female genital tract

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Angioleiomyoma, a benign tumour composed of smooth muscle cells and thick-walled vessels, is expected to be very rare in the female genital tract. This study aimed to describe the clinicopathological features and treatment outcomes of angioleiomyoma in the female genital tract.
    METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 89 women with angioleiomyoma in the genital tract who were treated at Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University between July 2008 and October 2023. Symptom remission rate was the primary outcome of the study.
    RESULTS: Angioleiomyomas accounted for 0.6% of leiomyomas of the female genital tract. The average age of the 89 women was 41.8 ± 8.7 years. Seventy women (78.7%) had a history of uterine surgery, of whom two patients had removed uterine angioleiomyoma by laparoscopic myomectomy. The angioleiomyomas of 61 (68.5%) women were located in the uterine corpus, 17 (19.1%) in the broad ligament, 10 (11.2%) in the cervix and only 1 (1.1%) in the vagina. Abnormal uterine bleeding was the main clinical manifestation of angioleiomyomas located in the uterine corpus or cervix, whereas the main clinical manifestation of angioleiomyomas in the broad ligaments was pelvic mass. Of the 89 women, 59 underwent surgery to preserve the uterus, and 30 underwent total hysterectomy or subtotal hysterectomy. The intraoperative blood loss was more than 500 ml (700-4,500 ml) in six women. The symptom remission rate was 100% after surgery. Among the 59 women with preserved uterus, 8 showed multiple uterine leiomyomas during follow-up, but it was difficult to determine whether they were angioleiomyomas. Angioleiomyomas recurred in one women who underwent total hysterectomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Angioleiomyoma is rare in the female reproductive tract, and patients may present with diverse symptoms, which are related to the location of the tumour. Hysterectomy and myomectomy are both effective treatment methods, but the risk of intraoperative bleeding should be recognised for multiple lesions and those with large diameters. Relapse may occur in some patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main function of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) is to regulate gastrointestinal peristalsis by acting as a \"pacemaker\" cell by generating spontaneous slow electrical waves. In 2005, electron microscopy revealed a cell type similar to ICCs (ICC-like) outside the gastrointestinal tract, with contractile activity and c-Kit+ immunohistochemistry shared with ICCs. Among the locations where ICC-like cells have been observed, it is in the uterus where they have a significant functional and pathophysiological role. These cells are involved in obstetric phenomena of contractile action, such as ascending sperm transport, embryo implantation, pregnancy, delivery, and the expulsion of menstrual debris. Within the pathophysiology related to these cells, we find obstetric alterations such as recurrent miscarriages, premature deliveries, abolition of uterine contractions, and failures of embryo implantation, in addition to other common conditions in the fertile age, such as endometriosis and leiomyoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonadal hormones can modify immune function, which may impact susceptibility to infectious diseases, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). There is limited knowledge about how hormonal contraceptives (HC) influence the immune response during the course of use. The CHIME study aims to evaluate the effect of long-acting progestin-based hormonal contraceptives (depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, etonogestrel implant, and levonorgestrel intrauterine device) on immunologic changes in the female genital tract (FGT) and systemic compartment.
    CHIME is an observational cohort study where participants attend 2 visits prior to initiating the HC method of their choice, and then attend 6 visits over 12 months with biological sampling (vaginal swabs, cervicovaginal lavage, cytobrush and blood) for immunological, bacteriological, and virological analyses at each visit. Immune profiling will be evaluated by multi-color flow cytometry to determine how different T-cell subsets, in particular the CD4 T-cell subsets, change during the course of contraceptive use and whether they have different profiles in the FGT compared to the systemic compartment. The study aims are (1) to characterize the alterations in FGT and systemic immune profiles associated with three long-acting progestin-only HC and (2) to evaluate the vaginal microenvironment, determined by 16 s rRNA sequencing, as an individual-level risk factor and moderator of genital and systemic immune profile changes following exposure to three commonly used HC. Data collection started in March 2019 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2024.
    The CHIME study aims to contribute to the body of research designed to evaluate the comparative impact of three long-acting progestin-only HC on innate and adaptive immune functions to understand how immunologic effects alter STI and HIV susceptibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of drug transporter activity at mucosal sites of HIV-1 transmission may be exploited to optimize retention of therapeutic antiretroviral drug concentrations at target submucosal CD4+ T cells. Previously, we showed that darunavir was a substrate for the P-glycoprotein efflux drug transporter in colorectal mucosa. Equivalent studies in the cervicovaginal epithelium have not been reported. Here, we describe the development of a physiologically relevant model to investigate the permeability of antiretroviral drugs across the vaginal epithelium. Barrier properties of the HEC-1A human endometrial epithelial cell line were determined, in a dual chamber model, by measurement of transepithelial electrical resistance, immunofluorescent staining of tight junctions and bi-directional paracellular permeability of mannitol. We then applied this model to investigate the permeability of tenofovir, darunavir and dapivirine. Efflux ratios indicated that the permeability of each drug was transporter-independent in this model. Reduction of pH to physiological levels in the apical compartment increased absorptive transfer of darunavir, an effect that was reversed by inhibition of MRP efflux transport via MK571. Thus, low pH may increase the transfer of darunavir across the epithelial barrier via increased MRP transporter activity. In a previous in vivo study in the macaque model, we demonstrated increased MRP2 expression following intravaginal stimulation with darunavir which may further increase drug uptake. Stimulation with inflammatory modulators had no effect on drug permeability across HEC-1A barrier epithelium but, in the VK2/E6E7 vaginal cell line, increased expression of both efflux and uptake drug transporters which may influence darunavir disposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaginal dysbiosis and STIs are important drivers of the HIV epidemic and reproductive complications. These conditions remain prevalent, partly because most cases are asymptomatic. We have shown that inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β and interferon-γ-induced protein (IP)-10 are biomarkers for detecting asymptomatic STIs and vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis (BV) or intermediate microbiota). This study aimed to validate the performance of these biomarkers in African women recruited regardless of symptoms.
    IL-1α, IL-1β and IP-10 were measured in menstrual cup secretions, endocervical, lateral vaginal wall and vulvovaginal swabs from 550 women from Pretoria, Soweto and Cape Town, South Africa and Bondo, Kenya using Luminex and ELISA. STIs were assessed by PCR, BV by Nugent scoring and vaginal microbiota by 16S rRNA sequencing.
    Across four study populations and four types of genital specimens, the performance of IL-1α, IL-1β and IP-10 for identification of women with STIs, BV or intermediate microbiota was consistent. Of the genital samples assessed, biomarkers measured in lateral vaginal wall swabs performed best, correctly classifying 76%(95% CI 70% to 81%) of women according to STI, BV or intermediate microbiota status (sensitivity 77%, specificity 71%) and were more accurate than clinical symptoms (sensitivity 41%, specificity 57%) (p=0.0003). Women incorrectly classified as STI/BV positive using the biomarkers had more abundant dysbiosis-associated bacteria, including Prevotella bivia and Gardnerella sp, detected by 16S rRNA sequencing, but not Nugent scoring. Including vaginal pH with the cytokine biomarkers improved the accuracy of the test (82% (95% CI 75% to 88%) correctly classified), although pH alone had poor specificity (61%).
    An inexpensive, point-of-care screening test including IL-1α, IL-1β and IP-10 (and potentially pH) could be used in resource-limited settings to identify women with asymptomatic STIs and dysbiosis. These women could then be referred for aetiological testing, followed by specific treatment.






