
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meigs syndrome is a classic triad of ascites, pleural effusions, and an ovarian fibroma with resolution following excision. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome presents similarly but is caused by a pelvic mass other than an ovarian fibroma, such as a fibroid. We present a case report of a 33-year-old gravida 2 para 0-0-1-0 woman with a massive, pedunculated fibroid who developed rapid onset of ascites and edema beginning at 5 weeks of gestation. Malignant, cardiac, renal, hepatic, and rheumatologic causes were ruled out. Her symptoms resolved following myomectomy and delivery via cesarean. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome was suspected. Pseudo-Meigs syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion and requires surgical management for resolution. Pregnancy may be an inciting factor. Myomectomy may be done safely at the time of cesarean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uterine leiomyoma, commonly referred to as fibroids, is a benign tumor that develops in the muscular wall of the uterus. These growths are non-cancerous and can vary in size, ranging from tiny nodules to larger masses. Uterine leiomyomas often occur during a woman\'s reproductive years and can lead to symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure on nearby organs. While the exact cause is not fully understood, hormonal factors, particularly estrogen and progesterone, are believed to play a role in their development. The exploration of connections between genetic variants and uterine leiomyoma has captivated scientific attention for numerous years. The results from investigations remain a subject of intrigue within the scientific community. To date, the findings regarding the relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and uterine leiomyoma have exhibited some inconsistencies. However, amidst these inconsistencies, several promising outcomes have emerged that hold the potential to shape future research endeavors. These promising leads could pave the way for the development of innovative targeted therapies and novel prognostic biomarkers. This review specifically centers on accentuating the existing literature data concerning genetic variants that have been explored for their potential connections to uterine leiomyoma. Additionally, it underscores the prospects of employing genetic variations as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for individuals diagnosed with uterine leiomyoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Parasitic leiomyomas (PL), also known as free leiomyomas, which occur outside the uterus and rarely happen in clinical practice. They are usually reported in women of reproductive age who underwent hysterectomy or myomectomy and frequently present with symptoms such as abdominal pain and distention. In fact, it is hard to determine the nature of the mass according to the imaging examination and clinical manifestation. At present, the most common treatment involves an abdominal or laparoscopic surgery in order to remove the mass and perform the next step of treatment based on the histological diagnosis. In this case report, we describe a 35-year-old woman with a 12.4 × 9.3 × 9.8 cm3 PL with blood supply from the greater omentum. Considering the prolonged menstruation of the patient, she underwent the hysteroscopic and laparotomy exploration. The mass was confirmed as smooth leiomyoma with necrosis by the immunohistochemical examination. The patient had a good recovery and being discharged seven days after the surgery. The patient is still in the follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leiomyomas, or uterine fibroids, are growths consisting of muscle and tissue that develop in or on the uterine wall. The most frequent benign uterine tumours in women of reproductive age are thought to be fibroids. Dysmenorrhea, spotting, hypermenorrhoea, abdominal pain, pressure on surrounding organs, and issues with micturition and defecation are among the symptoms that are often present. Fibroids can form as a single nodule or as a cluster. Uterine fibroids, especially large submucosal and intramural uterine fibroids, can cause obstacles to implantation and lead to pregnancy loss. Uterine fibroids can be treated without surgery and with little downtime using focused ultrasound. There is published research showing that women can conceive and have healthy children after therapy, thus protecting fertility. The ablation of uterine fibroids by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is successful since the volume of the fibroids is significantly reduced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess outcomes of planned pre-operative uterine artery embolization (UAE) in patients with uterine fibroids at high risk for bleeding prior to hysterectomy or myomectomy.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of 53 consecutive patients who underwent planned UAE followed by surgery from 2004 to 2019 was performed in a subset of patients deemed high risk for bleeding by the referring surgeon due to bulky fibroids and/or adhesions. Characteristics of the largest fibroid, total number of fibroids, embolic agents, estimated blood loss (EBL), complications, and other factors were collected.
