insurance coverage

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the veracity of self-reports of month-level health insurance coverage in the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS).
    METHODS: The CHIME (Comparing Health Insurance Measurement Error) study used health insurance enrollment records from a large regional Midwest insurer as sample for primary data collection in spring 2015.
    METHODS: A sample of individuals enrolled in a range of public and private coverage types (including Medicaid and marketplace) was administered the CPS health insurance module, which included questions about month-level coverage, by type, over a 17-18-month time span. Survey data was then matched to enrollment records covering that same time frame, and concordance between the records and self-reports was assessed.
    METHODS: Sample was drawn by the insurer\'s informatics specialists and Census Bureau interviewers conducted the survey. Following data collection, updated enrollment records were matched to the survey data to produce a person-level file of coverage by type at the month-level.
    RESULTS: For 91% of the overall sample, coverage status and type were reported accurately for at least 75% of observed months. Results varied somewhat by stability of coverage. Among those who were continuously covered throughout the 17-18 month observation period (which comprised 64% of the overall sample), that level of reporting accuracy was observed for 94% of the sample; for those who had censored spells (34% of the overall sample), the figure was 87%; and among those with gaps and/or changes according to the records (2% of the overall sample), for 82% of the group at least 75% of months were reported accurately.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that reporting accuracy of month-level coverage in the CPS is high and that the survey could become a valuable new data source for studying the dynamics of coverage, including the Medicaid unwinding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hysterectomy is a common surgery among reproductive-aged U.S. patients, with rates highest among Black patients in the South. There is limited insight on causes of these racial differences. In the U.S., electronic medical records (EMR) data can offer richer detail on factors driving surgical decision-making among reproductive-aged populations than insurance claims-based data. Our objective in this cohort profile paper is to describe the Carolina Hysterectomy Cohort (CHC), a large EMR-based case-series of premenopausal hysterectomy patients in the U.S. South, supplemented with census and surgeon licensing data. To demonstrate one strength of the data, we evaluate whether patient and surgeon characteristics differ by insurance payor type.
    We used structured and abstracted EMR data to identify and characterize patients aged 18-44 years who received hysterectomies for non-cancerous conditions between 10/02/2014-12/31/2017 in a large health care system comprised of 10 hospitals in North Carolina. We used Chi-squared and Kruskal Wallis tests to compare whether patients\' socio-demographic and relevant clinical characteristics, and surgeon characteristics differed by patient insurance payor (public, private, uninsured).
    Of 1857 patients (including 55% non-Hispanic White, 30% non-Hispanic Black, 9% Hispanic), 75% were privately-insured, 17% were publicly-insured, and 7% were uninsured. Menorrhagia was more prevalent among the publicly-insured (74% vs 68% overall). Fibroids were more prevalent among the privately-insured (62%) and the uninsured (68%). Most privately insured patients were treated at non-academic hospitals (65%) whereas most publicly insured and uninsured patients were treated at academic centers (66 and 86%, respectively). Publicly insured and uninsured patients had higher median bleeding (public: 7.0, uninsured: 9.0, private: 5.0) and pain (public: 6.0, uninsured: 6.0, private: 3.0) symptom scores than the privately insured. There were no statistical differences in surgeon characteristics by payor groups.
