integrated care pathway

  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: Our group developed an Integrated Care Pathway to facilitate the delivery of evidence-based care for adolescents experiencing depression called CARIBOU-2 (Care for Adolescents who Receive Information \'Bout OUtcomes, 2nd iteration). The core pathway components are assessment, psychoeducation, psychotherapy options, medication options, caregiver support, measurement-based care team reviews and graduation. We aim to test the clinical and implementation effectiveness of the CARIBOU-2 pathway relative to treatment-as-usual (TAU) in community mental health settings.
    METHODS: We will use a Type 1 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation, Non-randomized Cluster Controlled Trial Design. Primary participants will be adolescents (planned n = 300, aged 13-18 years) with depressive symptoms, presenting to one of six community mental health agencies. All sites will begin in the TAU condition and transition to the CARIBOU-2 intervention after enrolling 25 adolescents. The primary clinical outcome is the rate of change of depressive symptoms from baseline to the 24-week endpoint using the Childhood Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R). Generalized mixed effects modelling will be conducted to compare this outcome between intervention types. Our primary hypothesis is that there will be a greater rate of reduction in depressive symptoms in the group receiving the CARIBOU-2 intervention relative to TAU over 24 weeks as per the CDRS-R. Implementation outcomes will also be examined, including clinician fidelity to the pathway and its components, and cost-effectiveness.
    BACKGROUND: Research ethics board approvals have been obtained. Should our results support our hypotheses, systematic implementation of the CARIBOU-2 intervention in other community mental health agencies would be indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Details of the development and implementation of integrated care pathways (ICPs) in the context of electronic collection of patient reported outcomes (ePROs) for cancer patients are largely lacking in the literature. This study describes what, why and how decisions were made to adapt and implement an ePROs ICP for patients with lung cancer.
    A consensus process was utilized, with the implementation advisory group including multidisciplinary representation from three participating hospitals, to identify local champions and adapt and incorporate the ePRO ICP into the local contexts. Engagement meetings were documented via meeting transcripts, and detailed notes from October 2019 to November 2020 were content-analysed to identify decision-making themes based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research; workflows and process maps were reviewed and modified to integrate ePROs.
    In total, 55 engagement activities were held (24 meetings, 20 workshops 11 educational sessions), with n = 96 staff from multiple disciplines participating in the ePROs implementation through advisory meetings, process mapping, change management and staff education. Decisions were made regarding eligible patient cohorts to include, the process for onboarding patients onto the ePRO system, and follow-up and referral pathways. Rationales for decisions included alignment with existing workflows, utilizing available staff, minimizing staff and patient burden and maximizing patient engagement.
    Existing resources, staff input and technical and logistical reasons often guided the ICP decisions, highlighting the need for in-depth engagement across all stakeholders for optimal implementation of ePRO ICPs. The ePRO implementation required substantial dialogue and systematic resolution to reach agreement on the final processes. Adapting the local ICP through rigorous engagement facilitated the successful implementation of ePROs as business-as-usual at all three cancer centres. Involving all relevant stakeholders is critical to the successful adaptation of ICPs before their introduction into routine care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often coexist and are associated with a high morbidity and reduced quality of life (QoL). Although these diseases share similarities in symptoms and clinical course, and exacerbations of both diseases often overlap, care pathways for both conditions are usually not integrated. This results in frequent outpatient consultations and suboptimal treatment during exacerbations, leading to frequent hospital admissions. Therefore, we propose an integrated care pathway for both diseases, using telemonitoring to detect deterioration at an early stage and a single case manager for both diseases.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate whether an integrated care pathway using telemonitoring in patients with combined CHF and COPD results in a higher general health-related QoL (HRQoL) as compared with the traditional care pathways. Secondary end points include disease-specific HRQoL, level of self-management, patient satisfaction, compliance to the program, and cost-effectiveness.
    METHODS: This is a monocenter, prospective study using a quasi-experimental interrupted time series design. Thirty patients with combined CHF and COPD are included. The study period of 2.5 years per patient is divided into a preintervention phase (6 months) and a postintervention phase (2 years) in which end points are assessed. The intervention consists of an on-demand treatment strategy based on monitoring symptoms related to CHF/COPD and vital parameters (weight, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, temperature), which are uploaded on a digital platform. The monitoring frequency and the limit values of the measurements to detect abnormalities are determined individually. Monitoring is performed by a case manager, who has the opportunity for a daily multidisciplinary meeting with both the cardiologist and the pulmonologist. Routine appointments at the outpatient clinic are cancelled and replaced by telemonitoring-guided treatment.
