
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    科学证据表明,养蜂业产品会积累蜂巢环境中存在的污染物,因此,它们可以用作生物指示剂。然而,我们对这些产品中存在潜在有毒微量元素的食品安全影响的理解仍然不完整。在我们的研究中,关于蜜蜂面包中微量金属含量的现有数据,蜂胶,蜂蜡和蜂王浆,以及它们可能的来源进行了审查。此外,通过将估计的暴露量与官方参考值进行比较,对对人类没有任何生物学作用的元素进行了饮食风险评估。在具有基因毒性致癌物潜力的元素的情况下,采用了暴露边际(MoE)方法。观察到的Fe浓度范围在很宽的范围内变化(0.94-2125.20mg/kg),锌( Scientific evidence suggests that apicultural products accumulate pollutants present in the hive environment, thus, they can be used as bioindicators. However, our understanding on the food safety implications of the presence of potentially toxic trace elements in these products remains incomplete. In our study, available data on the trace metal content of bee bread, propolis, beeswax and royal jelly, as well as their possible sources are reviewed. Furthermore, dietary risk assessments were conducted for elements that do not have any biological role in humans by comparing the estimated exposures with official reference values. In the case of elements with genotoxic carcinogen potential, the margin of exposure (MoE) approach was applied. The observed concentration ranges vary over a wide range for Fe (0.94-2125.20 mg/kg), Zn (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stress is the major unseen bug for the health of humans with the increasing workaholic era. Long periods of avoidance are the main precursor for chronic disorders that are quite tough to treat. As precaution is better than cure, stress detection and monitoring are vital. Although there are ways to measure stress clinically, there is still a constant need and demand for methods that measure stress personally and in an ex vitro manner for the convenience of the user. The concept of continuous stress monitoring has been introduced to tackle the issue of unseen stress accumulating in the body simultaneously with being user-friendly and reliable. Stress biosensors nowadays provide real-time, noninvasive, and continuous monitoring of stress. These biosensors are innovative anthropogenic creations that are a combination of biomarkers and indicators like heart rate variation, electrodermal activity, skin temperature, galvanic skin response, and electroencephalograph of stress in the body along with machine learning algorithms and techniques. The collaboration of biological markers, artificial intelligence techniques, and data science tools makes stress biosensors a hot topic for research. These attributes have made continuous stress detection a possibility with ease. The advancement in stress biosensing technologies has made a great impact on the lives of human beings so far. This article focuses on the comprehensive study of stress-indicating biomarkers and the techniques along with principles of the biosensors used for continuous stress detection. The precise overview of wearable stress monitoring systems is also sectioned to pave a pathway for possible future research studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine debris is now a ubiquitous component of the Anthropocene global ocean. Plastic ingestion by marine wildlife was first reported in the 1960s and since that time, roughly one thousand marine species have been reported to consume this debris. This study focuses on plastic ingestion by marine invertebrates and vertebrates in the North Pacific Ocean. Specifically, we reviewed the scientific literature to assess the scope of the problem, identified key bioindicator species, and proposed guidelines for future monitoring of plastic debris in North Pacific marine ecosystems. Our meta-analysis confirmed that the North Pacific is among the most polluted ocean regions globally; roughly half of all fish and seabird specimens and more than three-quarters of sea turtles and bivalve specimens examined in this region had consumed plastic. While there are not enough standardized data to assess if these ingestion rates are changing, sampling standardization and reporting of methods are improving over time. Using a rubric-evaluation approach, we evaluated 352 species for their potential to serve as bioindicators of the prevalence of plastic pollution in the North Pacific. This analysis revealed a suite of 12 bioindicator species candidates which sample a variety of ecosystem components and cover a wide range of plastic size classes. Thus, we contend that these bioindicator candidates provide a key foundation for developing a comprehensive plastic monitoring program in the region. To enhance the utility of these bioindicators, we developed a framework for standardized data collection to minimize methodological variability across different studies and to facilitate the assessment of temporal trends over space and time. Tracking plastic ingestion by these bioindicators will help to assess the effectiveness of mitigation actions in the region, a critical step to evaluate progress towards sustainability and improved ocean health in the 21st century.