inferior alveolar nerve

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of endoscope-assisted fractured roots or fragments extraction within the mandibular canal, along with quantitative sensory testing (QST) alterations in the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN).
    METHODS: Six patients with lower lip numbness following mandibular third molar extraction were selected. All patients had broken roots or fragments within the mandibular canal that were extracted under real-time endoscopic assistance. Follow-up assessments were conducted on postoperative days 1, 7, and 35, including a standardized QST of the lower lip skin.
    RESULTS: The average surgical duration was 32.5 min, with the IAN exposed in all cases. Two of the patient exhibited complete recovery of lower lip numbness, three experienced symptom improvement, and one patient remained unaffected 35 days after the surgery. Preoperative QST results showed that the mechanical detection and pain thresholds on the affected side were significantly higher than those on the healthy side, but improved significantly by postoperative day 7 in five patients, and returned to baseline in two patients on day 35. There were no significant differences in the remaining QST parameters.
    CONCLUSIONS: All endoscopic surgical procedures were successfully completed without any additional postoperative complications. There were no cases of deterioration of IAN injury, and lower lip numbness recovered in the majority of cases. Endoscopy allowed direct visualization and examination of the affected nerve, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of the IAN.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report explains meticulous management of 5 year old, inferior alveolar nerve neuropathy, following placement of dental implants in the mandible. The imperative situation was that \'implants placed were not in contact with the nerve, but triggered neuralgic pain\'. The objective of the treatment was to identify, and eliminate the causative factor, and to promote nerve regeneration, with pain relief. Treatment protocol and inferior alveolar nerve [IAN] sensory function evaluation were done following \'Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injury during Dental Implant Placement Surgery Protocol\' [IANIDIS-Protocol]. Impregnation of autologous concentrated growth factors and enriched bone graft matrix [Sticky BoneTM], at the surgical site, aided effective hard and soft tissue regeneration, restoring comfort to the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study describes anatomical variations in the branching pattern of the posterior division of the trigeminal nerve and its clinical implications for dental and craniofacial surgery. The study presents two uncommon variations observed in an elderly male cadaver. A communicating branch connecting one of three roots of the auriculotemporal nerve and inferior alveolar nerve just before entering the mandibular foramen on the right side, and three communicating branches between the IAN and lingual nerve on the left side. The presence of such variations may complicate anesthesia associated with oral surgery procedures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Painful post-traumatic trigeminal neuropathy (PPTTN) can result from iatrogenic injury to one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve during oral surgical procedures such as tooth extractions. Like other chronic neuropathic pain conditions, PPTTN can significantly alter the patient\'s quality of life, especially when pharmacological treatment is ineffective or not tolerated. As such, new treatment options have been investigated, including local injections of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A). A 29-year-old woman presented to our tertiary orofacial pain clinic for evaluation of chronic electric shock-like pain attacks and severe allodynia in the territory of the right inferior alveolar nerve and buccal nerve following right mandibular third molar extraction 3 years prior. Following several failed attempts at classic pharmacological management (including carbamazepine, venlafaxine, duloxetine, pregabalin, clonazepam, and amitriptyline), BTX-A injections were administered in the vicinity of the right mental nerve. This treatment provided significant improvement in the patient\'s condition and overall quality of life with no significant adverse effects. Because both neuropathies were significantly improved by remote BTX-A injections, this case report provides preliminary clinical evidence supporting spinopetal transport of BTX-A, as shown in animal models, as an underlying pathophysiological mechanism of BTX-A-mediated analgesia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Benign schwannomas are uncommon and their intraosseous location is even rarer counting for less than 1% of all benign primary bone tumors. They exceptionally occur in the oral cavity with the tongue being the most common site of involvement. We report here a case of intramandibular schwannoma derived from the inferior alveolar nerve, in a 57-year-old patient with a 3 months history of inferior left lip paresthesia. The oral examination showed a firm, painless and non-pulsatile swelling located in the inferior vestibule. The panoramic X-ray revealed a circumscribed and homogeneous radiolucent image. Treatment consisted of total excision of the tumor with preservation of the nerve bundles. The histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of schwannoma. The patient recovered a normal sensory function 6 months post-operatively without any recurrence up to 2 years after surgery. The treatment of intramandibular schwannoma is basically surgical with the conservative approach being the most advocated by majority of authors.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: In atrophic posterior mandibular areas, where the bone height superior to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is less than 6 mm, short implants are not applicable. Conventional alternatives such as IAN transposition and various alveolar bone augmentation approaches are technically demanding and prone to complications.