    RESULTS: 53 patients (mean age = 41) had an elective UAE prior to a hysterectomy 24 (45%) or myomectomy 29 (55%). Median interval between UAE & surgery was 21.6 h (range 1.75 h-57 days). Of the myomectomies, 13 (45%) were open, 15 (52%) hysteroscopic and 1 laparoscopic. Mean number of fibroids/patient was 4.1 (SD 1.3), mean fibroid volume was 328 cm3 (range 11-741), and the mean fibroid diameter in longest dimension was 7.4 cm (range 3.2-15). Mean EBL was 90 (SD 99.5 mL). Three (10%) myomectomy patients required blood transfusion. All hysterectomies were via a laparotomy. Mean fibroid volume was 1699 cm3 (range 93-9099 cm3) with a mean maximum diameter of 16.2 cm (range 6.5-29.6) and an average of 2.4 (SD 1.7) fibroids. Mean EBL was 352 (SD 220 mL). Four (17%) hysterectomy patients required an intra- or post-operative blood transfusion. At a mean 1-year follow-up (range 1 month-14 years), 70% of UAE-myomectomy patients and 74% of UAE-hysterectomy patients reported symptom resolution. Three (6%) patients were readmitted: one for osteodiscitis, one wound dehiscence, and one for an infected retained fibroid after myomectomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Planned pre-operative UAE resulted in intraoperative blood loss similar to \"all-comer\" myomectomy and hysterectomy patients in the literature. Further studies may elucidate which patients would be the best candidates for this staged treatment paradigm.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The most frequent benign uterine tumor is uterine fibroids. Approximately, 20 to 30 % of women between the ages of 30 and 50 have them. Teenagers do, however, rarely experience them; the prevalence is less than 1 % in general population.
    METHODS: We present a 17-year-old nulliparous female who was admitted to the hospital due to gradually increasing abdominopelvic pain. Transabdominal pelvic ultrasound showed massive uterine enlargement, with a heterogenous structure within the fundus measuring 9.8 cm in diameter. Pelvic MRI revealed an enlarged uterus with a heterogeneous complex mass measuring 10.78 cm by 8 cm that seemed to be compressing but was not attached to the endometrium The findings from the radiology review were concerning for leiomyoma. Intraoperative findings showed a 13-cm anterior intramural mass with normally appearing fallopian tubes and ovaries bilaterally. Resection of the mass was done, and the entire specimen was sent to pathology which confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Occurrence of uterine fibroids in the young and adolescent age is extremely rare with an estimated prevalence of less than 1 %. Leiomyosarcoma is a less frequent diagnosis to take into account, but it can be identified histologically. Therefore, a myomectomy that preserves fertility enables a diagnostic chance to rule out a probable cancer.
    CONCLUSIONS: When young women present with steadily worsening abdominopelvic discomfort, it is crucial to include leiomyomas in the differential diagnosis despite the rarity of leiomyomas in adolescents.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    To determine the prevalence of adenomyosis in women with subfertility.
    A systematic search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL Plus, Google Scholar, PsycINFO and Web of Science Core Collection from database inception to October 2022. The included studies evaluated the prevalence of adenomyosis in women with subfertility, with or without endometriosis and/or uterine fibroids. Secondary analyses were conducted to identify variation in the prevalence of isolated adenomyosis according to geographical location, diagnostic modality, diagnostic criteria, type of ultrasound, ultrasound features of adenomyosis and the use of assisted reproductive technology.
