
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Deer antlers have been used as strong tonifying medicine in Asian countries, especially for the growth and development of children in pediatrics of Korean medicine. The safety of deer antler in adults cannot be applied directly to children because of their physiological characteristics. To accumulate reliable data on the safety of deer antler in pediatric populations, well-designed clinical studies are required.
    METHODS: This research is a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the safety of deer antler extract (DAE) in children. The DAE group received an intervention containing 1586 mg of DAE, whereas the control group received a placebo for 12 weeks. The safety was assessed by monitoring adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and laboratory test results.
    RESULTS: One hundred participants were included in the safety analysis. Three and 2 participants in the DAE and control groups, respectively, reported ADRs. There was no significant difference in incidence between the 2 groups. ADRs are categorized into gastrointestinal and skin-related symptoms. No serious ADR was observed throughout the study. The laboratory test results were within or outside the normal range at clinically insignificant levels.
    CONCLUSIONS: The research discovered that the DAE is safe in terms of ADRs and laboratory parameters under the conditions studied. Further studies are required to accumulate safety data about DAE dosage adjustment and potential interactions with other medicines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During their blood-feeding process, ticks are known to transmit various viruses to vertebrates, including humans. Recent viral metagenomic analyses using next-generation sequencing (NGS) have revealed that blood-feeding arthropods like ticks harbor a large diversity of viruses. However, many of these viruses have not been isolated or cultured, and their basic characteristics remain unknown. This study aimed to present the identification of a difficult-to-culture virus in ticks using NGS and to understand its epidemic dynamics using molecular biology techniques. During routine tick-borne virus surveillance in Japan, an unknown flaviviral sequence was detected via virome analysis of host-questing ticks. Similar viral sequences have been detected in the sera of sika deer and wild boars in Japan, and this virus was tentatively named the Saruyama virus (SAYAV). Because SAYAV did not propagate in any cultured cells tested, single-round infectious virus particles (SRIP) were generated based on its structural protein gene sequence utilizing a yellow fever virus-based replicon system to understand its nationwide endemic status. Seroepidemiological studies using SRIP as antigens have demonstrated the presence of neutralizing antibodies against SAYAV in sika deer and wild boar captured at several locations in Japan, suggesting that SAYAV is endemic throughout Japan. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that SAYAV forms a sister clade with the Orthoflavivirus genus, which includes important mosquito- and tick-borne pathogenic viruses. This shows that SAYAV evolved into a lineage independent of the known orthoflaviviruses. This study demonstrates a unique approach for understanding the epidemiology of uncultured viruses by combining viral metagenomics and pseudoinfectious viral particles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In most cases, the unused by-products of venison, including deer tallow, are disposed of in rendering plants. Deer tallow contains essential fatty acids and can be used to prepare products for everyday food and advanced applications. This work aimed to process deer tallow into hydrolyzed products using microbial lipases. A Taguchi design with three process factors at three levels was used to optimize the processing: amount of water (8, 16, 24%), amount of enzyme (2, 4, 6%), and reaction time (2, 4, 6 h). The conversion of the tallow to hydrolyzed products was expressed by the degree of hydrolysis. The oxidative stability of the prepared products was determined by the peroxide value and the free fatty acids by the acid value; further, color change, textural properties (hardness, spreadability, stickiness, and adhesiveness), and changes at the molecular level were observed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The degree of hydrolysis was 11.8-49.6%; the peroxide value ranged from 12.3 to 29.5 µval/g, and the color change of the samples expressed by the change in the total color difference (∆E*) was 1.9-13.5. The conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis strongly influenced the textural properties: hardness 25-50 N, spreadability 20-40 N/s, and stickiness < 0.06 N. FTIR showed that there are changes at the molecular level manifested by a decrease in ester bonds. Enzymatically hydrolyzed deer tallow is suitable for preparing cosmetics and pharmaceutical matrices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many animals return to their home areas (i.e., \'homing\') after translocation to sites further away. Such translocations have traditionally been used in behavioral ecology to understand the orientation and migration behavior of animals. The movement itself can then be followed by marking and recapturing animals or by tracking, for example, using GPS systems. Most detailed studies investigating this behavior have been conducted in smaller vertebrates (e.g., birds, amphibians, and mice), whereas information on larger mammals, such as red deer, is sparse. We conducted GPS-assisted translocation experiments with red deer at two sites in the Czech Republic. Individuals were translocated over a distance of approximately 11 km and their home journey was tracked. Circular statistics were used to test for significant homeward orientation at distances of 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 m from the release site. In addition, we applied Lavielle trajectory segmentation to identify the different phases of homing behavior. Thirty-one out of 35 translocations resulted in successful homing, with a median time of 4.75 days (range 1.23-100 days). Animals were significantly oriented towards home immediately after release and again when they came closer to home; however, they did not show a significant orientation at the distances in between. We were able to identify three homing phases, an initial \'exploratory phase\', followed by a \'homing phase\' which sometimes was again followed by an \'arrival phase\'. The \'homing phase\' was characterized by the straightest paths and fastest movements. However, the variation between translocation events was considerable. We showed good homing abilities of red deer after translocation. