chronic kidney failure

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Renal insufficiency and/or chronic kidney disease are common comorbidities in patients with lung cancer, potentially affecting their prognosis. The aim of the present study was to assess the existing evidence on the association between renal insufficiency (RI)/chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) of patients with lung cancer (LC). Comprehensive electronic searches in the PubMed, Embase and Scopus databases were performed for observational cohort and case-control studies and randomized controlled trials that investigated the association between RI/CKD and the OS and/or DFS of patients with LC. Random-effect models were used, and the combined effect sizes were reported as either standardized mean differences or relative risks, along with 95% confidence intervals (CI). A total of 10 studies were included. The duration of follow-up in the included studies ranged from 12 months to 5 years. Compared with patients with normal renal function, patients with LC with RI/CKD had worse OS rates [hazard ratio (HR), 1.38; 95% CI, 1.16-1.63] but similar DFS rates (HR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.75-1.67) at follow-up. Subgroup analysis demonstrated a significant association between poor OS and RI/CKD in patients with stage I/II LC [HR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.30-2.37] but not in patients with stage III/IV LC [HR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.91, 1.54]. Furthermore, irrespective of the treatment modality i.e., surgery [HR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.40-2.27] or medical management [HR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.25-1.50], RI/CKD was notably associated with a poor OS at follow-up. The findings of the present study underscore the adverse impact of RI/CKD on the long-term survival of patients with LC.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Spontaneous femur neck fracture is rare, especially when they occur bilaterally. Renal osteodystrophy is among the causes of these fractures that should be kept in mind. We report a case of a young female who presented with bilateral hip pain and was found to have bilateral femur neck fracture due to renal osteodystrophy. This was the first presentation of an undiagnosed end-stage kidney disease. This case report aims to highlight the importance of investigating the cause of these rare fractures in young patients and discuss available surgical options.
    UNASSIGNED: A 19-year-old female presented complaining of bilateral hip pain. On physical examination, there was tenderness on palpation of both thighs. Her workup was significant for anemia, a high level of creatinine, hypocalcemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and parathyroid hormone. A pelvis radiograph showed bilateral femur neck fracture. Considering her very young age, the metabolic derangements she had and to avoid exposing her to a major surgery, we treated her fractures by fixation using three cannulated screws on each side. We aimed to report this case as it is an unusual presentation of a previously undetected stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) in a very young patient.
    UNASSIGNED: Renal osteodystrophy due to CKD can present with spontaneous bilateral femur neck fracture. Physicians should have a high index of suspicion for this condition not to miss a chronic disease with multiple sequelae. Furthermore, these fractures carry a high risk of complications and mortality, so they should be addressed promptly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide the assistance on renal replacement therapy (RRT) is carried out mainly by private for-profit services and in a market with increase in mergers and acquisitions. The aim of this study was to conduct an integrative systematic review on privatization and oligopolies in the RRT sector in the context of contemporary capitalism. The inclusion criteria were scientific articles without language restrictions and that addressed the themes of oligopoly or privatization of RRT market. Studies published before 1990 were excluded. The exploratory search for publications was carried out on February 13, 2024 on the Virtual Health Library Regional Portal (VHL). Using the step-by-step of PRISMA flowchart, 34 articles were retrieved, of which 31 addressed the RRT sector in the United States and 26 compared for-profit dialysis units or those belonging to large organizations with non-profit or public ones. The main effects of privatization and oligopolies, evaluated by the studies, were: mortality, hospitalization, use of peritoneal dialysis and registration for kidney transplantation. When considering these outcomes, 19 (73%) articles showed worse results in private units or those belonging to large organizations, six (23%) studies were in favor of privatization or oligopolies and one study was neutral (4%). In summary, most of the articles included in this systematic review showed deleterious effects of oligopolization and privatization of the RRT sector on the patients served. Possible explanations for this result could be the presence of conflicts of interest in the RRT sector and the lack of incentive to implement the chronic kidney disease care line. The predominance of articles from a single nation may suggest that few countries have transparent mechanisms to monitor the quality of care and outcomes of patients on chronic dialysis.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions for nurses caring for patients with chronic kidney disease in improving knowledge, nurse-patient interaction, performance, skills competence and clinical decision-making.
    METHODS: Systematic review.
    METHODS: Search of literature for randomised controlled trials, quasi-experimental studies and pre-experimental studies on chronic kidney disease-related educational interventions for nurses was conducted across 10 databases. Two reviewers independently screened articles, appraised studies and extracted data.
