
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Little is known regarding economic impacts of intimate partner violence (IPV) in humanitarian settings, especially the labor market burden. Examining costs of IPV beyond the health burden may provide new information to help with resource allocation for addressing IPV, including within conflict zones. This paper measures the incidence and prevalence of different types of IPV, the potential relationship between IPV and labor market activity, and estimating the cost of these IPV-associated labor market differentials.
    METHODS: The association between labor market outcomes, IPV experience, and conflict exposure among women ages 15-49 in Nigeria were studied using the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey and 2013-17 Uppsala Conflict Data Program data. Descriptive analysis was used to identify patterns of IPV and labor outcomes by region. Based on this, multivariable logistic regression models were used to estimate the association between labor market participation and lifetime IPV exposure. These models were combined with earnings data from the United Nations Human Development Report 2021/2022 and a top-down costing approach to quantify the impacts in terms of lost productivity to the Nigerian economy.
    RESULTS: Substantial differences in IPV exposure and labor market outcomes were found between conflict and non-conflict-affected areas. Women with past year or lifetime exposure to physical, emotional, or \"any\" IPV were more likely to withdraw from the labor market in the past year, although no differences were found for sexual IPV or conflict-affected regions. We estimate an average reduction of 4.14% in the likelihood of working, resulting in nearly $3.0 billion USD of lost productivity, about 1% of Nigeria\'s total economic output.
    CONCLUSIONS: Increased odds of labor market withdraw were associated with several measures of IPV. Withdrawal from the formal labor market sector has a substantial associated economic cost for all of Nigerian society. If stronger prevention measures reduce the incidence of IPV against women in Nigeria, a substantial portion of lost economic costs likely could be reclaimed. These costs underscore the economic case, alongside the moral imperative, for stronger protections against IPV for girls and women in Nigeria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology design and development continues to be rapid, despite major limitations in its current form as a practice and discipline to address all sociohumanitarian issues and complexities. From these limitations emerges an imperative to strengthen AI and ML literacy in underserved communities and build a more diverse AI and ML design and development workforce engaged in health research.
    OBJECTIVE: AI and ML has the potential to account for and assess a variety of factors that contribute to health and disease and to improve prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. Here, we describe recent activities within the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) Ethics and Equity Workgroup (EEWG) that led to the development of deliverables that will help put ethics and fairness at the forefront of AI and ML applications to build equity in biomedical research, education, and health care.
    METHODS: The AIM-AHEAD EEWG was created in 2021 with 3 cochairs and 51 members in year 1 and 2 cochairs and ~40 members in year 2. Members in both years included AIM-AHEAD principal investigators, coinvestigators, leadership fellows, and research fellows. The EEWG used a modified Delphi approach using polling, ranking, and other exercises to facilitate discussions around tangible steps, key terms, and definitions needed to ensure that ethics and fairness are at the forefront of AI and ML applications to build equity in biomedical research, education, and health care.
    RESULTS: The EEWG developed a set of ethics and equity principles, a glossary, and an interview guide. The ethics and equity principles comprise 5 core principles, each with subparts, which articulate best practices for working with stakeholders from historically and presently underrepresented communities. The glossary contains 12 terms and definitions, with particular emphasis on optimal development, refinement, and implementation of AI and ML in health equity research. To accompany the glossary, the EEWG developed a concept relationship diagram that describes the logical flow of and relationship between the definitional concepts. Lastly, the interview guide provides questions that can be used or adapted to garner stakeholder and community perspectives on the principles and glossary.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ongoing engagement is needed around our principles and glossary to identify and predict potential limitations in their uses in AI and ML research settings, especially for institutions with limited resources. This requires time, careful consideration, and honest discussions around what classifies an engagement incentive as meaningful to support and sustain their full engagement. By slowing down to meet historically and presently underresourced institutions and communities where they are and where they are capable of engaging and competing, there is higher potential to achieve needed diversity, ethics, and equity in AI and ML implementation in health research.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: The increasing emergencies and humanitarian challenges have worsened the mental health condition of women in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the prevalence, determinants and interventions to address mental health among women in fragile and humanitarian settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis guidelines, we reviewed 59 peer-reviewed published studies (PubMed, IMEMR) and grey literature (WHO/IRIS) from January 2001 to February 2023, focusing on women\'s mental health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. We then conducted a descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic characteristics.
    UNASSIGNED: Among the 59 studies reviewed, only 13 of the 48 peer-reviewed studies focused primarily on women\'s mental health, 11 grey literature records mostly presented grouped regional data, 11 of the 25 studies on mental health among migrants were about those taking refuge in high-income countries. The average prevalence of mental disorders from 32 cross-sectional studies on women aged 12-75 years was 49%, average prevalence of anxiety was 68%, post-traumatic stress disorder was 52%, and depression was 43%. Women exhibited higher level depression than men. Age, educational disparities, and limited access to services were important risk factors for mental health disorder. Several promising interventions emerged.
