dendritic spines

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural plasticity of dendritic spines in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is crucial for learning from aversive experiences. Activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) stimulates Ca2+-dependent signaling that leads to changes in the actin cytoskeleton, mediated by the Rho family of GTPases, resulting in postsynaptic remodeling essential for learning. We investigated how phosphorylation events downstream of NMDAR activation drive the changes in synaptic morphology that underlie aversive learning. Large-scale phosphoproteomic analyses of protein kinase targets in mouse striatal/accumbal slices revealed that NMDAR activation resulted in the phosphorylation of 194 proteins, including RhoA regulators such as ARHGEF2 and ARHGAP21. Phosphorylation of ARHGEF2 by the Ca2+-dependent protein kinase CaMKII enhanced its RhoGEF activity, thereby activating RhoA and its downstream effector Rho-associated kinase (ROCK/Rho-kinase). Further phosphoproteomic analysis identified 221 ROCK targets, including the postsynaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3, which is crucial for its interaction with NMDARs and other postsynaptic scaffolding proteins. ROCK-mediated phosphorylation of SHANK3 in the NAc was essential for spine growth and aversive learning. These findings demonstrate that NMDAR activation initiates a phosphorylation cascade crucial for learning and memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cocaine use disorder (CUD) is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder estimated to effect 1-3% of the population. Activity-dependent neuroprotective protein (ADNP) is essential for brain development and functioning, shown to be protective in fetal alcohol syndrome and to regulate alcohol consumption in adult mice. The goal of this study was to characterize the role of ADNP, and its active peptide NAP (NAPVSIPQ), which is also known as davunetide (investigational drug) in mediating cocaine-induced neuroadaptations. Real time PCR was used to test levels of Adnp and Adnp2 in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and dorsal hippocampus (DH) of cocaine-treated mice (15 mg/kg). Adnp heterozygous (Adnp +/-)and wild-type (Adnp +/-) mice were further tagged with excitatory neuronal membrane-expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) that allowed for in vivo synaptic quantification. The mice were treated with cocaine (5 injections; 15 mg/kg once every other day) with or without NAP daily injections (0.4 µg/0.1 ml) and sacrificed following the last treatment. We analyzed hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells from 3D confocal images using the Imaris x64.8.1.2 (Oxford Instruments) software to measure changes in dendritic spine density and morphology. In silico ADNP/NAP/cocaine structural modeling was performed as before. Cocaine decreased Adnp and Adnp2 expression 2 h after injection in the NAc and VTA of male mice, with mRNA levels returning to baseline levels after 24 h. Cocaine further reduced hippocampal spine density, particularly synaptically weaker immature thin and stubby spines, in male Adnp+/+) mice while increasing synaptically stronger mature (mushroom) spines in Adnp+/-) male mice and thin and stubby spines in females. Lastly, we showed that cocaine interacts with ADNP on a zinc finger domain identical to ketamine and adjacent to a NAP-zinc finger interaction site. Our results implicate ADNP in cocaine abuse, further placing the ADNP gene as a key regulator in neuropsychiatric disorders. Ketamine/cocaine and NAP treatment may be interchangeable to some degree, implicating an interaction with adjacent zinc finger motifs on ADNP and suggestive of a potential sex-dependent, non-addictive NAP treatment for CUD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neuroinflammation and microglial activation-related dendritic injury contribute to the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Previous studies show that Progranulin (PGRN) is a growth factor associated with inflammation and synaptic development, but the role of PGRN in autism and the mechanisms underlying changes in PGRN expression remain unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of PGRN in autism, we stereotactically injected recombinant PGRN into the hippocampus of ASD model rats. Additionally, we explored the possibility that sortilin may be the factor behind the alterations in PGRN by utilizing SORT1 knockdown. Ultimately, we aimed to identify potential targets for the treatment of autism.
    RESULTS: PGRN could alleviate inflammatory responses, protect neuronal dendritic spines, and ameliorate autism-like behaviors. Meanwhile, elevated expression of sortilin and decreased levels of PGRN were observed in both ASD patients and rats. Enhanced sortilin levels facilitated PGRN internalization into lysosomes. Notably, suppressing SORT1 expression amplified PGRN levels, lessened microglial activation, and mitigated inflammation, thereby alleviating autism-like behaviors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our findings highlight elevated sortilin levels in ASD rat brains, exacerbating dendrite impairment by affecting PGRN expression. PGRN supplementation and SORT1 knockdown hold potential as therapeutic strategies for ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons receive thousands of inputs onto their dendritic arbour, where individual synapses undergo activity-dependent plasticity. Long-lasting changes in postsynaptic strengths correlate with changes in spine head volume. The magnitude and direction of such structural plasticity - potentiation (sLTP) and depression (sLTD) - depend upon the number and spatial distribution of stimulated synapses. However, how neurons allocate resources to implement synaptic strength changes across space and time amongst neighbouring synapses remains unclear. Here we combined experimental and modelling approaches to explore the elementary processes underlying multi-spine plasticity. We used glutamate uncaging to induce sLTP at varying number of synapses sharing the same dendritic branch, and we built a model incorporating a dual role Ca2+-dependent component that induces spine growth or shrinkage. Our results suggest that competition among spines for molecular resources is a key driver of multi-spine plasticity and that spatial distance between simultaneously stimulated spines impacts the resulting spine dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widespread use of wireless communication devices has necessitated unavoidable exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). In particular, increasing RF-EMF exposure among children is primarily driven by mobile phone use. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of 1850 MHz RF-EMF exposure at a specific absorption rate of 4.0 W/kg on cortical neurons in mice at postnatal day 28. The results indicated a significant reduction in the number of mushroom-shaped dendritic spines in the prefrontal cortex after daily exposure for 4 weeks. Additionally, prolonged RF-EMF exposure over 9 days led to a gradual decrease in postsynaptic density 95 puncta and inhibited neurite outgrowth in developing cortical neurons. Moreover, the expression levels of genes associated with synapse formation, such as synaptic cell adhesion molecules and cyclin-dependent kinase 5, were reduced in the cerebral cortexes of RF-EMF-exposed mice. Behavioral assessments using the Morris water maze revealed altered spatial learning and memory after the 4-week exposure period. These findings underscore the potential of RF-EMF exposure during childhood to disrupt synaptic function in the cerebral cortex, thereby affecting the developmental stages of the nervous system and potentially influencing later cognitive function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For a subset of individuals known as sign-trackers, discrete Pavlovian cues associated with rewarding stimuli can acquire incentive properties and exert control over behaviour. Because responsiveness to cues is a feature of various neuropsychiatric conditions, rodent models of sign-tracking may prove useful for exploring the neurobiology of individual variation in psychiatric vulnerabilities. Converging evidence points towards the involvement of dopaminergic neurotransmission in the nucleus accumbens core (NAc) in the development of sign-tracking, yet whether this phenotype is associated with specific accumbal postsynaptic properties is unknown. Here, we examined dendritic spine structural organisation, as well as presynaptic and postsynaptic markers of activity, in the NAc core of male and female rats following a Pavlovian-conditioned approach procedure. In contrast to our prediction that cue re-exposure would increase spine density, experiencing the discrete lever-cue without reward delivery resulted in lower spine density than control rats for which the lever was unpaired with reward during training; this effect was tempered in the most robust sign-trackers. Interestingly, this same behavioural test (lever presentation without reward) resulted in increased levels of a marker of presynaptic activity (synaptophysin), and this effect was greatest in female rats. Whilst some behavioural differences were observed in females during initial Pavlovian training, final conditioning scores did not differ from males and were unaffected by the oestrous cycle. This work provides novel insights into how conditioning impacts the neuronal plasticity of the NAc core, whilst highlighting the importance of studying the behaviour and neurobiology of both male and female rats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Suicide is a manner of death resulting from complex environmental and genetic risks that affect millions of people globally. Both structural and functional studies identified the hippocampus as one of the vulnerable brain regions contributing to suicide risk.