    METHODS: Computer-guided dynamic navigation implantation improves the accuracy, predictability, and safety of implant placement. This case report presents a dynamic navigation system-guided trans-IAN implant placement technique, which can successfully treat a posterior mandibular dentition defect when the bone height is only 4.5 mm. The implant was inserted into the buccal side of the IAN and was 1.7 mm away from the IAN. The implantation deviations were controlled within a satisfying range, and the long-term restoration outcome was stable.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic navigation system-guided trans-IAN implant placement might be a recommended technique for patients with extremely insufficient residual bone height and sufficient bone width in the posterior mandibular area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Injury to the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve, particularly the lingual nerve (LN) and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), is a rare but serious complication that can occur during oral and maxillofacial surgery. Mandibular third molar surgery, one of the most common surgical procedures in dentistry, is most often associated with such a nerve injury. Proper preoperative radiologic assessment is hence key to avoiding neurosensory dysfunction. In addition to the well-established conventional X-ray-based imaging modalities, such as panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography, radiation-free magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the recently introduced black-bone MRI sequences offers the possibility to simultaneously visualize osseous structures and neural tissue in the oral cavity with high spatial resolution and excellent soft-tissue contrast. Fortunately, most LN and IAN injuries recover spontaneously within six months. However, permanent damage may cause significant loss of quality of life for affected patients. Therefore, therapy should be initiated early in indicated cases, despite the inconsistency in the literature regarding the therapeutic time window. In this report, we present the visualization of two cases of nerve pathology using 3D double-echo steady-state MRI and evaluate evidence-based decision-making for iatrogenic nerve injury regarding a wait-and-see strategy, conservative drug treatment, or surgical re-intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Coronectomy represents a common procedure performed in oral surgery, mostly involving the lower wisdom teeth when the extraction presents a risk of injury to the inferior alveolar nerve (NAI). The surgical approach can be described as a coronal separation of the tooth and leaving the roots intact in the socket. The result is impressive with the disappearance of the symptomatology at first and especially the root migration, which occurs most frequently in the first 6 months.
    UNASSIGNED: We present a series of clinical cases of coronectomy involving the lower wisdom tooth which was performed by respecting the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative measures and whose indications were established correctly.
    CONCLUSIONS: Besides the previously mentioned indication, this procedure can be associated with other clinical situations such as dentigerous cysts. However, there are several circumstances in which coronectomy is contraindicated. According to our study, we can conclude that coronectomy of mandibular wisdom teeth represents a reassuring alternative to the preservation of NAI. Complications may occur but follow-up remains a key point in visualizing the progression of the roots away from the mandibular canal.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury is a serious complication during intraoral surgeries. We aimed to evaluate the outcome of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy in patients with IAN injury associated with third molar or implant procedures. Methods: Eight patients with an alteration of sensory function of the IAN after third molar or implant surgeries were enrolled in this case series study. The patients received 10 sessions of PBM therapy (810 nm diode laser, 200 mW, 10 J/cm2 per point, three times a week). Pinprick (PP) and visual analogue scale (VAS) neurosensory tests were recorded at each treatment session and 14 days after the last treatment. The association between explanatory variables and the outcome of interest was analyzed using generalized estimating equations. Results: The median percentage change of outcomes from the first to the last visit was as follows: VAS score: +125.00% (range: 50.00 to 166.67); PP score: +350% (range: 150 to 800). The duration of paresthesia was inversely correlated with changes in VAS and PP scores. No significant association was found between patients\' gender or age and changes in VAS and PP scores. Conclusion: Considering the limitations of this study, PBM with the parameters used in this study presented positive effects on neurosensory recovery in patients suffering from IAN injury associated with routine intraoral procedures. Patients with shorter duration of paresthesia tended to respond more favorably to PBM therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury is usually caused by stretching or crushing of the neurovascular structures and postoperative intra-alveolar hematoma or edema after dental procedures. This results in paresthesia in the ipsilateral chin, lip (vermilion border, skin, and mucosa), and labial or buccal alveolar mucosa of the mandibular anterior teeth. However, there are no reports of sensory alterations in the teeth, especially tooth hypersensitivity, after IAN injury. I report a case in which paresthesia of the lower lip and hypersensitivity of the lower anterior teeth occurred simultaneously after the removal of the third molar that was located close to the IAN. In addition, I discuss the reasons for the different sensory changes between the tooth and chin (skin) after nerve injury from a neurophysiological point of view. Since the dental pulp and periodontal apparatus are highly innervated by the inferior alveolar sensory neurons, it seems necessary to pay attention to the changes in tooth sensitivity if IAN injury occurs during dental procedures.