    Among 21 longitudinal studies evaluating 25 600 women, the overall pooled prevalence of isolated adenomyosis was 10% (95% CI, 6-15%) (I2  = 99.1%; tau2  = 0.12). The pooled prevalence was 1% (95% CI, 0-4%) for adenomyosis with concurrent fibroids (eight studies; I2  = 95.8%; tau2  = 0.03), 6% (95% CI, 3-11%) for adenomyosis with concurrent endometriosis (18 studies; I2  = 98.6%; tau2  = 0.12) and 7% (95% CI, 2-13%) for adenomyosis with concurrent endometriosis and/or fibroids (nine studies; I2  = 98.3%; tau2  = 0.09). The prevalence of isolated adenomyosis varied substantially according to geographical location, with Australia exhibiting the highest pooled prevalence of adenomyosis (19% (95% CI, 12-27%)), which was significantly higher compared with that in Asia (5% (95% CI, 1-12%)). The pooled prevalence of isolated adenomyosis diagnosed using a combination of direct and indirect ultrasound features was 11% (95% CI, 7-16%), whereas it was 0.45% (95% CI, 0-1%) in the study in which only an indirect feature was used as the diagnostic criterion.
    One in 10 women with subfertility have a diagnosis of isolated adenomyosis. The prevalence of adenomyosis varies according to the presence of concurrent endometriosis and/or fibroids. © 2023 The Authors. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Leiomyomas are the most common benign tumours of the female genital tract, and almost always arise from the uterine myometrium. Although extrauterine leiomyomas are rare, they usually develop in sites such as the ovary, broad ligament, round ligament, cervix or abdominal wall. The broad ligament is the most common site of extrauterine leiomyoma involvement, and this unique clinical entity may prove to be a diagnostic or therapeutic challenge, particularly in patients with advanced endometriosis and distorted pelvic anatomy. Herein, we report the case of a large true broad ligament leiomyoma that was discovered during a total laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in a 47-year-old patient with stage IV endometriosis and a congenital left kidney and left ureter. This case highlights a rare occurrence of a true broad ligament leiomyoma, the challenges associated with preoperative diagnosis, and the laparoscopic approach to its management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Benign metastatic leiomyoma is a unique event presenting most commonly in premenopausal women especially those with a previous history of gynecological surgery as management of uterine fibroids. In this case report, we investigate a rare case of benign metastatic leiomyoma in a 54-year-old postmenopausal female presented with a huge pelvic mass that was rapidly growing along with pulmonary nodules. The patient is suspected to have leiomyosarcoma which is eventually confirmed pathologically as benign metastatic leiomyoma. Although rare, describing the challenging diagnostic and management approach of such entity is essential and to consider it one of the differential diagnoses of patients who present with similar history.
    الورم العضلي الأملس النقيلي الحميد هو حالة فريدة تظهر بشكل شائع عند النساء في فترة ما قبل انقطاع الطمث، خاصة أولئك اللائي لديهن تاريخ سابق في جراحة أمراض النساء مثل علاج الأورام الليفية في الرحم. تقرير الحالة هذا يحقق في حالة نادرة من الورم العضلي الأملس النقيلي الحميد في أنثى تبلغ من العمر 54 عاما بعد سن اليأس تعاني من كتلة حوض ضخمة كانت تنمو بسرعة جنبا إلى جنب مع العقيدات الرئوية. يشتبه في أن المريض مصاب بساركوما عضلية ملساء والتي تم تأكيدها في النهاية من الناحية المرضية على أنها ورم عضلي أملس نقيلي حميد. على الرغم من ندرته، فإن وصف تحديات التشخيص والمعالجة لمثل هذا الكيان أمر ضروري واعتباره أحد التشخيصات التفريقية للمرضى الذين لديهم تاريخ مشابه.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproductive tumors can impact conception, pregnancy, and birth in mammals. These impacts are well documented in humans, while data in other mammals are limited. An urgent need exists to understand the reproductive impact of these lesions in endangered species, because some endangered species have a documented high prevalence of reproductive tumors. This article documents that the prevalence of both benign and malignant neoplasia differs between African and Asian elephants, with Asian elephants more frequently diagnosed and negatively affected by both. The prevalence of these tumors across mammalian species is compared, and impact plus treatment options in human medicine are reviewed to inform decision making in elephants. Evidence suggests that reproductive tumors can negatively impact elephant conservation. Future studies that document reproductive outcomes, including the success of various treatment approaches in elephants with tumors will benefit conservation efforts.