    METHODS: PubMed, Cochrane, Embase, CINAHL Complete, ERIC, Social Science Database, ASSIA, Scopus, Web of Science and ProQuest Thesis and Dissertations Global databases were searched from date of inception to 21 December 2022.
    RESULTS: Three randomised controlled trials and eight pre-experimental studies were included in this review. Synthesis without meta-analysis was conducted due to high heterogeneity among studies. Interventions with teaching sessions, learning activities, self-study modules, discussion and a web-based training system were effective in improving nurses\' knowledge, nurse-patient interaction, performance, skills competence and clinical decision-making. Patients experienced an improvement in nurse-patient interaction and no significant decrease in overall quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review has shown the effectiveness of educational interventions for nurses caring for people with chronic kidney disease in improving outcomes for both nurses and patients, with sustained improvements up to a period of 1 year.
    UNASSIGNED: Study findings can guide the scope of future training for nurses caring for patients with chronic kidney disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses often lack in-service training on how to improve care for patients with chronic kidney disease. This study found that training nurses on how to care for such patients can improve outcomes for nurses, which can translate to higher quality of patient care.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper adhered to the synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) reporting guideline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a public health concern over the last several years. Nowadays developed countries spend around 3% of their annual health-care budget on patients with CKD. According to the scientific community the most remarkable risk factors for CKD are diabetes and hypertension. Unknown CKD etiology has been reported as a global phenomenon including uncommon risk factors such as: dehydration, leptospirosis, heat stress, water quality, and others. This study aims to report non-traditional risk factors for ESRD based on a scoping review methodology. The scoping review methodology described by Arksey and O\'Malley was used by performing an extensive review of the information. A total of 46 manuscripts were reviewed. The non-traditional ESRD risk factors are depicted based on six categories. Gender and ethnicity have been considered as risk factors for ESRD. Erythematous systemic lupus (ESL) is reported as an important risk factor for ESRD. Pesticide use has been an significant risk factor due to its effects on human and environmental health. Some compounds commonly used in homes against insects and plants are related to ESRD. Congenital and hereditary diseases in the urinary tract have been studied as a cause of ESRD in children and young adults. End-stage renal disease is a major concern for public health on a global level. As it can be seen, non-traditional risk factors are several and have different etiologies. It is necessary to put the issue on the table and add it to the public agenda in order to find multidisciplinary solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that leads to several non-communicable illnesses, including chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diet and lifestyle modifications have shown a limited impact in the treatment of obesity. Because the group of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients examined in this study had limited access to kidney transplantation (KT), patients with obesity were thought to be at an increased risk of intraoperative and postoperative KT complications. Although bariatric surgery (BS) is now recognized as the gold standard treatment for morbid obesity, its role in ESRD or kidney transplant patients remains unknown. It is critical to know the correlation between weight loss and complications before and after KT, the impact of the overall graft, and patients\' survival. Hence, this narrative review aims to present updated reports addressing when to perform surgery (before or after a KT), which surgical procedure to perform, and again, if strategies to avoid weight regain must be specific for these patients. It also analyzes the metabolic alterations produced by BS and studies its cost-effectiveness pre- and post-transplantation. Due to the better outcomes found in KT recipients, the authors consider it more convenient to perform BS before KT. However, more multicenter trials are required to provide a solid foundation for these recommendations in ERSD patients with obesity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney failure is an intervention serving as an alternative to kidney transplantation. In 2019, chronic kidney failure became the world\'s 6th leading cause of death. In Indonesia, kidney failure has an increasing number of cases every year and is the 10th highest cause of death. According to basic health research in 2018, the prevalence of chronic kidney failure was 3.4%, and 19.3% of patients 15 years of age and older underwent hemodialysis. This study analyzed the effectiveness of intradialytic exercise in ameliorating fatigue symptoms in patients with chronic kidney failure undergoing hemodialysis, in terms of exercise type, duration, time, and frequency.
    UNASSIGNED: All appropriate and eligible full-text articles published between January 2010 and October 2021 were screened and extracted from the databases PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, Science Direct, CrossRef, Google Scholar, and Garuda Database for Research and Technology. The articles were critically reviewed, and two independent authors reviewed the risk of bias by using the JBI form. Data analysis was performed qualitatively to obtain an overview of the characteristics of intradialytic exercise and quantitatively through meta-analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: Intradialytic exercise was found to effectively decrease fatigue by 81% in the intervention group. The most significant effect sizes were as follows: type of intradialytic exercise: aerobic exercise (146%); duration of intradialytic exercise: >20 min (100%); time of intradialytic exercise: first 2 h (127%); and exercise frequency: <12 sessions (120%).
