emergency preparedness

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Following the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in 2011, mandatory evacuation orders were issued to residents living near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture, including some patients receiving home oxygen therapy. Although the vulnerability of patients with home oxygen therapy (one of the population groups most vulnerable to disasters) has been noted, there is little information on the health effects of evacuation in the event of a radiation disaster. A 90-year-old man diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease since the age of 70, and lived in a town located approximately 20 km south of the nuclear power plant, died 8 months after the disaster due to worsening health conditions. This case reveals the potential for both physical and psychological burdens experienced by vulnerable groups like patients undergoing home oxygen therapy during evacuations in times of disaster. Although it is only a case report and the information is limited, severe respiratory distress requiring home oxygen therapy may present a significant risk factor for disaster-related deaths, especially in cases where evacuations are prolonged, such as in nuclear disasters. Due to the challenge of obtaining prompt public support immediately after a disaster, home oxygen therapy patients may need to prioritize self-help and mutual assistance in their disaster preparedness efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A lack of confidence in the efficacy of respiratory protection can contribute to uncertainty among workers and cast doubt on workplace safety. To date, no research has been conducted to study and understand the introduction of elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs)-without exhalation valves (EVs) or with exhalation valve filters (EVFs), both representing new designs that address source control-in the workplace. To study this issue, researchers collaborated with partners at 32 health delivery settings that received EHMRs from the Strategic National Stockpile during the COVID-19 pandemic. EHMR users (n = 882) completed an online survey between October 2021 and September 2022. Analyses demonstrated that employees were statistically significantly more confident in the efficacy of EHMRs with no EV/with an EVF (including the efficacy in protecting the user from COVID-19) if they had been fit tested and received training. Respondents were also statistically significantly more confident in the efficacy of their EHMR if they had a more positive perception of their organization\'s safety climate. The results provide insights for tailored fit testing and training procedures as manufacturers continue to improve respirator models to enhance worker comfort and use. Results also show that, even during a public health emergency, the role of safety climate cannot be ignored as an organizational factor to support worker knowledge, attitudes, and participation in health and safety behaviors specific to respirator use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cameron County, a low-income south Texas-Mexico border county marked by severe health disparities, was consistently among the top counties with the highest COVID-19 mortality in Texas at the onset of the pandemic. The disparity in COVID-19 burden within Texas counties revealed the need for effective interventions to address the specific needs of local health departments and their communities. Publicly available COVID-19 surveillance data were not sufficiently timely or granular to deliver such targeted interventions. An agency-academic collaboration in Cameron used novel geographic information science methods to produce granular COVID-19 surveillance data. These data were used to strategically target an educational outreach intervention named \"Boots on the Ground\" (BOG) in the City of Brownsville (COB).
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a spatially targeted community intervention on daily COVID-19 test counts.
    METHODS: The agency-academic collaboration between the COB and UTHealth Houston led to the creation of weekly COVID-19 epidemiological reports at the census tract level. These reports guided the selection of census tracts to deliver targeted BOG between April 21 and June 8, 2020. Recordkeeping of the targeted BOG tracts and the intervention dates, along with COVID-19 daily testing counts per census tract, provided data for intervention evaluation. An interrupted time series design was used to evaluate the impact on COVID-19 test counts 2 weeks before and after targeted BOG. A piecewise Poisson regression analysis was used to quantify the slope (sustained) and intercept (immediate) change between pre- and post-BOG COVID-19 daily test count trends. Additional analysis of COB tracts that did not receive targeted BOG was conducted for comparison purposes.