  • 文章类型: Letter






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genital tuberculosis is a common entity in gynecological practice particularly among infertile patients. It is rare in developed countries but is an important cause of infertility in developing countries.
    OBJECTIVE: The present study has investigated the prevalence of female genital tract tuberculosis (FGT) among infertile patients, which was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit-I, Allied Hospital, affiliated with Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
    METHODS: 150 infertile women who were referred to infertility clinic were selected randomly and enrolled in our study. Patients were scanned for possible presence of FGT by examination and relevant investigation. We evaluated various aspects (age, symptoms, signs, and socio-economic factors) of the patients having tuberculosis.
    RESULTS: Very high frequency of FGT (20%) was found among infertile patients. While, a total of 25 patients out of 30 (83.33%) showed primary infertility and the remaining 5 cases (16.67%) had secondary infertility. Among secondary infertility patients, the parity ranged between 1 and 2. A total of 40% of patients (12 cases) were asymptomatic but infertile. Evidence of family history was found in 4 out of a total of 30 patients (13.3%), respectively. According to histopathological and bacteriological examination of endometrial biopsy and laparotomy, tuberculous endometritis was found in 20 out of a total of 25 (80%) cases, while tuberculous salpingitis and tuberculous oophoritis were found both in 2 (8%) of the cases, respectively. Only one case (4%) of tuberculosis cervicitis was found in the present study.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although infertility is not a disease in classical sense, but it is an extremely important personal concern for many couples and a significant health problem for our profession. So, it is worthwhile to identify and evaluate the factors contributing to infertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection is associated with a 3-fold increase in the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition, perhaps through alterations in mucosal HIV-susceptible target cells. We performed a clinical trial to assess the impact of herpes therapy on cervical immunology in HSV-2-infected, HIV-uninfected women from Africa or the Caribbean who were living in Toronto, Canada. Thirty participants received 1 g of valacyclovir orally each day for 2 months in a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Valacyclovir did not reduce the number of cervical CD4(+) T cells, the number of dendritic cells, or the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and tended to increase the expression of the HIV coreceptor CCR5 and the activation marker CD69. Short-term valacyclovir therapy did not reverse HSV-2-associated alterations in genital immunology. Clinical Trials Registration. NCT00946556.