    UNASSIGNED: More efforts should be made to provide customized, context-specific solutions to the mental health challenges of women in humanitarian and fragile settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, including allocation of more resources to mental health programmes, addressing barriers, enhancing mental health surveillance, and reduction of stigma.
    استعراض منهجي للصحة النفسية للنساء في الأوضاع الهشة والإنسانية بإقليم شرق المتوسط.
    فوزيه رباني ،عائشة زاهدي ،آمنه صديقي ،صنم شاه ،زل میرعلي ،خالد سعيد ،محمد عفيفي.
    UNASSIGNED: أدى تزايد حالات الطوارئ والتحديات الإنسانية إلى تردِّي حالة الصحة النفسية للنساء في إقليم شرق المتوسط.
    UNASSIGNED: هدفت هذه الدراسة الى تقييم معدل انتشار حالات الصحة النفسية بين النساء في الأوضاع الهشة والإنسانية بإقليم شرق المتوسط، ومُُحدِّدات تلك الحالات، والتدخلات المطلوبة لمعالجتها.
    UNASSIGNED: باستخدام المبادئ التوجيهية للعناصر الموصى بها لإعداد تقارير الاستعراض المنهجي والتحليلات التلوية (PRISMA)، استعرضنا 59 من الدراسات المنشورة المُحكَّمة (موقع PubMed، موقع الفهرس الطبي لإقليم شرق المتوسط «IMEMR») والمؤلفات غير الرسمية (منظمة الصحة العالمية/ المستودع المؤسسي لتبادل المعلومات) التي تشمل المدة من يناير / كانون الثاني 2001 إلى فبراير / شباط 2023 وتركِّز على الصحة النفسية للمرأة في إقليم شرق المتوسط. ثم أجرينا تحليلًًا وصفيًّا للخصائص الاجتماعية السكانية.
    UNASSIGNED: من بين الدراسات التي استُعرضت وبلغ عددها 59، فإن 13 فقط من الدراسات المحكَّمة البالغ عددها 48 ركَّزت في الأساس على الصحة النفسية للمرأة، في حين أن 11 من سجلات المؤلفات غير الرسمية عرضت في الغالب بيانات إقليمية مجمَّعة، كما أن 11 من أصل 25 دراسة عن الصحة النفسية بين المهاجرين تناولت النساء اللاتي لجأن إلى بلدان مرتفعة الدخل. وفي 32 دراسة مقطعية على النساء اللاتي تتراوح أعمارهن بين 12 و75 عامًا، كان متوسط انتشار الاضطرابات النفسية 49٪، ومتوسط انتشار القلق 68٪، واضطراب الكرب التالي للصدمات 52٪، والاكتئاب 43٪. وكانت مستويات الاكتئاب لدى النساء أعلى منها لدى الرجال. كما أن العمر، وتفاوت المستوى التعليمي، ومحدودية إتاحة الخدمات كانت من عوامل الخطر المهمة المؤدية إلى اضطرابات الصحة النفسية. كما ظهرت عدة تدخلات واعدة.
    UNASSIGNED: ينبغي بذل مزيد من الجهود لتوفير حلول مصممة خصيصًا ومحدَّدة السياق لتحديات الصحة النفسية التي تواجهها النساء في الأوضاع الإنسانية والهشة بإقليم شرق المتوسط، ومنها تخصيص مزيد من الموارد لبرامج الصحة النفسية، والتصدي للعقبات، وتعزيز ترصد الصحة النفسية، والحد من الوصم الاجتماعي.
    Analyse systématique en matière de santé mentale des femmes dans les contextes de fragilité et de crise humanitaire de la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: Les situations d\'urgence et les défis humanitaires croissants ont aggravé la situation relative à la santé mentale des femmes dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: Évaluer la prévalence, les déterminants et les interventions en matière de santé mentale chez les femmes en situation de fragilité et de crise humanitaire dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale.
    UNASSIGNED: À l\'aide des lignes directrices PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis), nous avons passé en revue 59 études évaluées par des pairs publiées (PubMed, IMEMR) et la littérature grise (OMS/IRIS) qui étaient axées sur la santé mentale des femmes dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale, entre janvier 2001 et février 2023. Nous avons ensuite procédé à une analyse descriptive des caractéristiques sociodémographiques.
