
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Migraine and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be difficult-to-treat comorbidities that may be driven by underlying gut-brain axis dysfunction. This report describes utilization of a low-FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) diet (LFD) in a patient with refractory migraine and co-occurring IBS.
    UNASSIGNED: After unremarkable physical and neurological examinations, a 57-year-old woman with IBS and chronic migraine was started on a LFD under the guidance of a registered dietician. Psychometrically validated surveys administered at baseline and initial follow-up assessed patient-reported outcomes related to migraine and IBS symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: At baseline, the patient reported 80/90 migraine days with average pain of 8/10, a Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) score of 33, and Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6) score of 64, the latter 2 scores indicating severe disability. Baseline IBS symptom severity was noted at 9/10. Within 1 week on a LFD, the patient\'s IBS symptoms and migraines improved in both frequency and intensity of episodes. After 5 weeks on a LFD elimination, the patient\'s clinical improvement continued and she reported significant reduction in migraines, with average pain of 1/10 and IBS severity of 3/10. The patient also improved from severe to minimal levels of disability on validated measures (MIDAS, HIT-6, and IBS Patient Global Impression of Change).
    UNASSIGNED: This is the first case report detailing successful initial treatment of migraine and co-occurring IBS utilizing a dietician-guided LFD. There are a number of important reasons for potential improvement in these gut-brain axis disorders which are reviewed as well as an implication for long-term management and food reintroduction. Larger, randomized trials evaluating a LFD in diverse individuals with migraine and co-occurring IBS are warranted to help confirm these results.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Emamectin·chlorfenapyr is insecticide compounded by emamectin benzoate and chlorfenapyr. There is no special antidote after poisoning, and the mortality rate of patients is very high. We admitted a case of toxic encephalopathy caused by oral administration of emamectin·chlorfenapyr. The clinical manifestations of patient were gastrointestinal symptoms, profuse sweating, high fever, changes in consciousness. After admitted to the hospital, despite active comprehensive treatment, the patient died of ineffective rescue eventually.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    To analyze the clinical data of a case of acute emamectin·chlorfenapyr poisoning in Guangzhou 12th People\'s Hospital in 2019. The patient developed high fever and night sweats, and gradually became unconscious. The patient died after 5 days of treatment. The toxicity and mortality of emamectin·chlorfenapyr were high. For acute poisoning patients, in addition to conventional symptomatic treatment, early blood purification treatment should be actively carried out.
    对2019年广州市第十二人民医院收治的1例急性甲维·虫螨腈中毒患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。患者出现高热、盗汗,逐渐出现意识不清,治疗5 d后死亡。甲维·虫螨腈毒性强,致死率高。对于急性中毒患者除常规对症治疗外,应早期积极行血液净化治疗。.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Intralymphatic histiocytosis (ILH) is a rare skin benign condition observed in a variety of inflammatory settings. It is characterized by the presence of ectatic dermal lymphatic vessels containing aggregates of histiocytes. Associated conditions that have been identified include rheumatoid arthritis, metallic orthopedic implants, inflammatory bowel disease, and malignancies of the breast, skin, and colon. Some cases with no attributable underlying cause have been described. The pathophysiology of ILH is not well understood. It has been proposed that it may represent macrophage migration during immune activation. Herein, we present the first description of ILH observed in the healing phase of cellulitis on the skin of the breast. Awareness of this possibility is important when the diagnosis of intravascular carcinomatosis is being considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conformational preferences of two C-glycosyl analogues of Manp-(1 → 3)-Manp, were studied using a combined method of theoretical and experimental chemistry. Molecular dynamics was utilized to provide conformational behavior along C-glycosidic bonds of methyl 3-deoxy-3-C-[(α-d-mannopyranosyl)methyl]-α-d- and l-mannopyranosides. The OPLS2005 and Glycam06 force fields were used. Simulations were performed with explicit water (TIP3P) and methanol. Results were compared with a complete conformational scan at the MM4 level with the dielectric constant corresponding to methanol. In order to verify predicted conformational preferences, vicinal 3JHH NMR coupling constants were calculated by the Karplus equation on simulated potential energy surfaces (PES). A set of new parameters for the Karplus equation was also designed. Predicted 3JHH were compared with experimental data. We also used reverse methodology, in which the 3JHH coupling constants were calculated at the DFT level for each family of (ϕ, ψ)-conformers separately and then experimental values were decomposed onto calculated 3JHH couplings in order to obtain experimentally derived populations of conformers. As