
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Outcomes after ileocolonic resection in Crohn\'s disease [CD] are heterogeneous, and a clear definition of postoperative recurrence remains to be determined. Our Endpoints Working Group of the International Organization for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IOIBD] aimed to standardise postoperative outcomes, to discuss which endpoints should be used for postoperative clinical trials, and to define those which could be used in trials or registries.
    METHODS: Based on a systematic review of the literature, recommendations and statements were drafted and sent to all IOIBD members for a first round of voting. Recommendations and statements were revised based on the voters\' comments during a consensus hybrid conference open to all IOIBD members. If no agreement was reached after two rounds of voting, the statement was excluded.
    RESULTS: In the systematic review, 3071 manuscripts were screened of which 434 were included. Sixteen recommendations were identified, of which 11 were endorsed. Recommendations and statements include that endoscopy remains the gold standard and should be used as a short-term primary endpoint in both observational cohorts and randomised controlled trials. Clinical symptoms classically used in clinical trials for luminal CD are not reliable in this specific situation. For that reason, longer-term endpoints should be based on the evidence of macroscopic inflammation assessed by imaging techniques, endoscopy, or as reflected by the presence of complications.
    CONCLUSIONS: Agencies recommend the use of clinical evaluations, as in the case of luminal CD, and do not recognise primary endpoints based solely on endoscopy. This consensus has led to agreement on the need to define postoperative endoscopy-based and/or imaging-based endpoints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crohn\'s disease recurrence after ileocecal resection is common. Guidelines suggest colonoscopy within 6-12 months of surgery to assess for post-operative recurrence, but use of adjunctive monitoring is not protocolized. We aimed to describe the state of monitoring in post-operative Crohn\'s.
    We conducted a retrospective study of patients with Crohn\'s after ileocolic resection with ≥ 1-year follow-up. Patients were stratified into high and low risk based on guidelines. Post-operative biomarker (C-reactive protein, fecal calprotectin), cross-sectional imaging, and colonoscopy use were assessed. Biomarker, radiographic, and endoscopic post-operative recurrence were defined as elevated CRP/calprotectin, active inflammation on imaging, and Rutgeerts ≥ i2b, respectively. Data were stratified by surgery year to assess changes in practice patterns over time. P-values were calculated using Wilcoxon test and Fisher exact test.
    Of 901 patients, 53% were female and 78% high risk. Median follow-up time was 60 m for LR and 50 m for high risk. Postoperatively, 18% low and 38% high risk had CRPs, 5% low and 10% high risk had calprotectins, and half of low and high risk had cross-sectional imaging. 29% low and 38% high risk had colonoscopy by 1 year. Compared to pre-2015, time to first radiography (584 days vs. 398 days) and colonoscopy (421 days vs. 296 days) were significantly shorter for high-risk post-2015 (P < 0.001). Probability of colonoscopy within 1 year increased over time (0.48, 2011 vs. 0.92, 2019).
    Post-operative colonoscopy completion by 1 year is low. The use of CRP and imaging are common, whereas calprotectin is infrequently utilized. Practice patterns are shifting toward earlier monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    Current endoscopy quality guidelines largely focus on cancer screening-related metrics that are not applicable to pediatric populations. Through an international Pediatric Endoscopy Quality Improvement Network (PEnQuIN), quality standards and indicators for pediatric endoscopic procedures were developed and endorsed by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE).
    The Appraisal of Guidelines for REsearch and Evaluation II instrument guided PEnQuIN members, from 31 centers representing 11 countries, in generating and refining proposed quality standards and indicators. Quality of evidence and strength of recommendations were rated according to the Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. Consensus on reporting elements was sought with an iterative online Delphi process.
    Forty-nine quality standards and 47 indicators, encompassing pediatric endoscopy facilities, procedures, and endoscopists, as well as 30 reporting elements essential for inclusion within a pediatric endoscopy report reached consensus. Minimal acceptable standards were defined for 3 key indicators related to pediatric lower endoscopy: terminal ileal intubation rate ≥85%, cecal intubation rate ≥90%, and rate of adequate bowel preparation ≥80%. There was strong consensus that terminal ileal intubation, rather than cecal intubation, is integral to ensuring high-quality endoscopic care in children.
    The PEnQuIN guidelines establish international agreement on clinically meaningful metrics tailored to pediatric endoscopy that can be used to promote safe, high-quality, patient- and family-centered endoscopic care. Moving forward, it is recommended that all providers and facilities involved in endoscopy service for children adopt the PEnQuIN standards, indicators, and key reporting elements outlined in these ASGE-endorsed guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surveillance pouchoscopy is recommended for patients with restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis or familial adenomatous polyposis, with the surveillance interval depending on the risk of neoplasia. Neoplasia in patients with ileal pouches mainly have a glandular source and less often are of squamous cell origin. Various grades of neoplasia can occur in the prepouch ileum, pouch body, rectal cuff, anal transition zone, anus, or perianal skin. The main treatment modalities are endoscopic polypectomy, endoscopic ablation, endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection, surgical local excision, surgical circumferential resection and re-anastomosis, and pouch excision. The choice of the treatment modality is determined by the grade, location, size, and features of neoplastic lesions, along with patients\' risk of neoplasia and comorbidities, and local endoscopic and surgical expertise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-quality pediatric endoscopy requires reliable performance of procedures by competent individual providers who consistently uphold all standards determined to assure optimal patient outcomes. Establishing consensus expectations for ongoing monitoring and assessment of individual pediatric endoscopists is a method for confirming the highest possible quality of care for such procedures worldwide. We aim to provide guidance to define and measure quality of endoscopic care for children.
