
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The Masterplan Medicine 2020 adopted in 2017 entails many changes to the medical studies curriculum. The new structure affects the content of the coursework and its main focus. A major goal of this masterplan is to prepare young physicians by teaching the skills that are essential for the future profession. The National Competence-Based Learning Objectives Catalog for Medicine (NKLM) provides the basis for the teaching content.
    METHODS: The Working Group Teaching of the German Society of Ophthalmology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG) actively supports this transformation. In cross-site collaboration, teaching materials for various teaching formats have been compiled by relying on the NKLM (e.g., recordings of operations, slides for small group instruction, image galleries, case studies). An online library named the DOG-EyeTeacher was then created.
    RESULTS: The aim of the DOG-EyeTeacher is to relieve the training clinics and to establish basic standards in teaching materials, thereby enabling the necessary focus on medical education. The provision of these teaching materials should deepen the interest in ophthalmology among future doctors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The DOG-EyeTeacher is our response to the challenges associated with the planned restructuring of the medical curriculum. Since October 2023, any DOG member involved in teaching can create an account free of charge to use our materials.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Der 2017 verabschiedete Masterplan Medizin 2020 sieht viele Veränderungen im Medizinstudium vor. Auch die Lehrinhalte und Unterrichtsschwerpunkte werden von den Neustrukturierungen betroffen sein. Ein Ziel ist es, die Studierenden kompetenzorientiert auf ihre zukünftige Aufgabe als Ärztinnen und Ärzte vorzubereiten. Der NKLM (Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog Medizin) bildet hierbei die Basis der zukünftig zu unterrichtenden Lehrinhalte.
    METHODS: Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese Umstrukturierungen aktiv zu begleiten. In einer standortübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit wurden zur Unterstützung der Lehrenden und auf der Grundlage des NKLM Lehrmaterialien für verschiedene Unterrichtsformate zusammengestellt (z. B. Folien für den Kleingruppenunterricht, Operationsmitschnitte, Bildergalerien, Fallbeispiele) und anschließend in einer Online-Bibliothek, DOG-EyeTeacher genannt, zusammengeführt.
    UNASSIGNED: Der DOG-EyeTeacher soll die Lehrenden an den Universitäten und ihren Ausbildungskliniken unterstützen, den Qualitätsstandard inhaltlicher Schwerpunkte angleichen, den allseitigen Dialog über die Lehre in der Augenheilkunde fördern und gleichzeitig der Lehre als wichtiger Säule des universitären Dreiklangs in der Medizin mehr Gewicht verleihen. Langfristig soll durch die Bereitstellung ansprechender und zeitgemäßer Lehrmaterialien das Interesse angehender Ärztinnen und Ärzte am Fach Ophthalmologie gesteigert werden.
    UNASSIGNED: Der DOG-EyeTeacher stellt eine Antwort der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lehre der DOG auf die mit der geplanten Neustrukturierung des Medizinstudiums einhergehenden Herausforderungen dar. Jedes lehrinteressierte DOG-Mitglied kann sich seit Oktober 2023 kostenfrei einen Account erstellen und die Lehrmaterialien nutzen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Generally, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills decline substantially over time. By combining web-based self-regulated learning with hands-on practice, blended training can be a time- and resource-efficient approach enabling individuals to acquire or refresh CPR skills at their convenience. However, few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of blended CPR refresher training compared with that of the traditional method.
    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated and compared the effectiveness of traditional and blended CPR training through 6-month and 12-month refresher sessions with CPR ability indicators.
    METHODS: This study recruited participants aged ≥18 years from the Automated External Defibrillator Donation Project. The participants were divided into 4 groups based on the format of the CPR training and refresher training received: (1) initial traditional training (a 30-minute instructor-led, hands-on session) and 6-month traditional refresher training (Traditional6 group), (2) initial traditional training and 6-month blended refresher training (an 18-minute e-learning module; Mixed6 group), (3) initial traditional training and 12-month blended refresher training (Mixed12 group), and (4) initial blended training and 6-month blended refresher training (Blended6 group). CPR knowledge and performance were evaluated immediately after initial training. For each group, following initial training but before refresher training, a learning effectiveness assessment was conducted at 12 and 24 months. CPR knowledge was assessed using a written test with 15 multiple-choice questions, and CPR performance was assessed through an examiner-rated skill test and objectively through manikin feedback. A generalized estimating equation model was used to analyze changes in CPR ability indicators.