    RESULTS: During the intervention period, 18 of the 48 COB census tracts received targeted BOG. Among these, a significant change in the slope between pre- and post-BOG daily test counts was observed in 5 tracts, 80% (n=4) of which had a positive slope change. A positive slope change implied a significant increase in daily COVID-19 test counts 2 weeks after targeted BOG compared to the testing trend observed 2 weeks before intervention. In an additional analysis of the 30 census tracts that did not receive targeted BOG, significant slope changes were observed in 10 tracts, of which positive slope changes were only observed in 20% (n=2). In summary, we found that BOG-targeted tracts had mostly positive daily COVID-19 test count slope changes, whereas untargeted tracts had mostly negative daily COVID-19 test count slope changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of spatially targeted community interventions is necessary to strengthen the evidence base of this important approach for local emergency preparedness. This report highlights how an academic-agency collaboration established and evaluated the impact of a real-time, targeted intervention delivering precision public health to a small community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After-Action Reports (AARs) are retrospective summaries that capture key information and lessons learned from emergency response exercises and real incidents. The AAR is a commonly used evaluation tool used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program. It is used as a metric of accountability and awardee performance. The objectives of this study were to qualitatively analyze AARs of public health preparedness programs and develop a coding scheme for standardizing future review and analysis of AARs. We evaluated 14 AARs (4 exercises and 10 real incidents) generated between 2012 and 2018. We applied inductive qualitative analyses using ATLAS.Ti software. While, previous exercises focused on medical countermeasure responses, real-world incidents focused on natural disasters and infectious disease outbreaks. Six overarching themes emerged: Communications, Coordination, Resource Distribution, Unified Planning, Surveillance, and Knowledge Sharing. A standardized analysis format is proposed for future use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a rapid increase in demand for healthcare services over a prolonged period, and the hospital emergency preparedness system has been essential. Therefore, this study aimed to explore Jordanian hospitals\' response to emergency situations and examine the underlying role and effect of accreditation programs as a \"Quality and Patient Safety\" tool to deal with emergency situations during the pandemic.
    METHODS: An online survey for a cross-sectional study was conducted in Jordan between 1 March and 30 May 2022, to examine the opinions of hospitals\' top, senior, and middle managers using a validated questionnaire.
    RESULTS: A total of 200 healthcare providers from 30 hospitals participated in the study. From the areas within accreditation standards that were investigated, capacity building on emergency preparedness and communication abilities received the least scores (2.46 and 2.48, respectively). Additionally, hospitals with mature quality and patient safety culture (>3 accreditation cycles) demonstrated a statistically significant difference in score in two domains-emergency preparedness (p = 0.027) and infection prevention and control (p = 0.024).
    CONCLUSIONS: During outbreaks, hospitals that are required to comply with accreditation standards that address all emergency preparedness aspects will fare better in quality performance.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: After a disaster, it is essential to maintain the health care supply levels to minimize the health impact on vulnerable populations. During the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, hospitals within a 20 km radius were forced to make an immediate evacuation, causing a wide range of short- and long-term health problems. However, there is limited information on how the disaster disrupted the continuity of health care for hospitalized patients in the acute phase of the disaster.
    METHODS: An 86-year-old Japanese man who needed central venous nutrition, oxygen administration, care to prevent pressure ulcers, skin and suctioning care of the trachea, and full assistance in the basic activities of daily living had been admitted to a hospital within 5 km radius of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and experienced Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. After the accident, the hospital faced a manpower shortage associated with hospital evacuation, environmental changes caused by infrastructure and medical supply disruptions, and the difficulty of evacuating seriously ill patients. As a result, antibiotics and suction care for aspiration pneumonia could not be appropriately provided to the patient due to lack of caregivers and infrastructure shortages. The patient died before his evacuation was initiated, in the process of hospital evacuation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that decline in health care supply levels to hospitalized patients before evacuation during the acute phase of a radiation-released disaster may lead to patient fatalities. It is important to maintain the health care supply level even in such situations as the radiation-released disaster; otherwise, patients may experience negative health effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The devastating effects of inadequate basic utilities such as water, sanitation, hygiene, waste management and environmental cleaning (WASH) is underscored by the current global pandemic declared on March 11, 2020. This paper explores the experiences of key informants (n = 15) ie government and non-government organization officials on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in health care facilities (HCFs) and the role of WASH in emergency preparedness in health settings and the communities they serve using Kisumu, Kenya as a case study. The results from interviews with the key informants indicate socioecological challenges shaping access to hygiene services in HCFs and related disparities in social determinants of health such as WASH that serve as barriers to the pandemic response. All participants indicated the healthcare system was ill-prepared for the pandemic. Health care workers experienced such severe psychosocial impacts due to the lack of preparedness that they subsequently embarked on strikes in protest. These situations influenced citizens\' perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic as a hoax and resulted in a surge in other population health indicators (e.g., increased maternal mortality; decreased vaccination rates for other illnesses such as measles). We recommend authentic partnerships among all stakeholders to develop and implement context-driven sustainable solutions that integrate WASH and emergency preparedness in HCFs and the communities they serve across all spatial scales, from the global to the local.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Over the past decade, 70% of new and re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks in East Africa have originated from the Congo Basin where Rwanda is located. To respond to these increasing risks of disastrous outbreaks, the government began integrating One Health (OH) into its infectious disease response systems in 2011 to strengthen its preparedness and contain outbreaks. The strong performance of Rwanda in responding to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic makes it an excellent example to understand how the structure and principles of OH were applied during this unprecedented situation.