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of conducting experiments with environmental manipulations (e.g., to impede the use of sensory cues) close to the release site. The homing behavior of red deer is comparable to that of other species, and might represent general homing behavior patterns in animals. Follow-up studies should further dissect and investigate the drivers of the individual variations observed and try to identify the sensory cues used during homing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improved methods are needed to prevent wildlife deaths from anthrax. Caused by Bacillus anthracis, naturally occurring outbreaks of anthrax are frequent but unpredictable. The commercially available veterinary vaccine is labeled for subcutaneous injection and is impractical for large-scale wildlife vaccination programs; therefore, oral vaccination is the most realistic method to control and prevent these outbreaks. We reported the induction of an anthrax-specific lethal toxin (LeTx) neutralizing antibody response in mice following oral vaccination with alginate microcapsules containing B. anthracis Sterne strain 34F2 spores, coated with poly-L-lysine (PLL) and vitelline protein B (VpB). We continued evaluating our novel vaccine formulation through this proof-of-concept study in white-tailed deer (WTD; Odocoileus virginianus; n = 9). We orally vaccinated WTD via needle-free syringe with three formulations of the encapsulated vaccine: 1) PLL-VpB-coated microcapsules with 107-8 spores/ml (n = 5), 2) PLL-VpB-coated microcapsules with 109-10 spores/ml (n = 2), and 3) PLL-coated microcapsules with 109-10 spores/ml (n = 2). Although the limited sample sizes require continued experimentation, we observed an anthrax-specific antibody response in WTD serum following oral vaccination with PLL-coated microcapsules containing 109 spores/ ml. Furthermore, this antibody response neutralized anthrax LeTx in vitro, suggesting that continued development of this vaccine may allow for realistic wildlife anthrax vaccination programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bluetongue Virus (BTV) and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (EHDV) are Orbiviruses primarily transmitted by their biological vector, Culicoides spp. Latreille, 1809 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). These viruses can infect a diverse range of vertebrate hosts, leading to disease outbreaks in domestic and wild ruminants worldwide. This study, conducted at the Belo Horizonte Municipal Parks and Zoobotany Foundation (FPMZB-BH), Minas Gerais, Brazil, focused on Orbivirus and its vectors. Collections of Culicoides spp. were carried out at the FPMZB-BH from 9 December 2021 to 18 November 2022. A higher prevalence of these insects was observed during the summer months, especially in February. Factors such as elevated temperatures, high humidity, fecal accumulation, and proximity to large animals, like camels and elephants, were associated with increased Culicoides capture. Among the identified Culicoides spp. species, Culicoides insignis Lutz, 1913, constituted 75%, and Culicoides pusillus Lutz, 1913, 6% of the collected midges, both described as competent vectors for Orbivirus transmission. Additionally, a previously unreported species in Minas Gerais, Culicoides debilipalpis Lutz, 1913, was identified, also suspected of being a transmitter of these Orbiviruses. The feeding preferences of some Culicoides species were analyzed, revealing that C. insignis feeds on deer, Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and European fallow deer (Dama dama). Different Culicoides spp. were also identified feeding on humans, raising concerns about the potential transmission of arboviruses at the site. In parallel, 72 serum samples from 14 susceptible species, including various Cervids, collected between 2012 and 2022 from the FPMZB-BH serum bank, underwent Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) testing for BTV and EHDV. The results showed 75% seropositivity for BTV and 19% for EHDV. Post-testing analysis revealed variations in antibody presence against BTV in a tapir and a fallow deer and against EHDV in a gemsbok across different years. These studies confirm the presence of BTV and EHDV vectors, along with potential virus circulation in the zoo. Consequently, implementing control measures is essential to prevent susceptible species from becoming infected and developing clinical diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bluetongue virus (BTV) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) are arthropod-borne viruses that are transmitted by biting midges in the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and can cause hemorrhagic disease in certain ruminants. The objectives of this study were to measure the incidence of BTV and EHDV infections in captive white-tailed deer herd as well as tissues and corresponding presence of Culicoides midges at a location near Clinton, LA. During a 7-yr study with yearly outbreaks of hemorrhagic disease in the deer herd, 15 species of Culicoides were captured using Centers for Disease Control (CDC) black light traps. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to screen for BTV and EHDV in pools of midges and tissues of deer. From 2012 to 2018, 1,711 pools of midges representing 24,859 specimens were tested, and specimens from 5 of the 15 collected species (Culicoides debilipalpis, Culicoides stellifer, Culicoides venustus, Culicoides haematopotus, and Culicoides crepuscularis) were found to be PCR positive for BTV and EHDV. Most of the BTV-positive pools of biting midges were from specimens of C. debilipalpis and C. stellifer, and most of the EHDV-positive pools were from specimens of C. venustus and C. stellifer. During the 7-yr period, 112 white-tailed deer that died at the study location were PCR positive for BTV or EHDV: detected BTV serotypes were 10 and 12 and EHDV serotypes were 1, 2, and 6. There was a significant increase in BTV/EHDV antibody prevalence in white-tailed deer during the study; antibody-positive rates increased from 15% to 78% in the deer herd of approximately 100 animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or prion diseases comprise diseases with different levels of contagiousness under natural conditions. The hypothesis has been raised that the chronic wasting disease (CWD) cases detected in Nordic moose (Alces alces) may be less contagious, or not contagious between live animals under field conditions. This study aims to investigate the epidemiology of CWD cases detected in moose in Norway, Sweden and Finland using surveillance data from 2016 to 2022.In total, 18 CWD cases were detected in Nordic moose. All moose were positive for prion (PrPres) detection in the brain, but negative in lymph nodes, all were old (mean 16 years; range 12-20) and all except one, were female. Age appeared to be a strong risk factor, and the sex difference may be explained by few males reaching high age due to hunting targeting calves, yearlings and males.The cases were geographically scattered, distributed over 15 municipalities. However, three cases were detected in each of two areas, Selbu in Norway and Arjeplog-Arvidsjaur in Sweden. A Monte Carlo simulation approach was applied to investigate the likelihood of such clustering occurring by chance, given the assumption of a non-contagious disease. The empirical P-value for obtaining three cases in one Norwegian municipality was less than 0.05, indicating clustering. However, the moose in Selbu were affected by different CWD strains, and over a 6 year period with intensive surveillance, the apparent prevalence decreased, which would not be expected for an ongoing outbreak of CWD. Likewise, the three cases in Arjeplog-Arvidsjaur could also indicate clustering, but management practices promotes a larger proportion of old females and the detection of the first CWD case contributed to increased awareness and sampling.The results of our study show that the CWD cases detected so far in Nordic moose have a different epidemiology compared to CWD cases reported from North America and in Norwegian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). The results support the hypothesis that these cases are less contagious or not contagious between live animals under field conditions. To enable differentiation from other types of CWD, we support the use of sporadic CWD (sCWD) among the names already in use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring trace element concentrations in tissue can be a valuable approach to monitor animal health status. Temporal variation in the absorption, transport, and storage of elements between different tissues can, however, complicate the assessment of element-health relationships. Here, we measured concentrations of selected essential (copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se)) and non-essential (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb)) trace elements within blood, liver, kidney, and hair of fallow deer (Dama dama; N=20) and red deer (Cervus elaphus; N=21). Using multivariate regression and structural equation models, we estimated direct and indirect linkages between tissue-specific trace element profiles and long- (body condition) and short-term (serum protein biomarkers for acute inflammation, infection, and malnutrition) health indicators. Trace element concentrations varied markedly and were weakly correlated among tissues, with the exception of Se. After accounting for sex- and site-differences in trace element concentrations, body condition of red deer was directly, and positively, associated to trace element status in liver and hair, but not in kidney. For both deer species, trace element status in blood was directly linked to serum protein status with an indirect positive association to deer body condition. For fallow deer, no direct association between trace element status and body condition was detected in any of the tissues, possibly because of elemental homeostasis, and because all individuals were in good clinical health. This study shows that hair can serve as an effective, non-invasive, biomarker in deer health assessments, yet, to fully uncover trace element-health relationships a variety of sample matrices is preferred.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    A model to predict preoperative outcomes after percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) with renal staghorn stones is developed to be an essential preoperative consultation tool.
    In this study, we constructed a predictive model for one-time stone clearance after PCNL for renal staghorn calculi, so as to predict the stone clearance rate of patients in one operation, and provide a reference direction for patients and clinicians.
    According to the 175 patients with renal staghorn stones undergoing PCNL at two centers, preoperative/postoperative variables were collected. After identifying characteristic variables using PCA analysis to avoid overfitting. A predictive model was developed for preoperative outcomes after PCNL in patients with renal staghorn stones. In addition, we repeatedly cross-validated their model\'s predictive efficacy and clinical application using data from two different centers.
    The study included 175 patients from two centers treated with PCNL. We used a training set and an external validation set. Radionics characteristics, deep migration learning, clinical characteristics, and DTL+Rad-signature were successfully constructed using machine learning based on patients\' pre/postoperative imaging characteristics and clinical variables using minimum absolute shrinkage and selection operator algorithms. In this study, DTL-Rad signal was found to be the outstanding predictor of stone clearance in patients with renal deer antler-like stones treated by PCNL. The DTL+Rad signature showed good discriminatory ability in both the training and external validation groups with AUC values of 0.871 (95% CI, 0.800-0.942) and 0.744 (95% CI, 0.617-0.871). The decision curve demonstrated the radiographic model\'s clinical utility and illustrated specificities of 0.935 and 0.806, respectively.
    We found a prediction model combining imaging characteristics, neural networks, and clinical characteristics can be used as an effective preoperative prediction method.