    RESULTS: This study recruited 1163 participants (mean age 41.82, SD 11.6 years; n=725, 62.3% female), with 332 (28.5%), 270 (23.2%), 258 (22.2%), and 303 (26.1%) participants in the Mixed6, Traditional6, Mixed12, and Blended6 groups, respectively. No significant between-group difference was observed in knowledge acquisition after initial training (P=.23). All groups met the criteria for high-quality CPR skills (ie, average compression depth: 5-6 cm; average compression rate: 100-120 beats/min; chest recoil rate: >80%); however, a higher proportion (98/303, 32.3%) of participants receiving blended training initially demonstrated high-quality CPR skills. At 12 and 24 months, CPR skills had declined in all the groups, but the decline was significantly higher in the Mixed12 group, whereas the differences were not significant between the other groups. This finding indicates that frequent retraining can maintain high-quality CPR skills and that blended refresher training is as effective as traditional refresher training.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that 6-month refresher training sessions for CPR are more effective for maintaining high-quality CPR skills, and that as refreshers, self-learning e-modules are as effective as instructor-led sessions. Although the blended learning approach is cost and resource effective, factors such as participant demographics, training environment, and level of engagement must be considered to maximize the potential of this approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Currently global competitiveness is the main thrust of the country\'s education department, raising the quality of education in the Philippines has become a priority for government officials, who see it as one way to address other teaching and learning challenges. Hence, this quasi-experimental research aimed to determine the influence of lingua franca-based and English-based instruction on the science performance of Grade ten students.
    UNASSIGNED: The respondents of this study were forty-six Grade ten students out of the total population of fifty-three. Out of the forty-six respondents, twenty-three students were assigned to the experimental group and were taught using lingua franca-based instruction, and the remaining twenty-three were taught using English-based instruction. A researcher-made test was prepared and underwent validity and reliability tests. Mean was used to determine the science performance of the students, t-Test was used to test the significant difference between the students\' science performance before and after teaching using lingua franca-based instruction and English-based instruction, and Cohen\'s d was used to compare two means in determining the effect size.
    UNASSIGNED: It was found that both groups exhibited fairly satisfactory science performance in the pre-test, and in the post-test, the control group reveals satisfactory Science performance while the experimental group shows very satisfactory science performance. No significant difference was determined between the pre-tests of both groups and significant differences were determined between the pre-test and post-test of both groups, and in the post-test of both groups, a large size effect was obtained in using the lingua franca-based medium of instruction on the science performance of the students.
    UNASSIGNED: Hence, the practice of Lingua Franca-based instruction exhibits positive and desirable results in improving the performance of the students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Europe, most Internet searches for school-related tasks are situated at home, where parents can support adolescents. Although the frequency (quantity) of parental support has already been analyzed, a research gap exists concerning the quality of parental support in adolescents\' information-related Internet use. The quality of parental support in the field of homework involvement is known to be a predictor of adolescents\' learning motivation and academic achievement, often discussed with regard to self-determination theory (SDT) in terms of autonomy support, structure, emotional support, and control. These categories were adapted in this study to analyze parents\' support in adolescents\' Internet searching activities.
    METHODS: Using a mixed-methods approach, we combined quantitative questionnaires and qualitative observations to analyze joint information-related Internet uses. Therefore, 243 parent-adolescent dyads were surveyed and six parent-adolescent dyads were observed by videography in 2019/2020 in Germany. The adolescents were 11 years old, on average.
    RESULTS: The parents rated all qualities higher than the adolescents. Emotional support was rated highest by both groups, whereas structure was rated lowest. Adolescents\' and parents\' view on parental support differ. The qualitative study revealed parents\' often interfering behavior, whereas emotional support was low. Further, the active role of adolescents was highlighted in both quantitative and qualitative data.
