Based on the improvement in redness, thickness and pruritus the operator classified the response to treatment as mild (0-49%), moderate (50-75%) or excellent (>75%). Patients are reviewed at 6 months following last treatment. A patient satisfaction questionnaire was also sent out to all patients who received treatments between 2005 and 2010 and this was compared with the information gathered from the notes.
    RESULTS: Of the 99 patients, 58 were women and 41 were men and most were Caucasian (n=84). A total of 755 keloids were treated. The average number of PDL treatments to achieve a moderate-excellent result was 14 in male and 12 in females. Moderate-excellent improvement was seen in 76% patients. The average number of ILT required to achieve a moderate-excellent result was 5 in males and 4 in females. All patients were sent a satisfaction questionnaire and 33 responses were received wherein patients reported an average of 70% improvement in the redness and thickness of the keloids. Localised cutaneous atrophy, self-limiting erythema and injection site discomfort were noted in 3 female patients whilst no side-effects noted in the male cohort.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pulsed dye laser with or without intralesional triamcinolone is a moderately effective treatment of keloid scars with a very good side-effect profile and high patient satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A male dark-skinned patient, 33 years old, complaining of a 1-month history of skin lesions in the abdominal region and high fever was admitted to the clinical ward. There were ulcerated and coalescent skin lesions all over the body but sparing the palmar region. The culture of material obtained from the penile lesions was positive for Staphylococcus aureus. He was treated with oxacillin and prednisone. The patient persisted with high fever and skin lesions. After histopathological diagnosis of Mucha Habermann\'s disease, treatment was started with tetracycline with rapid improvement of the lesions. He was reexamined by the dermatologic service with no recurrences during the 12 months of follow-up. At this time, there was a great number of keloid scars from the skin lesions.





