
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eye removal surgeries, also called anophthalmic surgeries, are usually performed for a painful blinded eye due to various underlying causes. In this case review, we intended to study the indications, the types of anophthalmic surgeries, and post-operative complications related to eye removal surgeries.
    METHODS:  Five years of retrospective case review of surgical eye removals was conducted from 1st June 2018 to 31st May 2023 at Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz (HCTM), University of Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Medical record files were used to analyse the age, gender, affected eye, types of surgeries, and indications of the eye removal surgery.
    RESULTS:  Fourteen eyes underwent anophthalmic surgeries inclusive of evisceration (78.57%, n = 11), enucleation (14.29%, n = 2), and exenteration (7.14%, n = 1). Among the evisceration group, 63.64% (n = 7) were due to endophthalmitis, 27.27% (n = 3) were due to ocular trauma, and 9.09% (n = 1) were done for a painful blind due to neovascular glaucoma. Two enucleation surgeries were performed for retinoblastoma and one exenteration for orbital metastatic malignancy.
    CONCLUSIONS:  The preferred choice of anophthalmic surgery was in favour of evisceration, especially when the underlying causes were due to benign conditions. The most common indications of anophthalmic surgeries were endophthalmitis, trauma, and malignancies. Enucleation and exenteration were performed mainly for the blinded eye due to the intraocular malignancies and malignancy with an extraocular spread. A fairly lesser number of anophthalmic surgeries over the five years could imply an improvement in the conservative management approach of a painful blinded eye.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Endometrioid ovarian adenocarcinoma is a common subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer that can arise on a background of endometriosis. Maximal cytoreductive effort with an aim to remove all macroscopic disease (achieve R0) is the single independent prognostic factor for survival. Complex multidisciplinary surgeries may be required in order to achieve this.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary orbital melanoma and metastatic cutaneous melanoma of the orbit are extremely rare. Desmoplastic melanoma (DM) is an infrequent variant of melanoma that can extend from a superficial location into deep tissues by neurotropic mechanisms. A 78-year-old male was referred to us with a periocular mixed malignant melanoma (spindle cell melanoma with desmoplastic reaction) in his left lower eyelid with uncontrollable disease (orbital and inferior orbital rim invasion) despite treatment. The surgical technique consisted of an extended orbital exenteration, maxillectomy, and ethmoidectomy, with a 2 cm macroscopic surgical margin. We performed a delayed socket reconstruction with a temporalis muscle flap using a transorbital approach. The patient remained disease-free for 1.5 years with a good quality of life since exenteration surgery. At this time, he presented a recurrence in the area of the malar scar with a new orbital invasion, and finally, he died due to mediastinal, pleural, and pulmonary metastasis. The treatment of a cutaneous melanoma arising in the periocular region is a challenging reconstructive problem and it may compromise the globe and visual function.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Perineal hernias are protrusions of intra-abdominal contents resulting from weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. They are an uncommon complication after ultraradical pelvic surgeries, with no established gold standard for surgical treatment. This case describes a rare anterior perineal hernia that developed after radical surgery for bladder carcinoma.
    METHODS: A 77-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a painful 10 cm bulge in the perineal region. The hernial sac involved the entire left labia majora and developed 4 years after radical surgery for bladder carcinoma. She had been misdiagnosed twice in the past with vaginal prolapse, leading to two unsuccessful vaginoplasty procedures due to recurrence. She underwent hernia repair with perineal approach and polypropylene mesh placement. The postoperative period was uncomplicated, and the patient was discharged after five days, with histology showing no malignancy.
