
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Syphilis -the \"great simulator\" for classical venereologists-is re-emerging in Western countries despite adequate treatment; several contributing factors have been identified, including changes in sexual behaviour, which won\'t be the topic of this article though. In 2021, a total of 6613 new cases of syphilis were reported in Spain, representing an incidence of 13.9×100 000 inhabitants (90.5%, men). Rates have increased progressively since 2000. The clinical presentation of syphilis is heterogeneous. Although chancroid, syphilitic roseola and syphilitic nails are typical lesions, other forms of the disease can be present such as non-ulcerative primary lesions like Follmann balanitis, chancres in the oral cavity, patchy secondary lingual lesions, or enanthema on the palate and uvula, among many others. Regarding diagnosis, molecular assays such as PCR have been replacing dark-field microscopy in ulcerative lesions while automated treponemal tests (EIA, CLIA) are being used in serological tests, along with classical tests (such as RPR and HAART) for confirmation and follow-up purposes. The interpretation of these tests should be assessed in the epidemiological and clinical context of the patient. HIV serology and STI screening should be requested for anyone with syphilis. Follow-up of patients under treatment is important to ensure healing and detect reinfection. Serological response to treatment should be assessed with the same non-treponemal test (RPR/VDRL); 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up is a common practice in people living with HIV (PLHIV). Sexual contacts should be assessed and treated as appropriate. Screening is advised for pregnant women within the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women with an abortion after week 20 should all be tested for syphilis. The treatment of choice for all forms of syphilis, including pregnant women and PLHIV, is penicillin. Macrolides are ill-advised because of potential resistance.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The incidence of syphilis has clearly increased in Germany in recent years. This infectious disease has many forms of manifestation and can imitate surgical diseases.
    METHODS: Comprehensive footage of experiences in a proctological center demonstrates these manifestations and explains the correct management.
    RESULTS: The likelihood of confusion of syphilis with anal fissures, anogenital warts, proctitis and rectal cancer is high.
    CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons can encounter syphilis, the \"chameleon of medicine\" and must know the differential diagnoses.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die Inzidenz der Syphilis in Deutschland steigt in den letzten Jahren deutlich an. Diese Infektionserkrankung hat viele Manifestationsformen und kann chirurgische Krankheitsbilder imitieren.
    METHODS: Reichhaltiges Bildmaterial aus der eigenen Praxis veranschaulicht diese Syphilismanifestationen und erläutert das korrekte Vorgehen.
    UNASSIGNED: Bei der Syphilis besteht eine große Verwechslungsgefahr mit Analfissuren, Feigwarzen, Proktitis und Rektumkarzinomen.
    UNASSIGNED: Auch ChirurgInnen können dem „Chamäleon der Medizin“ begegnen und müssen die Differenzialdiagnosen kennen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Syphilis is a sexually and vertically transmitted bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Its prevalence is high in low-income and middle-income countries, and its incidence has increased in high-income countries in the last few decades among men who have sex with men. Syphilis is a major cause of adverse pregnancy outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries. Clinical features include a primary chancre at the point of inoculation, followed weeks later by the rash of secondary syphilis, a latent period, and in some cases, involvement of the eyes, CNS, and cardiovascular systems. It is diagnosed serologically. A single intramuscular dose of long-acting benzathine penicillin is recommended for people who have had syphilis for less than 1 year and longer courses for people with late latent syphilis. Control strategies include screening and treatment of all pregnant women, and targeted interventions for groups at high risk. Vaccine development, research on antibiotic prophylaxis, and digital messaging as prevention strategies are ongoing.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum. A characteristic lesion of primary syphilis is chancre. It can develop over genital or extra genital sites, depending on the site of contact with the infectious agent. Cases of oral syphilis have been on the rise in the previous two decades, probably because of the involvement of the oral cavity in sexual practices. We here report an unusual case of primary syphilis who presented with a painless indurated oral ulcer over the lateral borders of the tongue.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ulcerations of the prepuce or foreskin of the penis are rare in the day-to-day life of a urologist. The most common differential diagnosis is invasive penile cancer, which is why other diagnoses are often overshadowed. We report a case of a syphilitic lesion which was initially misdiagnosed as penile cancer. Considering the rising incidence of syphilis worldwide, syphilis should be considered as a possible cause of any solitary penile ulcer.
