intestinal absorption

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamic in vitro absorption systems and mechanistic absorption modeling via PBPK have both shown promise in predicting human oral absorption, although these efforts have been largely separate; this work aimed to integrate knowledge from these approaches to investigate the oral absorption of a RET inhibitor, pralsetinib, with BCS Class II properties. Tiny-TIM (TIM B.V., Weteringbrug​, The Netherlands) is a dynamic in vitro model with close simulation of the successive physiological conditions of the human stomach and small intestine. Tiny-TIM runs with pralsetinib were performed at doses of 200 mg and 400 mg under fasting conditions. Mechanistic modeling of absorption was performed in Simcyp V21 (Certara, Manchester, UK). Pralsetinib fasted bioaccessibility in the Tiny-TIM system was 63% at 200 mg and 53% at 400 mg; a 16% reduction at 400 mg was observed under elevated gastric pH. Maximum pralsetinib solubility from the small intestinal compartment in Tiny-TIM directly informed the supersaturation/precipitation model parameters. The PBPK model predicted a similar fraction absorbed at 200 mg and 400 mg, consistent with the dose proportional increases in observed pralsetinib exposure. Integrating dynamic in vitro systems with mechanistic absorption modeling provides a promising approach for understanding and predicting human absorption with challenging low solubility compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Upadacitinib, classified as a highly soluble drug, is commercially marketed as RINVOQ®, a modified-release formulation incorporating hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a matrix system to target extended release throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Our study aimed to explore how drug release will occur throughout the GI tract using a plethora of in vitro and in silico tools. We built a Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model in GastroPlus™ to predict the systemic concentrations of the drug when administered using in vitro dissolution profiles as input to drive luminal dissolution. A series of in vitro dissolution experiments were gathered using the USP Apparatus I, III and IV in presence of biorelevant media, simulating both fasted and fed state conditions. A key outcome from the current study was to establish an in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) between (i) the dissolution profiles obtained from the USP I, III and IV methods and (ii) the fraction absorbed of drug as deconvoluted from the plasma concentration-time profile of the drug. When linking the fraction dissolved as measured in the USP IV model, a Level A IVIVC was established. Moreover, when using the different dissolution profiles as input for PBPK modeling, it was also observed that predictions for plasma Cmax and AUC were most accurate for USP IV compared to the other models (based on predicted versus observed ratios). Furthermore, the PBPK model has the utility to extract the predicted concentrations at the level of the colon which can be of utmost interest when working with specific in vitro assays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To utilize the global system analysis (GSA) in oral absorption modeling to gain a deeper understanding of system behavior, improve model accuracy, and make informed decisions during drug development.
    METHODS: GSA was utilized to give insight into which drug substance (DS), drug product (DP), and/or physiological parameter would have an impact on peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC) of dipyridamole as a model weakly basic compound. GSA guided the design of in vitro experiments and oral absorption risk assessment using FormulatedProducts v2202.1.0. The solubility and precipitation profiles of dipyridamole in different bile salt concentrations were measured. The results were then used to build a mechanistic oral absorption model.