    UNASSIGNED: Perineal hernias are protrusions of intra- or extraperitoneal contents into the perineum due to a defect in the pelvic musculature. Various surgical modalities exist for perineal hernia repair, which adhere to the fundamental principles of hernia surgery: sac mobilization, precise incision, sac debridement and excision, and defect repair. Here, we successfully applied the perineal approach in a complicated case of a misdiagnosed perineal hernia after radical surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: The perineal approach for hernia repair, involving an implantation of a polypropylene mesh and tissue flap was successfully applied, confirming its main place in the surgical treatment of perineal hernias. During the two-year follow-up no postoperative complications or recurrence hernia were registered.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neoplasms, congenital disorders, fungal infections, and traumatic injuries are the predominant causes of orbital defects. Various retentive mechanisms such as application of adhesive, utilization of mechanical undercuts, and implant-supported attachments are generally used in the maxillofacial prosthesis. In the orbital region, the result of magnet-retained attachments is favorable compared with other mechanisms. Different advantages of the magnet-retained prosthesis are less manual dexterity needed during insertion or removal and better maintenance of hygiene. The skin-implant interface and thick tissues in the maxillofacial region are the critically important points that should be given importance during the planning and placement of implants. Ideally, implant sites for orbital prosthesis are the lateral, infra-, and supraorbital rims of the orbital region. The following case series describes two different methods to rehabilitate patients with an exenterated eye due to mucormycosis by individually designed implant with magnetic attachment and mechanical undercut-retained orbital prosthesis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The authors present a novel modification of vastus lateralis muscle free flap based orbital reconstruction in a 41-year-old patient, with a secondary defect to an injury with technical oil under high pressure. The patient underwent multiple reconstructive procedures in different medical centers with poor functional and esthetic results including simple local plasty techniques. The patient underwent simultaneous reconstruction of the soft tissues of the orbit, and conjunctival sac based on a prelaminated vastus lateralis free flap. The two-stage reconstruction of these structures is beneficial both for the patient\'s psychical and mental condition and for health system finances. Therefore, whenever it\'s possible, we should try to decrease the number of required procedures. The authors believe that their technique can significantly improve the quality of life of patients after exenteration but simultaneously they emphasize the need to carry out more procedures in order to refine it.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Loss of a sense organ, such as an eye in situations of orbital involvement, or any other bodily part, such as the maxilla or palate, might make one more dependent on others for care and affect how they perceive themselves in society. The prosthetic rehabilitation of large mid-facial defects is a challenging task due to the varied size and shape of the defect. Confluent maxillary and orbital abnormalities are best restored with prosthetic means by creating a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing prosthesis that allows for the restoration of speech, deglutition, and mastication. The retention of any prosthesis is must for it to be successful. The hollow orbital conformer described in this case presentation aids in reducing the weight of the prosthesis, thereby enhancing the retention of the prosthesis. This clinical case presentation highlights the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation using a combined obturator-orbital prosthesis connected using intraoral magnets.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 remains a health care concern, despite vaccination programs. Mucormycosis, especially rhino-orbital-mucormycosis, has been described as a severe complication of COVID-19. Although it has been described mostly in India and other developing countries, few cases in the western world have also been described. We present a case of rhino-orbito-mucormycosis after recovery from severe COVID-19 in Portugal. A 75-year-old diabetic and obese man presented with right proptosis associated with right eye pain and low vision one month after recovery from severe COVID-19. Considering the most probable etiology for this clinical picture, anti-fungal therapy with liposomal amphotericin B was promptly initiated, followed by endoscopic sinus debridement. However, due to persistent and progressive infection, and after a multidisciplinary revision of the case, orbital exenteration was performed. One year after surgery, the patient is stable, without clinical or imagological signs of relapse of the disease. Although the evolution of the pandemic, along with vaccination programs, led to a lower incidence of severe COVID-19 disease, there are still patients presenting with severe COVID-19, requiring intensive care and at risk for serious complications. This case illustrates the importance of being aware of the development of post-COVID-19 mucormycosis and the need for close surveillance of patients recovering from severe COVID-19. COVID-19 prompt diagnosis and multidisciplinary approach are essential for a timely intervention achieving better survival while minimizing morbidity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose To assess whether transcutaneous retrobulbar Amphotericin B (TRAMB) injection can halt disease progression and reduce the requirement of exenteration in post-COVID 19 Rhino-orbital cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM)) with limited orbital disease. Methods Retrospective series from a single center included 22 patients with KOH proved post-COVID 19 ROCM with radiographic evidence of limited orbital involvement were evaluated from May 2021 to October 2021. TRAMB was given along with systemic intravenous Amphotericin B injection and sinus debridement. Demographic profile, clinical data, operative notes, blood and radiological investigations were evaluated. The primary outcome was to assess the halt in the progression of orbital disease. The primary outcome measure was to assess the halt of the disease progression and the secondary outcome was improvement in the clinical signs and symptoms. Results The mean age was 50.36 ± 9.72 years and 77.3% were men. The Stagewise distribution was twelve (54.5%) patients in stage 3a, four (18.2%) patients in stage 3b, four (18.2%) in stage 3c, one (4.5%) patient in stage 3d and one (4.5%) had stage 4 disease. Improvement in lid edema and conjunctival chemosis were noticed and it was statistically significant (p value < 0.01), similarly visual acuity and ocular motility showed significant improvements (p value 0.04 and < 0.01 respectively). 1 patient died and 1 patient required exenteration later. Twenty patients showed halting of orbital disease after TRAMB injection. Conclusion TRAMB can be an alternative adjuvant therapeutic option to preserve the globe in patients with limited orbital disease but not at all replacement for exenteration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Teratomas are germ cell tumors that may contain several tissues derived from one or more of the three germ layers. Congenital orbital teratomas are rare. We report a case of congenital orbital teratoma in a 7-h-old male neonate who was noticed to have periocular swelling and progressive proptosis of the left eye at birth. Orbital teratoma was suspected based on the clinical presentation and imaging findings. Treatment was conducted by modified exenteration, and the diagnosis was confirmed histologically as mature teratoma.