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While chemical fertilisers and pesticides indeed enhance agricultural productivity, their excessive usage has been detrimental to environmental health. In addressing this matter, the use of environmental microbiomes has been greatly favoured as a \'greener\' alternative to these inorganic chemicals\' application. Challenged by a significant proportion of unidentified microbiomes with unknown ecological functions, advanced high throughput metatranscriptomics is prudent to overcome the technological limitations in unfolding the previously undiscovered functional profiles of the beneficial microbiomes. Under this context, this review begins by summarising (1) the evolution of next-generation sequencing and metatranscriptomics in leveraging the microbiome transcriptome profiles through whole gene expression profiling. Next, the current environmental metatranscriptomics studies are reviewed, with the discussion centred on (2) the emerging application of the beneficial microbiomes in developing fertile soils and (3) the development of disease-suppressive soils as greener alternatives against biotic stress. As sustainable agriculture focuses not only on crop productivity but also long-term environmental sustainability, the second half of the review highlights the metatranscriptomics\' contribution in (4) revolutionising the pollution monitoring systems via specific bioindicators. Overall, growing knowledge on the complex microbiome functional profiles is imperative to unlock the unlimited potential of agricultural microbiome-based practices, which we believe hold the key to productive agriculture and sustainable environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amounts of certain heavy metals in waterfowl fluctuate depending on a number of factors. The use of feathers in heavy metal contamination studies is gaining popularity for several reasons, including the lack of need for deep freezing for sample preservation, the fact that it is a non-destructive, non-invasive method that does not require killing an individual, and the ability to predict lead and cadmium concentrations in internal tissues. A total of 22 publications from eight Asian countries including Pakistan, China, Hong Kong, India, Iran, South Korea, Indonesia, and Japan were identified and analysed in this study. The highest number of study sites were found from Pakistan (n = 12), followed by China (n = 9), Hong Kong, South Korea, and India (n = 7) each. A total of 10 heavy metals, viz cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, nickel, zinc, iron, mercury, selenium, and arsenic, have been identified for the review. Mercury (0.17-79.66 ppm) has been studied in all 44 species, whereas selenium (0.98-4.88 ppm) has only been studied in five species. Mercury (8.6 ppm) contamination is highest in Painted Stork from India. Cadmium, lead, copper, and arsenic contamination was detected in the highest concentrations in Cattle Egret and Indian Pond Heron. The highest contamination of cadmium (41.1 ppm), lead (296 ppm), and arsenic (20 ppm) were found in Cattle Egret from Pakistan. Chromium, nickel, and zinc contamination was highest in waders such as Marsh Sandpiper (114.7 ppm), Little Ringed Plover (114.8 ppm), and Little Stint (328.4 ppm), respectively from India. Black-tailed Gull from South Korea had the highest contamination of Iron (4055.55 ppm) and selenium (7.55 ppm). Feather analysis is not an alternative of internal tissue analysis. It should be considered as an initial warning of the hazardous effects of the heavy metals in the waterbirds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asian green mussel is a marine animal that is used as food by most Indonesians. The mussels are widely cultivated in tropical countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other Asian countries. The mussel, known as perna viridis, is marine biota that is a filter feeder in the waters. Therefore, the quality of its meat is greatly influenced by the quality of the sea in its habitat. It is a food that is quite popular with the community but can endanger public health due to the accumulation of heavy metals. This study used a literature review by collecting data related to heavy metal concentrations in green mussel tissue in Indonesia. The results showed that the mussels from several sampling locations still exceeded the maximum acceptable limits of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd) concentration according to the standards of the food and drug administration of the Republic of Indonesia. Consumption of green mussels can increase health risks if you frequently consume them from cultivating or catching locations that have been contaminated with heavy metals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metals, many of which are potentially toxic, are present in the aquatic environment originated from both natural and anthropogenic sources. In these ecosystems, these elements are mostly deposited in the sediment, followed by water dissolution, potentially contaminating resident biota. Among several aquatic animals, crustaceans are considered excellent bioindicators, as they live in close contact with contaminated sediment. The accumulation of metal, whether they are classified as essential, when in excessive quantities or nonessential, not only cause damage to the health of these animals, but also to the man who consumes seafood. Among the main toxic elements to animal and human health are aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel and silver. In this context, this systematic review aimed to investigate the dynamics of these