    UNASSIGNED: Glandiopräputiale Ulzerationen stellen eine Seltenheit im urologischen Alltag dar. Das invasive Peniskarzinom ist die klinisch relevanteste Verdachtsdiagnose, weshalb andere Entitäten in den Hintergrund geraten. Wir berichten über einen Patienten mit einem Ulcus durum, welches anfänglich als Peniskarzinom verkannt wurde. Angesichts der steigenden Inzidenz von Syphilis sollte bei jedem genitalen solitären Ulkus an die Lues als möglich Ursache gedacht werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Syphilis continues to be a significant public health concern worldwide. The disease is endemic in many low- and middle-income countries, and rates have risen sharply in high-income countries over the last decade. The continued prevalence of infectious and congenital syphilis worldwide highlights the need for the development of an effective syphilis vaccine to complement public health measures for syphilis control. The complex, multi-stage course of syphilis infection necessitates a holistic approach to the development of an effective vaccine, in which immunization prevents both the localized stage of infection (typified by the highly infectious chancre) and the disseminated stages of infection (typified by the secondary rash, neurosyphilis, and destructive tertiary lesions, as well as congenital syphilis). Inhibiting development of the infectious chancre would reduce transmission thus providing community- level protection, while preventing dissemination would provide individual-level protection by reducing serious sequelae and may also provide community level protection by reducing shedding during secondary syphilis. In the current study we build upon prior investigations which demonstrated that immunizations with individual, well characterized T. pallidum TprK, TprC, and Tp0751 peptides elicits partial protection against infection in the animal model. Specifically, we show here that immunization with a TprC/TprK/Tp0751 tri-antigen cocktail protects animals from progressive syphilis lesions and substantially inhibits dissemination of the infection.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum, transmitted mainly by direct contact with the lesion. Primary syphilis usually presents with a chancre at the site of infection, which is highly contagious and resolves without treatment. The aim of this article is to illustrate an unusual location of a syphilitic chancre, in order to consider this diagnosis within the approach to patients with oral ulcers.
    UNASSIGNED: a 30-year-old man who presented a dermatosis located in the left labial commissure, characterized by a painless ulcer of 1 cm in diameter of 20 days of evolution. The patient has a history of HIV/AIDS. A punch biopsy of the dermatosis was performed, with a histopathological report compatible with syphilitic chancre and a negative VDRL result. He was treated with penicillin G benzathine showing improvement.
    UNASSIGNED: Primary syphilis is characterized by the development of the syphilitic chancre, which is the first manifestation of syphilis in up to 60% of cases. Extragenital presentation is rare, with only 12-14% of all cases, and of these between 40-70% occur in the mouth, being the lips the most frequent location. Oral manifestations can represent a diagnostic challenge due to its wide spectrum of clinical presentations.
    UNASSIGNED: la sífilis es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por la espiroqueta Treponema pallidum, transmitida principalmente por contacto directo con la lesión. La sífilis primaria generalmente se presenta con un chancro en el sitio de la infección, el cual es altamente contagioso y se resuelve sin tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es ilustrar una localización poco común de un chancro sifilítico, ya que conocer la existencia de presentaciones poco frecuentes permitirá favorecer su sospecha al abordar las causas de úlceras orales.
    UNASSIGNED: hombre de 30 años de edad, el cual presenta una dermatosis localizada en la comisura labial izquierda, caracterizada por una úlcera no dolorosa de 1 cm de diámetro de 20 días de evolución. El paciente tiene antecedente de VIH/SIDA. Se realizó biopsia en sacabocados de la dermatosis, siendo el informe histopatológico compatible con chancro sifilítico y resultado de VDRL negativo. Fue tratado con penicilina G benzatínica, con lo que presentó mejoría.
    UNASSIGNED: la sífilis primaria se caracteriza por la aparición del chancro sifilítico, el cual es la primera manifestación de la sífilis hasta en el 60% de los casos. La presentación extragenital es rara, con solo un 12-14% de todos los casos y, de estos, entre un 40-70 % se presentan en la boca, siendo los labios la localización más frecuente. Las manifestaciones orales pueden representar un desafío diagnóstico debido a su amplio espectro de presentaciones clínicas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genital ulcers (GUs) represent a diagnostic challenge and can be secondary to neoplastic and inflammatory processes of different causes. Among those of infectious etiology, there are sexually transmitted infections (STIs), a very frequent reason for seeking the health service. The most common agents are herpes simplex virus and Treponema pallidum and, more rarely, Haemophilus ducreyi, Klebsiella granulomatis and Chlamydia trachomatis. A careful dermatological examination offers important diagnostic elements; however, atypical manifestations are very common. Distinctive characteristics of ulcers to look out for include their margin, edge, bottom, and base. Regional lymph node chain alterations should be evaluated regarding their number, size, mobility, consistency, inflammation, and pain on palpation. Diagnostic tests have variable sensitivity and specificity, and molecular tests are currently considered the reference exams. The rapid immunochromatographic tests represented a significant advance, as they can be performed with blood obtained from the digital pulp, offer results in up to 30 minutes, and do not require a laboratory structure. The treatment of persons affected by GU/STIs must be immediate, as it aims to prevent complications, as well as reduce transmission. It is not always considered that people with GUs/STIs have varying degrees of depression, anxiety, and self-reproach, with an impact on relationships. Establishing a bond and trusting the professional is essential for adherence to treatment and preventive measures that must be discussed individually.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports





