
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic activities have negatively impacted the ecosystem dramatically over the last few decades. The environment is becoming more contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, and microplastics (MPs) as a result of the swift rise in industrialization and urbanisation. These contaminants are present everywhere in the ecosystem, affecting every living creature, from aquatic to terrestrial to aerial. Recently, the widespread of microplastics in the environment has raised serious concerns about the contamination of honey bees by these tiny particles of plastic. Honeybees are the major pollinators which contributes in the pollination of about 70% food that we consume. This review summarizes current research findings on the presence, uptake, and possible effects of microplastics on honey bees. Findings revealed the presence of microplastics in various honey bee matrices, such as honey, pollen, beeswax, and bee bodies, highlighting the potential routes of exposure for these vital pollinators. Additionally, evidence suggests that microplastics can accumulate in honey bee tissues (brain, midgut, Malpighian tubules, trachea, and haemolymph) potentially leading to adverse effects on honey bee health, behaviour, and colony dynamics. Additionally, MPs has a synergistic impact on immune system as well. Change in cuticle profile, reduction in body weight, and changes in eating frequency can regulate overall success rate of their survival. However, significant knowledge gaps remain regarding the long-term consequences for honey bee populations and ecosystem health, which cannot unveil the ultimate degree of future threats. Future research efforts should focus on investigating the interactions between microplastics and other stressors, such as pesticides and pathogens, and assessing the broader ecological implications of honey bee contamination with microplastics. Addressing these knowledge gaps is essential for developing effective mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of microplastics on honey bee populations and safeguarding their vital role in ecosystem functioning and food security.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When studying honey bee nutrition, it is important to pay attention not only to the quantity but also to the quality of pollen for floral visitors. The recommended way to determine the value of pollen is to determine both the protein concentration and the amino acid composition in the insect\'s hemolymph. In addition, the composition of pollen also includes lipids, sterols and biogenic elements such as carbon, nitrogen, etc. Very high protein concentration is observed in aloe pollen, averaging 51%. Plants with a high protein content, at the level of 27% in Europe, are rapeseed and phacelia. In turn, a plant that is poor in protein (at the level of 11%) is buckwheat. The aforementioned plants are sown over very large areas. Vast acreages in Central and Eastern Europe are occupied by pollen- and nectar-providing invasive plants, such as goldenrod. Therefore, bees are forced to use one food source-a mono diet-which results in their malnutrition. In the absence of natural pollen, beekeepers use other foods for bees; including soy protein, powdered milk, egg yolks, fish meal, etc. However, the colony is the strongest when bees are fed with pollen, as opposed to artificial protein diets. More research is needed on the relationship between bee pollen composition and nutrition, as measured by protein concentration and amino acid composition in apian hemolymph, colony strength, honey yield and good overwintering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last decades, bee biodiversity has dropped sharply due to land use change, including urbanization. To contrast this, recent research has pointed to cities as a hotspot for bees. Because of this ambiguity, a scoping review has been conducted to examine the urban characteristics that impact bees and how bees are impacted. A total of 276 articles were analyzed against landscape and local habitat characteristics. The key findings include first that natural areas are more valuable for bees since biodiversity levels are higher. Second, urban areas generally score better than agricultural and rural areas. Third, plant biodiversity positively influences bee biodiversity. Fourth, the urban environment strongly affects some bee traits and the proportion of native bees. For making cities bee friendly and bee inclusive, we recommend to maintain natural areas, connect natural areas to urban ecosystems, encourage floral abundance and diversity and increasing the size of urban green areas overall.