
  • 文章类型: Review
    A magnetic ball is a toy for children that can cause physical injury when used improperly. The injury of urethra and bladder caused by magnetic ball is rarely reported.
    Here we present a case of self-inflicted intravesical insertion of 83 magnetic balls by a 10-year-old boy. Preliminary diagnosis was made by a plain radiograph of the pelvis and ultrasonic examination of bladder and all the magnetic balls were removed under cystoscopy successfully.
    For children with recurrent bladder irritation, the possibility of bladder foreign body should be considered. Surgery is an effective method. For patients without serious complications, cystoscopy is the gold standard for diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bladder cancer treatment remains a challenge to every oncologist. We report the case of a 57-year-old man with BCG-refractory bladder cancer who had a complete response to intravesical gemcitabine to highlight the role of gemcitabine as a bladder sparing treatment in BCG-failure patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Tuberculous spondylitis (TS), also known as Pott\'s disease (PD), is a form of tuberculosis in which the vertebral column is affected. Since the first description by Katz et al. in 1992, it became clear that Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) instillations in the treatment of superficial transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) form a plausible way in which PD is introduced. Nowadays, BCG forms the most effective treatment modality for superficial TCC. The incidence of other than minor complications have been estimated under five per cent. Here we report a case of TS after BCG-instillation in the treatment of TCC. Furthermore, all available literature concerning this topic was gathered into a systematic review. The primary objective was to create an overview of all available literature concerning TS after intravesical BCG-instillations, with an emphasis on the neurosurgical approach of these patients, forming a scaffold at which future case reports can be compared. As a secondary objective, we tried to raise the awareness concerning this very rare complication of intravesical BCG-instillation as a possible cause of low back pain (LBP).
    We performed a systematic review, in which patients who developed TS after intravesical BCG-therapy in the treatment of TCC, were examined. A total of twenty-three articles (twenty-four cases) obtained from MEDLINE were included. Search terms included: \"tuberculous spondylitis\", \"Pott\'s disease\", \"vertebral osteomyelitis\", \"intravesical\", \"Bacillus Calmette-Guérin\" and \"transitional cell carcinoma\". Additional studies were identified by checking reference lists. Furthermore, we present a case concerning one of our own patients who consulted our Neurosurgical department with a similar clinical presentation. This systematic review is in conformity with the PRISMA-guidelines. The case report is in accordance with the CARE statement guidelines.
    Results are based on twenty-five cases (twenty-four cases extracted from previous literature and our case report). All included articles are case reports written in English. Publication year and recruitment time varies from 1992 to 2018. Mean age at clinical presentation varies from 35 to 94 years old (mean 74). All patients were male. Surgery was performed in 17 out of 25 cases (68%). A posterior approach was performed in seven cases (41%), zero anterior approaches (0%), a combined approach in five cases (29%) and not specified in five cases (29%). All patients received intravesical BCG-instillation in the treatment of TCC, ranging from one month to twelve years before clinical presentation (mean 26). Radiographic abnormalities were seen in thoracic vertebral segments in thirteen cases (52%), eleven cases in lumbar segments (44%), one at the thoracolumbar transition level (4%) and not in cervical vertebral segments.
    Although very rare, TS should be part of the differential diagnosis in patients with LBP, even years after BCG-instillation for TCC. It mostly affects elderly men and involves the thoracolumbar spine through hematogenous spread via Batson\'s plexus. Antitubercular therapy remains the mainstay in the treatment of TS. A posterior surgical approach, with debridement and stabilization, should be preferred when surgical intervention seems necessary. To our knowledge, this systematic review forms one of the first comprehensive reviews evaluating neurosurgical intervention for PD following intravesical BCG-therapy in the treatment of TCC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy is a common adjunctive therapy for superficial bladder carcinoma but there has been noted to be complications from this treatment ranging from general disseminated infections to osteomuscular involvement. We report a case regarding a 63 year old gentleman who presented with right testicular swelling and pain and later found to have evidence consistent with Mycobacterium bovis orchitis. We also detail a literature review regarding genitourinary infections secondary to BCG therapy and discussion regarding current testing modalities.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of intravesical metastasis of a clear cell renal cell carcinoma. In renal cell carcinoma 16% of patients present with metastatic disease. Renal cell carcinoma can metastasize to nearly every organ, although metastatic spread to the urinary bladder is rare, with fewer than 70 described cases. The route and pattern of metastatic spread is not yet fully understood and different pathways are suggested. Gross haematuria is the presenting symptom in the majority of cases. These intravesical metastases may be synchronous or metachronous and can be solitary or part of polymetastatic disease. No standard treatment can be suggested due to the rare nature of this phenomenon, and treatment varies from transurethral resection, partial or complete cystectomy to systemic therapy. Prognosis in patients with a solitary bladder lesion that developed metachronously is rather good, whereas poor prognosis can be expected in patients with synchronous and multiple metastases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intravesical instillation of bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) has been established as efficient therapy for superficial bladder carcinoma. Overall, intravesical BCG is well tolerated and results in complications of less than 5 %. However, adverse effects such as granulomatous prostatitis, pneumonitis, hepatitis, sepsis, and hypersensitivity reactions may occur. The reported rate for tuberculous orchitis after BCG intravesical therapy is 0.4 %.
    RESULTS: We report a case of monolateral tuberculous orchitis occurring one month after the second course of intravescical instillation of bacille Calmette-Guérin in a patient with proven superficial bladder carcinoma and latent tuberculosis infection.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our opinion intravesical instillation of BCG should be considered on an individual patient basis, with full patient disclosure of the potentially significant risks. A screening with an intradermal Mantoux before starting the first cycle of BCG instillation should be recommended and isoniazid would be indicated as the treatment for latent tuberculosis infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bladder cancer is a significant epidemiological disease. It is managed by primary resection and on-going surveillance for recurrent disease. Intravesical BCG therapy is used in superficial carcinomas to lower the incidence of recurrence and prolong the time to recurrence. BCG therapy is not without its rare but serious side effects.
    METHODS: A 75-year-old man presented to the urologist with right testicular pain, after four previous TURBT operations, two courses of intravesical BCG therapy and one STAT dose of intravesical mitomycin. The patient\'s USS testis showed hypoechoic lesions in the right testis. An orchiectomy was carried out due to the possibility of the USS showing a malignancy. Histology confirmed BCG epididymo-orchitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: This patient presented with testicular pain fifteen months after the cessation of BCG therapy. Clinicians need to be aware of the potentially long dormancy periods for BCG infections, and their complications, as well as the acute infective BCG presentations. The literature is reviewed and shows the wide range of infective BCG presentations from acute disseminated sepsis to insidious focal infections such as parotiditis and discitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report demonstrates that due to the delayed and gradual onset of symptoms, BCG infections are difficult to diagnose. The report and the review remind surgeons to keep BCG infection amongst their differentials when treating patients who present after BCG therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: We report a case of intravesical polyvinyl-coated electric wire in the urinary bladder.
    METHODS: A 34-year-old man presented in our clinic with irritative lower urinary tract symptoms. Three weeks earlier he had seen and felt a wire in his urethra of which he was unaware of the origin. Radiologic evaluation revealed an electric wire completely coiled up in the urinary bladder. It was removed through a suprapubic cystotomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients are usually too ashamed to admit the cause of an intravesical foreign body, which is often sexual or erotic in origin. Radiologic evaluation usually reveals the nature and size of the foreign body in the bladder of patients evaluated for recurrent urinary tract infection. Open surgery or an endoscopic approach may be used for their extraction.