    This novel study design, a large EMR-based case series of hysterectomies linked to physician licensing data and manually abstracted data from unstructured clinical notes, enabled identification and characterization of a diverse reproductive-aged patient population more comprehensively than claims data would allow. In subsequent phases of this research, the CHC will leverage these rich clinical data to investigate multilevel drivers of hysterectomy in an ethnoracially, economically, and clinically diverse series of hysterectomy patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Japan, a considerable number of foreigners encounter challenges in accessing appropriate healthcare services due to the lack of insurance coverage. However, the absence of a public database on these individuals makes it difficult to assess their health problems and healthcare access status. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of vulnerable Thai patients in Japan and to shed light on the specific challenges they face within Japan\'s healthcare system. A retrospective analysis was conducted using records of patients who required emergency healthcare support from the Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo between 2004 and 2020. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed to examine the general characteristics, insurance status, and diseases of the patients. Additionally, patients were classified as either prolonged residents or brief residents based on their duration of stay in Japan until hospital admission (1 year or more or less than 1 year). A total of 74 patients were identified, with the majority (91.9%) lacking insurance coverage. Notably, there was an increase in the number of brief residents, including tourists, during the 2010s. Prolonged residents were more likely to experience chronic diseases, whereas brief residents were more prone to sustaining injuries. The patient records from the Thai Embassy consistently highlight the urgent requirement for emergency healthcare support within this population. However, the existing policies in Japan fall short in adequately addressing the healthcare access needs of this vulnerable population. Therefore, it is crucial to provide additional support and interventions to enhance their healthcare access.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has emerged in a visible role in US health care. However, it is unclear to what extent US commercial health plans use ICER value assessments in their specialty drug coverage decisions. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between ICER\'s reported cost-effectiveness ratios (CERs) and coverage restrictiveness. Also, to examine the frequency with which plans have cited ICER in their coverage policies and to investigate how frequently health plans adjusted their drug coverage criteria in the 12 months after ICER\'s assessments. METHODS: We analyzed the Tufts Medical Center Specialty Drug Evidence and Coverage Database, which includes specialty drug coverage decisions issued by 17 large US commercial health plans. For ICER-assessed drugs, we recorded ICER\'s estimated CERs in the form of cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. First, we used multivariate logistic regression to examine the association between ICER\'s reported CERs and plan coverage restrictiveness, when controlling for other factors that were likely to affect decision-making. Next, we examined how often plans cited ICER\'s assessments in coverage decisions issued in years 2017-2020. Lastly, we examined whether plans added or removed coverage restrictions (eg, patient subgroup restrictions or step therapy protocols) in the 12 months following ICER\'s assessment. RESULTS: Plans tended to cover drugs with higher (less favorable) CERs more restrictively than drugs with CERs less than $100,000 per QALY: odds ratio (OR) = 4.48 if $100,000-$175,000 per QALY; OR = 2.00 if $175,000-$500,000 per QALY; and OR = 2.10 if $500,000 or more per QALY (all P < 0.01). Plans cited ICER in 0.8% (5/622) of coverage policies in 2017, 0.6% (5/833) in 2018, 1.7% (19/1,139) in 2019, and 2.4% (33/1,406) in 2020. For drugs with CERs less than $175,000 per QALY, plans adjusted coverage in 37% of cases: added restrictions in 20%, removed restrictions in 15%, and added one restriction but removed another in 2%. For drugs with CERs of $175,000 or more, plans changed coverage criteria in 29% of cases: added restrictions in 21%, removed restrictions in 5%, and added one restriction but removed another in 4%. CONCLUSIONS: We found that when controlling for other factors, health plans\' specialty drug coverage decisions were associated with ICER\'s estimated CERs. Plans infrequently cited ICER value assessments. We did not observe a trend for plans more often narrowing coverage criteria for drugs with CERs $175,000 or more compared with drugs with CERs less than $175,000. DISCLOSURES: This research study was supported by a consortium of funders: Amgen, Genen-tech, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Otsuka, and GSK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives. To report insurance-based discrimination rates for nonelderly adults with private, public, or no insurance between 2011 and 2019, a period marked by passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and threats to it. Methods. We used 2011-2019 data from the biennial Minnesota Health Access Survey. Each year, about 4000 adults aged 18 to 64 years report experiences with insurance-based discrimination. Using logistic regressions, we examined associations between insurance-based discrimination and (1) sociodemographic factors and (2) indicators of access. Results. Insurance-based discrimination was stable over time and consistently related to insurance type: approximately 4% for adults with private insurance compared with adults with public insurance (21%) and no insurance (27%). Insurance-based discrimination persistently interfered with confidence in getting needed care and forgoing care. Conclusions. Policy changes from 2011 to 2019 affected access to health insurance, but high rates of insurance-based discrimination among adults with public insurance or no insurance were impervious to such changes. Public Health Implications. Stable rates of insurance-based discrimination during a time of increased access to health insurance via the ACA suggest deeper structural roots of health care inequities. We recommend several policy and system solutions. (Am J Public Health. 2023;113(2):213-223.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) requires coverage for mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) benefits to be no more restrictive than for medical/surgical benefits in commercial health plans. State insurance departments oversee enforcement for certain plans. Insufficient enforcement is one potential source of continued MH/SUD treatment gaps among commercial insurance enrollees. This study explored state-level factors that may drive enforcement variation.
