
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Midline diastemas are one of the most prevalent dental malocclusions. In young adults this may create aesthetics problems, especially in individuals marked by a gap between central incisors higher than 4 mm. This case report demonstrates the treatment of a patient with Angle\'s Class I malocclusion and midline diastema with the M-spring appliance resulting in complete closure within four months. The case included a frenectomy for correction of the abnormal labial frenal attachment followed by an M-spring orthodontic appliance. This \"M\" shaped device, with specific activation points, provides control over tooth movement and consequently achieves this site closure in a short duration of time by tipping the crowns of central incisors in a mesial direction. This procedure aimed to resolve aesthetic issues while also enhancing and ensuring functional occlusion.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Various oral complications such as gingival recession, restricted lip movement and tooth malalignment are the result of an abnormal frenum. Management of these types of frenum is either frenectomy or frenotomy. Methods for performing frenectomies include the conventional scalpel technique, Z-plasty, Miller\'s technique, V-Y plasty, lasers, and electrocautery. This case report details the successful management of an abnormal frenum attachment using electrocautery to ease and reduce discomfort to the 19-year-old female patient, causing aesthetic concerns. For its precision, minimal bleeding and post-operative discomfort, electrocautery was chosen. This procedure was performed under local anaesthesia. There were favourable post-operative outcomes as the patient experienced minimal pain and rapid recovery from the surgical site. Significant improvement in gingival health was seen in the follow-up examination. This case demonstrates the efficacy of using electrocautery in managing abnormal frenum attachment while highlighting its benefits over traditional surgical methods for ease and reduced discomfort.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Frenum morphology is of pivotal concern while treating patients who desire improved aesthetics and for treating patients with midline diastemas, as it may lead to failure or relapse of orthodontic treatment. Frenum, a thick band of muscle fiber, may present with abnormalities in the shape, size, form, number, and thickness, which may cause gingival recession along with poor oral health. Frenectomy is adopted as the plan of action while treating abnormal frenum cases by resecting the frenum attachment to provide closure of the spacing between the upper anterior teeth, as in the case of midline diastema. Various forms and techniques of frenectomy have been adopted according to the type of frenum attachment and aesthetic concerns of the patients. Amidst the various treatment options available, conventional frenectomy using a scalpel has emerged as a viable solution for treating patients. The surgeons value and praise its exceptional precision and ease of use, and the patients prefer it for its affordability; hence, a functional and aesthetic outcome is achieved via this treatment. This report provides a comprehensive overview of a case of conventional frenectomy with a one-week follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Maxillary labial frenectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing midline diastema, where a strip of tissue creating a gap between two upper front teeth is removed. Typically, this strip extends from the vestibule of the gingivobuccal sulcus to the attached gingiva. The procedure is often performed using a diode laser, offering benefits including simplicity and safety for the patients. It can remarkably improve overall aesthetics and decrease the chances of gingival recession. This case report highlights the successful management of a female patient who arrived complaining of double frenum attachment leading to poor musculature support due to which she experiences poor aesthetics and hampered oral hygiene maintenance.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The frenum, a fold of mucous membrane, connects the lip and cheek to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and underlying periosteum. When the frenum is positioned excessively near the gingival margin, it has the potential to compromise gingival health, impeding plaque control efforts and inducing muscular stress. A frenectomy is a commonly employed corrective measure for anomalous frenum attachments. In a recent clinical case, a 21-year-old female patient was referred from the Department of Orthodontics to the Department of Periodontics due to a papillary-type aberrant labial frenum attachment and excessive gingival tissue surrounding the upper right and left central incisors. The patient underwent a frenectomy, gingivectomy, and gingivoplasty procedures under local anesthesia to address the abnormal frenum attachment and gingival overgrowth using a scalpel. This approach has been demonstrated to yield optimal outcomes in orthodontic therapy for patients exhibiting elevated frenum attachment and gingival overgrowth. Following the achievement of hemostasis, a periodontal pack was applied to facilitate healing and preserve the soft tissue.