    UNASSIGNED: Parmi les 59 études examinées, seules 13 des 48 études évaluées par des pairs portaient principalement sur la santé mentale des femmes, 11 dossiers appartenant à la littérature grise présentaient principalement des données régionales regroupées, 11 des 25 études sur la santé mentale chez les migrants concernaient les personnes qui cherchaient refuge dans les pays à revenu élevé. La prévalence moyenne des troubles mentaux, déterminée à partir de 32 études transversales portant sur des femmes âgées de 12 à 75 ans, était de 49 % ; la prévalence moyenne de l\'anxiété était de 68 % ; celle des troubles de stress post-traumatique s\'élevait à 52 % ; et celle de la dépression à 43 %. Les femmes présentaient des niveaux de dépression plus élevés que les hommes. L\'âge, les disparités en matière d\'éducation et l\'accès limité aux services constituent des facteurs de risque importants pour les troubles de santé mentale. Plusieurs interventions prometteuses sont apparues.
    UNASSIGNED: Davantage d\'efforts devraient être consentis pour fournir des solutions personnalisées et adaptées au contexte concernant les problèmes de santé mentale des femmes vivant dans des situations de crise humanitaire et de fragilité dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale, notamment en allouant davantage de ressources aux programmes de santé mentale, en s\'attaquant aux obstacles, en améliorant la surveillance dans ce domaine et en réduisant la stigmatisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Victoria Hand Project (VHP) is a Canadian charity with a mission to provide 3D printed prosthetic arms to people in-need across the world, by partnering with prosthetic care providers. This article explores the journey of VHP, sharing insights, lessons learned, ongoing directions, and the impact of 3D printing on prosthetic care for people with upper-limb amputation. Benefits such as affordability and customization are explored, as well as the challenges encountered, including quality control and the steep learning curve associated with working in the digital 3D space. Through this article, the potential of 3D printing to continue to transform the field of assistive technology and prosthetic and orthotic applications is underscored, especially when used for collaborative, humanitarian initiatives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The ongoing crisis in Syria has divided the country, leading to significant deterioration of the healthcare infrastructure and leaving millions of people struggling with poor socioeconomic conditions. Consequently, the affordability of healthcare services for the population has been compromised. Cancer patients in Northwest Syria have faced difficulties in accessing healthcare services, which increased their financial distress despite the existence of humanitarian health and aid programs. This study aimed to provide insights into how humanitarian assistance can alleviate the financial burdens associated with cancer treatment in conflict-affected regions.
    METHODS: This research employed a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with a pre-test-post-test approach, focusing on evaluating the financial toxicity among cancer patients in Northwest Syria before and after receiving humanitarian aid. The study used purposeful sampling to select participants and included comprehensive demographic data collection. The primary tool for measuring financial toxicity was the Comprehensive Score for Financial Toxicity (FACIT-COST) tool, administered in Arabic. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS v25, employing various statistical tests to explore relationships and impacts.
    RESULTS: A total of 99 cancer patients were recruited in the first round of data collection, out of whom 28 patients affirmed consistent receipt of humanitarian aid throughout the follow-up period. The results of the study revealed that humanitarian aid has no significant relationship with reducing the financial toxicity experienced by cancer patients in Northwest Syria. Despite the aid efforts, many patients continued to face significant financial distress.
    CONCLUSIONS: The research findings indicate that current humanitarian assistance models might not sufficiently address the complex financial challenges faced by cancer patients in conflict zones. The research emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive and integrated approach in humanitarian aid programs. The study highlights the importance of addressing the economic burdens associated with cancer care in conflict settings and calls for a re-evaluation of aid delivery models to better serve the needs of chronic disease patients. The findings suggest a need for multi-sectoral collaboration and a systemic approach to improve the overall effectiveness of humanitarian assistance in such contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: As crises escalate worldwide, there is an increasing demand for innovative solutions to enhance humanitarian outcomes. Within this landscape, digital health tools have emerged as promising solutions to tackle certain health challenges. The integration of digital health tools within the international humanitarian system provides an opportunity to reflect upon the system\'s paternalistic tendencies, driven largely by Global North organisations, that perpetuate existing inequities in the Global South, where the majority of crises occur. The Participation Revolution, a fundamental pillar of the Localisation Agenda, seeks to address these inequities by advocating for greater participation from crisis-affected people in response efforts. Despite being widely accepted as a best practice; a gap remains between the rhetoric and practice of participation in humanitarian response efforts. This study explores the extent and nature of participatory action within contemporary humanitarian digital health projects, highlighting participatory barriers and tensions and offering potential solutions to bridge the participation gap to enhance transformative change in humanitarian response efforts.
    METHODS: Sixteen qualitative interviews were conducted with humanitarian health practitioners and experts to retrospectively explored participatory practices within their digital health projects. The interviews were structured and analysed according to the Localisation Performance Measurement Framework\'s participation indicators and thematically, following the Framework Method. The study was guided by the COREQ checklist for quality reporting.