    METHODS: A rapid environmental scan of published and grey literature was conducted between August and December 2020, to assess Rwanda\'s OH structure and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 132 documents including official government documents, published research, newspaper articles, and policies were analysed using thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Rwanda\'s OH structure consists of multidisciplinary teams from sectors responsible for human, animal, and environmental health. The country has developed OH strategic plans and policies outlining its response to zoonotic infections, integrated OH into university curricula to develop a OH workforce, developed multidisciplinary rapid response teams, and created decentralized laboratories in the animal and human health sectors to strengthen surveillance. To address COVID-19, the country created a preparedness and response plan before its onset, and a multisectoral joint task force was set up to coordinate the response to the pandemic. By leveraging its OH structure, Rwanda was able to rapidly implement a OH-informed response to COVID-19.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rwanda\'s integration of OH into its response systems to infectious diseases and to COVID-19 demonstrates the importance of applying OH principles into the governance of infectious diseases at all levels. Rwanda exemplifies how preparedness and response to outbreaks and pandemics can be strengthened through multisectoral collaboration mechanisms. We do expect limitations in our findings due to the rapid nature of our environmental scan meant to inform the COVID-19 policy response and would encourage a full situational analysis of OH in Rwanda\'s Coronavirus response.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Emergency departments (EDs) are reasonably well prepared for external disasters, such as natural disasters, mass casualty incidents, and terrorist attacks. However, crises and disasters that emerge and unfold within hospitals appear to be more common than external events. EDs are often affected. Internal hospital crises and disasters (IHCDs) have the potential to endanger patients, staff, and visitors, and to undermine the integrity of the facility as a steward of public health and safety. Furthermore, ED patient safety and logistics may be seriously hampered.
    METHODS: Case series of 3 disasters within EDs. Narrative overview of the current IHCD-related literature retrieved from searches of PubMed databases, hand searches, and authoritative texts.
    CONCLUSIONS: The causes of IHCDs are multifaceted and an internal disaster is often the result of a cascade of events. They may or may not be associated with a community-wide event. Examples include fires, floods, power outages, structural damage, information and communication technology (ICT) failures, and cyberattacks. EDs are particularly at-risk. While acute-onset disasters have immediate consequences for acute care services, epidemics and pandemics are threats that can have long-term sequelae.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hospitals and their EDs are at-risk for crises and their potential escalation to hospital disasters. Emerging risks due to climate-related emergencies, infectious disease outbreaks, terrorism, and cyberattacks pose particular threats. If a hospital is not prepared for IHCDs, it undermines the capacity of administration and staff to safeguard the safety of patients. Therefore, hospitals and their EDs must check and where necessary enhance their preparedness for these contingencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) through opioid treatment programs (OTPs), especially because of the unique challenges of the care delivery model. Previously, documentation of patient experiences during emergencies often comes years after the fact, in part because there is a substantial data void in real-time. Methods: We extracted 308 posts that mention COVID-19 keywords on r/methadone, an online community for patients receiving MMT to share information, on Reddit occurring between January 31, 2020 and September 30, 2020. 215 of these posts self-report an impact to their MMT. Using qualitative content analysis, we characterized the impacts described in these posts and identified four emergent themes describing patients\' experience of impacts to MMT during COVID-19. Results: The themes included (1) 54.4% of posts reporting impediments to accessing their methadone, (2) 28.4% reporting impediments to accessing physicial OTPs, (3) 19.5% reporting having to self-manage their care, and (4) 4.7% reporting impediments to accessing OTP providers and staff. Conclusions: Patients described unanticipated consequences to one-size-fits-all policies that are unevenly applied resulting in suboptimal dosing, increased perceived risk of acquiring COVID-19 at OTPs, and reduced interaction with OTP providers and staff. While preliminary, these results are formative for follow-up surveillance metrics for patients of OTPs as well as digitally-mediated resource needs for this online community. This study serves as a model of how social media can be employed during and after emergencies to hear the lived experiences of patients for informed emergency preparedness and response.