    RESULTS: GSA warranted further investigation into the precipitation kinetics and its link to the levels of bile salt concentrations. Mechanistic modeling studies demonstrated that a precipitation-integrated modeling approach appropriately predicted the mean plasma profiles, Cmax, and AUC from the clinical studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work shows the value of GSA utilization in early development to guide in vitro experimentation and build more confidence in identifying the critical parameters for the mathematical models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well known that reduced gastric acidity, for example with concomitant administration of acid reducing agents, can result in variable pharmacokinetics and decreased absorption of weakly basic drugs. It is important to identify the risk of reduced and variable absorption early in development, so that product design options to address the risk can be considered. This article describes the utilization of in vitro and in silico tools to predict the effect of gastric pH, as well as the impact of adding pH modifiers, in mitigating the effect of acid reducing agents on weak base drugs\' dissolution and absorption. Palbociclib, a weakly basic drug, was evaluated in low and high gastric pH conditions in a multicompartmental dissolution apparatus referred to as a gastrointestinal simulator (GIS). The GIS permits the testing of pharmaceutical products in a way that better assesses dissolution under physiologically relevant conditions of pH, buffer concentration, formulation additives, and physiological variations including GI pH, buffer concentrations, secretions, stomach emptying rate, residence time in the GI, and aqueous luminal volume. To predict drug dissolution in the GIS, a hierarchical mass transport model was used and validated using in vitro experimental data. Dissolution results were then compared to observed human clinical plasma data with and without proton pump inhibitors using a GastroPlus absorption model to predict palbociclib plasma profiles and pharmacokinetic parameters. The results showed that the in silico model successfully predicted palbociclib dissolution in the GIS under low and high gastric pH conditions with and without pH modifiers. Furthermore, the GIS data coupled with the in silico tools anticipated (1) the reduced palbociclib exposure due to proton pump inhibitor coadministration and (2) the mitigating effect of a pH-modifying agent. This study provides tools to help in the development of orally administered formulations to overcome the effect of elevated gastric pH, especially when formulating with pH modifiers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing interest is being addressed to the development of a reliable, reproducible and relevant in vitro model of intestinal barrier, mainly for engineered nanomaterials hazard and risk assessment, in order to meet regulatory and scientific demands. Starting from the consolidated Caco-2 cell model, widely used for determining translocation of drugs and chemicals, the establishment of an advanced intestinal barrier model with different level of complexity is important for overcoming Caco-2 monoculture limitations. For this purpose, a tri-culture model, consisting of two human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2 and HT29-MTX) and a human lymphocyte B cell (Raji B), was developed by several research groups to mimic the in vivo intestinal epithelium, furnishing appropriate tools for nanotoxicological studies. However, tri-culture model shows high levels of variability in ENM uptake/translocation studies. With the aim of implementing the standardization and optimization of this tri-culture for ENM translocation studies, the present paper intends to identify and discuss such relevant parameters involved in model establishment as: tri-culture condition set-up, barrier integrity evaluation, mucus characterization, M-cell induction. SiO2 fluorescent nanoparticles were used to compare the different models. Although a low level of SiO2 translocation is reported for all the different culture conditions. a relevant role of mucus and M-cells in NPs uptake/translocation has been highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessment of bioperformance to inform formulation selection and development decisions is an important aspect of drug development. There is high demand in the pharmaceutical industry to develop an efficient and streamlined approach for better understanding and predicting drug product performance to support acceleration of clinical timelines. This manuscript presents an effort from the IQ Formulation Bioperformance Prediction Working Group composed of members from 12 pharmaceutical companies under the IQ Consortium to develop a database around the topic of formulation bioperformance prediction and report findings from the database analysis. Six case studies described in the manuscript demonstrate how bioperformance models were used to predict in vivo performance and to provide guidance addressing questions encountered during oral solid dosage form development. The case studies also described findings of a correlation between in vitro dissolution and in vivo performance and how dissolution data can be incorporated into physiologically based biopharmaceutical modeling. Finally, a workflow for how in vitro dissolution data can be utilized to predict clinical bioperformance of oral solid dosage forms is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 exhibit various gastrointestinal symptoms. Although diarrhea is reported in many cases, the pathophysiology of diarrhea has not been fully clarified. Herein, we report a case of coronavirus disease 2019 with diarrhea that was successfully relieved by the administration of a bile acid sequestrant. The patient was a 59-year-old man whose pneumonia was treated by the administration of glucocorticoids and mechanical ventilation. However, beginning on the 30th hospital day, he developed severe watery diarrhea (up to 10 times a day). Colonoscopy detected ulcers in the terminal ileum and ascending colon. The oral administration of a bile acid sequestrant, colestimide, improved his diarrhea quickly. Ileal inflammation is reported to suppress expression of the gut epithelial apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter. It decreases bile acid absorption at the distal ileum and increases colonic delivery of bile acids, resulting in bile acid diarrhea. In summary, the clinical course of the case presented in this report suggests that bile acid diarrhea is a possible mechanism of watery diarrhea observed in patients with coronavirus disease 2019.