
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Uveitis, as an extra-articular presentation, is found in 23% of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and is a challenging disease to treat.
    UNASSIGNED: The authors presented a 32-year-old male to the out-hospital, complaining of recurrent anterior uveitis 8 years earlier in his left eye, and suffered from inflammatory lumber pain for 2 years. So a diagnosis of AS after the failure of many therapeutic strategies, 50 mg /month subcutaneous Golimumab was started with clinical remission of AS and uveitis.
    UNASSIGNED: The American College of Rheumatology recommends the use of etanercept and adalimumab in the treatment of recurrent uveitis in AS patients. Similarly, the European League Against Rheumatism recommended using Infliximab, Adalimumab, or Certolizumab to prevent the recurrence of uveitis recurrence. Till now, a case about treating refractory uveitis with Golimumab in AS patients was published.
    UNASSIGNED: Golimumab was found to be effective in the treatment of uveitis associated with spondyloarthritis refractory at least one immunosuppressive drug.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) secondary to Histoplasma capsulatum is rare, impacting <1% globally, with a mortality rate of up to 31%. Herein, we present a rare case of HLH secondary to H capsulatum, affecting a 57-year-old female with rheumatoid arthritis. Extensive investigations were unrevealing and despite broad-spectrum antibiotics, her condition worsened, leading to respiratory failure requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support, shock requiring multiple vasopressors, and acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring hemodialysis. Diagnosis confirmed disseminated histoplasmosis (DHP), prompting Amphotericin B and methylprednisolone treatment, resulting in significant improvement and discharge with posaconazole therapy. Secondary HLH, primarily arising from severe infections like DHP, is discussed. Limited research exists on this condition in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seronegative individuals. Diagnosis involves HLH-2004 and HScore criteria. Managing histoplasmosis-associated HLH remains challenging due to multiorgan failure risks and treatment complexities and needs further research.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here, we report a case of an 87-year-old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with methotrexate (MTX) and golimumab who developed severe pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), also known as Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia. The patient presented with chief complaints of dyspnea on exertion, dry cough, and fatigue. A high-resolution chest CT scan revealed diffuse, unevenly distributed ground-glass opacities throughout both lungs. The patient was clinically diagnosed with PCP based on the clinical settings, imaging, and a high level of serum β-D-glucan. While the patient required high-flow oxygen therapy, low-dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and corticosteroid therapy improved her condition, and the patient was discharged on day 25. Although to our knowledge no case report has been published regarding PCP in patients with RA treated with golimumab, this case emphasizes the importance of attention to opportunistic infections in elderly patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. MTX use alongside tumor necrosis factor inhibitors like golimumab may increase the risk of serious infections such as PCP. The case underscores the necessity of prophylactic measures and early intervention for PCP, highlighting the delicate balance between immunosuppression benefits and infection risks in RA management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 51-year-old Japanese man was diagnosed with left-sided ulcerative colitis (UC) at age 41. He was treated with mesalazine and azathioprine and maintained remission. At age 51, the patient developed bloody stools, abdominal pain, scleritis, arthritis, cough, bloody sputum, and pericardial effusion. Considering that pericardial effusion is an atypical extraintestinal complication of UC, and the patient met the diagnostic criteria for relapsing polychondritis (RP), a diagnosis of RP complicating a relapse of UC was made. Steroid therapy was administered, and both diseases improved. Golimumab, an anti-tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor, was introduced as maintenance therapy for UC. All symptoms, including pericardial effusion, improved. Subsequently, no relapse of UC or RP was observed. As only a few cases of RP overlapping with UC have been reported and no treatment protocol has been established, we considered this case valuable and worthy of publication.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a neurotoxic state which is characterized by seizures, headache, visual disturbances, paresis, and altered mental status. Golimumab is anti-tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor (anti-TNF-α) that can be used in the treatment of rheumatologic diseases. Here, we present a patient who had developed PRES after golimumab treatment for ankylosing spondylitis (AS). A 45-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency service with a newly onset severe headache, loss of vision in both eyes, and two generalized tonic-clonic seizures that lasted for 3 to 4 min. The patient had the diagnoses of AS for 12 years and hypertension for 3 years and receiving golimumab and carvedilol. The patient was diagnosed with PRES based on the current clinical and diffusion cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. On suspicion of being the trigger of this situation, golimumab was stopped. After starting anti-convulsant therapy and controlling blood pressure, the neurological findings recovered rapidly and no seizures were seen. Control MRI images, in the first month\'s visit, were normal. Although chemotherapeutic agents are well-known causes of PRES, there are few reported cases with anti-TNF-α agents in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first case that developed PRES after golimumab. Demyelinating diseases are the most frightening neurologic complication of anti-TNF-α treatment; however, PRES should come to mind in patients presenting with neurological symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Erythema nodosum (EN) is a self-limited septal panniculitis that presents with fever, arthralgia, and arthritis. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitor such as golimumab has been found to treat EN in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). We herein report the paradoxical occurrence of EN following golimumab for ankylosing spondylitis.
    UNASSIGNED: A 34-year-old female presented in June 2022 with a complaint of \'sores\' on her feet that intermittently presented for approximately 5 months but that had worsened dramatically in the last 24 h. The patient had an 8-year history of ankylosing spondylitis for 7 years. Subcutaneous golimumab was administered every 4 weeks as she had not responded to other treatments. Twenty-four hours after the fifth subcutaneous injection, painful, erythematous nodules appeared, histologically compatible with EN. Despite this side effect, we continue therapy due to the good response and efficacy.