    METHODS: The authors conducted a four-state multiple-case study to explore factors influencing state insurance offices\' enforcement of MHPAEA. They interviewed 21 individuals who represented state government offices, advocacy organizations, professional organizations, and a national insurer. Their analysis included a within-case content analysis and a cross-case framework analysis.
    RESULTS: Common themes included insurance office relationships with other stakeholders, policy complexity, and political priority. Relationships between insurance offices and other stakeholders varied between states. MHPAEA complexity posed challenges for interpretation and application. Policy champions influenced enforcement via priorities of insurance commissioners, governors, and legislatures. Where enforcement of MHPAEA was not prioritized by any actors, there was minimal state enforcement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Within a state, enforcement of MHPAEA is influenced by insurance office relationships, legal interpretation, and political priorities. These unique state factors present significant challenges to uniform enforcement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On November 25, 2021, the IFSO-Asia-Pacific Chapter (IFSO-APC) Virtual Meeting 2021 was held online, and the representatives from the Asia-Pacific region presented 10 years of change in bariatric/metabolic surgery and the influence of COVID-19 in the special session of \"IFSO-APC National Reports 2010-2020\". We herein report the summarized data.
    National bariatric/metabolic surgery data, which included the data of 2010 and 2020, were collected from the representatives using a questionnaire that consisted of 10 general questions. At the congress, the data were calculated and summarized.
    Thirteen of the 14 national societies responded to the survey. From 2010 to recent years, the populations of individuals with obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) and individuals with diabetes both significantly increased. Eight countries and regions expanded the lower limit of criteria for bariatric surgery by 2-5 kg/m2 (BMI), and 5 countries newly established criteria for metabolic surgery in the last ten years. Sixty-nine percent of the countries currently run public health insurance systems, which doubled from 2010. The number of bariatric surgeons and institutions increased more than threefold from 2010. In 2010, 2019, and 2020, surgeons in IFSO-APC societies performed 18,280, 66,010, and 49,553 bariatric/metabolic surgeries, respectively. Due to the COVID pandemic, restriction policies significantly reduced access to surgery in South and Southeast Asian countries. The biggest changes included increased numbers of bariatric surgeons and institutions, operation numbers, public insurance coverage, raising awareness, and national registry systems.
    For the last 10 years, bariatric/metabolic surgery has rapidly grown in the Asia-Pacific region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even when heavily subsidized, a substantial portion of people choose to forgo purchasing health insurance coverage. In this note, I introduce an explanation for this phenomenon which does not assume choice errors, incorrect beliefs, differently priced uncompensated care, or information asymmetries. When individuals are incapable of freely trading off health and wealth and the initial allocation of goods is suboptimal from their perspective, the standard result of demand for actuarially fair insurance in a single good world does not generalize to the health insurance context. Thus, people might not purchase full health insurance coverage even if it is priced at actuarially fair levels. I argue that this situation is particularly likely to occur in the low-income population, and hence it is relevant for the achievement of universal health coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Strengthening systems of care to meet the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is of growing importance. Administrative data provide advantages for research and planning purposes, including large sample sizes and the ability to identify enrollment in insurance coverage and service utilization of individuals with ASD. Researchers have employed varying strategies to identify individuals with ASD in administrative data. Differences in these strategies can limit the comparability of results across studies. This review describes implications of the varying strategies that have been employed to identify individuals with ASD in US claims databases, with consideration of the strengths and limitations of each approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Portuguese health system has the peculiar characteristic of being a Beveridge-Bismarck type aiming at universal coverage. On top of the national health system coverage, there is a second coverage provided to some professionals, plus a third layer of coverage that can be acquired by taking out voluntary private health insurance. The aim of this work is to ascertain whether people benefiting from supplemental multi-layer health coverage (on top of the existing National Health System) have more consultations, either with general practitioners or with specialists, and enjoy better health status. We used data from the National Health Survey from 2014 to estimate a recursive system of ordered probits. The main results confirm that multi-layer health coverage is correlated with the use of more specialist consultations, but not with more GP consultations. It is also correlated with better health status. These results may indicate the existence of moral hazard, induced demand and/or \'access effect\'. Regarding policy matters, the measures aimed to reduce waiting times, improve patient choice, and increase access could counteract such results and mitigate the potential inequity of access and health status, and also excessive use of medical services that can happen under double health coverage.