    With support from the North American and European Societies of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN and ESPGHAN), an international working group of the Pediatric Endoscopy Quality Improvement Network (PEnQuIN) used the methodological strategy of the Appraisal of Guidelines for REsearch and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument to develop standards and indicators relevant for assessing the quality of endoscopists. Consensus was sought via an iterative online Delphi process and finalized at an in-person conference. The quality of evidence and strength of recommendations were rated according to the GRADE (Grading of Recommendation Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach.
    The PEnQuIN working group achieved consensus on 6 standards that all providers who perform pediatric endoscopy should uphold and 2 standards for pediatric endoscopists in training, with 7 corresponding indicators that can be used to identify high-quality endoscopists. Additionally, these can inform continuous quality improvement at the provider level. Minimum targets for defining high-quality pediatric ileocolonoscopy were set for 2 key indicators: cecal intubation rate (≥90%) and terminal ileal intubation rate (≥85%).
    It is recommended that all individual providers performing or training to perform pediatric endoscopy initiate and engage with these international endoscopist-related standards and indicators developed by PEnQuIN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Targeting histological remission or response in Crohn\'s disease (CD) is not recommended in clinical practice guidelines or as an outcome in clinical trials due to uncertainties regarding index validity and prognostic relevance.
    To conduct a modified RAND/University of California Los Angeles appropriateness process with the goal of producing a framework to standardise histological assessment of CD activity in clinical trials.
    A total of 115 statements generated from literature review and expert opinion were rated on a scale of 1-9 by a panel of 11 histopathologists and 6 gastroenterologists. Statements were classified as inappropriate, uncertain or appropriate based upon the median panel rating and degree of disagreement.
    The panellists considered it important to measure histological activity in clinical trials to determine efficacy and that absence of neutrophilic inflammation is an appropriate histological target. They were uncertain whether the Global Histological Activity Score was an appropriate instrument for measuring histological activity. The Geboes Score and Robarts Histopathology Index were considered appropriate. Two biopsies from five segments should be biopsied, and the colon and the ileum should be analysed separately for all indices. Endoscopic mucosal appearance should guide biopsy procurement site with biopsies taken from the ulcer edge, or the most macroscopically inflamed area in the absence of ulcers.
    We evaluated the appropriateness of items for assessing histological disease activity in CD clinical trials. These items will be used to develop a novel histological index.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To describe our step-by-step technique for robotic intracorporeal neobladder configuration, including the stages of conception, development and exploration of this surgical innovation, according to the Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment, Long-term follow-up (IDEAL) Collaboration guidelines.
    The Florence robotic intracorporeal neobladder (FloRIN) was performed employing the following main surgical steps: isolation of 50 cm of ileum; bowel anastomosis; urethro-ileal anastomosis creating an asymmetrical \'U\'-shape (30 cm distally and 20 cm proximally to anastomosis), ileum detubularisation; posterior wall reconfiguration as an \'L\'; bladder neck reconstruction; anterior folding of the posterior plate to reach the 12 o\'clock position; uretero-enteral \'orthotopic\' bilateral anastomosis. The conception and development of the FloRIN followed the IDEAL guidelines recommended stages: Phase 1 (simulation) involved the neobladder robotic configuration using silicone models. Phase 2a (development) aimed to reproduce the configuration in an open fashion in one patient, and then in the first three robotic procedures. Phase 2b (exploration) consisted of the technique standardisation in 15 consecutive robotic approaches. Phase 2a and 2b included urodynamics and imaging assessment of the patients treated.
    From February 2016 to September 2017 FloRIN was performed in 18 patients. Comparing the first three (Phase 2a) with the subsequent 15 patients (Phase 2b), the median (interquartile range [IQR]) reconstruction operating time was 260 (220-340) vs 160 (150-210) min, respectively. Postoperative surgical complications occurred in four of the 18 patients (22.1%), including one surgical Clavien-Dindo Grade III and three Grade I, postoperative medical Clavien-Dindo Grade II complications occurred in three (16.7%) patients. On urodynamic examination (available in nine [50%] patients) the median (IQR) reservoir cystometric capacity, compliance, and post-void residual were 240 (220-267) mL, 18 (12.5-19.8) mL/cmH2 O, and 0 (0-50) mL, respectively. Ultrasonography showed no Grade ≥2 vesico-ureteric reflux.
    We describe the FloRIN configuration, showing its technical feasibility with acceptable time efficiency. The first cases studied had good reservoir capacity, low pressure with no reflux, and complete voiding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference





