history of surgery

  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    In 2023, it was 130 years since the opening of the Alexander Surgical Hospital at the Tauride Provincial Zemstvo Hospital, where many talented doctors worked. This authors present new facts about outstanding surgeon who worked in Simferopol at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Alexander Fedorovich Kablukov (1857-1915). He was a founder of surgical school in the Tauride province, who first described cholecystectomy In Russian-language literature. The report covers in detail famous surgery restored thanks to pre-revolutionary sources. Excerpts from other little-known reports of surgeon related to the treatment of gallbladder and biliary diseases are also presented.
    В 2023 г. исполнилось 130 лет со дня открытия Александровской хирургической образцовой лечебницы при Таврической губернской земской больнице, в которой трудились многие талантливые врачи. Данная статья раскрывает новые факты о деятельности одного из них — выдающегося хирурга, работавшего в Симферополе на рубеже XIX—XX веков, Александра Федоровича Каблукова (1857—1915), ученика Н.В. Склифосовского и Н.Н. Бетлинга, основателя хирургической школы в Таврической губернии, которому принадлежит первое печатное описание операции холецистэктомии в русскоязычной хирургической литературе. В работе подробно освещается ход знаменитой операции Каблукова, восстановленный благодаря дореволюционным источникам. Представлены и отрывки из других, доселе малоизвестных, докладов хирурга, связанных с лечением заболеваний желчного пузыря и желчевыводящих путей.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The authors discuss the contribution of the outstanding Simferopol surgeon Alexander Fedorovich Kablukov to development of surgery in the Taurida gubernia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. To date, there is no detailed information about his biography in the literature. The only fact associated with this surgeon is his famous surgery, i.e. the first cholecystectomy described in detail in national literature. Considering pre-revolutionary sources and archival documents, we established that A.F. Kablukov contributed to the new quality level of surgical treatment in the Taurida gubernatorial hospital (the largest hospital in this gubernia).
    Статья освещает вклад выдающегося симферопольского хирурга Александра Федоровича Каблукова в развитие хирургии Таврической губернии в конце XIX — начале XX веков. На сегодняшний день в научной медицинской и краеведческой литературе отсутствуют подробные сведения о его биографии. Единственный упоминаемый факт о нем связан с его знаменитой операцией — первой подробно описанной в русской хирургической литературе холецистэктомией. На основании дореволюционных источников и архивных документов удалось установить, что именно благодаря А.Ф. Каблукову хирургическое лечение в Таврической губернской земской больнице (крупнейшем лечебном учреждении губернии) перешло на новый качественный уровень.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Joseph Lister\'s (1827-1912) use of carbolic acid to prevent wound infection in open fractures of the extremities (1865) provided a basic science rationale for the practice of surgery. His series of 11 patients included 4 children, aged 7 to 13. Children, today known to better survive a given injury when compared with adults, may have biased his results in favor of survival, and led him to conclude that his method of carbolic-soaked dressing changes prevented fatal wound sepsis. His success with antisepsis may have been less a testament to his application of germ theory to surgery than to the physiological resilience of his young patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate the safety and efficacy of laparoscopic anatomical left hemihepatectomy guided by the middle hepatic vein (MHV) for the treatment of patients with hepatolithiasis who had a history of upper abdominal surgery.
    Retrospective data analysis was performed on patients who underwent laparoscopic left hepatectomy for hepatolithiasis and with previous upper abdominal surgery at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University from January 2018 to April 2022. According to the different surgical approaches, patients were divided into laparoscopic anatomical left hepatectomy guided by the MHV group (MHV-AH group) and laparoscopic traditional anatomical left hepatectomy not guided by the MHV group (non-MHV-AH group).
    This study included 81 patients, with 37 and 44 patients in the MHV-AH and non-MHV-AH groups, respectively. There was no significant difference in the basic information between the two groups. Five cases were converted to laparotomy, and the remaining were successfully completed under laparoscopy. Compared to the non-MHV-AH group, the MHV-AH group had a slightly longer operation time (319.30 min vs 273.93 min, P = 0.032), lower bile leakage rate (5.4% vs 20.5%, P = 0.047), stone residual rate (2.7% vs 20.5%, P = 0.015), stone recurrence rate (5.4% vs 22.7%, P = 0.028), and cholangitis recurrence rate (2.7% vs 22.7%, P = 0.008).There were no significant differences in the results of other observation indices between the groups.
