intraoperative monitoring

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studies show that the two peak heights of electroencephalographic bicoherence (pBIC-high, pBIC-low) decrease after incision and are restored by fentanyl administration. We investigated whether pBICs are good indicators for adequacy of analgesia during surgery.
    METHODS: After local ethical committee approval, we enrolled 50 patients (27-65 years, ASA-PS I or II) who were scheduled elective surgery. Besides standard anesthesia monitors, to assess pBICs, we used a BIS monitor and freeware Bispectrum Analyzer for A2000. Fentanyl 5 µg/kg was completely administered before incision, and anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane. After skin incision, when the peak of pBIC-high or pBIC-low decreased by 10% in absolute value (named LT10-high and LT10-low groups in order) or when either peak decreased to below 20% (BL20-high and BL20-low groups), an additional 1 g/kg of fentanyl was administered to examine its effect on the peak that showed a decrease.
    RESULTS: The mean values and standard deviation for pBIC-high 5 min before fentanyl administration, at the time of fentanyl administration, and 5 min after fentanyl administration for LT10-high group were 39.8% (10.9%), 26.9% (10.5%), and 35.7% (12.5%). And those for pBIC-low for LT10-low group were 39.5% (6.0%), 26.8% (6.4%) and 35.0% (7.0%). Those for pBIC-high for BL20-high group were 26.3% (5.6%), 16.5% (2.6%), and 25.7% (7.0%). And those for pBIC-low for BL20-low group were 26.7% (4.8%), 17.4% (1.8%) and 26.9% (5.7%), respectively. Meanwhile, at these trigger points, hemodynamic parameters didn\'t show significant changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Superior to standard anesthesia monitoring, pBICs are better indicators of analgesia during surgery.
    BACKGROUND: Clinical trial Number and registry URL: UMIN ID: UMIN000042843  = R000048907.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) is a neurological pathological condition in which vasopressin synthesis has been compromised. A 52-year-old male presented with a cerebellopontine angle mass not involving the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Despite vasopressin therapy, the patient produced a total of 8650 mL of urine, with the urine-specific gravity measured at 1.002 near hour 8. A literature review found associations with certain anesthetic drugs that have an increased incidence of CDI, including alpha-2 agonists and sevoflurane. Reports have recommended administering desmopressin over vasopressin, especially for neurosurgery cases that warrant a more extended operative period, given that desmopressin has a longer context-sensitive half-life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of visual evoked potentials (VEP) for intraoperative visual pathway monitoring in epilepsy surgery of the posterior hemispheric quadrant (PHQ) and to correlate it with post-operative visual field status.
    METHODS: VEP monitoring was performed in 16 patients (12 females, 7 children). Flash-induced VEP were recorded with strip electrodes from the banks of the calcarine cortex. Latency and amplitude of the first component of VEP (V1-lat, V1-amp) were monitored. Evaluation of the visual field was performed pre- and post-operatively in all patients.
    RESULTS: All procedures were successfully completed without adverse events. In 10 patients the strip covered both the inferior and superior calcarine banks, while only one bank was sampled in 6 cases (inferior in 4, superior in 2). Considering one of the two calcarine banks, at the end of the resection VEP had disappeared in 4 patients, whereas a decrease >33.3% in 4 and <20% of V1-amp was recorded in 5 and in 4 cases respectively. The percentage of V1-amp reduction was significantly higher for the patients who experienced a post-operative visual field reduction (p < 0.001). Post-operative visual field deficits were found in patients presenting a reduction >33.3% of V1-amp.
    CONCLUSIONS: VEP monitoring is possible and safe in epilepsy surgery under general anesthesia.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative recording of VEP from the banks of the calcarine cortex allows monitoring the integrity of post-geniculate visual pathways during PHQ resections for epilepsy and it is pivotal to prevent disabling visual field defects, including hemianopia and inferior quadrantanopia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The primary aim of this proof-of-concept study was to investigate whether the Cardiac Power Index (CPI) could be a novel alternative method to assess fluid responsiveness in the prone position.
    METHODS: Patients undergoing scheduled elective lumbar spine surgery in the prone position under general anesthesia were enrolled in the criteria of patients aged 19-75 years with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I-II. The hemodynamic variables were evaluated before and after changes in posture after administering a colloid bolus (5 in the prone position. Fluid responsiveness was defined as an increase in the Stroke Volume Index (SVI) ≥ 10%.
    RESULTS: A total of 28 patients were enrolled. In responders, the CPI (median [1/4Q-3/4Q]) decreased to 0.34 [0.28-0.39] W.m-2 (p = 0.035) after the prone position. After following fluid loading, CPI increased to 0.48 [0.37-0.52] W.m-2 (p < 0.008), and decreased SVI (median [1/4Q-3/4Q]) after prone increased from 26.0 [24.5-28.0] mL.m-2 to 33.0 [31.0-37.5] mL.m-2 (p = 0.014). Among non-responders, CPI decreased to 0.43 [0.28-0.53] W.m-2 (p = 0.011), and SVI decreased to 29.0 [23.5-34.8] mL.m-2 (p < 0.009). CPI exhibited predictive capabilities for fluid responsiveness as a receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.78 [95% Confidence Interval, 0.60-0.95; p = 0.025].
    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests the potential of CPI as an alternative method to existing preload indices in assessing fluid responsiveness in clinical scenarios, offering potential benefits for responders and non-responders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Quick and appropriate diagnostics and the use of intraoperative monitoring (IM) of hearing during vestibular schwannoma (VS) resection increase the likelihood of hearing preservation. During surgery, various methods of IM can be used, i.e., auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), transtympanic electrocochleography (TT-ECochG), and direct cochlear nerve action potentials. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prognostic values of IM of hearing using ABR and TT-ECochG in predicting postoperative hearing preservation and to evaluate relationships between them during various stages of surgery. Methods: This retrospective study presents the pre- and postoperative audiological test results and IM of hearing records (TT-ECochG and ABR) in 75 (43 women, 32 men, aged 18-69) patients with diagnosed VS. Results: The preoperative pure tone average hearing threshold was 25.02 dB HL, while after VS resection, it worsened on average by 30.03 dB HL. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Hearing Classification, before and after (pre/post) surgery, there were 47/24 patients in hearing class A, 9/8 in B, 2/1 in C, and 17/42 in D. In speech audiometry, the average preoperative speech discrimination score at an intensity of 60 dB SPL was 70.93%, and after VS resection, it worsened to 38.93%. The analysis of electrophysiological tests showed that before the tumor removal the I-V ABR interlatencies was 5.06 ms, and after VS resection, it was 6.43 ms. Conclusions: The study revealed correlations between worse postoperative hearing and changes in intraoperatively measured ABR and TT-ECochG. IM of hearing is very useful in predicting postoperative hearing in VS patients and increases the chance of postoperative hearing preservation in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction  This study highlights the relation between compound muscle action potential (CMAP) latency variations and the predictive value of facial nerve (FN) proximal-to-distal (P/D) amplitude ratio measured at the end of vestibular schwannoma resection. Methods  Forty-eight patients underwent FN stimulation at the brainstem (proximal) and internal acoustic meatus (distal) using a current intensity of 2 mA. The proximal latency and the P/D amplitude ratio were assessed. House-Brackmann grades I & II indicated good FN function, and grades III to VI were considered fair/poor function. A P/D amplitude ratio > 0.6 was used as a cutoff to indicate a good FN function, while a ratio of ≤ 0.6 indicated a fair/poor FN function. Results  The P/D amplitude ratio was measured for all patients, and the calculated sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were 85.2, 85.7, 88.5, and 81.8%, respectively. The CMAPs from the mentalis muscle were then classified based on their proximal latency into group I (< 6 ms), group II (6-8 ms), and group III (> 8 ms). The SE, SP, PPV, and NPV became 90.5, 90.9, 95, and 83.3%, respectively, in group II. In group I, SE and NPV increased, whereas SP and PPV decreased. While in group III, SP and PPV increased, whereas SE and NPV decreased. Conclusion  At a latency between 6 and 8 ms, the P/D amplitude ratio was predictive of outcomes with high SE and SP. When latency was < 6 ms or > 8 ms, the same predictive ability was not observed. Knowing the strengths and limitations is important for understanding the predictive value of the P/D amplitude ratio.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Reliable assessment of fluid responsiveness with pulse pressure variation (PPV) depends on certain ventilation-related preconditions; however, some of these requirements are in contrast with recommendations for protective ventilation.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of PPV in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery by retrospectively analyzing intraoperative ventilation data.
