functional magnetic resonance imaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Structural and functional abnormalities in the cortical-striatal network (CSN) are hypothesised to play a key role in the pathogenesis of neurological disease-associated fatigue. Some small-scale functional MRI (fMRI) studies have suggested that poststroke fatigue (PSF) is related to focal functional connectivity (FC) changes. To date, there has been no published large-scale fMRI study on PSF. This planned study will examine the role of the CSN FC on PSF.
    METHODS: The planned study will be a prospective cohort study conducted at the Neurology Unit of the Prince of Wales Hospital. We will recruit 738 participants. The project duration will be 36 months. A psychiatrist will administer the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) at 3 months (P1) following the index stroke. PSF is defined as an FSS Score≥4.0. PSF severity will be defined by the FSS total score at P1. Participants with PSF at P1 will undergo two follow-up assessments at 9 (P2) and 15 (P3) months post stroke. PSF remission at P2 or P3 will be defined as a 50% reduction in FSS. Participants will undergo MRI examinations within 2 weeks of the 3-month poststroke assessment. Structural MRI, resting-state fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging will be performed. FC, structural connectivity, infarcts, cerebral microbleeds and white matter hyperintensities will be analysed. For the primary analysis, the effect of PSF on the FC, structural connectivity and diffusion metrics of CSN of stroke survivors, voxel-wise two-sample t-tests will be performed with FDR correction for multiple comparison and significance level set at p<0.05.
    BACKGROUND: Ethical approval was obtained from the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster clinical research ethics committee. The study findings will be shared through peer-reviewed journal publications, national and international conferences and social media platforms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brain networks involved in language, attentional and response processes are detectable by fMRI during lexical decision (LD). Here, we investigated possible abnormalities in the functional networks involved in LD in patients with bipolar disorder (BD).
    METHODS: fMRI and behavioural data were compared between BD (n = 25) and control (n = 21), with groups matched for age and sex. The functional brain networks involved in LD were extracted by manipulating the \"word-likeness\" of LD stimuli and using a multidimensional analysis method.
    RESULTS: Attentional, response and language processes were captured in separate function-specific brain networks (default mode network, response network, linguistic processing network, respectively) in the BD and control groups, replicating the results of our previous study in an independent group of healthy adults. Behaviourally, the BD group showed higher performance than the control group in the LD task. Activity in the default mode network (DMN) and the linguistic processing network (LPN) did not differ between the groups, but the BD group had higher activation than the control group in the response network (RESP).
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to the small sample, the study is underpowered, capable of only detecting large effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that BD may be associated with sustained activity in the RESP network, which might contribute to psychomotor dysfunction in BD. Future studies should investigate the possible link between altered RESP activation and psychomotor disturbances in BD, as well as the basis for altered RESP activity in BD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychiatric disorders encompass complex aberrations of cognition and affect and are among the most debilitating and poorly understood of any medical condition. Current treatments rely primarily on interventions that target brain function (drugs) or learning processes (psychotherapy). A mechanistic understanding of how these interventions mediate their therapeutic effects remains elusive. From the early 1990s, non-invasive functional neuroimaging, coupled with parallel developments in the cognitive neurosciences, seemed to signal a new era of neurobiologically grounded diagnosis and treatment in psychiatry. Yet, despite three decades of intense neuroimaging research, we still lack a neurobiological account for any psychiatric condition. Likewise, functional neuroimaging plays no role in clinical decision making. Here, we offer a critical commentary on this impasse and suggest how the field might fare better and deliver impactful neurobiological insights.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Concomitant anterior urethral valve and diverticulum (AUVD) and posterior urethral valve (PUV) is an extremely uncommon congenital anomaly that causes infra-vesical obstruction. We present our experience with one case of concomitant AUVD and PUV as well as the related literature review. Early diagnosis and successful management of these anomalies can improve renal function and prevents recurrent urinary tract infections and subsequent renal failure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Seeing with the mind\'s eye\" and \"hearing with the mind\'s ear\" are two common indicators of musical imagery, and they can be referred to as \"visual\" and \"auditory\" musical imagery. However, a question remains open, that is, whether visual and auditory imagery of the same musical composition share the same neural mechanisms. Moreover, how can neural mechanisms guarantee the temporal flow of \"musical imagery\"? To answer these questions, we report here a preliminary single case study using functional magnetic resonance imaging with an eminent composer who imagined one of his compositions in two states of mind as compared to his resting-state activity. In the visual imagery condition, he imagined visually the score of his composition in a continuous way. In the auditory imagery condition, he imagined auditorily the same musical composition with pauses. In spite of the modality and temporal differences, the two types of mental imagery showed similar temporal durations for the same musical composition. However, different patterns of neural activation were observed for visual and auditory imagery with one important exception, that is, a common activation pattern was observed in the left medial temporal gyrus in both visual and auditory imagery. We speculate that the left medial temporal gyrus may play an important role in the creation of apparent temporal continuity in musical imagery and perhaps even in conscious information processing in general.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: Long-term survivors of whole brain radiation (WBRT) are at significant risk for developing cognitive deficits, but knowledge about the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms is limited. Therefore, we here report a rare case with a singular brain metastasis treated by resection and WBRT that survived for more than 10 years where we investigated the integrity of brain networks using resting-state functional MRI. Methods: A female patient with a left frontal non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) brain metastasis had resection and postoperative WBRT (30.0 in 3.0 Gy fractions) and stayed free from brain metastasis recurrence for a follow-up period of 11 years. