iron deficiency

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current evidence suggests that iron deficiency (ID) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of conditions presenting with restlessness such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and restless legs syndrome (RLS). In clinical practice, ID and iron supplementation are not routinely considered in the diagnostic work-up and/or as a treatment option in such conditions. Therefore, we conducted a scoping literature review of ID guidelines. Of the 58 guidelines included, only 9 included RLS, and 3 included ADHD. Ferritin was the most frequently cited biomarker, though cutoff values varied between guidelines and depending on additional factors such as age, sex, and comorbidities. Recommendations surrounding measurable iron biomarkers and cutoff values varied between guidelines; moreover, despite capturing the role of inflammation as a concept, most guidelines often did not include recommendations for how to assess this. This lack of harmonization on the interpretation of iron and inflammation biomarkers raises questions about the applicability of current guidelines in clinical practice. Further, the majority of ID guidelines in this review did not include the ID-associated disorders, ADHD and RLS. As ID can be associated with altered movement patterns, a novel consensus is needed for investigating and interpreting iron status in the context of different clinical phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A vashiány a leggyakoribb nyomelemhiány a világon, ezáltal jelentős globális egészségi problémát okoz mind a felnőttek, mind a gyermekek egészségügyi ellátásában. A vashiány számos társbetegséggel jár együtt, és jelentősen befolyásolja az életminőséget. Az anaemia kialakulása előtti felismerésével a tünetek és az életminőség javítható már korai stádiumban. Diagnosztizálásában és kezelésében számos orvosi terület érintett, ennek ellenére egyik diszciplína sem vállalja igazán magára a feladatot. A jelen konszenzusdokumentum célja egy egységes, diagnosztikus és terápiás útmutató létrehozása a vashiány miatt leginkább érintett orvosi területeken. A konszenzusos dokumentumot hematológiai, gasztroenterológiai, szülészet-nőgyógyászati, kardiológiai, gyermekgyógyászati és sportorvostani szakterületen jártas orvosok dolgozták ki, akik a Semmelweis Egyetem Iron Board tagjai. A konszenzusdokumentum szakterületenként tartalmazza a legfrissebb szakmai ajánlást. A vashiánybetegség különböző stádiumainak diagnosztikájához a vérképnek és a vasanyagcserét mutató paramétereknek (szérumvas, transzferrin, transzferrinszaturáció, ferritin) a vizsgálata szükséges. Az anaemia diagnózisához szükséges hemoglobinszint egyértelműen meghatározott, mely minden felnőtt betegcsoportra egyaránt érvényes: férfiaknál <130 g/l, nőknél <120 g/l, míg gyermekeknél életkortól függően változik. Az elsődleges cél a vashiánybetegség okának megállapítása és annak célzott kezelése. Az orális vaskezelés az első vonalbeli terápia a legtöbb esetben, mely biztonságos és hatékony a tünetes vagy anaemia kialakulására nagy kockázatú betegek esetén. Vas(II)-sók alkalmazásakor a készítmény másnaponkénti adagolása javítja az együttműködést, a tolerálhatóságot és a felszívódást. A vas(III)-hidroxid-polimaltóz előnye, hogy nem szükséges éhgyomorra bevenni, emellett már kora terhességben és gyerekeknél is biztonságosan alkalmazható. A C-vitamin használata a felszívódás növelése érdekében a legújabb klinikai vizsgálatok szerint nem jár előnnyel. Intravénás vaspótlás javasolt, ha a vasháztartás gyors rendezése szükséges, ha az orális kezelés nem tolerálható vagy nagy valószínűséggel hatástalan lesz, továbbá elsősorban pangásos szívelégtelenség, várandósság, gyulladásos bélbetegség, felszívódási zavar és preoperatív állapot esetén. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(27): 1027–1038.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The French National Authority for Health (HAS) recently issued guidelines for patient blood management (PBM) in surgical procedures. These recommendations are based on three usual pillars of PBM: optimizing red cell mass, minimizing blood loss and optimizing anemia tolerance. In the preoperative period, these guidelines recommend detecting anemia and iron deficiency and taking corrective measures well in advance of surgery, when possible, in case of surgery with moderate to high bleeding risk or known preoperative anemia. In the intraoperative period, the use of tranexamic acid and some surgical techniques are recommended to limit bleeding in case of high bleeding risk or in case of hemorrhage, and the use of cell salvage is recommended in some surgeries with a major risk of transfusion. In the postoperative period, the limitation of blood samples is recommended but the monitoring of postoperative anemia must be carried out and may lead to corrective measures (intravenous iron in particular) or more precise diagnostic assessment of this anemia. A \"restrictive\" transfusion threshold considering comorbidities and, most importantly, the tolerance of the patient is recommended postoperatively. The implementation of a strategy and a program for patient blood management is recommended throughout the perioperative period in healthcare establishments in order to reduce blood transfusion and length of stay. This article presents an English translation of the HAS recommendations and a summary of the rationale underlying these recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Managing anemia