clinical feature

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patients with hen\'s egg allergy are often instructed to avoid consuming other avian eggs, such as quail eggs. However, it is unclear whether patients with an acquired tolerance to hen eggs continue to avoid consuming quail eggs. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical features of quail egg ingestion.
    METHODS: This prospective case series included children aged ≥1 year with hen\'s egg allergy who were recruited between October 2019 and February 2021 in our hospital. We conducted an oral food challenge (OFC) with three boiled quail eggs to evaluate the clinical features of quail egg ingestion in patients with acquired tolerance to hen eggs. The primary outcome was a positive OFC after ingesting three quail eggs. Secondary outcomes were cross-antigenicity between hen and quail eggs observed through the skin prick test (SPT) and pattern of quail egg allergy, comprising the onset of reaction, and severity. The correlation between the diameters of the wheals with SPT in hen and quail eggs was evaluated using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
    RESULTS: A total of 62 patients underwent the quail egg OFC. The median (interquartile range) age of the participants was 3 (2-5) years. Thirty-three (53%) patients had a history of anaphylaxis due to hen eggs. The median total immunoglobulin E (IgE) level in patients who underwent the OFC with half a heated whole hen\'s egg was 271 (98-593) IU/mL. The median specific IgE level in egg white and ovomucoid was 9.7 (3.2-21.5) and 4.4 (1.3-6.9) UA/mL, respectively. The quail egg OFC results revealed that none of the 59 patients who ate the three quail eggs completely had an allergic reaction. The SPT-positive and SPT-negative rates in raw and boiled hen and quail egg whites were both correlated. The diameters of wheals with SPT in raw hen and quail egg whites and yolks were positively correlated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with an acquired tolerance to hen eggs may not be required to avoid consuming quail eggs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Brucellosis, caused by Brucella species, is an infectious disease transmitted through contact with infected animals or their secretions. The clinical disease is characterized by fever and headache. Relative bradycardia is an inappropriate response of heart rate to body temperature, in which the heart rate does not increase proportionally despite a high fever. In this report, we document one case of Brucella melitensis infection demonstrating relative bradycardia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of relative bradycardia in a patient with brucellosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common problem faced by pediatricians. The role of genetic factors in neonatal jaundice has been gradually recognized. This study aims to identify genetic variants that influence the bilirubin level in five patients using next-generation sequencing (NGS).
    METHODS: Five neonates with severe hyperbilirubinemia were retrospectively studied. They exhibited bilirubin encephalopathy, hypothyroidism, ABO blood type incompatibility hemolysis, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and premature birth, respectively. A customized 22-gene panel was designed, and NGS was carried out for these neonates. Eight variations (G6PD c.G1388A, HBA2 c.C369G, ABCC2 c.C3825G, UGT1A1 c.G211A, SPTB c.A1729G, EPB41 c.G520A, c.1213-4T>G and c.A1474G) were identified in these five neonates. Genetic mutations of these genes are associated with G6PD deficiency, thalassemia, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Gilbert syndrome, hereditary spherocytosis, and hereditary elliptocytosis. One of the neonates was found to have compound variants of the EPB41 splice site c.1213-4T>G and c.G520A (p.E174K), but no elliptocyte was seen on his blood smear of 4 years old.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pathological factors of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia are complicated. Genetic variants may play an important role in an increased risk of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, and severe jaundice in neonates may be related to a cumulative effect of genetic variants.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present a rare case of COVID-19 associated conjunctivitis where patient presented with redness, foreign body sensation, watering, and pain. Symptoms started while patient was COVID-19 positive. On examination, severe conjunctival congestion was present along with follicles. Visual acuity was 6/6 in both eyes. The patient was started on topical antibiotics and showed improvement but again presented with aggravated symptoms. Conjunctival swab was sent for culture and sensitivity, which was negative for any organisms. The patient was then started on oral and topical steroid, which showed improvement. Even though COVID-19 associated conjunctivitis is self-limiting, here it showed a progressive course and resolved only after steroid.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Myxopapillary ependymoma (MPE) is a pathological grade I tumor that arises in the filum terminale. MPE with anaplastic features is extremely rare, and only 5 cases have shown malignancy at the time of recurrence.