    UNASSIGNED: Skin reactions were associated with the treatment with golimumab, including warm tender skin around the injection site, eruptions, itchiness, and sometimes a full-body rash. Golimumab was successfully used in treating EN in Crohn\'s disease. Because our patient continued on golimumab, the temporal association of EN flares with therapeutic injection and the lack of any etiology support a direct causal relationship between EN and golimumab treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: TNF-α inhibitors are useful in treating Crohn\'s disease patients with EN, although it may present as an adverse effect of this treatment. Further work is needed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Although central nervous system demyelinating lesions as a side effect of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors have been reported, this treatment is still used in some autoimmune diseases.
    UNASSIGNED: A 34-year-old Syrian male presented with difficulty walking and tingling, and numbness on the left side of his body over the next 4 days, during golimumab treatment. Over the past 2 months, fatigue, recurrent calf spasms, and extremity numbness were found. Sense disturbance and hyper-reflexes of the lower extremities were found on neurological examination. MRI demonstrated variant demyelinating lesions. Steroid therapy was initiated, and golimumab was discontinued, with good outcomes as the symptoms have disappeared.
    UNASSIGNED: The incidence of demyelination following anti-TNF therapy is uncommon. Most studies have reported that the average time between the anti-TNFα inhibitor treatment and the demyelinating lesion presence is from 5 months to 4 years, and these lesions may appear even after the cessation of the anti-TNFα inhibitor; meanwhile, a total cure of the symptoms after treatment cessation happened in our case, which suggests a causal relation, although a temporal relationship, in this case, cannot be established. The authors believe that golimumab plays a role in the demyelinating lesions development, although it may be a clinical manifestation during the course of Behcet\'s disease.
    UNASSIGNED: Caution should be taken for the side effects of Golimumab treatment, such as demyelinating lesions, and long-term monitoring of patients with Bechet disease is required.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Ulcerative colitis is an immune-mediated disease that carries challenges in pediatrics since it\'s frequently severe and extensive. Current pediatric ulcerative colitis guidelines offer a weak recommendation regarding the usage and the dosage of golimumab in low-weight children. We present a case of an off-label, unrecommended dose of subcutaneous golimumab to treat low-weight chronic active ulcerative colitis child.
    UNASSIGNED: A 10-year-old Syrian girl, anti-TNF naïve, chronically active ulcerative colitis was weighs 25 kg, standing 142 cm tall, body surface area (BSA) of 0.993 m2, past medications included oral prednisone and mesalamine, no prior surgery. We used golimumab 200 mg, 100 mg at weeks 0, 2 as induction, then 50 mg every four weeks for about two years.
    UNASSIGNED: The recommendation regarding the use of subcutaneous golimumab in pediatrics is weak since is based on an open-label pharmacokinetics cohort. It is available in 100 mg/1 ml, 50 mg/0.5 ml as a smart SmartJect, or in 45 mg/0.45 ml in VarioJect which provides golimumab from 10 mg to 45 mg in increments of 5 mg/0.05 ml. Golimumab Varioject is in short supply, and unavailable in several regions including Syria. The recommended golimumab maintenance dose always requires two injectors, which adds another burden.
    UNASSIGNED: This case demonstrated that golimumab 200 mg, 100 mg at week 0, 2 as an induction then 50 mg every four weeks was efficacious and safe in<45 kg children, there were no side effects or adverse events during two years therapy period.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background and Objectives: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a condition that affects 0.1% to 0.5% of the adult population. The aim of this case report was to investigate the possible effects of the drugs taken for treatment of AS as well as mRNA vaccination for COVID-19 on semen quality by performing a highly detailed analysis. Materials and Methods: Sperm characteristics were examined by light microscopy, DNA fragmentation (DFI) was analysed by flow cytometry and morphology was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Semen analysis under therapy with (1) celecoxib and sulphasalazine showed: concentration 47 million/mL, 53% progressive motility, 7% normal morphology and 9.6% DFI, (2) Golimumab and before mRNA Vaccination showed: concentration 108 million/mL, 82% progressive motility, 1% normal morphology and 7.6% DFI, and (3) Golimumab and after 3 doses of mRNA Vaccination showed: concentration 142 million/mL, 85% progressive motility, 1% normal morphology and 6.8% DFI. TEM revealed head, neck and tail abnormalities, as well as the presence of cells with incomplete spermiogenesis white cells and phagocytes in the sample under therapy with celecoxib and sulphasalazine. Golimumab treatment lead to an increased incidence of elongated heads but in general reduced inflammation as no white cells were evident in TEM. Conclusion: The anti-inflamatory drugs celecoxib and sulphasalazine had no adverse effect on sperm quality as all parameters were within normal limits and the patient achieved under that treatment 2 pregnancies following natural conception that lead to the birth of a healthy boy and girl respectively. Anti-TNFa treatment with Golimumab exerted a negative effect on morphology but not on concentration, motility and DFI. After 3 doses of mRNA Vaccination, sperm concentration increased while motility, morphology and DFI remained similar to the values before vaccination suggesting no negative effect of the mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 on sperm quality.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies suggest an inverse association between H. pylori infection/exposure and inflammatory bowel disease prevalence/incidence, however, there are no reports of individual patients who developed a \"non-transient\" ulcerative colitis (UC) following H. pylori eradication.
    METHODS: We report a case of a 72-year-old female with an elderly-onset UC developed upon H. pylori eradication and a 3-year follow-up of the progression to steroid-dependent colitis complicated with enteropathic arthritis and final containment of the disease with golimumab. In our patient, H. pylori eradication was associated with the development of pancolitis that evolved into clinically, endoscopically, and pathohistologically confirmed UC.
    CONCLUSIONS: The case of our patient provides a unique clinical context for a growing body of literature suggesting molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction of genes, environment, and microbiota to be of critical importance in the etiopathogenesis of UC, and thus, provides a valuable set of complementary translational information for preclinical and epidemiological research on the topic.