    CONCLUSIONS: By combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, we demonstrated a fruitful application of SDT in analyzing the quality of parental support during adolescents\' Internet searches at home and shed light on the co-construction of joint Internet searches.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    This observation study documents the amount and quality of mathematics instruction provided to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in kindergarten through second grade in self-contained special education settings. We observed six special education teachers and their students (N = 12) during a total of 967 min allotted to early numeracy and mathematics instruction. Mathematics and early numeracy instruction comprised 61.2% of all observed time allotted for mathematics, followed by non-instruction (32.7%), mathematics assessment (5.7%), and instruction in other areas (0.3%). Observed mathematics content included Numbers and Quantitative Reasoning, and Measurement. Mean ratings of student engagement and instructional quality across areas were medium and low-average, respectively. Although student engagement did not differ by who was leading instruction, instructional quality differed between teachers and paraeducators. Class sizes were small, and teachers most often taught students as a whole class or individually. Students used technology, manipulatives, and printed instructional materials during learning.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Teaching phoneme awareness to children at risk for early reading difficulties has been recognized as successful in several studies. In this randomized controlled trial (RCT)-study, we add to this research by optimizing core procedural as well as teaching components in a phonics-directed intervention and extend the RCT reading intervention research into a semi-transparent language context. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a novel Swedish intensive phonics program. This randomized controlled pre-test and post-test intervention study targeted second-grade students with early reading difficulties. Students were identified by a repeated screening procedure and allocated to intervention (n = 34) and control (n = 34) conditions. A 9-week intensive phonics-based program was administrated one-to-one, by special education teachers in Swedish mainstream elementary schools. Results show an improvement in the intervention group, compared with the controls on all outcome measures. Findings indicate that the supplementary phonics program, delivered with high intensity, can significantly increase word reading skills and reading comprehension in second-grade students with early reading difficulties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This qualitative study explored therapists\' use of instructions and feedback when teaching motor tasks to children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) as a first step in developing practical recommendations.
    A conventional content analysis approach was used to analyze videotaped treatment sessions of physical therapists using a newly developed analysis plan. Inductive coding was used to code purposively selected video segments. The codes were sorted into categories to identify key themes. Analyses were performed independently by two researchers until data saturation was reached.
    Ten video-taped sessions were analyzed and 61 segments were coded. Three key themes were identified: (1) therapists\' intention with the instructions and feedback was to motivate or to provide information; (2) the preferred therapists\' teaching style was either direct or indirect; and (3) parameters to shape specific instructions and feedback were the focus of attention, modality, information content, timing and frequency.
    Therapists used numerous instructions and feedback with different information content, often shaped by multiple focuses and/or modalities to motivate children or to provide specific information about task performance. Although therapists adapted instructions and feedback to child and task, future research should explore how characteristics of child and task can guide therapists\' clinical decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.862946.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medical school presents a unique challenge to the average learner as the instructional strategies used in medical curricula are often different than what the student has experienced prior. The large volume of information taught in medical school is delivered with a variety of techniques. After the educational material has been delivered, it is the student\'s responsibility to study and learn the information for future exams and for their future patients. The current study aims to explore what learning activities and teaching strategies first (M1) and second year (M2) medical students use and prefer. Additionally, the study aims to determine if there are cohort differences in classroom and study habits. A group of 95 M1 students and 109 M2 students were recruited to participate in this online survey study. The analyses indicated statistical differences between M1 and M2 student cohorts with M1 students preferring group work and small group discussions more than M2 students. Classic didactic lecturing was preferred by 71.6% of students surveyed. M1 students reported a greater tendency for self-testing and group study versus M2 students. GPA and study technique preference were not correlated. These findings indicate that medical students are not using research-based learning and study strategies at the possible detriment of long-term knowledge retention. Modeling of research-based learning and study strategies by medical educators is one possible solution to encourage medical students to change their study practice. Future work should focus on how medical student learning preferences change as they progress through medical school.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To deal with cultural misunderstandings in health care due to increased migration, the Babel Centre-a training and mediation center-developed \"transcultural mediation\": a service meant to help health-care professionals encountering difficulties with migrant patients and their families. One of the center\'s health-care professionals, trained as a mediator, and a cultural broker jointly conduct the mediation session. In 2017, the center initiated a specialized training program to teach health-care professionals the skills needed to serve as transcultural mediators. We conducted a study to evaluate, through the trainees\' and instructors\' subjective experiences, the quality of this innovative training. We used semi-structured interviews and focus groups to question seven trainees, three instructors, and three experts in transcultural psychology at different stages of the 10-month program (before, at midpoint, and afterwards). We used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to explore the data. The themes are organized around the central concept of the transmission of knowledge from instructors to trainees and vice versa. Trainees were globally satisfied with this program by its end but did not feel able to lead a mediation by then, due to insufficient anthropology knowledge and practical training. Training in transcultural mediation resembles that for resolving situational problems. It cannot be taught by an approach based on reasoning by the inverse problem method, used for teaching medical sciences. Pedagogical tools more suited to problem solving, such as role-playing or use of senior-assisted mediations, should be used to improve the quality of this training.