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pig has been increasingly used as a reliable preclinical model for assessing and predicting the in vivo bioavailability of different formulation strategies. Nevertheless, differences in the composition between porcine and human intestinal fluids, may impact on the solubility and dissolution behaviour of drugs, in particular BCS II/IV drugs. Recently, a porcine fasted simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIFp) was developed to mimic the composition in the lumen of landrace pigs under fasted state conditions. In this work, we present the utilization of FaSSIFp to compare solubility against human FaSSIF & FeSSIF and further combine species specific in vitro testing with in silico predictive modelling. Venetoclax was chosen as a model drug, representing a BCS class IV drug, with a reported clinically significant positive food effect, where bioavailability is increased up to approximately five-fold when administered with a high-fat meal. Biorelevant species specific in vitro testing was a promising tool for integrating in vitro data into in silico models, using FaSSIFp resulted in reliable predictions of the plasma concentration profile in fasted pigs, based on a porcine physiologically based absorption model. The porcine physiologically based absorption model was used to prospectively simulate the impact of food on the bioavailability of venetoclax. The use of luminal solubility estimates in combination with dissolution data for venetoclax, measured in species specific simulated fluids, correctly predict the observed pig plasma concentration profile and food effect. Overall, integrating species specific in vitro - in silico models led to accurate prediction of in vivo absorption of venetoclax in a preclinical stage, which can support guidance in early decisions of drug product development. In addition, the study further demonstrated the utility of the pig model to predict the food effects of venetoclax in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In vitro and in silico methods have become an essential tool in assessing metabolic drug-drug interactions (DDI) and avoiding reduced efficacy and increased side-effects. Another important type of DDI is the impact of acid-reducing agent (ARA) co-therapy on drug pharmacokinetics due to changes in gastric pH, especially for poorly soluble weakly basic drugs.
    METHODS: One-stage, two-stage and transfer dissolution experiments with dipyridamole tablets using novel biorelevant media representing the ARA effect were conducted and the results were coupled with a PBPK model. Clinical pharmacokinetic data were compared with the simulations from the PBPK model and with output from TIM-1 experiments, an evolved in vitro system which aims to simulate the physiology in the upper GI tract.
    RESULTS: Two-stage and transfer experiments confirmed that these in vitro set-ups tend to overestimate the extent of dipyridamole precipitation occurring in the intestines in vivo. Consequently, data from one-stage dissolution testing under elevated gastric pH conditions were used as an input for PBPK modeling of the ARA/dipyridamole interaction. Using media representing the ARA effect in conjunction with the PBPK model, the ARA effect observed in vivo was successfully bracketed. As an alternative, the TIM-1 system with gastric pH values adjusted to simulate ARA pre-treatment can be used to forecast the ARA effect on dipyridamole pharmacokinetics.
    CONCLUSIONS: Drug-drug interactions of dipyridamole with ARA were simulated well with a combination of dissolution experiments using biorelevant media representing the gastric environment after an ARA treatment together with the PBPK model. Adjustment of the TIM-1 model to reflect ARA-related changes in gastric pH was also successful in forecasting the interaction. Further testing of both approaches for predicting ARA-related DDIs using a wider range of drugs should be conducted to verify their utility for this purpose.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Collagenous colitis (CC) is associated with non-bloody, watery diarrhea, which is pathophysiologically reasonable because normal colonic absorption (or excretion) of water and electrolytes can be blocked by the abnormally thick collagen layer in CC. However, CC has also been associated with six previous cases of protein-losing enteropathy (PLE), with no pathophysiologic explanation. The colon does not normally absorb (or excrete) amino acids/proteins, which is primarily the function of the small bowel. Collagenous duodenitis (CD) has not been associated with PLE. This work reports a novel case of CD (and CC) associated with PLE; a pathophysiologically reasonable mechanism for CD causing PLE (by the thick collagen layer of CD blocking normal intestinal amino acid absorption); and a novel association of PLE with severe COVID-19 infection (attributed to relative immunosuppression from hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and malnutrition from PLE).