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honeybees are vital for global crop pollination, making indispensable contributions to agricultural productivity. However, these vital insects are currently facing escalating colony losses on a global scale, primarily attributed to parasitic and pathogenic attacks. The prevalent response to combat these infections may involve the use of antibiotics. Nevertheless, the application of antibiotics raises concerns regarding potential adverse effects such as antibiotic resistance and imbalances in the gut microbiota of bees. In response to these challenges, this study reviews the utilization of a probiotic-supplemented pollen substitute diet to promote honeybee gut health, enhance immunity, and overall well-being. We systematically explore various probiotic strains and their impacts on critical parameters, including survival rate, colony strength, honey and royal jelly production, and the immune response of bees. By doing so, we emphasize the significance of maintaining a balanced gut microbial community in honeybees. The review also scrutinizes the factors influencing the gut microbial communities of bees, elucidates the consequences of dysbiosis, and evaluates the potential of probiotics to mitigate these challenges. Additionally, it delineates different delivery mechanisms for probiotic supplementation and elucidates their positive effects on diverse health parameters of honeybees. Given the alarming decline in honeybee populations and the consequential threat to global food security, this study provides valuable insights into sustainable practices aimed at supporting honeybee populations and enhancing agricultural productivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Stelidium group is readily distinguished from all other members of the subgenus Stelis Panzer, 1806 by the combination of small body size ( 6 mm), pale maculations on the head adjacent to the inner margins of the compound eyes and laterally on the vertex in both sexes, and females with sternum 6 extended beyond tergum 6, the former with the dorsal lip trowel-shaped with the apex broadly rounded or subtruncate to more narrowly pointed. This monophyletic clade, which is endemic to North America, currently consists of members previously placed into two species groups: the permaculata group containing S. anasazi Parker & Griswold, 2013, S. ashmeadiellae Timberlake, 1941, S. permaculata Cockerell, 1898, and S. robertsoni Timberlake, 1941, and the palmarum group containing S. broemelingi Parker & Griswold, 2013, S. elongativentris Parker, 1987, and S. palmarum Timberlake, 1941; two additional species, S. herberti (Cockerell, 1916) from Mexico, and S. nyssonoides (Brues, 1903) from Texas, United States, have not been definitively placed in either species group. Two new species are herein described, one from southcentral British Columbia, Canada, the other from New Mexico, United States. A preliminary molecular phylogeny places both new species in the permaculata species group. In addition, S. herberti is also placed within the permaculata species group based on morphological similarity, sharing the multi-spotted maculation pattern on the terga. Based on molecular affinity, S. broemelingi also belongs to the permaculata species group. Because no type specimen for S. nyssonoides is seemingly available for examination, it is hereby considered nomen dubium until the specimen is found and its taxonomic status clarified in relation to the more recently described species in the permaculata species group. A key to females and diagnoses are provided for all known taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The digger wasp genus Miscophus Jurine, 1807 from the Indian subcontinent is reviewed with descriptions of two new species from India, Miscophus kaleshi Girish Kumar and Miscophus prasanthi Girish Kumar. A key to Miscophus of the Indian subcontinent is provided.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The Western honey bee Apis mellifera is a managed species that provides diverse hive products and contributing to wild plant pollination, as well as being a critical component of crop pollination systems worldwide. High mortality rates have been reported in different continents attributed to different factors, including pesticides, pests, diseases, and lack of floral resources. Furthermore, climate change has been identified as a potential driver negatively impacting pollinators, but it is still unclear how it could affect honey bee populations. In this context, we carried out a systematic review to synthesize the effects of climate change on honey bees and beekeeping activities. A total of 90 articles were identified, providing insight into potential impacts (negative, neutral, and positive) on honey bees and beekeeping. Interest in climate change\'s impact on honey bees has increased in the last decade, with studies mainly focusing on honey bee individuals, using empirical and experimental approaches, and performed at short-spatial (<10 km) and temporal (<5 years) scales. Moreover, environmental analyses were mainly based on short-term data (weather) and concentrated on only a few countries. Environmental variables such as temperature, precipitation, and wind were widely studied and had generalized negative effects on different biological and ecological aspects of honey bees. Food reserves, plant-pollinator networks, mortality, gene expression, and metabolism were negatively impacted. Knowledge gaps included a lack of studies at the apiary and beekeeper level, a limited number of predictive and perception studies, poor representation of large-spatial and mid-term scales, a lack of climate analysis, and a poor understanding of the potential impacts of pests and diseases. Finally, climate change\'s impacts on global beekeeping are still an emergent issue. This is mainly due to their diverse effects on honey bees and the potential necessity of implementing adaptation measures to sustain this activity under complex environmental scenarios.