    UNASSIGNED: The characteristics of intradialytic exercise that are considered effective in ameliorating fatigue are aerobic exercise lasting >20 min and performed in the first 2 h of hemodialysis, with a frequency of <12 sessions.
    UNASSIGNED: غسيل الكلى في المرضى الذين يعانون من الفشل الكلوي المزمن هو خيار تدخل آخر غير زرع الكلى. في عام 2019، أصبح الفشل الكلوي المزمن السبب الرئيسي السادس للوفاة في العالم. في إندونيسيا، هناك زيادة في حالات الفشل الكلوي كل عام، والتي تحتل المرتبة العاشرة بين أكبر أسباب الوفاة. استنادا إلى الأبحاث الصحية الأساسية في عام 2018، كان معدل انتشار الفشل الكلوي المزمن 3.4٪، وخضع 19.3٪ من المرضى الذين تبلغ أعمارهم 15 عاما فأكثر لغسيل الكلى. حللت هذه الدراسة فعالية التمرين داخل التحلل على أعراض التعب لدى مرضى الفشل الكلوي المزمن الذين يخضعون لغسيل الكلى من حيث نوع التمرين، ومدته، ووقته، وتواتره.
    UNASSIGNED: تم فحص واستخلاص جميع المقالات ذات النصوص الكاملة المناسبة والمؤهلة المنشورة بين يناير 2010 وأكتوبر 2021 من \"بوبميد\" و \"سكوبس\" و \"بروكويست\" و \"ساينس دايركت\" و \"كروسريف\" و غوغل العلمي وقاعدة بيانات جارودا. البحث والتكنولوجيا والمراجعة النقدية. استعرض مؤلفان مستقلان خطر التحيز باستخدام نموذج معهد جوانا بريجز. تم إجراء تحليل البيانات نوعيا للحصول على لمحة عامة عن خصائص التمرين داخل التحليل وكميا باستخدام التحليل التلوي.
    UNASSIGNED: أظهر بحثنا أن التمرين داخل التحلل وجد أنه فعال في تقليل التعب في مجموعة التدخل بنسبة 81 ٪. كان نوع التمارين داخل الانحل التي كان لها أكبر حجم تأثير هو التمارين الهوائية (146٪)؛ كانت مدة التمرين داخل التحلل مع حجم التأثير الأكثر أهمية> 20 دقيقة (100٪)؛ كان وقت التمرين داخل التحلل مع حجم التأثير الأكثر أهمية هو أول ساعتين (127٪)؛ التكرار أقل من 12 جلسة كان لها أكبر تأثير حجم (120٪).
    UNASSIGNED: تعتبر التمارين الهوائية، التي تدوم أكثر من 20 دقيقة، في أول ساعتين من غسيل الكلى، وبتكرار أقل من 12 جلسة، من خصائص التمارين داخل التحلل التي تعتبر فعالة في التغلب على التعب.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to unknown safety concerns, sugammadex should not be administered to patients withend-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, because the supply of benzylisoquinolinium-typeneuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) has been discontinued, rocuronium is the onlynon-depolarizing NMBA that can be used in clinical settings in some countries, includingSouth Korea. The administration of sugammadex cannot be avoided to achieve rapid andcomplete neuromuscular recovery in patients with ESRD or renal transplantation after rocuronium administration. Although there has been a limited number of clinical studies involving the use of sugammadex in patients with ESRD, studies have shown that sugammadexcan effectively and safely reverse rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade (NMB) inpatients with ESRD, however recovery of neuromuscular function in patients with ESRD isslower than in patients with normal renal function. Nonetheless, safety-concerns are yet tobe addressed. Considering the small number of clinical studies, high heterogeneity amongstudies, and insufficient safety information, more extensive data on the efficacy and safetyof sugammadex in patients with ESRD are needed. In particular, it is important to securedata on safety, including residual NMB after surgery, recurarization and cardiorespiratorycomplications, anaphylactic reactions, and long-term morbidity and mortality. Furthermore,anesthesiologists should remember that performing proper quantitative neuromuscularmonitoring and neuromuscular management based on the monitoring signs are the mostessential requirements when using sugammadex in patients with ESRD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Pregnant women with end-stage renal disease on chronic dialysis are at a high risk of maternal and foetal complications. Over the years, the prognosis of their pregnancies has improved with advances in dialysis treatments and maternal and neonatal care. We conducted this systematic review to examine the recent data on maternal and foetal outcomes in pregnant women with end-stage renal failure on chronic dialysis over the last decade.
