
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cancer is commonly associated with pain. For patients with advanced cancer and intractable pain, ablative neurosurgical procedures can significantly improve pain and transition patients out of inpatient settings. These procedures are normally invasive, and this poses an important risk in this population. Cingulotomy has been reported to improve pain perception and contribute substantially to the quality of life of cancer patients with refractory pain.
    METHODS: One fresh human cadaver specimen was used for the setup. The cingulate gyrus was targeted using intraoperative magnetic resonance images, and osseous aberrations were corrected after coregistration with the preoperative head computed tomography. After accounting for sinuses, membrane folds, and calcifications, a total of 737 elements were available for thermal ultrasound ablation. On high-power sonications, the total energy delivered reached a peak temperature of 57°C (15,050 J, 350 W, 45 seconds) in the right cingulate and 52°C (13,000 J, 405 W, 46 seconds) in the left cingulate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the limitations of using a cadaver model (temperature, vascularization), cingulotomy appears to be feasible using high-intensity focused ultrasound.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain management is a critical aspect of cancer treatment and palliative care, where pain can significantly impact quality of life. Chronic pain, which affects a significant number of people worldwide, remains a prevalent and challenging symptom for patients. While medications and psychosocial support systems play a role in pain management, surgical and radiological interventions, including cingulotomy, may be necessary for refractory cases. Cingulotomy, a neurosurgical procedure targeting the cingulate gyrus, aims to disrupt neural pathways associated with emotional processing and pain sensation, thereby reducing the affective component of pain. Although cingulotomy has shown promise in providing pain relief, particularly in patients refractory to traditional medical treatment, its use has declined in recent years due to advancements in non-destructive therapies and concerns about long-term efficacy and patient suitability. Modern stereotactic methods have enhanced the precision and safety of cingulotomy, reducing associated complications and mortality rates. Despite these advancements, questions remain regarding its long-term efficacy and suitability for patients with limited life expectancy, particularly those with cancer. A comprehensive systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guidelines, aimed at providing insights into the efficacy, potential benefits, and limitations of this neurosurgical procedure in managing intractable pain. An electronic search of PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science was conducted with open database coverage dates. The review focused on outcomes such as pain intensity and quality of life. The inclusion criteria encompassed human studies of any age experiencing intractable cancer or non-cancer pain, with cingulotomy as the primary intervention. Various study designs were considered, including observational studies, clinical trials, and reviews focusing on pain and cingulotomy. Exclusion criteria included non-human studies, non-peer-reviewed articles, and studies unrelated to pain or cingulotomy. This review highlights the efficacy of stereotactic anterior cingulotomy in managing intractable pain, particularly when conventional treatments fail. Advanced MRI-guided techniques enhance precision, but challenges like cost and expertise persist. Studies included in this review showed significant pain relief with minimal adverse effects, although the optimal target remains debated. Neurocognitive risks exist, but outcomes are generally favorable. Expected adverse events include transient effects like urinary incontinence and confusion. Reoperation may be necessary for inadequate pain control, with a median pain relief duration of three months to a year. A double stereotactic cingulotomy appears to be safe and effective for refractory pain.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Neurosurgery is a therapeutic option for patients with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder who do not respond to previous treatments. Although its efficacy in reducing clinical symptomatology has been proven, few studies have analyzed its effects at the cognitive level. The aim of this systematic review was to describe the cognitive outcomes of functional neurosurgery in patients that went through capsulotomies or cingulotomies. PubMed, Medline, Scopus, PsycInfo, PsyArticles, and Web of Knowledge were searched for studies reporting cognitive outcomes in refractory obsessive-compulsive patients after capsulotomies and cingulotomies. The risk of bias was assessed with the Assessment Tool for Before-After (Pre-Post) Studies With No Control Group tool; 13 studies met inclusion criteria, including 205 refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder patients for both surgical procedures. Results showed a substantial number of studies that did report significant cognitive improvement after surgery, being this improvement specially related to memory and executive functions. The second-most frequent finding is the maintenance of cognitive performance (nor improvement or worsening). From a neuropsychological point of view, this outcome might be considered a success, given that it is accompanied by amelioration of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Subtle cognitive adverse effects have also been reported. Neurosurgery procedures appear to be safe from a cognitive point of view. Methodological issues must be improved to draw clearer conclusions, but capsulotomies and cingulotomies constitute an effective alternative treatment for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Oral medications, intravenous medications, and invasive interventions are effective means of neuropathic pain control. In patients with pain refractory to more conventional approaches, cingulum bundle ablation is an alternative treatment modality not routinely considered by providers. Case Description: A 42-year-old woman with history of cervical cancer in remission presented with intractable left lower extremity pain. Workup revealed radiation-induced left iliopsoas osteosarcoma complicated by deep venous occlusion and thrombosis. Her pain remained intractable to pharmacologic therapies and more invasive pain control interventions. A multidisciplinary decision was made to pursue bilateral subcortical cingulum bundle radiofrequency ablation. After a technically successful surgery, the patient exhibited improved pain control as evidenced by a decline in her numerical rating scale of pain and analgesic medication requirements. Conclusion: Cancer-related neuropathic pain often requires treatment with multiple modalities involving multidisciplinary teams. In select refractory cases, cingulum bundle ablation may be an effective alternative treatment modality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychiatric disorders are the hidden pandemic of the current century. Despite major advances in medical management, the options for treatment are still limited. Neurosurgical intervention is effective for certain refractory psychiatric illnesses and the options range from stimulation surgeries to precise disconnection procedures influencing the neuronal network. Literature regarding stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is now enriched with successful treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, major depression disorder, and anorexia nervosa. These procedures by reducing compulsions, obsessions, depression, and anxiety, improve substantially the quality of life for patients with a good safety profile. It is a valid treatment alternative for a selected group of patients who otherwise have no therapeutic options for whom the neurosurgical intervention is the only hope. It is also cost effective and highly reproducible among specialists. These procedures are adjuvant to the medical and behavioural treatment of psychiatric disorders. In this study the Contemporary role of Stereotactic radiosurgery is reviewed starting with relevant history of psychosurgery followed by individual psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The cingulate gyrus is a potential surgical area to treat tumours, psychiatric diseases, intractable pain and vascular malformations. The aim of the study was to define the topographic anatomy and arterial supply of the cingulate gyrus located on the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere.
