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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is an effective strategy for reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in children aged 3-59 months in areas with seasonal malaria transmission. Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine is given to an eligible child at monthly intervals during the peak malaria transmission season. The aim of this study was to determine the level of compliance with SMC guidelines by community drug distributors during SMC implementation in Kwara State.
    METHODS: Caregivers of eligible children from six Local Government Areas were interviewed using a structured questionnaire on the KoboCollect app downloaded on hand-held android devices. The questionnaire was composed of questions on caregiver\'s demographics, SMC drug administration, and adherence to SMC protocol.
    RESULTS: A total of 1,314 caregivers were interviewed, most of them were female 1076 (81.9%), married 1200 (91.3%) and literate 795 (60.5%). The mean SMC coverage for the 4 cycles was 1183(88.5%). SMC information was received by 1166 (88.7%) of caregivers. Most of the caregivers 1166 (88.7%) heard about SMC. Overall, SPAQ administration was directly observed in most cases 1169 (91.5%), second dose was given 1226 (96.0%) and drugs were fully ingested 1140(89.3%). Poor compliance was observed in home visits by lead mothers 988 (77.4%). The report of adverse drug reactions was low 132 (10.3% [95% CI: 8.8-12.3%]), the commonest being severe vomiting 50 (37.9%). There were significant (P<0.05) variations in SMC implementation across the 6 LGAs in virtually all the performance indicators. SPAQ administration to over-age children was low 128 (10.0%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the compliance with SMC implementation guidelines in Kwara state was good though significant differences in performance were observed across the six LGAs. Home visits by lead mothers were generally poor. The self-reported coverage of SMC by caregivers was commendable.
    BACKGROUND: La chimioprévention saisonnière du paludisme (CSP) est une stratégie efficace pour réduire la morbidité et la mortalité liées au paludisme chez les enfants âgés de 3 à 59 mois dans les zones à transmission saisonnière du paludisme. La sulfadoxine-pyriméthamine associée à l\'amodiaquine est administrée à un enfant éligible à intervalles mensuels pendant la saison de transmission maximale du paludisme. L\'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer le niveau de conformité aux directives de la CSP par les distributeurs de médicaments communautaires lors de la mise en œuvre de la CSP dans l\'État de Kwara.
    UNASSIGNED: Les aidants des enfants éligibles de six zones de gouvernement local ont été interrogés à l\'aide d\'un questionnaire structuré sur l\'application KoboCollect sur des appareils android portables. Le questionnaire comprenait des questions sur les caractéristiques démographiques des aidants, l\'administration des médicaments de la CSP et l\'adhésion au protocole de la CSP.
    UNASSIGNED: Au total, 1 314 aidants ont été interrogés, la plupart étaient des femmes 1 076 (81,9 %), mariées 1 200 (91,3 %) et alphabétisées 795 (60,5 %). La couverture moyenne de la CSP pour les 4 cycles était de 1 183 (88,5 %). La plupart des aidants 1 166 (88,7 %) avaient entendu parler de la CSP. Dans l\'ensemble, la première administration de SPAQ a été observée directement dans la plupart des cas 1 169 (91,5 %), la deuxième dose a été administrée par 1 226 (96,0 %) aidants et les médicaments ont été entièrement ingérés sans cracher partiellement ou totalement par 1 140 (89,3 %) enfants. Une mauvaise conformité a été observée lors des visites à domicile par les mères responsables 988 (77,4 %). Le signalement des réactions indésirables aux médicaments était faible 132 (10,3 % [IC à 95 % : 8,8-12,3 %]), la plus courante étant les vomissements sévères 50 (37,9 %). Des variations significatives (P<0,05) dans la mise en œuvre de la CSP ont été observées dans les 6 LGAs pour pratiquement tous les indicateurs de performance. L\'administration de SPAQ aux enfants plus âgés était faible 128 (10,0 %).
    CONCLUSIONS: Dans l\'ensemble, la conformité aux directives de mise en œuvre de la CSP dans l\'État de Kwara était bonne bien que des différences significatives dans les performances aient été observées dans les six LGAs. Les visites à domicile par les mères responsables étaient généralement mauvaises. La couverture autodéclarée de la CSP par les aidants était louable.
    UNASSIGNED: Chimioprévention saisonnière du paludisme, SPAQ, Conformité, Enfants, Centre-nord du Nigeria, Saison des pluies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) convened an expert consensus conference to assess current evidence and develop recommendations for various aspects of care relating to post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder after solid organ transplantation in children. In this report from the Prevention Working Group, we reviewed the existing literature regarding immunoprophylaxis and chemoprophylaxis, and pre-emptive strategies. While the group made a strong recommendation for pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression at the time of EBV DNAemia (low to moderate evidence), no recommendations for use could be made for any prophylactic strategy or alternate pre-emptive strategy, largely due to insufficient or conflicting evidence. Current gaps and future research priorities are highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the level of compliance of The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) for initiation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis after non-operative traumatic brain injury (TBI) and the explanation for the deviations.
    A retrospective review from May 2018 to February 2020 in a Level II trauma center for patients with TBI and length of stay of more than 24 h. We performed an analysis of overall and subgroup compliance with guidelines. The ACS TQIP criteria for low and moderate-risk for hemorrhagic progression were used for subgroup classification.
    Of 393 patients, 239 (60.8%) patients received chemoprophylaxis in a mean of 64 (SD: +/-42) hours since admission. \"Compliance\" was achieved in 52.2% of patients. In subgroup analysis, 51.4% of patients in \"low-risk\" and 55.1% in \"moderate-risk\" were \"compliant.\" The most common rationale for non-compliance in \"low-risk\" was a stay less than 48 h in 35.9% of patients. However, in \"moderate-risk,\" the most common non-compliance was starting prophylaxis before the recommended 72 h from admission in 37% of cases.
    Guidelines streamline clinical practice to optimize outcomes, but there are scenarios in which deviation of the recommendations may be indicated based on clinical judgment. We show that a stay of less than 48 h was the most common rationale for not starting prophylaxis in \"low-risk\" patients. However, in the \"moderate-risk\" subgroup, the most common reason was starting chemoprophylaxis before the recommended time frame, which we called a \"paradoxical\" non-compliance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antifungal prophylaxis can reduce morbidity and mortality from invasive fungal disease (IFD). However, its use needs to be optimised and appropriately targeted to patients at highest risk to derive the most benefit. In addition to established risks for IFD, considerable recent progress in the treatment of malignancies has resulted in the development of new \'at-risk\' groups. The changing epidemiology of IFD and emergence of drug resistance continue to impact choice of prophylaxis, highlighting the importance of active surveillance and knowledge of local epidemiology. These guidelines aim to highlight emerging risk groups and review the evidence and limitations around new formulations of established agents and new antifungal drugs. It provides recommendations around use and choice of antifungal prophylaxis, discusses the potential impact of the changing epidemiology of IFD and emergence of drug resistance, and future directions for risk stratification to assist optimal management of highly vulnerable patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lynch syndrome is the most common genetic predisposition for hereditary cancer but remains underdiagnosed. Large prospective observational studies have recently increased understanding of the effectiveness of colonoscopic surveillance and the heterogeneity of cancer risk between genotypes. The need for gene- and gender-specific guidelines has been acknowledged.
    The European Hereditary Tumour Group (EHTG) and European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) developed a multidisciplinary working group consisting of surgeons, clinical and molecular geneticists, pathologists, epidemiologists, gastroenterologists, and patient representation to conduct a graded evidence review. The previous Mallorca guideline format was used to revise the clinical guidance. Consensus for the guidance statements was acquired by three Delphi voting rounds.
    Recommendations for clinical and molecular identification of Lynch syndrome, surgical and endoscopic management of Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer, and preventive measures for cancer were produced. The emphasis was on surgical and gastroenterological aspects of the cancer spectrum. Manchester consensus guidelines for gynaecological management were endorsed. Executive and layperson summaries were provided.
    The recommendations from the EHTG and ESCP for identification of patients with Lynch syndrome, colorectal surveillance, surgical management of colorectal cancer, lifestyle and chemoprevention in Lynch syndrome that reached a consensus (at least 80 per cent) are presented.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What is the role of drugs in preventing covid-19? WHY DOES THIS MATTER?: There is widespread interest in whether drug interventions can be used for the prevention of covid-19, but there is uncertainty about which drugs, if any, are effective. The first version of this living guideline focuses on the evidence for hydroxychloroquine. Subsequent updates will cover other drugs being investigated for their role in the prevention of covid-19.
    The guideline development panel made a strong recommendation against the use of hydroxychloroquine for individuals who do not have covid-19 (high certainty).
    This living guideline is from the World Health Organization (WHO) and provides up to date covid-19 guidance to inform policy and practice worldwide. Magic Evidence Ecosystem Foundation (MAGIC) provided methodological support. A living systematic review with network analysis informed the recommendations. An international guideline development panel of content experts, clinicians, patients, an ethicist and methodologists produced recommendations following standards for trustworthy guideline development using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.
    The linked systematic review and network meta-analysis (6 trials and 6059 participants) found that hydroxychloroquine had a small or no effect on mortality and admission to hospital (high certainty evidence). There was a small or no effect on laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (moderate certainty evidence) but probably increased adverse events leading to discontinuation (moderate certainty evidence). The panel judged that almost all people would not consider this drug worthwhile. In addition, the panel decided that contextual factors such as resources, feasibility, acceptability, and equity for countries and healthcare systems were unlikely to alter the recommendation. The panel considers that this drug is no longer a research priority and that resources should rather be oriented to evaluate other more promising drugs to prevent covid-19.