    RESULTS: Following ethical approval of the study protocol, the first patient was included in May 2018. Inclusion is expected to be complete in May 2021.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to evaluate the effects of a novel integrated care pathway using telemonitoring for patients with combined CHF and COPD. Unique to this study is the concept of remote on-demand disease management by a single case manager for both diseases, combined with multidisciplinary meetings. Moreover, modern telemonitoring technology is used instead of, rather than as an addition to, regular care.
    BACKGROUND: Netherlands Trial Register NL6741;
    UNASSIGNED: DERR1-10.2196/20571.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Society is facing a global shortage of 17 million health care workers, along with increasing health care demands from a growing number of older adults. Social robots are being considered as solutions to part of this problem.
    Our objective is to evaluate the quality of care perceived by patients and caregivers for an integrated care pathway in an outpatient clinic using a social robot for patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) interviews versus the currently used professional interviews.
    A multicenter, two-parallel-group, nonblinded, randomized controlled trial was used to test for noninferiority of the quality of care delivered through robot-assisted care. The randomization was performed using a computer-generated table. The setting consisted of two outpatient clinics, and the study took place from July to December 2019. Of 419 patients who visited the participating outpatient clinics, 110 older patients met the criteria for recruitment. Inclusion criteria were the ability to speak and read Dutch and being assisted by a participating health care professional. Exclusion criteria were serious hearing or vision problems, serious cognitive problems, and paranoia or similar psychiatric problems. The intervention consisted of a social robot conducting a 36-item PROM. As the main outcome measure, the customized Consumer Quality Index (CQI) was used, as reported by patients and caregivers for the outpatient pathway of care.
    In total, 75 intermediately frail older patients were included in the study, randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups, and processed: 36 female (48%) and 39 male (52%); mean age 77.4 years (SD 7.3), range 60-91 years. There was no significant difference in the total patient CQI scores between the patients included in the robot-assisted care pathway (mean 9.27, SD 0.65, n=37) and those in the control group (mean 9.00, SD 0.70, n=38): P=.08, 95% CI -0.04 to 0.58. There was no significant difference in the total CQI scores between caregivers in the intervention group (mean 9.21, SD 0.76, n=30) and those in the control group (mean 9.09, SD 0.60, n=35): P=.47, 95% CI -0.21 to 0.46. No harm or unintended effects occurred.
    Geriatric patients and their informal caregivers valued robot-assisted and nonrobot-assisted care pathways equally. NCT03857789;






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our group aims to improve treatment response for adolescents with depression through the use of an Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) we developed using: (1) recommendations from a high quality Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG); and, (2) a measurement-based care framework.
    METHODS: Pre-specified criteria will identify eligible adolescents in two outpatient hospital study sites. Study group allocation, to the ICP versus treatment as usual (TAU), is based on site of presentation. The primary clinical outcome is reduction of depression symptoms, assessed using the Childhood Depression Rating Scale - Revised (CDRS-R). Measures will be taken at baseline and every four weeks until 20 weeks of treatment has been offered.
    RESULTS: Our overall hypothesis is that the ICP will be associated with greater improvement in depressive symptoms compared to TAU. Feasibility targets for this pilot trial include the following: recruitment of 30 participants per site over a 21-month period, 95% baseline assessment completion rates, 90% clinician adherence to the ICP in the intervention arm and 80% completion of the scheduled CDRS-R measures over the 20-week interval. Focus-group feedback from youth and parents will also produce qualitative information.
    CONCLUSIONS: If feasibility targets are met, and preliminary results regarding clinical outcomes are promising, then a multi-center cluster RCT would be pursued.
    OBJECTIVE: Notre groupe vise à améliorer la réponse au traitement pour les adolescents souffrant de dépression grâce à l’utilisation d’une trajectoire de soins intégrés (TSI) que nous avons élaborée à l’aide (1) des recommandations de Lignes directrices de pratique clinique (LDPC) de grande qualité et (2) d’un cadre de soins axés sur les mesures.
    UNASSIGNED: Des critères pré-spécifiés sélectionneront les adolescents admissibles à deux sites de l’étude en milieu hospitalier ambulatoire. La répartition du groupe de l’étude, vers la TSI par opposition au traitement habituel (TH), est basée sur le site de la présentation. Le principal résultat clinique est la réduction des symptômes dépressifs, évaluée à l’aide de l’échelle de dépression chez les enfants – révisée (CDRS-R). Les mesures seront prises au départ et à toutes les 4 semaine jusqu’à 20 semaines de traitement.
