digital therapy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the context of population aging, the growing problem of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) poses a great challenge to mankind. Although there has been considerable progress in exploring the etiology of AD, i.e., the important role of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the progression of AD has been widely accepted by the scientific community, traditional treatment and monitoring modalities have significant limitations. Therefore novel evaluation and treatment modalities for Alzheimer\'s disease are called for emergence. In this research, we sought to review the effectiveness of digital treatment based on monitoring using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). This work searched four electronic databases using a keyword approach and focused on journals focusing on AD and geriatric cognition. Finally, 21 articles were included. The progress of digital therapy and outcome monitoring in AD was reviewed, including digital therapy approaches on different platforms and different neuromonitoring techniques. Because biomarkers such as theta coherence, alpha and beta rhythms, and oxyhemoglobin are effective in monitoring the cognitive level of AD patients, and thus the efficacy of digital therapies, this review particularly focuses on the biomarker validation results of digital therapies. The results show that digital treatment based on biomarker monitoring has good effectiveness. And the effectiveness is reflected in the numerical changes of biomarker indicators monitored by EEG and fNIRS before and after digital treatment. Increases or decreases in the values of these indicators collectively point to improvements in cognitive function (mostly moderate to large effect sizes). The study is the first to examine the state of digital therapy in AD from the perspective of multimodal monitoring, which broadens the research perspective on the effectiveness of AD and gives clinical therapists a \"reference list\" of treatment options. They can select a specific protocol from this \"reference list\" in order to tailor digital therapy to the needs of individual patients.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Dizziness and vertigo can be caused by various factors, such as peripheral vestibular and central disorders. Although consultations with specialists are advisable when necessary, patients with severe vertigo symptoms may have limited mobility, which may interfere with hospital visits. The spread of COVID-19 has further limited the number of hospital visits for patients with dizziness; therefore, a method of medical care that enables more accurate treatment under time and geographical constraints is needed. Telemedicine has become widespread, owing to the popularity of smartphone and tablet devices in recent years, and the use of devices and systems has made it possible to provide efficient medical care. However, no previous scoping review has mapped existing studies on telemedicine for vertigo and dizziness, and no recommendations have been made regarding which devices and systems should be used for specific diseases.
    The aim of this review was to map and assess previous studies on the use of information communications technology, smartphones, and apps for treating patients with vertigo and discuss the added value of introducing telemedicine to improve the quality of medical care and create an environment that builds security and trust among patients.
    A scoping review was conducted with the methodological framework of Arksey and O\'Malley and in accordance with the of the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. The PubMed, MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library databases were searched to retrieve previous reports on smartphone-assisted telemedicine treatment for vertigo published between January 2000 and May 2023. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and extracted data.
    This review included 20 papers that reported devices or systems for telemedicine for vestibular dysfunction. Among studies that reported the use of a device or app, 2 were related to anamnesis and subjective symptoms, 12 were related to objective examination, 7 were related to remote diagnosis, and 7 were related to treatment and rehabilitation.
    With the advancement of technology, the use of telemedicine in patients with dizziness may be feasible. In the future, it will be necessary to consider how telemedicine can be used in dizziness treatment and develop an effective treatment system combining in-person medical care and the effective use of devices for the management of severe vertigo and related diseases. The smooth introduction of telemedicine in vertigo treatment is expected to improve the quality of treatment, increase opportunities for patients to receive medical care, and reduce time and travel costs, leading to a sense of security and trust among patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The learning method has changed from offline to online since Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic cause mental health problems in students such as stress, anxiety, and even depression. Interventions to reduce mental health problems in adolescents need to be carried out digitally to reduce the transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019. The purpose of this study is to explore methods of digital therapy to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression among students during the Coronavirus Disease 2019. A scoping review study design was used in this study. Database the study from CINAHL, PubMed, and Scopus databases. This study used PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and for quality appraisal used JBI Quality Appraisal. The inclusion criteria for articles in this study are full text, randomized control trial or quasi-experiment research design, English language, students sample, and the publication period during COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2022). There were found 13 articles discussing digital therapy and it was found that the digital therapy model to reduce anxiety and depression includes directions through digital modules, directions via video, and asynchronous discussions via online meeting. The sample range in this study is 37-1986 students. Most of the articles come from developed countries. Delivery services of digital therapy consist of three phases, namely psycho-education, problem-solving, and implementation of problem-solving strategies. The authors found that there are four digital therapy methods, namely Improving psychological abilities, Bias-modification intervention, Self-help intervention, and Mindfulness intervention. The implementation of digital therapy must still pay attention to various aspects that affect students, so that therapists need to pay attention to physical, psychological, spiritual, and cultural aspects. Here we highlight, digital therapy interventions are proven for improving mental health by reducing depression and anxiety levels among students during the COVID-19 pandemic by paying attention to all aspects that affect students.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of worldwide years lost because of disability, with a tremendous economic burden for health care systems. Digital therapeutic care (DTC) programs provide a scalable, universally accessible, and low-cost approach to the multidisciplinary treatment of LBP. Moreover, novel decision support interventions such as personalized feedback messages, push notifications, and data-driven activity recommendations amplify DTC by guiding the user through the program while aiming to increase overall engagement and sustainable behavior change.