    This is a living guideline. New recommendations will be published in this article and signposted by update notices to this guideline.
    This is the first version of the living guideline for drugs to prevent covid-19. It complements the WHO living guideline on drugs to treat covid-19. When citing this article, please consider adding the update number and date of access for clarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In December 2013, cholesterol treatment guidelines changed the approach to statin therapy by recommending fixed doses of low-, medium-, or high-intensity statins based on cardiovascular risk. We sought to evaluate the guideline\'s adoption in a diverse group of practices.
    Using a mixed-methods approach, we analyzed electronic health record data the year before and 2 years following guideline publication in 45 practices across 8 states. We examined associations based on patient, clinician, and practice characteristics and interviewed 24 clinicians and practice leaders to inform findings.
    The proportion of patients adherent with all recommendations 2 years after the guideline only increased from 18.5% to 20.3% (P < .01). There were clinically insignificant increases in statin use across risk strata (1.7% to 3.5%) and small increases in high-intensity statin use (2.6% to 4.6%). Only half of patients with cardiovascular disease (52.9%) were on any statin, not much different from patients at moderate (49.6% to 50.9%) or low (41.6% to 48.7%) risk. Multiple patient (risk, use of health care), clinician (age), and practice (type, rurality) factors were associated with statin use. Clinicians reported patient resistance to statins but liked having a risk calculator to guide discussions.
    Despite general agreement with statin benefit, the guideline was poorly implemented. Marginal differences in statin use between the highest and lower risk strata of patients is concerning. Rather than intensifying statin potency and recommending more patients take statins, guidelines may want to focus on ensuring that those who will benefit most get treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the cause of a rapidly spreading illness, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), affecting more than seventeen million people around the world. Diagnosis and treatment guidelines for clinicians caring for patients are needed. In the early stage, we have issued \"A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard version)\"; now there are many direct evidences emerged and may change some of previous recommendations and it is ripe for develop an evidence-based guideline. We formed a working group of clinical experts and methodologists. The steering group members proposed 29 questions that are relevant to the management of COVID-19 covering the following areas: chemoprophylaxis, diagnosis, treatments, and discharge management. We searched the literature for direct evidence on the management of COVID-19, and assessed its certainty generated recommendations using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. Recommendations were either strong or weak, or in the form of ungraded consensus-based statement. Finally, we issued 34 statements. Among them, 6 were strong recommendations for, 14 were weak recommendations for, 3 were weak recommendations against and 11 were ungraded consensus-based statement. They covered topics of chemoprophylaxis (including agents and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) agents), diagnosis (including clinical manifestations, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), respiratory tract specimens, IgM and IgG antibody tests, chest computed tomography, chest x-ray, and CT features of asymptomatic infections), treatments (including lopinavir-ritonavir, umifenovir, favipiravir, interferon, remdesivir, combination of antiviral drugs, hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine, interleukin-6 inhibitors, interleukin-1 inhibitors, glucocorticoid, qingfei paidu decoction, lianhua qingwen granules/capsules, convalescent plasma, lung transplantation, invasive or noninvasive ventilation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)), and discharge management (including discharge criteria and management plan in patients whose RT-PCR retesting shows SARS-CoV-2 positive after discharge). We also created two figures of these recommendations for the implementation purpose. We hope these recommendations can help support healthcare workers caring for COVID-19 patients.







  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn\'s disease are the principal forms of inflammatory bowel disease. Both represent chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which displays heterogeneity in inflammatory and symptomatic burden between patients and within individuals over time. Optimal management relies on understanding and tailoring evidence-based interventions by clinicians in partnership with patients. This guideline for management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults over 16 years of age was developed by Stakeholders representing UK physicians (British Society of Gastroenterology), surgeons (Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland), specialist nurses (Royal College of Nursing), paediatricians (British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition), dietitians (British Dietetic Association), radiologists (British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology), general practitioners (Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology) and patients (Crohn\'s and Colitis UK). A systematic review of 88 247 publications and a Delphi consensus process involving 81 multidisciplinary clinicians and patients was undertaken to develop 168 evidence- and expert opinion-based recommendations for pharmacological, non-pharmacological and surgical interventions, as well as optimal service delivery in the management of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn\'s disease. Comprehensive up-to-date guidance is provided regarding indications for, initiation and monitoring of immunosuppressive therapies, nutrition interventions, pre-, peri- and postoperative management, as well as structure and function of the multidisciplinary team and integration between primary and secondary care. Twenty research priorities to inform future clinical management are presented, alongside objective measurement of priority importance, determined by 2379 electronic survey responses from individuals living with ulcerative colitis and Crohn\'s disease, including patients, their families and friends.