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and amino acid [O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine] positron emission tomography (FET PET) were repeatedly acquired. At the last follow up, neurocognitive functions and resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) using resting-state fMRI were assessed. Within-network and inter-network connectivity of seven resting-state networks were computed from a connectivity matrix. All measures were compared to a matched group of 10 female healthy subjects. Results: At the 11-year follow-up, T2/FLAIR MR images of the patient showed extended regions of hyper-intensities covering mainly the white mater of the bilateral dorsal frontal and parietal lobes while sparing most of the temporal lobes. Compared to the healthy subjects, the patient performed significantly worse in all cognitive domains that included executive functions, attention and processing speed, while verbal working memory, verbal episodic memory, and visual working memory were left mostly unaffected. The connectivity matrix showed a heavily disturbed pattern with a widely distributed, scattered loss of RSFC. The within-network RSFC revealed a significant loss of connectivity within all seven networks where the dorsal attention and fronto-parietal control networks were affected most severely. The inter-network RSFC was significantly reduced for the visual, somato-motor, and dorsal and ventral attention networks. Conclusion: As demonstrated here in a patient with a metastatic NSCLC and long-term survival, WBRT may lead to extended white matter damage and cause severe disruption of the RSFC in multiple resting state networks. In consequence, executive functioning which is assumed to depend on the interaction of several networks may be severely impaired following WBRT apart from the well-recognized deficits in memory function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sclerosis is associated with structural and functional brain alterations leading to cognitive impairments across multiple domains including attention, memory, and the speed of information processing. The hippocampus, which is a brain important structure involved in memory, undergoes microstructural changes in the early stage of multiple sclerosis. In this study, we analyzed hippocampal function and structure in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and explored correlations between the functional connectivity of the hippocampus to the whole brain, changes in local brain function and microstructure, and cognitive function at rest. We retrospectively analyzed data from 20 relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients admitted to the Department of Neurology at the China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University, China, from April 2015 to November 2019. Sixteen healthy volunteers were recruited as the healthy control group. All participants were evaluated using a scale of extended disability status and the Montreal cognitive assessment within 1 week before and after head diffusion tensor imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Compared with the healthy control group, the patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis had lower Montreal cognitive assessment scores and regions of simultaneously enhanced and attenuated whole-brain functional connectivity and local functional connectivity in the bilateral hippocampus. Hippocampal diffusion tensor imaging data showed that, compared with the healthy control group, patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis had lower hippocampal fractional anisotropy values and higher mean diffusivity values, suggesting abnormal hippocampal structure. The left hippocampus whole-brain functional connectivity was negatively correlated with the Montreal cognitive assessment score (r = -0.698, P = 0.025), and whole-brain functional connectivity of the right hippocampus was negatively correlated with extended disability status scale score (r = -0.649, P = 0.042). The mean diffusivity value of the left hippocampus was negatively correlated with the Montreal cognitive assessment score (r = -0.729, P = 0.017) and positively correlated with the extended disability status scale score (r = 0.653, P = 0.041). The right hippocampal mean diffusivity value was positively correlated with the extended disability status scale score (r = 0.684, P = 0.029). These data suggest that the functional connectivity and presence of structural abnormalities in the hippocampus in patients with relapse-remission multiple sclerosis are correlated with the degree of cognitive function and extent of disability. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University, China (approval No. 201702202) on February 22, 2017.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has been shown to effectively improve impaired swallowing in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) patients with dysphagia. However, little is known about how rTMS affects the corresponding brain regions in this patient group. In this case-control study, we examined data from 38 PD patients with dysphagia who received treatment at Beijing Rehabilitation Medicine Academy, Capital Medical University. The patients received high-frequency rTMS of the motor cortex once per day for 10 successive days. Changes in brain activation were compared via functional magnetic resonance imaging in PD patients with dysphagia and healthy controls. The results revealed that before treatment, PD patients with dysphagia showed greater activation in the precentral gyrus, supplementary motor area, and cerebellum compared with healthy controls, and this enhanced activation was weakened after treatment. Furthermore, before treatment, PD patients with dysphagia exhibited decreased activation in the parahippocampal gyrus, caudate nucleus, and left thalamus compared with healthy controls, and this activation increased after treatment. In addition, PD patients with dysphagia reported improved subjective swallowing sensations after rTMS. These findings suggest that swallowing function in PD patients with dysphagia improved after rTMS of the motor cortex. This may have been due to enhanced activation of the caudate nucleus and parahippocampal gyrus. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital of Capital Medical University (approval No. 2018bkky017) on March 6, 2018 and was registered with Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (registration No. ChiCTR 1800017207) on July 18, 2018.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS) is characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia, compulsive hyperphagia, disinhibition, hypersexuality and self modifications. To investigate the Self, we used afunctional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm evaluating Self-reference processing (SRP) and Self-reference effect (SRE) in a17-year-old male adolescent at the end of an episode. We observed enhanced activations in right hemisphere and posterior areas- associated with physical Self representations- during the SRP condition, while during the SRE condition, enhanced activations in bilateral but prevailing left frontal areas- associated with the conceptual Self. These results suggest amodified Self during aKLS episode being more physically grounded.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present report presents a rare case in which a patient with pituitary apoplexy (PA) without compression of the optic chiasm experienced diagnosable visual impairment in the ensuing months. Endocrinologically, the condition was a prolactinoma followed by bleeding into the pituitary gland. Due to the unexplained functional changes in the patient, an electrophysiological examination (pattern electroretinogram and pattern visual evoked potentials) was performed, which verified a bilateral non-inflammatory neurogenic lesion. This finding was confirmed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) examination. Structural MRI did not reveal chiasm compression in the time sequence or alteration of the optic nerves (the diameter of the optic nerve at different distances from the eye and the diameter of the optic nerve sheath at different distances from the eye). Similarly, neither the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) nor the vessel density was altered. The present report suggests that changes in visual fields may be due to ischemia in the area of the chiasm and optic nerves, similar to PA.