    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review aims to synthesize recent scientific literature on the impact of DTC apps for people with LBP and outline the implementation of add-on decision support interventions, including their effect on user retention and attrition rates.
    METHODS: We searched bibliographic databases, including MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, from March 1, 2016, to October 15, 2020, in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines and conducted this review based on related previously published systematic reviews. Besides randomized controlled trials (RCTs), we also included study designs with the evidence level of at least a retrospective comparative study. This enables the consideration of real-world user-generated data and provides information regarding the adoption and effectiveness of DTC apps in a real-life setting. For the appraisal of the risk of bias, we used the Risk of Bias 2 Tool and the Risk of Bias in Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions Tool for the RCTs and nonrandomized trials, respectively. The included studies were narratively synthesized regarding primary and secondary outcome measures, DTC components, applied decision support interventions, user retention, and attrition rates.
    RESULTS: We retrieved 1388 citations, of which 12 studies are included in this review. Of the 12 studies, 6 (50%) were RCTs and 6 (50%) were nonrandomized trials. In all included studies, lower pain levels and increased functionality compared with baseline values were observed in the DTC intervention group. A between-group comparison revealed significant improvements in pain and functionality levels in 67% (4/6) of the RCTs. The study population was mostly homogeneous, with predominantly female, young to middle-aged participants of normal to moderate weight. The methodological quality assessment revealed moderate to high risks of biases, especially in the nonrandomized trials.
    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review demonstrates the benefits of DTC for people with LBP. There is also evidence that decision support interventions benefit overall engagement with the app and increase participants\' ability to self-manage their recovery process. Finally, including retrospective evaluation studies of real-world user-generated data in future systematic reviews of digital health intervention trials can reveal new insights into the benefits, challenges, and real-life adoption of DTC programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study is to compare game-based digital therapeutic device and other DHI like (smartphone apps, wearable technologies) for ADHD with the current pharmacological and behavior therapy. The FDA has approved a game-based digital therapeutic device - EndeavorRx, for the treatment of ADHD in pediatric patients belonging to the age group of 8-12 years old. This has been primarily recommended for the treatment of inattentive or combined-type ADHD who have demonstrated an attention issue. This is the first game-based therapeutic device to be approved by the FDA for any type of condition. According to the FDA, this has been shown to improve attention which is measured by computer-based testing. Objective: The objective of this study is to compare a game-based digital therapeutic device and other DHI (smartphone apps, wearable technologies) with the current pharmacological and behavior therapy used in the treatment of ADHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recent literature on reasoning biases in psychosis and delusions is reviewed. The state-of-the-art knowledge from systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the evidence for jumping to conclusions is briefly summarised, before a fuller discussion of the more recent empirical literature on belief flexibility as applied to delusions. The methodology and evidence in relation to studies of belief flexibility and the Bias Against Disconfirmatory Evidence (BADE) across the delusional continuum will be critically appraised, and implications drawn for improving cognitive therapy. It will be proposed that dual process models of reasoning, which Kahneman (Kahneman, 2011) popularised as \'fast and slow thinking\', provide a useful theoretical framework for integrating further research and informing clinical practice. The emergence of therapies which specifically target fast and slow thinking in people with distressing delusions will be described.