    METHODS: We have identified the hippocampal tissue transcriptomes, gene ontology, cell type proportions, and dendritic spine morphology in controls (n = 28) and suicide decedents (n = 22). In addition, the transcriptomic signature in iPSC-derived neuronal precursor cells (NPCs) and neurons were also investigated in controls (n = 2) and suicide decedents (n = 2).
    RESULTS: The hippocampal tissue transcriptomic data revealed that NPAS4 gene expression was downregulated while ALDH1A2, NAAA, and MLXIPL gene expressions were upregulated in hippocampal tissue of suicide decedents. The gene ontology identified 29 significant pathways including NPAS4-associated gene ontology terms \"excitatory post-synaptic potential\", \"regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential\" and \"long-term memory\" indicating alteration of glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus of suicide decedents. The cell type deconvolution identified decreased excitatory neuron proportion and an increased inhibitory neuron proportion providing evidence of excitation/inhibition imbalance in the hippocampus of suicide decedents. In addition, suicide decedents had increased dendric spine density in the hippocampus, due to an increase of thin (relatively unstable) dendritic spines, compared to controls. The transcriptomes of iPSC-derived hippocampal-like NPCs and neurons revealed 31 and 33 differentially expressed genes in NPC and neurons, respectively, of suicide decedents.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings will provide new insights into the hippocampal neuropathology of suicide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental affliction characterized by compulsive behaviors often manifested in intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. The quinpirole model has been used with rats to replicate compulsive behaviors and study the neurophysiological processes associated with this pathology. Several changes in the dendritic spines of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsolateral striatum (DLS) have been related to the occurrence of compulsive behaviors. Dendritic spines regulate excitatory synaptic contacts, and their morphology is associated with various brain pathologies. The present study was designed to correlate the occurrence of compulsive behaviors (generated by administering the drug quinpirole) with the morphology of the different types of dendritic spines in the mPFC and DLS. A total of 18 male rats were used. Half were assigned to the experimental group, the other half to the control group. The former received injections of quinpirole, while the latter rats were injected with physiological saline solution, for 10 days in both cases. After the experimental treatment, the quinpirole rats exhibited all the parameters indicative of compulsive behavior and a significant correlation with the density of stubby and wide neckless spines in both the mPFC and DLS. Dendritic spines from both mPFC and DLS neurons showed plastic changes correlatively with the expression of compulsive behavior induced by quinpirole. Further studies are suggested to evaluate the involvement of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the neurobiology of OCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Learning and memory require coordinated structural and functional plasticity at neuronal glutamatergic synapses located on dendritic spines. Here, we investigated how the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) controls postsynaptic Ca2+ signaling and long-term potentiation of dendritic spine size, i.e., sLTP that accompanies functional strengthening of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. In most ER-containing (ER+) spines, high-frequency optical glutamate uncaging (HFGU) induced long-lasting sLTP that was accompanied by a persistent increase in spine ER content downstream of a signaling cascade engaged by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs), and Orai1 channels, the latter being activated by stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) in response to ER Ca2+ release. In contrast, HFGU stimulation of ER-lacking (ER-) spines expressed only transient sLTP and exhibited weaker Ca2+ signals noticeably lacking Orai1 and ER contributions. Consistent with spine ER regulating structural metaplasticity, delivery of a second stimulus to ER- spines induced ER recruitment along with persistent sLTP, whereas ER+ spines showed no additional increases in size or ER content in response to sequential stimulation. Surprisingly, the physical interaction between STIM1 and Orai1 induced by ER Ca2+ release, but not the resulting Ca2+ entry through Orai1 channels, proved necessary for the persistent increases in both spine size and ER content required for expression of long-lasting late sLTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dendritic spines function as postsynaptic sites, receiving excitatory signals from presynaptic axons. The synaptic plasticity of spines underlies the refinement of neuronal circuits. Neural cognitive disorders are commonly associated with the impairment and elimination of dendritic spines. In this study, we report an all-optical method to activate dendritic spine growth and regeneration by a single short flash of femtosecond laser stimulation. The inhibited development and loss of spines can be rescued by a transient illumination of the laser inside a micrometer region of the soma by activating the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathway. The rescued neurons exhibit function. Hence we provide a potential noninvasive method for the regeneration of dendritic spines.





