
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Gastroschisis has increased in recent years, however, complicated gastroschisis is associated with higher mortality, as well as higher health care costs and disease burdens from short- and long-term complications.
    UNASSIGNED: A woman aged 25 years old at 37 + 1 weeks gestation (gravida 2; para 0) was admitted to the hospital because of foetal gastroschisis. Targeted quaternary ultrasound performed at our hospital showed that 34 mm of the abdominal wall was interrupted continuously, an intestinal echo with a range of approximately 88 × 50 mm was seen bulging outwards the local area close to the intestinal wall showed a 34 × 23 m anecho, and the foetus was measuring 2 weeks smaller than expected. After MDT including the maternal-foetal medicine, ultrasound, paediatric surgery, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and anaesthesiology departments, caesarean section was performed at 37 + 2 weeks. A baby boy was delivered, the small intestine, large intestine and stomach were seen outside of the abdomen, the abdominal cavity was excluded from the defect on the right side of the umbilical cord, the mesentery was shortened, and the intestinal tube had obvious oedema After paediatric surgical discussion, silo bag placement and delayed closure was performed, the placement process was smooth. One week following silo placement, the abdominal contents had been fully reduced below the fascia following daily partial reductions of the viscera,and the second stage of the operation was performed under general anaesthesia. The newborn was successfully discharged from the hospital 20 days after the operation and was followed up, with good growth, normal milk intake and smooth bowel movements.
    UNASSIGNED: The diagnosis and treatment of complicated gastroschisis needs to be carried out under multidisciplinary team treatment. Delivery by cesarean section after 37 weeks is feasible.Immediate postpartum surgery is possible, and the choice of surgical modality is determined by the child\'s condition, emphasizing that it should be performed without adequate sedation under anaesthesia. A standardized postoperative care pathway appropriate to risk should be developed to optimize nutritional support and antibiotic use, and standardized enteral feeding practices should be sought with long-term follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Foetal ductus arteriosus (DA) constriction can be found in complex foetal heart malformations, but rarely as an isolated defect. Although many cases of DA constriction are usually related to Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) maternal intake, other causes remain without an established aetiology and are referred to as idiopathic. Recently, a wide range of risks factors or substances (polyphenol-rich foods intake, naphazoline, fluoxetine, caffeine and pesticides) showed a definitive effect upon the pathway of inflammation, causing DA constriction. We report a case of a premature DA constriction in a woman whose possible risk factor was identified in her maternal occupational exposure to solvents and a comprehensive literature review of 176 cases of NSAID-unrelated DA constriction. A 30-year-old Asian woman was referred to our institution at 33 gestational weeks and 0 days because of suspicion of premature DA constriction. The woman had no history of medication intake, including NSAIDs, alcohol, tobacco or polyphenol-rich-food consumption during pregnancy. A detailed foetal echocardiography revealed a normal cardiac anatomy with hypertrophic, hypokinetic and a dilated right ventricle due to right pressure overload, holosystolic tricuspid regurgitation, and, at the level of the DA, high systolic and diastolic velocities, indicating premature ductal restriction. The right outflow showed dilatation of the pulmonary artery with narrow DA. An urgent caesarean section was performed at 33 gestational weeks and 4 days due to worsening of DA PI and signs of right pressure overload, despite the interruption of exposure to solvents. We assume a relationship exists between premature DA constriction and a maternal occupational exposure to solvents. This hypothesis is reinforced by the presence of associated foetal malformations in in two of the patient\'s children. Further research is needed to confirm the role of exposure to solvents and toxic chemicals in the pathogenesis of DA constriction, also with experimental animal models.KEY MESSAGESMany cases of DA constriction are usually related to Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) maternal intake.A wide range of risks factors or substances (polyphenol-rich foods intake, naphazoline, fluoxetine, caffeine and pesticides) can cause foetal DA constriction.Further investigation are needed to confirm the role of maternal exposure to solvents in the pathogenesis of DA constriction.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Congenital orbital teratoma is relatively rare, and few reports of prenatal ultrasound findings in such cases have been published.
    METHODS: A rare case of congenital orbital teratoma at 24 + 2 weeks of gestation was previously diagnosed as microphthalmia, noting how orbital teratoma without proptosis is different from microphthalmia, retinoblastoma and intracranial teratoma. Ultrasound examination, analysis of gross specimens, and histopathological evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of orbital teratoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal ultrasound examination is useful for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of congenital orbital teratoma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: globally, intrapartum stillbirth accounts for 1 million deaths of babies annually, representing approximately one-third of global stillbirth toll. Intrapartum stillbirth occurs due to causes ranging from maternal medical and obstetric conditions; access to quality obstetric care services during pregnancy; and types, timing and quality of intrapartum care. Different medical conditions including hypertensive & metabolic disorders, infections and nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy are among risk factors of stillbirth. Ethiopia remains one of the 10 high-burden stillbirth countries with estimated rate of more than 25 per 1000 births.
    UNASSIGNED: a case-control study using primary data from chart review of medical records of women who experienced intrapartum stillbirth in 23 public health facilities of Addis Ababa during the period July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2015 was conducted. Data was collected from charts of all cases of intrapartum stillbirth meeting the inclusion criteria and randomly selected charts of controls in two to one (2:1) control to case ratio.
    UNASSIGNED: chronic medical conditions including diabetes, cardiac and renal diseases were less prevalent (1%) among the study population whereas only 6% of women experienced hypertensive disorder during the pregnancy in review. Moreover, 6.5% of the study population had HIV infection where being HIV negative was protective against intrapartum stillbirth (aOR 0.37, 95% CI 0.18-0.78). Women with non-cephalic foetal presentation during last ANC visit were three times more at risk of experiencing intrapartum stillbirth whereas singleton pregnancy had strong protective association against intrapartum stillbirth (p<0.05).
    UNASSIGNED: untreated chronic medical conditions, infection, poor monitoring of foetal conditions and multiple pregnancy are among important risk factors for intrapartum stillbirth.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Misoprostol is a well known abortifacient. It can cause teratogenicity like Mobius sequence and terminal transverse limb defects. We report a rare case of proximal focal femoral deficiency with fibular hemimelia in a woman who had attempted abortion with self-administered misoprostol and later continued the pregnancy. Though the absolute risk of congenital malformations with its use is low ∼1%, this should be clearly communicated to the women requesting abortion to help them make fully informed reproductive health decisions.





