intrauterine devices

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The postpartum period is the perfect time to access family planning services. WHO guidelines contraindicate combined hormonal contraceptives postpartum in breastfeeding patients between 6 weeks and 6 months after delivery (Medical Eligibility Criteria category 3). On the contrary, the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines do not contraindicate their use in women who breastfeed from 6 weeks to 6 months postpartum. New combined hormonal contraceptives with natural estrogens have never been studied in this setting. Guidelines agree on the prescription of the progestin-only pill postpartum in non-breastfeeding women (category 1). Differences are found in women who breastfeed. In non-breastfeeding women, an implant is considered safe (category 1) by all guidelines, without any distinction in time. Regarding postpartum breastfeeding women, the guidelines for implants give quite different indications but are still permissive. Intrauterine devices are viable options for postpartum contraception but guidelines give different indications about the timing of insertion. Postplacental intrauterine device placement can reduce the subsequent unintended pregnancy rate, particularly in settings at greatest risk of not having recommended postpartum controls. However, it has yet to be understood whether this approach can really have an advantage in high-income countries. Postpartum contraception is not a \'matter of guidelines\': it is the best customization for each woman, as early as possible but at the ideal timing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The diagnosis of menopause is sometimes difficult. The objective of this chapter is to describe the process of diagnosing menopause in a physiological situation, then in different clinical situations: women using hormonal contraception (per os, implant or intrauterine device), women with a history of hysterectomy, women previously treated for cancer. A review of the literature was carried out via Pubmed, Medline and Cochrane Library. The recommendations of international societies were also taken into account: International Menopause Society (IMS), European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) In a classic situation, the diagnosis of menopause is a clinical diagnosis, made retrospectively, based on a 12-month period of consecutive amenorrhoea in a compatible age group (after 45 years of age). No hormonal dosage or imaging is indicated to make a diagnosis of menopause in a classic situation. In women using oestroprogestogen or progestative-only-pill contraception, implant, or Levonorgestrel-intrauterine device (LNG IUD), hormonal assays or pelvic ultrasound are neither recommended to make a diagnosis of menopause (grade C), nor to decide to stop contraception (grade C). The proposed strategy is the discontinuation of oral contraception, removal of the implant or LNG-IUD, and clinical follow-up (occurrence of amenorrhea) (expert opinion). In women with a history of hysterectomy, in the absence of evaluable clinical symptoms (amenorrhea), a repeat FSH≥40 combined with low estradiol (<20pg/ml) at least 3 months after the procedure could be a diagnostic orientation towards menopausal status. After cancer, in women who have received gonadotoxic treatment, the classic clinical criteria of 12 months of amenorrhea cannot be used to make a diagnosis of menopause with certainty (expert opinion). No further examination can be recommended to make a definite diagnosis of menopause (expert opinion). In breast cancer, the hormonal status to be taken into account when choosing initial hormone therapy is the one found before starting any treatment. If at the time of diagnosis of breast cancer the menopausal status is not known due to hormonal contraception, it is preferable to consider the patient as non-menopausal by default for the choice of hormone therapy for the cancer.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Our aim was to provide a consensus of best practice in intrauterine contraception (IUC) for French practitioners. Methods: A meeting of 38 gynaecologists was held to establish a consensus of best practice in IUC, using the validated nominal group (NG) method to reach consensus. Seventy questions were posed covering insertion, monitoring and removal of IUC devices. Two working groups were formed and all proposals were voted on, discussed and approved by the NG. Results: Of the 70 questions asked, answers to only four failed to reach NG consensus. While, in general, the IUC practices of French gynaecologists are in line with international guidelines, some notable differences were identified: for example, when to use the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system versus the copper intrauterine device; practice recommendations in the event of upper genital tract infections; and immediate postpartum insertion. Clinicians are encouraged to inform women about IUC, irrespective of their age or parity. In general, the wishes and characteristics of the woman must be the main criteria informing the choice of IUC, once all potential contraindications have been excluded and information about IUC shared. Conclusions: This consensus paper is intended to update and standardise knowledge about IUC for health care professionals, to address any reticence about use of this contraceptive method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The French College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (CNGOF) has released its first comprehensive recommendations for clinical practices in contraception, to provide physicians with an updated synthesis of the available data as a basis for their practice. The organizing committee and the working group adopted the objective methodological principles defined by the French Authority for Health (HAS) and selected 12 themes relevant to medical professionals\' clinical practices concerning contraception. The available literature was screened through December 2017 and served as the basis of 12 texts, reviewed by experts and physicians from public and private practices, with experience in this field. These texts enabled us to develop evidence based, graded recommendations. Male and female sterilization, as well as the use of hormonal treatments not authorized for contraception (\"off-label\") were excluded from the scope of our review. Specific practical recommendations are provided for the management of contraception prescription, patient information concerning effectiveness, risks, and benefits of the different methods, patient follow-up, intrauterine contraception, emergency contraception, local and natural methods, contraception in teenagers, in women after 40, for women at high thromboembolism or cardiovascular risk, and for those at of primary cancer or relapse. The short- and mid-term future of contraception depends mainly on improving the use of currently available methods. This includes reinforced information for users and increased access to contraception for women, regardless of their social and clinical contexts. The objective of these guidelines is to aid in enabling this improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide up-to-date guidelines on management of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
    An initial search of the Cochrane database, PubMed, and Embase was performed using keywords related to PID to identify reports in any language published between January 1990 and January 2012, with an update in 2018. All identified reports published in French and English relevant to the areas of focus were included. A level of evidence based on the quality of the data available was applied for each area of focus and used for the guidelines.