    METHODS: The patient (a 46-year-old woman) had undergone a MPE operation 30 years ago. After subtotal resection of the tumor located in L4-S1, it had a solid component that extended to the adjacent subcutaneous region. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a typical MPE with anaplastic features. The anaplastic areas of the tumor showed hypercellularity, a rapid mitotic rate, vascular proliferation, and connective tissue proliferation. Pleomorphic cells and atypical mitotic figures were occasionally observed. The MIB-1 index in this area was 12.3%. The immunohistochemical study showed immunoreactivity for vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein and S100. The morphological pattern and immunohistochemical profile were consistent with anaplastic MPE. The patient tolerated surgery well without new neurological deficits. She underwent local irradiation for the residual tumor and rehabilitation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although extremely rare, anaplastic MPE occurs in both pediatric and adult patients, similar to other ependymomas. At a minimum, close monitoring is recommended, given concerns about aggressive biological potential. In the future, further study is needed to determine the WHO classification criteria and genetic indicators of tumor progression. The possibility of malignant transformation of MPE should be taken into account, and patients with MPE should be treated with care and follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease characterized by infiltration of IgG4+ plasma cells that can simulate a tumor manifesting as a tumor-like mass. This disease involves the pancreas, biliary tract, kidneys, salivary glands, lymph nodes, aorta, and retroperitoneum amongst other organs. However, testicular involvement is a rare entity in this disease. The treatment of testicular involvement in IgG4-RD is currently controversial. We present the case of a 65-year-old man with swelling and pain in his right scrotum three months ago. On examination, a mobile mass of approximately 2 cm in diameter was found in the right scrotum. Serological tests showed elevated levels of IgG4 and negative for tumor markers. Enhanced computed tomography of the scrotum showed a nodular hyperdense shadow with a diameter of approximately 23 mm on the right epididymis. Pathological biopsy of the right epididymis showed infiltration of plasma cells, lymphocytes, and a few neutrophils. IgG4+ plasma cells stained positive, with an IgG4/IgG ratio of more than 40% and more than 30 IgG4+ plasma cells per high-power field. A diagnosis of IgG4-RD involving the testicles was made. Prednisone 30 mg/d was given for three weeks. No scrotum swelling or pain was observed at the follow-up after six months. IgG4-related disease should be considered whenever a mass-like lesion with typical histomorphologic features involving multiple organs/anatomical sites is encountered. The testicles are an important male reproductive organ, especially for young male patients with fertility requirements. For patients with IgG4-RD testicular involvement, surgical or medical treatment requires further study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a heterozygous CAG repeat expansion in the ataxin 3 gene (ATXN3). However, patients with homozygous SCA3 carrying expanded CAG repeats in both alleles of ATXN3 are extremely rare. Herein, we present a case of a 50-year-old female who had homozygous SCA3 with expansion of 62/62 repeats. Segregation analysis of the patient\'s family showed both a contraction pattern of CAG repeat length and stable transmission. The present case demonstrated an earlier onset and more severe clinical phenotype than that seen in heterozygous individuals, suggesting that the gene dosage enhances disease severity.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Teratoma involving of cerebellopontine angle (CPA) area is extremely rare, only several cases were described based on previous literature. Here we reported uncommon pediatric teratoma located in the left CPA. The purpose of this document is to explore clinical manifestations, diagnosis and and treatment of this disease.
    We accomplish it by analyzing the previous literature and this case report.
    Through clinical manifestations, imaging examination and HE staining, teratoma can be diagnosed and other lesions can be distinguished. The excellent outcome was obtained after tumor was totally removed under microsurgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dyskeratosis congenita (DC) is a rare-inherited bone marrow failure syndrome associated with multi-system disorder. To summarize the clinical features, epidemiology, and treatment of DC in mainland China, we retrospectively reviewed the medical records of two patients diagnosed with DC at our hospital and published reports on other DC patients in mainland China. The clinical features of 82 DC patients were summarized. The median age of onset was 5 years, but the median age at diagnosis was 16 years. Bone marrow failure occurred at a high rate of 44% and early, with a median onset age of 6 years (range 1-40 years). Only DKC1, TINF2, and TERT mutations were reported, which is a relatively simple signature. Aplastic anemia was treated mainly with low-dose androgens, glucocorticoids, or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, with an efficacy of 39% (14/36). In China, DC is relatively common in infants, with early age of onset but delayed diagnosis. Bone marrow failure occurred at a high rate and early. Improvement in the knowledge and awareness of DC combined with gene mutation tests will facilitate diagnosis and therapy in its early stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In adults, the emerging human adenovirus (HAdV) type 55 (HAdV-55) has been reported to cause more severe cases of adenovirus induced acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRTIs) compared to other HAdV serotypes (HAdV-3, HAdV-7, HAdV-14). However, there is a dearth of comparative studies in children that address differences in the clinical epidemiological features between HAdV-55 and other HAdV serotypes that can also induce severe infection (such as HAdV-7).
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of pediatric patients hospitalized at Beijing Children\'s Hospital with ALRTI from April 2008 to December 2013 who had adenovirus detected from nasopharyngeal or throat samples by PCR. We further compared pediatric patients infected with HAdV-55 to those infected with HAdV-7 using a case-control methodology by matching each subject with HAdV-55 infection to 4 patients with HAdV-7 infection within 2 months of each HAdV-55 infection. Demographic, clinical, and etiological data were collected and analyzed.
    RESULTS: Over the five-year period, HAdV was detected in 194 children. Of these, 8 were HAdV-55 positive. Epidemiological results showed that HAdV-55 infection was observed only in 4% of adenovirus infected children whereas HAdV-7 infection proportioned 53%. Most cases of HAdV-55 infection were identified during March and April, whereas HAdV-7 infection occurred throughout the year. Wheezing was significantly less frequent in the HAdV-55 group. No patients infected with HAdV-55 presented with vomiting or had any underlying disease. Coinfections with other respiratory tract pathogens were frequent among children infected with either HAdV-55 or HAdV-7.
    CONCLUSIONS: HAdV-55 circulated in Beijing during spring and appeared to cause pediatric respiratory infections that were as severe as HAdV-7 infections. Broader surveillance studies are needed.