    UNASSIGNED: Notre hypothèse générale est que la TSI sera associée à une amélioration plus marquée des symptômes dépressifs, comparativement au TH. Les cibles de faisabilité pour cet essai pilote sont notamment le recrutement de 30 participants par site sur une période de 21 mois, des taux d’achèvement de 95 % de l’évaluation de départ, de 90 % d’adhésion du clinicien à la TSI durant le segment d’intervention, et de 80 % d’achèvement des mesures de la CDRS-R prévues dans l’intervalle de 20 semaines. [Commentaire supprimé sur le test d’efficacité préliminaire.]. Les commentaires des groupes de discussion des adolescents et des parents produiront aussi une information qualitative.
    CONCLUSIONS: Si les cibles de faisabilité sont atteintes, et que les résultats préliminaires à l’égard des résultats cliniques sont prometteurs, alors un groupe d’essais randomisés contrôlés (ERC) multicentrique serait réalisable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To improve continuity and coordination of care in geriatric rehabilitation, an integrated care pathway was developed in the south of the Netherlands. This study aims to reach nationwide consensus on the content and structure of this locally developed pathway using a two-round Delphi study with specialized elderly care physicians (n = 37) as experts. In the first round, experts indicated their level of agreement on 65 statements representing the pathway on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Statements that did not gain consensus (interquartile range > 1) were redistributed to participants in Round 2. Consensus was reached on 56 statements (86%) after Round 1 and on 60 statements (92%) after Round 2. In total, 53 statements were assessed as relevant, seven statements were considered irrelevant, and five statements did not reach consensus. We conclude that there is broad nationwide consensus on the pathway, which therefore has the potential to be disseminated and implemented on a wider scale.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study we aimed to assess the perceived effectiveness of clinical pathway management software for healthcare professionals. A case study on the clinical pathway management software program Check-It was performed in three departments at an academic medical center. Four months after the implementation of the software, interviews were held with healthcare professionals who work with the system. The interview questions were posed in a semi-structured interview format and the participant were asked about the perceived positive or negative effects of Check-It, and whether they thought the software is effective for them. The interviews were recorded and transcribed based on grounded theory, using different coding techniques. Our results showed fewer overlooked tasks, pre-filled orders and letters, better overview, and increased protocol insight as positive aspects of using the software. Being not flexible enough was experienced as a negative aspect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) integrated care pathway (ICP) programme was designed and implemented to ensure that the care for patients with COPD is comprehensive and integrated across different care settings from primary care to acute hospital and home. We evaluated the effectiveness of the ICP programme for patients with COPD.
    A retrospective propensity score matched cohort study was conducted comparing differences between programme enrolees and propensity-matched non-enrolees in a Regional Health System in Singapore. Data on patients diagnosed with COPD who enrolled in the programme (n=95) and patients who did not enrol (n=6330) were extracted from the COPD registry and hospital administrative databases. Enrolees and non-enrolees were propensity score matched.
    The risk of COPD hospitalisations and COPD hospital bed days savings were compared between the groups using a difference-in-difference strategy and generalised estimating equation approach. Adherence with recommended care elements for the COPD-ICP group was measured quarterly at baseline and during a 2-year follow-up period.
    Compared with non-enrolees, COPD hospitalisation risk for ICP programme enrolees was significantly lower in year 2 (incidence rate ratio (IRR): 0.73; 95% CI 0.54 to 1.00). Similarly, COPD hospital bed days was significantly lower for enrolees in year 2 (IRR: 0.78; 95% CI 0.64 to 0.95). ICP programme patients had sustained improvements in compliance with all recommended care elements for patients with COPD. The overall all-or-none care bundle compliance rate had improved from 28% to 54%.
    The study concluded that the COPD-ICP programme was associated with reductions in COPD hospitalisation risk and COPD health utilisation in a 2-year follow-up period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Care for seizures in an emergency department setting can be variable, and there are disparities in access to onward specialist referral. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utilization and implementation of an evidence-based seizure care pathway in a busy urban tertiary referral center. A total of 644 seizure presentations over two time points were examined. Initial pathway utilization rates were low at 26.2% but increased to 61.6% after environmental barriers had been addressed. We found that patients placed on the care pathway had higher rates of neurological examination, documentation of safety and legal guidelines as regards driving, and lower rates of seizure readmission. Twelve patients not placed on the pathway had passed away at follow-up (1.86%); the cause of death were related to significant comorbidities rather than the seizures themselves though in five, seizures could potentially have been a contributing factor. For the first time we have demonstrated that an evidence-based guideline for seizure management can be implemented in Ireland and used to standardize care for seizures in the emergency department improving documentation rates and clinical evaluation.