before surgery is extremely important as it is a clinical condition that can significantly increase surgical risk and affect patient outcomes. Anemia is characterized by a reduction in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin levels leading to a lower oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Proper treatment requires a multifaceted approach to ensure patients are in the best possible condition for surgery and to minimize potential complications. The challenge is recognizing anemia early and implementing a timely intervention to correct it. Anemic patients are more susceptible to surgical complications such as increased infection rates, slower wound healing and increased risk of cardiovascular events during and after surgery. Additionally, anemia can exacerbate existing medical conditions, causing greater strain on organs and organ systems. To correct anemia and optimize patient outcomes, several essential measures must be taken with the most common being identifying and correcting iron deficiency.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Perioperative anemia is an independent risk factor for postoperative morbidity and mortality. However, conceptual, logistical and administrative barriers persist that hinder the widespread implementation of protocols for their management. The project coordinator convened a multidisciplinary group of 8 experienced professionals to develop perioperative anemia management algorithms, based on a series of key points (KPs) related to its prevalence, consequences, diagnosis and treatment. These KPs were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale, from \"strongly disagree [1]\" to \"strongly agree [5]\". For each KP, consensus was reached when receiving a score of 4 or 5 from at least 7 participants (>75%). Based on the 36 KPs agreed upon, diagnostic-therapeutic algorithms were developed that we believe can facilitate the implementation of programs for early identification and adequate management of perioperative anemia, adapted to the characteristics of the different institutions in our country.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anemia is a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with a decrease in quality of life and an increased risk of transfusions, morbidity and mortality, and progression of CKD. The Anemia Working Group of the Sociedad Española de Nefrología conducted a Delphi study among experts in anemia in CKD to agree on relevant unanswered questions by existing evidence. The RAND/UCLA consensus methodology was used. We defined 15 questions with a PICO structure, followed by a review in scientific literature databases. Statements to each question were developed based on that literature review. Nineteen experts evaluated them using an iterative Two-Round Delphi-like process. Sixteen statements were agreed in response to 8 questions related to iron deficiency and supplementation with Fe (impact and management of iron deficiency with or without anemia, iron deficiency markers, safety of i.v. iron) and 7 related to erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) and/or hypoxia-inducible factor stabilizers (HIF), reaching consensus on all of them (individualization of the Hb objective, impact and management of resistance to ESA, ESA in the immediate post-transplant period and HIF stabilizers: impact on ferrokinetics, interaction with inflammation and cardiovascular safety). There is a need for clinical studies addressing the effects of correction of iron deficiency independently of anemia and the impact of anemia treatment with various ESA on quality of life, progression of CKD and cardiovascular events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purvish M. ParikhCancer-associated anemia (CAA) remains a major unmet need that compromises overall survival (OS) and quality of life (QoL). Currently, available guidelines do not take into consideration the unique challenges in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Our CAA patients have to battle preexisting impaired nutritional status, depleted body iron stores, financial limitations, and difficulty in having easily accessible affordable healthcare. Hence, we fulfilled the need of guidelines for LMIC. A group of subject experts were put together, given background literature, met in a face-to-face discussion, voted using Delphi process, and finally agreed on the contents of this guideline document. As many as 50% of cancer patients will have significant anemia (hemoglobin < 10 g/dL) at initial diagnosis. It is most commonly seen with gastrointestinal malignancies, head and neck cancers, and acute leukemias. The hemoglobin falls further after initiation of cancer directed therapy, due to chemotherapy itself or heightened nutritional deficiency. Its evaluation should include tests for complete blood count, red blood cell morphology, reticulocyte count, Coombs test, and levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Iron status should be monitored using test to measure serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferring saturation, and serum ferritin levels. A minimum of 50% of cancer patients with anemia require iron supplements. The preferred mode of therapy is with intravenous (IV) iron using ferric carboxymaltose (FCM). Most patients respond satisfactorily to single dose of 1000 mg. It is also safe and does not require use of a test dose. Significant anemia is found in at least half of all cancer patients in India, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation region, and other LMIC countries. Its awareness among healthcare professionals will prevent it from remaining undiagnosed (in up to 70% of all cancer patients) and adversely affecting OS and QoL. The benefits of treating them with IV iron therapy are quick replenishment of iron stores, hemoglobin returning to normal, better QoL, and avoiding risk of infections/reactions with blood transfusions. Many publications have proven the value of single-dose FCM in such clinical situations. CAA has been proven to be an independent prognostic factor that adversely affects both QoL and OS in cancer patients. Use of FCM as single IV dose of 1000 mg is safe and effective in the majority of patients with CAA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lack of standardized clinical practice impeding the optimal management of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in women is a global concern, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim of this study was to determine best practices through a Delphi consensus process. In Round 1, panelists were asked to rate their level of agreement with 99 statements across four domains: identification, diagnosis and assessment, prevention, and treatment of ID/IDA in women. In Round 2, panelists reappraised their ratings in view of the collective feedback and responses to Round 1. After two rounds, consensus (≥85% agreement) was reached for 84% of the Delphi statements. Experts agreed on the role of presenting symptoms and risk factors in prompting assessments of anemia and iron status in women. Experts repeatedly called for prevention, recommending preventive iron supplementation for pregnant women irrespective of anemia prevalence levels, and for non-pregnant adult women, adolescent girls, and perimenopausal women living in areas with a high prevalence of anemia. Experts unanimously agreed to prescribing oral ferrous iron as first-line therapy for uncomplicated ID/IDA. The recommendations and clinical pathway algorithms generated should be used to inform clinical practice and standardize the care of women at risk or presenting with ID/IDA in the Asia-Pacific region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anemia is a common complication of severe forms of epidermolysis bullosa (EB). To date, there are no guidelines outlining best clinical practices to manage anemia in the EB population. The objective of this manuscript is to present the first consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of anemia in EB.
    Due to the lack of high-quality evidence, a consensus methodology was followed. An initial survey exploring patient preferences, concerns and symptoms related to anemia was sent to EB patients and their family members. A second survey was distributed to EB experts and focused on screening, diagnosis, monitoring and management of anemia in the different types of EB. Information from these surveys was collated and used by the panel to generate 26 consensus statements. Consensus statements were sent to healthcare providers that care for EB patients through EB-Clinet. Statements that received more than 70% approval (completely agree/agree) were adopted.
    The end result was a series of 6 recommendations which include 20 statements that will help guide management of anemia in EB patients. In patients with moderate to severe forms of EB, the minimum desirable level of Hb is 100 g/L. Treatment should be individualized. Dietary measures should be offered as part of management of anemia in all EB patients, oral iron supplementation should be used for mild anemia; while iron infusion is reserved for moderate to severe anemia, if Hb levels of > 80-100 g/L (8-10 g/dL) and symptomatic; and transfusion should be administered if Hb is < 80 g/L (8 g/dL) in adults and < 60 g/L (6 g/dL) in children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current WHO serum ferritin (SF) thresholds for iron deficiency (ID) in children (<12 μg/L) and women (<15 μg/L) are derived from expert opinion based on radiometric assays in use decades ago. Using a contemporary immunoturbidimetry assay, higher thresholds (children, <20 μg/L; women, <25 μg/L) were identified from physiologically based analyses.
    We examined relationships of SF measured using an immunoradiometric assay from the era of expert opinion with 2 independently measured indicators of ID, hemoglobin (Hb) and erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin (eZnPP), using data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988-1994). The SF at which circulating Hb begins to decrease and eZnPP begins to increase provides a physiological basis for identifying the onset of iron-deficient erythropoiesis.
    We analyzed NHANES III cross-sectional data from 2616 apparently healthy children, aged 12-59 mo, and 4639 apparently healthy nonpregnant women, aged 15-49 y. We used restricted cubic spline regression models to determine SF thresholds for ID.
    SF thresholds identified by Hb and eZnPP did not differ significantly in children, 21.2 μg/L (95% confidence interval: 18.5, 26.5) and 18.7 μg/L (17.9, 19.7), and, in women, were similar although significantly different, 24.8 μg/L (23.4, 26.9) and 22.5 μg/L (21.7, 23.3).
    These NHANES results suggest that physiologically based SF thresholds are higher than the thresholds from expert opinion established during the same era. SF thresholds found using physiological indicators detect the onset of iron-deficient erythropoiesis, whereas the WHO thresholds identify a later, more severe stage of ID.