metals in water, the main bioaccumulative tissues in crustaceans, the effects of these contaminants on animal and human health, and the regulatory limits for these metals worldwide. A total of 91 articles were selected for this review, and an additional 68 articles not found in the three assessed databases were considered essential and included, totaling 159 articles published between 2010 and 2020. Our results indicate that both chemical speciation and abiotic factors such as pH, oxygen and salinity in aquatic environments affect element bioavailability, dynamics, and toxicity. Among crustaceans, crabs are considered the main bioindicator biological system, with the hepatopancreas appearing as the main bioaccumulator organ. Studies indicate that exposure to these elements may result in nervous, respiratory, and reproductive system effects in both animals and humans. Finally, many studies indicate that the concentrations of these elements in crustaceans intended for human consumption exceed limits established by international organizations, both with regard to seafood metal contents and well as daily, weekly, or monthly intake limits set for humans, indicating consumer health risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been manufactured and used for over 50 years, and now are worldwide distributed in the environment. The atmospheric environment is the main compartment for PFASs to be transported and transformed, and relevant research has highlighted the global occurrence and impacts of atmospheric PFASs in ecosystems and human health. With the phasing-out and restriction of eight‑carbon chain-length (C8) PFASs in developed countries, China has become the largest producer of C8 PFASs since 2004. Subsequently, a number of studies on PFASs in the Chinese atmospheric environment have been conducted in the recent decade. This review documented twenty-eight studies on PFASs in Chinese outdoor air published to date. Methods of sampling, extraction, cleanup, and instrumental analysis were summarized for both ionic and neutral PFASs. Levels, compositions, and spatial distribution of PFASs from different areas in China (i.e. source, urban, and remote regions, and north versus south China) were compared and discussed. Leaves and tree barks were proposed as effective bioindicators to reflect the contamination status of atmospheric PFASs. Special attention can be given to non-target screening for future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), and arsenic (As) are metals or metalloids of high concern because of their effects on the environment and, specially, their potential toxicity on the animals inhabiting there. Due to their relevance, these elements have been object of several biomonitoring studies in different animal species around the world. Birds are widespread and, as species, are able to supply specific and relevant information about the regions where they live, being useful as bioindicators, as long as they are not birds with a strong migratory character. The main goal of this review is to summarize data collected from different studies using seabirds, paying special attention to gulls, in order to be helpful for coming studies and regulatory affairs.Several tissues have been used to evaluate Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, and As concentrations in seabirds, being focused the present review in those analyzing the liver, kidneys, and feathers. The most frequently analyzed tissue for Hg was the liver, followed by feathers, and finally kidney. For Cd levels, most of the studies were carried out in the liver, followed by feathers and kidneys. Pb, Se, and As levels were determined to a lesser extent. Feathers should be taken carefully as indicator of accumulation of pollutants, since procedure during analysis may lead to controversial results.Some authors reported that interspecific differences in the exposure of elements are determined by multiple factors, including properties of the contaminant, species, feeding habits, migratory status, sex, and age.The present review provides a comprehensive overview of the analyzed elements\' occurrence in different species of seabirds, including gulls. Therefore, it can be a useful database providing for Hg, Pb, Cd, Se, and As levels in different tissues of seabirds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last decades, awareness regarding persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), has become a cutting-edge topic, due to their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistency in the environment. Monitoring of PCDD/Fs and PAHs in air and water has proven to be insufficient to capture deposition and effects of these compounds in the biota. To overcome this limitation, environmental biomonitoring using lichens and aquatic mosses, have aroused as promising tools. The main aim of this work is to provide a review of: i) factors that influence the interception and accumulation of POPs by lichens; ii) how lichens and aquatic bryophytes can be used to track different pollution sources and; iii) how can these biomonitors contribute to environmental health studies. This review will allow designing a set of guidelines to be followed when using biomonitors to assess environmental POP pollution.