    UNASSIGNED: We made a systematic review of studies on pregnant women on chronic dialysis published between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020. We searched the following electronic databases: Medline via PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library, with search strategies for each database. We checked the titles and abstracts identified by the search equation, and two independent reviewers assessed the articles retrieved. For each study, the two reviewers separately recorded the data from each selected article on a standardized data extraction form. For each article, we recorded relevant general information on the study, patient demographic characteristics, dialysis schedule, pregnancy complications and outcomes, maternal complications, and foetal and neonatal outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: The literature search yielded 1668 potentially relevant abstracts. After reviewing the titles, abstracts and full text, we identified 14 studies according to the inclusion criteria. All studies were observational, nine of them were retrospective and eight were from a single-centre experience. The total number of women included in these studies was 2364 (range 8-2008) and the total number of pregnancies was 2754 (range 8-2352). The patients\' ages ranged from 15 to 45 years. Obesity was observed in 808 (34.2%) women and ranged from 1 to 778. Haemodialysis was the predominant modality with 2551 (92.6%) pregnancies, and 203 (7.4%) on peritoneal dialysis. Overall, 68 out of 402 (16.9%) spontaneous miscarriages, 21 out of 402 (5.2%) therapeutic abortions and 26 (8.3%) stillbirths among 313 (stillbirths and live births) were recorded. The mean or median gestational age at delivery ranged from 25.2 to 36 weeks. The main maternal complications were preeclampsia 11.9%, hypertension 7.7% and anaemia 3.9%. Live births represented 287 (71.4%) out of 402 pregnancies, birth weight ranged from 590 to 3500 g and preterm birth was the main, most common complication in all studies, ranging from 50% to 100%. Intrauterine growth restriction was present in 5.9% and small-for-gestational-age was reported in 18.9% of neonates. There were 22 (7.6%) neonatal deaths among 287 live births and 48 (15.3%) perinatal deaths among 313 total births (stillbirths and live births).
    UNASSIGNED: Presumably, considering the increase in the number of publications and the total number of pregnancies reported therein, the frequency of pregnancy in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease treated by chronic dialysis has increased. However, the practice of treating pregnant women on dialysis differs significantly among countries. These findings highlight the need to standardize the definition of outcomes and healthcare for pregnant women on dialysis.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    To provide reliable evidence to exercise rehabilitation therapists and clinicians, we compared and analyzed the effects of different exercise modalities on cardiopulmonary function in hemodialysis patients using Bayesian network meta-analysis.
    PubMed, OVID, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Embase, Scopus, CINAHL, SPORT Discus, SinoMed, CNKI, Wanfang, and VIP were searched from inception to July 20, 2022. We included randomized controlled trials comparing 12 exercise modalities to improve cardiorespiratory fitness in hemodialysis patients. All statistical analysis was performed using STATA and R.
    A total of 82 randomized controlled trials involving 4146 maintenance hemodialysis patients were included in this study. The pair-wise meta-analysis showed that all exercise modalities had a positive effect on all indicators of cardiorespiratory capacity. The network meta-analysis demonstrated that Blood flow restriction training (BFRT), Cycle exercise (CE), Inspiratory muscle training (IMT), Combined aerobic and resistance training (CT), and Aerobic training (AT) were significantly better than usual care for 6-min walkability; Medium intensity continuous training (MICT), CT, CE, and AT were considerably better than usual care for VO2Peak; body and mind training (MBT) and CT significantly improved SBP compared to usual care; and only MBT was significantly better than usual care for DBP. Both the two-dimensional plot and the radar plot demonstrated that CT had the best combined-effect on each index of cardiorespiratory fitness. Subgroup and sensitivity analyses demonstrated the robustness of the results. The evidence was mainly \"low\" to \"very low\" for this network meta-analysis.
    There is no one exercise that can achieve the best effect on all of the outcomes. The benefits of MBT in decreasing arterial blood pressure are unsurpassed by other exercise methods. The intervention effect of the CT is better and more stable. Electrical muscle stimulation training (MEST) can be employed in individuals who do not wish to exercise actively but may cause an increase in blood pressure. On the basis of the characteristics of different exercise types, guidelines developers, clinicians, and patients may employ them appropriately.