    RESULTS: Varied participatory formats, including focus groups and interviews, demonstrated modest progress towards participation indicators. However, the extent of influence and power held by crisis-affected people during participation remained limited in terms of breadth and depth. Participatory barriers emerged under four key themes: project processes, health evidence, technology infrastructure and the crisis context. Lessons for leveraging participatory digital health humanitarian interventions were conducting thorough pre-project assessments and maintaining engagement with crisis-affected populations throughout and after humanitarian action.
    CONCLUSIONS: The emerging barriers were instrumental in shaping the limited participatory reality and have implications: Failing to engage crisis-affected people risks perpetuating inequalities and causing harm. To advance the Participation Revolution for humanitarian digital health response efforts, the major participatory barriers should be addressed to improve humanitarian efficiency and digital health efficacy and uphold the rights of crisis-affected people.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic posed considerable risks to populations affected by humanitarian crises in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, there is limited understanding of how the pandemic may have affected non-COVID health outcomes among crisis-affected populations. Our aim was to examine the evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on non-COVID-19 health outcomes for crisis-affected populations in LMICs.
    METHODS: A systematic review methodology was applied following PRISMA guidelines. Eligibility criteria were: crisis-affected populations in LMICS; COVID-19; and all health topics, except for sexual and reproductive health which was covered in a linked review. Five bibliographic databases and additional grey literature sources were searched. The search period was from 2019 to 31 July 2022. Eligible papers were extracted and analysed using a narrative synthesis approach based on the study objectives and relevant health access and systems frameworks. A quality appraisal was also conducted.
    RESULTS: 4320 articles were screened, and 15 eligible studies were identified and included in this review. Ten studies collected health outcomes data. Eight related to mental health, which generally showed worse mental health outcomes because of the pandemic, and pandemic-related stressors were identified. Two studies assessed physical health outcomes in children, while none addressed physical health outcomes among adults. Nine studies reported on access to healthcare, revealing worse access levels due to the pandemic and noting key barriers to care. Seven studies reported on the impact on health systems, with key challenges including reduced and distorted health care funding, reduced staff capacity, interrupted medicines and supplies, weak information and mixed-messaging, and weak leadership. All fifteen studies on the social determinants of health, particularly highlighting the effect of increasing poverty, the role of gender, and food insecurity on health outcomes. The quality of papers was limited overall.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review found some limited evidence indicating negative mental health effects, increased barriers to accessing care, damage to health systems and magnified impacts on the social determinants of health for crisis-affected people during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the small number and limited quality of the studies make the overall strength of evidence quite weak.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This field report presents the planning and execution of a large-scale aeromedical refugee retrieval operation amid the on-going Russia-Ukraine crisis. The retrieval was coordinated by the Italian Department of Civil Protection and led by the Centrale Remota Operazioni Soccorso Sanitario (CROSS), a governmental facility overseeing medical assistance. An Airbus A320 was chosen for its capacity of 165 passengers, with one emergency stretcher maintaining maximum seating. The aircraft was equipped with an Advanced Life Support kit, and specific considerations for medical equipment compliance were made. Special cases, including patients with on-going chemotherapy and end-stage kidney disease, underwent fit-to-fly screening. The boarding process in Lublin, Poland involved triage and arrangements for passengers with gastroenteric symptoms. Notably, 22 passengers with recent episodes of illness were isolated. The successful operation, demonstrating the viability of evacuating vulnerable individuals via commercial airlines, underscores the importance of precise planning and coordination in crisis situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Taliban takeover in August 2021 ended a decades-long conflict in Afghanistan. Yet, along with improved security, there have been collateral changes, such as the exacerbation of the economic crisis and brain drain. Although these changes have altered the lives of Afghans in many ways, it is unclear whether they have affected access to care. This study aimed to analyse Afghans\' access to care and how this access has changed after August 2021.
    METHODS: The study relied on the collaboration with the non-governmental organisation EMERGENCY, running a network of three hospitals and 41 First Aid Posts in 10 Afghan provinces. A 67-item questionnaire about access to care changes after August 2021 was developed and disseminated at EMERGENCY facilities. Ordinal logistic regression was used to evaluate whether access to care changes were associated with participants\' characteristics.
    RESULTS: In total, 1807 valid responses were returned. Most respondents (54.34%) reported improved security when visiting healthcare facilities, while the ability to reach facilities has remained stable for the majority of them (50.28%). Care is less affordable for the majority of respondents (45.82%). Female respondents, those who are unmarried and not engaged, and patients in the Panjshir province were less likely to perceive improvements in access to care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings outline which dimensions of access to care need resource allocation. The inability to pay for care is the most relevant barrier to access care after August 2021 and must therefore be prioritised. Women and people from the Panjshir province may require ad hoc interventions to improve their access to care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In line with the peer reviewers comments, the authors have added highlights in stead of an abstract. It was felt that it was better able to capture the findings and is more in line with the paper\'s target audience.