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Frenum aberrations in the maxillary and mandibular regions are pivotal concerns, particularly regarding midline diastema and gingival health. The frenum is composed predominantly of collagenous and elastic fibers. There are various frenal attachment anomalies that may result in gingival recession. Amidst treatment options, conventional scalpel frenectomy emerges as a viable solution, showcasing its efficacy in addressing deviant frena. Ultimately, our findings underscore the imperative for personalized interventions to alleviate aesthetic apprehensions and uphold periodontal integrity in adult populations.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A lingual frenectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing \"tongue-tie\" or ankyloglossia, where a strip of tissue restricting tongue movement is removed. Typically, this strip extends from the bottom of the mouth to the underside of the tongue. The procedure, often performed using a diode laser, offers several advantages including simplicity and safety for patients. It can significantly improve speech articulation and eating for individuals with ankyloglossia. This case report highlights the successful treatment of a female patient experiencing speech difficulties with diode laser therapy for tongue-tie.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The mucous membrane fold, which facilitates the attachment of the gingiva, alveolar mucosa, and the periosteum surrounding the lips and cheek, is known as the frenum. The frenal attachment at the gingival or papillary level may comprise periodontal health due to difficulty with plaque adherence or muscle pull. The management of such aberrant frenal attachment becomes necessary to avoid the associated future problems, such as midline diastema and periodontal attachment loss, which might lead to aesthetic problems and tooth mobility. The treatment modalities involve frenectomy using Miller\'s technique, conventional technique, Z-plasty, and V-Y plasty types of frenectomy procedures. The patient\'s requirements, specific indications, and intended results determine the method. This case report illustrates the utilisation of the V-Y plasty technique for the frenectomy of a papillary-type labial frenal attachment in a 19-year-old female patient. V-Y plasty proved to be an efficient technique for removing the aberrant labial frenum attachment, and the results were highly satisfactory, with less scar formation. V-Y plasty is reliable for covering defects and elongating the frenum area, giving desired clinical outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    During or after the orthodontic closure, persistent diastemas are frequently the result of a high frenum attachment. A labial frenectomy is a complete removal of the frenum attachment, which typically attaches to the space between the upper two anterior teeth and the centre of the upper lip. It might be required if there is space between the teeth due to a frenulum positioned too high on the gums. Many surgical technique modifications, including Miller\'s technique, Z-plasty, and V-Y-plasty, have been established since the conventional classical frenectomy procedure was initially presented to cope with the difficulties associated with an aberrant labial frenum. This case report demonstrates that a Z-plasty approach was used to remove the 21-year-old female patient\'s high papillary-type labial frenum attachment and how orthodontic treatment led to the closure of the midline diastema. For several reasons, the frenectomy procedure with Z-plasty proved to be reliable and yielded outstanding aesthetic outcomes for the removal of the aberrant labial frenum connection. Understanding Z-plasty will enable primary intention-based tissue healing, reduce the risk of tissue contractures, shorten the patient\'s recovery, and enhance the patient\'s aesthetic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A congenital condition called ankyloglossia, or tongue tie, is characterized by an excessively short or tight lingual frenum that restricts the tongue\'s movement and flexibility. Although ankyloglossia, or tongue tie, is not a serious sign, it can cause a variety of challenges, such as difficulty with newborn feeding, speech problems, and many mechanical and social problems since there are restricted tongue movements, such as protrusion of the tongue. It is recommended to get a lingual frenectomy to treat ankyloglossia. A 24-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Periodontics with class II, moderate lingual tie, or ankyloglossia. Under local anesthesia, the lingual frenectomy is performed with a diode laser by placing a hemostat across the frenal attachment at the base of the tongue, and an incision is made. The laser surgery took less time and was more comfortable for the patient because there was less discomfort. There was no postoperative pain or hemorrhage. The above case report can appreciate the normal frenal attachment that is more than 16 mm, and the patient can hold the tip of the tongue and function comfortably. A follow-up visit after three months revealed normal frenal attachment and complete healing of the frenum. This case report demonstrates unequivocally that lingual frenectomy using a diode laser has advantages over traditional procedures in that it reduces or eliminates postoperative pain and minimizes hemorrhage and swelling.