    METHODS: We studied thirty-six hemispheres, each hemisected in the midsagittal plane. The vertical thickness of the cingulate gyrus was measured at the anterior commissure (AC), posterior commissure (PC), and genu levels of the corpus callosum. The branches of the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries supplying each zone were noted separately. The arterial pathways were transformed to digital data in AutoCAD to identify the condensation and reduction areas.
    RESULTS: The mean AC-PC distance was 27.17 ± 1.63 mm. The thinnest region was the genu level of the corpus callosum (10.29 mm). The superior internal parietal artery (SIPA), inferior internal parietal artery (IIPA) and pericallosal artery (PrCA) supplied all zones of the cingulate gyrus. The anterior zone received the greatest supply. The arterial condensation and reduction areas on both sides of cingulate gyrus and its x, y, and z coordinates specified.
    CONCLUSIONS: The target cingulotomy (TC) area was determined for anterior cingulotomy. The properties of the TC area are that the thinnest region of the cingulate gyrus is supplied relatively less than other areas and is close to the anterior cingulotomy areas in the literature. The arterial reduction area (ARA) was found to be suitable for corpus callosotomy in terms of avoiding haemorrhage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cingulotomy is therapeutic in OCD, but what are the possible mechanisms? Computer models that formalize cortical OCD abnormalities and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) function can help answer this. At the neural dynamics level, cortical dynamics in OCD have been modeled using attractor networks, where activity patterns resistant to change denote the inability to switch to new patterns, which can reflect inflexible thinking patterns or behaviors. From that perspective, cingulotomy might reduce the influence of difficult-to-escape ACC attractor dynamics on other cortical areas. At the functional level, computer formulations based on model-free reinforcement learning (RL) have been used to describe the multitude of phenomena ACC is involved in, such as tracking the timing of expected outcomes and estimating the cost of exerting cognitive control and effort. Different elements of model-free RL models of ACC could be affected by the inflexible cortical dynamics, making it challenging to update their values. An agent can also use a world model, a representation of how the states of the world change, to plan its actions, through model-based RL. OCD has been hypothesized to be driven by reduced certainty of how the brain\'s world model describes changes. Cingulotomy might improve such uncertainties about the world and one\'s actions, making it possible to trust the outcomes of these actions more and thus reduce the urge to collect more sensory information in the form of compulsions. Connecting the neural dynamics models with the functional formulations can provide new ways of understanding the role of ACC in OCD, with potential therapeutic insights.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this review is to draw attention to neurosurgical approaches for treating chronic and opioid-resistant pain. In a first chapter, an up-to-date overview of the main pathophysiological mechanisms of pain has been carried out, with special emphasis on the details in which the surgical treatment is based. In a second part, the principal indications and results of different surgical approaches are reviewed. Cordotomy, Myelotomy, DREZ lesions, Trigeminal Nucleotomy, Mesencephalotomy, and Cingulotomy are revisited. Ablative procedures have a limited role in the management of chronic non-cancer pain, but they continues to help patients with refractory cancer-related pain. Another ablation lesion has been named and excluded, due to lack of current relevance. Peripheral Nerve, Spine Cord, and the principal possibilities of Deep Brain and Motor Cortex Stimulation are also revisited. Regarding electrical neuromodulation, patient selection remains a challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although ablation has a limited role in the management of chronic noncancer pain, ablation continues to help patients with treatment of refractory cancer-related pain. Interdisciplinary treatment involving supportive care, pain medicine, oncology, and neurosurgery is critical to optimizing the timing and outcome of neurosurgical ablative options for pain management. In this review, 3 targets for ablative surgery-the spinothalamic tract, the dorsal column\'s visceral pain pathway, and the anterior cingulate cortex-are discussed with a focus on patient selection and key aspects of surgical technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability of the brain that can be associated to severe conductual alterations, such as self or heteroaggression and obsessive and compulsive behavior. Many of these patients do not improve with any pharmacological or behavioral therapy and represent a major social problem. We describe the outcome of patients with ASD, treated with radiofrequency brain lesions combined with Gamma Knife radiosurgery for therapy-resistant aggressiveness, obsessive thoughts, and compulsions. The ASD adapted YBOCS, PCQ and EAE scales assessed the therapeutic effect on symptoms. All patients had a significant reduction of their symptoms (YBOCS:34 and 22 PCQ 42 and 35, EAE 11 and 5.5, respectively), although all needed more than one treatment to maintain this improvement. The treatments resulted very safe for the patients and their neurological status has not change. We conclude that in these patients after surgery, there is a marked improvement in behavior, quality of life and relationship with the environment, with no evidence of secondary damage. Changes in connectivity might mediate the clinical improvement, although it is necessary to confirm these results with further studies.