    METHODS: Intraoperative ventilation data from three large medical centers in Germany and Switzerland from January to December 2018 were extracted from electronic patient records and pseudonymized; 10,334 complete data sets were analyzed with respect to the ventilation parameters set as well as demographic and medical data.
    RESULTS: In 6.3% of the 3398 included anesthesia records, patients were ventilated with mean tidal volumes (mTV) > 8 ml/kg predicted body weight (PBW). These would qualify for PPV-based hemodynamic assessment, but the majority were ventilated with lower mTVs. In patients who underwent abdominal surgery (75.5% of analyzed cases), mTVs > 8 ml/kg PBW were used in 5.5% of cases, which did not differ between laparoscopic (44.9%) and open (55.1%) approaches. Other obstacles to the use of PPV, such as elevated positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or increased respiratory rate, were also identified. Of all the cases 6.0% were ventilated with a mTV of > 8 ml/kg PBW and a PEEP of 5-10 cmH2O and 0.3% were ventilated with a mTV > 8 ml/kg PBW and a PEEP of > 10 cmH2O.
    CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that only few patients meet the currently defined TV (of > 8 ml/kg PBW) for assessment of fluid responsiveness using PPV during surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Eine zuverlässige Beurteilung der intraoperativen Flüssigkeitsreagibilität unter Verwendung der Pulsdruckvariation (PPV) hängt von bestimmten beatmungsbezogenen Voraussetzungen ab. Diese stehen häufig im Widerspruch zu den Empfehlungen einer lungenprotektiven Beatmung.
    UNASSIGNED: Ziel dieser Studie war die retrospektive Analyse medizinischer und intraoperativer Beatmungsdaten im Hinblick auf die Anwendbarkeit der PPV bei Patienten während nicht-kardiochirurgischer Operationen.
    METHODS: Retrospektive Daten von 10.334 Patienten aus dem Zeitraum von Januar bis Dezember 2018 aus drei großen medizinischen Zentren in Deutschland und der Schweiz wurden anhand elektronischer Patientenakten pseudonymisiert analysiert. Die Auswertung erfolgte hinsichtlich verschiedener Beatmungsparameter, demografischer und medizinischer Daten.
    UNASSIGNED: Von den 3398 eingeschlossenen Anästhesiedatensätzen wurden die Patienten in 6,3 % der Fälle mit einem mittleren Tidalvolumen (mTV) > 8 ml/kg idealem Körpergewicht (IKG) beatmet. Diese würden sich für ein PPV-basiertes Flüssigkeitsmanagement qualifizieren, aber die Mehrheit der Patienten wurde mit niedrigeren mTV beatmet. Bei Patienten, die sich einer abdominellen Operation unterzogen (75,5 % der analysierten Fälle), wurde bei 5,5 % der Patienten ein mTV > 8 ml/kg IKG verwendet, wobei es keinen Unterschied zwischen laparoskopischem (44,9 %) und offenem (55,1 %) Zugangsweg gab. Auch andere Bedingungen für die Verwendung von PPV, beispielsweise der positive end-exspiratorische Druck (PEEP), die Atemfrequenz oder der Herzrhythmus wurden untersucht. 6,0 % aller analysierten Fälle wurden mit einem mTV > 8 ml/kg IKG und einem PEEP von 5–10 cmH2O beatmet und 0,3 % mit einem mTV > 8 ml/kg IKG und einem PEEP > 10 cmH2O.