    Laparoscopic anatomical left hepatectomy guided by the MHV is safe and effective in the treatment of left hepatolithiasis with a history of upper abdominal surgery. It does not increase intraoperative bleeding and reduces the risk of postoperative bile leakage, residual stones, stone recurrence, and cholangitis recurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The history of the research arm of the Congenital Heart Surgeons\' Society (CHSS) through 2017 was contained within two prior publications that covered CHSS history in general. The present article is the first to focus explicitly on the research enterprise, with emphasis on the period 2018 to 2023. During this time, the challenges of continuing to build multiple cohorts with lifelong follow-up and to transform the enterprise to a premiere research organization became manifest. Although continuing its commitment to produce impactful research results and to educate the Kirklin/Ashburn Fellow, the research team devoted considerable effort to defining the problems of cohort relevance, workflow, data management, long-term patient follow-up, CHSS member engagement, and the regulatory burden. The team wrote a proposal outlining ways to solve the challenges. A major change from a single-institution \"Data Center\" to a two-institution Center for Research & Quality (CRQ) was made, assuring increased faculty members and resources. The proposed changes to structure and process began execution in mid-2022. A second Kirklin/Ashburn Fellowship position was created. Between 2018 and 2022, the CRQ produced 17 publications and launched five new research initiatives. This article chronicles the exciting five-year period in which the CHSS research enterprise began a transformation with the intent to become the premiere research organization in the world in the specialty of congenital cardiac surgery.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    John Hunter is rightly ranks with such most famous researchers and physicians as Galen, William Harvey and Andreas Vesalius. His role as the founder of the \"experimental surgery\" of the New Age and the creator of the famous Hunterian Medical Museum in London is significant for the history of medicine. His contribution into development of dentistry is incontestable. His work \"The Natural history of human teeth: an explanation of their structure, use, formation, growth and diseases\" (1771) was translated into many languages, but it was never published in Russian. The accuracy of description of the anatomy of teeth, jaws and mouth cavity, the view? contemporary for us, of development of the jaws and their relationship with the masseters, the introduction of such terms as \"canines\", \"incisors\" and \"anterior molars\" into scientific circulation and everyday practice of dentists, the illustrations excellent by their quality and accuracy - all this is John Hunter. His works predetermined path of development of many medical directions, giving food for thought to his followers and disciples. The article reveals the facts of his biography, demonstrates significance of contribution of John Hunter into medicine in his works on anatomy, surgery, natural history of dentistry and stomatology.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The authors describe a history of surgical congresses in the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation from the I Congress of Russian Surgeons held on December 28-30, 1900 in Moscow in the building of the Moscow Meeting of Doctors to the XLVIII (XIV) Congress of Surgeons of Russia held on November 25-27, 2022 in Moscow in the hotel «Cosmos». The time and place of congresses, as well as chairmen are named. The main issues are listed. Scientific issues of congresses between 1900 and 1986 are summarized in tables. The authors present a brief history of Russian surgical societies including the current Russian Society of Surgeons. Surgical forums of the 21st century are considered in detail (Congresses of Surgeons of Russia, National Surgical Congresses, All-Russian Surgical Forums). Finally, the authors came to conclusion that 55 surgical forums have been held in Russia for more than 120 years. Surgeons presented all aspects of surgery in Russia. Their issues are essentially the history of Russian surgery, and their works are sources for analysis of the past and present of Russian surgery.
    В статье описана краткая история хирургических съездов Российской империи, СССР и Российской Федерации с I Съезда российских хирургов, прошедшего 28—30 декабря 1900 г. в Москве в здании Московского собрания врачей, до XLVIII (XIV) Съезда хирургов России, состоявшегося 25—27 ноября 2022 г. в Москве в гостинице «Космос». Названы время и место проведения съездов, их председатели, перечислены основные (программные) вопросы. Научные темы съездов с 1900 по 1986 г. сведены в таблицы. Изложена краткая история хирургических обществ России, включая нынешнее Российское общество хирургов. Детально рассмотрены хирургические форумы XXI века: Съезды хирургов России, Национальные хирургические конгрессы, Общероссийские хирургические форумы. В результате авторы пришли к выводу, что за более чем 120 лет в России было проведено 55 хирургических форумов, осветивших все стороны «хирургического дела» в России. Их тематика является по сути дела историей русской хирургии, а их труды — источниками для изучения прошлого и настоящего хирургии России для того, чтобы с оптимизмом смотреть в ее будущее.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The article reviews the history of inguinal hernia surgery. At various times, different procedures and diverse materials were used for hernia repair. However, the effectiveness and safety of inguinal hernia repair emerged only after the anatomic features of the inguinal region had been elucidated in a monograph by Henri Fruchaud \"Anatomie des hernies de l\'aine\" published in 1956. The Italian surgeon Edoardo Bassini began a new era in herniology. For a longtime, his classic procedure with its modifications was the most popular in surgical practice. In 1959, Lloyd M. Nyhus proposed inguinal hernia repair according to the concept of the pre-abdominal (posterior) approach that later became the basis for developing the transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP). In 1992, M. Arregui performed the first ТАРР using a prolene mesh. In 1986, Irving Lichtenstein proposed the concept of \"tension-free repair\". Basing on his concept, Lichtenstein described an open technique of inguinal hernia repair, which now bears his name and is popular in surgical practice. In 1993, the term \"extraperitoneal hernia repair\" first appeared in an article by Edward H. Phillips. However, J. Dulucq developed the modern ТЕР technique. Currently, three tension-free inguinal hernia repairs (TAPP, ТЕР and Lichtenstein procedure) and one tension inguinal hernia repair (Shouldice procedure) dominate in inguinal hernia surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The descent of the testis and the development of an inguinal hernia were the earliest published scientific work by John Hunter, the Scottish surgeon and anatomist who is acknowledged as the father of scientific surgery. Hunter\'s anatomic descriptions are the ones we use today to describe the prenatal descent of the testis and to explain the pathogenesis of an undescended testis and inguinal hernia in infancy. His work appeared in print in 1762, not as a formal publication but as an addendum to a screed written by his older brother William publicly accusing Percival Pott of pirating John\'s observations on the pathogenesis of an inguinal hernia and publishing them as his own, an early example of scientific rivalry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In just over 100 years, surgical education in the United States has evolved from a disorganized practice to a refined system esteemed worldwide as one of the premier models for the training of physicians and surgeons. But in the changing environment of health care, new challenges have arisen that could warrant a reform. To design our future, we must understand our past. The present work is not intended to be a comprehensive account of the history of American surgery. Instead, it tells the abridged history of surgical education in our country: the evolution from apprenticeships to residencies; the birth of hospital-based teaching; the impact of key historical events on training; the marks left by some preeminent characters; the conception of regulatory entities that steer our education; and, finally, how our process of training surgeons might need to be refined for the continued progress of our profession. Told in chronological order in a manner that will be memorable to readers, this story weaves together the key events that explain how our current surgical training models came to be. We conclude with a timely invitation to draw from these past lessons to redesign the future of graduate medical education, making a case for the transition to time-variable, competency-based medical education for surgical residency programs in America.