    PID must be suspected when spontaneous pelvic pain is associated with induced adnexal or uterine pain (grade B). Pelvic ultrasonography is necessary to exclude tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) (grade C). Microbiological diagnosis requires endocervical and TOA sampling for molecular and bacteriological analysis (grade B). First-line treatment for uncomplicated PID combines ceftriaxone 1g, once, by intra-muscular (IM) or intra-venous (IV) route, doxycycline 100mg×2/d, and metronidazole 500mg×2/d oral (PO) for 10 days (grade A). First-line treatment for complicated PID combines IV ceftriaxone 1 to 2g/d until clinical improvement, doxycycline 100mg×2/d, IV or PO, and metronidazole 500mg×3/d, IV or PO for 14days (grade B). Drainage of TOA is indicated if the collection measures more than 3cm (grade B). Follow-up is required in women with sexually transmitted infections (STI) (grade C). The use of condoms is recommended (grade B). Vaginal sampling for microbiological diagnosis is recommended 3 to 6months after PID (grade C), before the insertion of an intra-uterine device (grade B), before elective termination of pregnancy or hysterosalpingography. Targeted antibiotics on identified bacteria are better than systematic antibioprophylaxis in those conditions.
    Current management of PID requires easily reproducible investigations and antibiotics adapted to STI and vaginal microbiota.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many health care providers believe that women who initiate long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) discontinue the method because of side effects too soon for the method to be economical. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to implement and evaluate an evidence-based telephone triage nursing guideline for management of side effects of LARC with an ultimate goal of reducing the number of early discontinuations.
    METHODS: A telephone triage guideline was adapted from the Contraceptive Choice Project\'s Clinician Call Back System, supplemented with evidence-based resources, and approved by clinicians at 2 community women\'s health and midwifery offices. Baseline retrospective data were collected on all women over the age of 18 who had LARC inserted at the 2 sites in the year prior to guideline implementation and in the 3 months after implementation. Rates of LARC removal at or before 3 months postinsertion, before and after guideline implementation, were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Approximately 1 in 5 women called for help managing LARC side effects. Of the callers, 3 of 32 (9.4%) women receiving standard care discontinued their LARC prior to 3 months, whereas 0 of 24 women who were triaged using the guideline discontinued their LARC prior to 3 months (P = .12). Cramping, bleeding, and malposition or expulsion were the most common concerns and reasons for discontinuation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fewer women than anticipated called to report side effects, and even fewer chose to discontinue their LARC early. There were fewer discontinuations with guideline use, but this was not a statistically significant difference. Most women did not discontinue their LARC early for any reason, including side effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide national clinical guidelines focusing on intrauterine contraception.
    A systematic review of available literature was performed using Pubmed and Cochrane libraries. American, British and Canadian guidelines were considered as well.
    Intrauterine contraception (IUC) displays a wide panel of indications, including adolescents, nulliparous, patients living with HIV before AIDS (Grade B) and women with history of ectopic pregnancy (Grade C). Cervical cancer screening should not be modified in women with IUC (Grade B). Bimanual examination and cervix inspection are mandatory before device insertion (Grade B). Patients should not systematically undergo screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI) before device insertion (Grade B). Screening for STI should be preferably done before insertion but it can be performed at the time of device insertion in asymptomatic women (Grade B). Routine antibiotic prophylaxis and premedication are not recommended before insertion (Grade A). A follow-up visit may be offered several weeks after insertion (Professional consensus). Routine pelvic ultrasound examination in not recommended after device insertion (Grade B). In patients with IUC, unscheduled bleeding, when persistent or associated with pelvic pain, requires further investigation to rule out complication (Professional agreement). Suspected uterine perforation warrants radiological workup to locate the device (Professional consensus). Laparoscopic approach should be preferred for elective removal of intrauterine device from abdominal cavity (Professional consensus). In case of accidental pregnancy with intrauterine device in situ, ectopic pregnancy should be excluded (Grade B). In case of viable and desired intrauterine pregnancy, intrauterine device removal is recommended if the strings are reachable (Grade C). Detection of Actinomyces-like organisms on pap smear in asymptomatic patients with intrauterine contraception does not require further intervention (Grade B). Immediate removal of intrauterine device is not recommended in case of STI or pelvic inflammatory disease (Grade B). Device removal should be considered in the absence of clinical improvement after 48 to 72 hours of appropriate treatment (Grade B).
    Intrauterine contraception is a long-acting and reversible contraception method displaying great efficacy and high continuation rate. In contrast, complication rate is low. It should thus be offered to both nulliparous and multiparous women.