    CONCLUSIONS: Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass nur wenige Patienten die derzeit erforderlichen Beatmungsparameter erfüllen, um intraoperativ PPV zur Beurteilung der Flüssigkeitsreagibilität anzuwenden. Die Limitationen der Anwendung von PPV sollten im klinischen Alltag Berücksichtigung finden. Eine vorsichtige Interpretation, insbesondere in Bezug auf etablierte Schwellenwerte, kann dazu beitragen, die Genauigkeit und Effizienz von PPV-gesteuerten intraoperativen Flüssigkeitstherapien zu verbessern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this meta-analysis was to determine the best available evidence for the use of cortico-cortical evoked potential (CCEP) for language mapping.
    METHODS: PubMed/Medline/Google Scholar/Cochrane and Scopus electronic databases were searched for articles using CCEP for language mapping. CCEP data was obtained including the area of the cortex generating CCEP, resection data, and post-resection language outcomes. Inclusion criteria were clinical articles reporting the use of CCEP in language regions of the brain, reporting language outcomes and whether there was final resection of the cortex, studies with more than five patients, and studies in either English or Spanish. Review articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or case series with less than five patients were excluded.
    RESULTS: Seven studies with a total of 59 patients were included in this meta-analysis. The presence of CCEPs from stimulation of Broca\'s area or posterior perisylvian region in the resection predicts language deficits after surgery. The diagnostic odds ratio shows values greater than 0 perioperatively (0.69-5.82) and after six months (1.38-11), supporting a high likelihood of a language deficit if the presence of CCEPs from stimulation of Broca\'s area or posterior perisylvian region are included in the resection and vice versa. The True Positive rate varied between 0.38 and 0.87. This effect decreases after six months to 0.61 (0.30-0.86). However, the True Negative rate increased from 0.53 (0.32-0.79) to 0.71 (0.55-0.88).
    CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis supports the utility of CCEP to predict the probability of having long-term language deficits after surgery. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trigeminal neuralgia causes excruciating pain in patients. Microvascular decompression is indicated for drug-resistant s trigeminal neuralgia. Unlike facial spasms, any part of the nerve can be the culprit, not only the root entry zone. Intraoperative monitoring does not yet exist for trigeminal neuralgia. We successfully used intermittent stimulation of the superior cerebellar artery during surgery and confirmed the disappearance of the trigeminal nerve motor branch reaction after the release of the compression. Intermittent direct stimulation of the culprit blood vessel using the motor branch of the trigeminal nerve may assist in intraoperative monitoring of decompression during trigeminal nerve vascular decompression surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The percentage change in the stroke volume index (SVI) due to the mini fluid challenge (MFC) (MFC-ΔSVI%) is used commonly in daily practice. However, up to 20% of patients remain in the gray zone of this variable. Thus, it was aimed to compare the MFC-ΔSVI% and the percentage change in the cardiac power index (CPI) due to the MFC (MFC-ΔCPI%) with the baseline values of the pulse pressure variation (PPV) and stroke volume variation (SVV) in terms of their abilities to predict fluid responsiveness.
    UNASSIGNED: The SVI, CPI, SVV, and PPV were recorded before 100 mL of isotonic saline was infused (MFC), after MFC was completed, and after an additional 400 mL of isotonic saline was infused to complete 500 mL of fluid loading (FL). Patients whose SVI increased more than 15% after the FL were defined as fluid responders.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixty-seven patients completed the study and 35 (52%) of them were responders.The areas under the receiver operating characteristics curves for the MFC-ΔSVI% and MFC-ΔCPI% (0.94; 95% CI: 0.86-0.99 and 0.89; 95% CI: 0.79-0.95, respectively) were significantly higher than those for the SVV and PPV (0.63; 95% CI: 0.50-0.75 and 0.55; 95% CI: 0.42-0.67, respectively) (p < 0.001 for all of the comparisons). The gray zone analysis revealed that the MFC-ΔSVI% values of 12 patients were in the gray zone. Of the 12, the MFC-ΔCPI% values of 7 patients were outside of the gray zone.
    UNASSIGNED: Fluid responsiveness can be predicted more accurately using the MFC-ΔSVI% and MFC-ΔCPI% than using the SVV and PPV. Additionally, concomitant use of the MFC-ΔSVI% and MFC-ΔCPI% is recommended, as this approach diminishes the number of patients in the gray zone.