an alternative method of evaluation of preferred conformers, analysis of sensitive 13C chemical shifts was introduced. We were able to thoroughly discuss several fundamental issues in predictions of preferred conformers of C-saccharides, such as the solvent effect, reliability of the force field, character of empirical Karplus equation or applicability of NMR parameters in predictions of conformational preferences in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this research was to study the atypical secondary drying dynamics observed during the freeze-drying of a formulation consisting of mannitol, disaccharide, and sodium chloride, where \"bursts\" of water vapor release were observed during secondary drying as detected by comparative pressure measurement. \"Thief\" samples were removed at the end of primary drying and during secondary drying as the shelf temperature was increased in a stepwise fashion. These samples were examined by X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis. From the X-ray powder diffraction data, we determined that mannitol crystallized predominantly as its hemihydrate. The physical state of mannitol changed from the hemihydrate form to anhydrous forms during secondary drying. Investigation of the effect of excipients on mannitol crystallization demonstrated that sodium chloride (at 225 mM, 1.3% w/v) had the greatest influence on hemihydrate crystallization, followed by trehalose and sucrose. However, only negligible hemihydrate formation was observed when mannitol was freeze-dried either by itself or in the presence of 150 mM sodium chloride and no hemihydrate in the presence of 75 mM sodium chloride. In general, a combination of a disaccharide and sodium chloride promoted the hemihydrate formation to a greater extent than the individual components. Comparative pressure measurement was demonstrated to be an effective tool to monitor mannitol hemihydrate dehydration during secondary drying.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Context • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is commonly defined as an increased number of bacteria and/or an abnormal type of bacteria in the small intestine. Conventional treatment for SIBO is typically focused on antibiotics to eradicate the bacterial overgrowth. Numerous studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial activity of herbs, and a diet low in fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) has been shown to enhance antibiotic therapy. Objective • The current case study intended to evaluate the benefits of an alternative, multifaceted approach-including botanical and homeopathic therapies in conjunction with a low-FODMAP diet-in the treatment of SIBO and its associated symptoms. Design • The research team performed a case study. Setting • The study was conducted at SCNM Medical Center (Tempe, AZ, USA). Participant • The participant was a female patient at the SCNM Medical Center with chronic, daily, severe abdominal bloating and pain that particularly worsened after meals and by the end of the day. The patient also had a significant history of chronic constipation that had begun approximately 10 y prior to her experiencing the daily abdominal pain. Intervention • Based on a lactulose breath test for hydrogen and methane, the research team diagnosed the patient with a case of mild SIBO. The treatment approach was multifaceted, involving a low-FODMAP diet, antimicrobial botanical therapy, and homeopathic medicine. Results • The patient\'s abdominal pain and bloating resolved with the treatment of the SIBO, although her underlying constipation, which was likely associated with other factors, remained. Conclusions • This case study supports an alternative, multifaceted approach to the treatment of SIBO and commonly associated symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Until recently, food allergies to mammalian meats have been considered to be very rare. The observation that patients not previously exposed to the monoclonal chimeric antibody cetuximab suffered from severe anaphylaxis upon first exposure, led to the identification of galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose as a new relevant carbohydrate allergen. These patients later often suffered from anaphylactic reactions to red meat. Epidemiological data indicated that bites by the tick Amblyomma americanum in the USA, later also by Ixodes species in other continents, resulted in sensitisation to alpha-gal. On the other hand, in African patients with parasitic disorders, a high prevalence of anti-alpha-gal IgE, without clinical relevance, has been reported. In our four cases, one patient with a late onset of meat allergy had a history of a tick bite. The other three patients had symptoms from childhood or at a juvenile age. This indicates that in some patients, other ways of sensitisation may also take place. However, in patients without atopy, tick bite-induced IgE to alpha-gal may be more relevant. Diagnosis is based on a history of delayed onset of anaphylaxis. Skin tests with commercially available meat test solutions are often equivocal or negative; skin tests with raw meat and particularly pork kidney are more sensitive. Determination of specific IgE to alpha-gal is commercially available. The highest sensitivity is observed with skin and basophil activation tests with cetuximab which is, however, limited by its high costs.