    La abeja occidental Apis mellifera es una especie manejada que proporciona diversos productos de la colmena y servicios de polinización, los cuales son cruciales para plantas silvestres y cultivos en todo el mundo. En distintos continentes se han registrado altas tasas de mortalidad, las cuales son atribuidas a diversos factores, como el uso de pesticidas, plagas, enfermedades y falta de recursos florales. Además, el cambio climático ha sido identificado como un potencial factor que afecta negativamente a los polinizadores, pero aún no está claro cómo podría afectar a las poblaciones de abejas melíferas. En este contexto, realizamos una revisión sistemática de la literatura disponible para sintetizar los efectos del cambio climático en las abejas melíferas y las actividades apícolas. En total, se identificaron 90 artículos que proporcionaron información sobre los posibles efectos (negativos, neutros y positivos) en las abejas melíferas y la apicultura. El interés por el impacto del cambio climático en las abejas melíferas ha aumentado en la última década, con estudios centrados principalmente en individuos de abejas melíferas, utilizando enfoques empíricos y experimentales y realizados a escalas espaciales (<10 km) y temporales (<5 años) cortas. Además, los análisis ambientales fueron basaron principalmente en datos a corto plazo (meteorológicos) y se concentraron sólo en algunos países. Variables ambientales como la temperatura, las precipitaciones y el viento fueron ampliamente estudiadas y tuvieron efectos negativos generalizados sobre distintos aspectos biológicos y ecológicos de las abejas melíferas. Además, las reservas alimenticias, las interacciones planta-polinizador, la mortalidad, la expresión génica y el metabolismo se vieron afectados negativamente. Entre los vacios de conocimiento cabe mencionar la falta de estudios a nivel de colmenar y apicultor, la escasez de estudios de predicción y percepción, la escasa representación de las grandes escalas espaciales y a mediano plazo, el déficit de análisis climáticos y la escasa comprensión de los impactos potenciales de plagas y enfermedades. Por último, las repercusiones del cambio climático en la apicultura mundial siguen siendo un tema emergente, que debe estudiarse en los distintos países. Esto se debe principalmente a sus diversos efectos sobre las abejas melíferas y a la necesidad potencial de aplicar medidas de adaptación para mantener esta actividad crucial en escenarios medioambientales complejos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stingless bees belong to the Meliponini tribe and are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics, where they perform important ecological services. Among the best distributed groups of stingless bees is the genus Scaptotrigona, which includes 22 species distributed throughout the neotropical region, including the area from Mexico to Argentina. Bees of this genus are responsible for the production of products such as honey, propolis, geopropolis and fermented pollen (\"saburá\"). This review aimed to provide an overview of the chemical composition and biological activities associated with derived products from stingless bees of the genus Scaptotrigona. The bibliographic review was carried out through searches in the Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and PubMed databases, including publications from 2003 to January 2023. The study of the chemodiversity of products derived from Scaptotrigona demonstrated the mainly presence of flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids and alkaloids. It was also demonstrated that products derived from bees of the genus Scaptotrigona exhibit a wide range of biological effects, such as antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifungal activities, among other bioactivities. This review provides an overview of phytochemical and pharmacological investigations of the genus Scaptotrigona. However, it is essential to clarify the toxicity and food safety of these products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing concern with the decline of pollinators worldwide is centered on honey bees, due to their wide distribution, economic, and ecological importance. This type of concern remained less evident for stingless bees, which are widely distributed in the Neotropics, until recently. Since exposure to agrochemicals has been identified as one of the potential threats to bees, the present systematic review compiled information from toxicological evaluations in stingless bees in Brazil, home to a considerable portion of the existing species. This systematic review was performed considering species, research institutions, scientific journals, metrics, experimental set ups, and agrochemicals. The first article in this topic was published in 2010. Since then, 93 scientific papers were published, which showed that there are few species of stingless bees used for toxicological evaluations and Brazilian institutions lead these evaluations. Only 1.5% of the stingless bees\' species that occur in Brazil were assessed through chronic exposure in the larval stage. The Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) is responsible for 37% of the total publications. The main route of exposure was acute, using adults in laboratory conditions. The main group of agrochemicals studied were insecticides, in particular the neonicotinoids. The current results reveal the advances achieved and point out the gaps that still need to be filled considering toxicological evaluations in stingless bees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The jelleine family is a group of four peptides (jelleines I-IV) originally isolated from the royal jelly of honey bee (Apis mellifera), but later detected in some honey samples. These oligopeptides are composed of 8-9 amino acid residues, positively charged (+2 to +3 at pH 7.2), including 38-50% of hydrophobic residues and a carboxamide C-terminus. Jelleines, generated by processing of the C-terminal region of major royal jelly proteins 1 (MRJP-1), play an important biological role in royal jelly conservation as well as in protecting bee larvae from potential pathogens. Therefore, these molecules present numerous benefits for human health, including therapeutic purposes as shown in preclinical studies. In this review, we aimed to evaluate the biological effects of jelleines in addition to characterising their toxicities and stabilities. Jelleines I-III have promising antimicrobial activity and low toxicity (LD50 > 1000 mg/Kg). However, jelleine-IV has not shown relevant biological potential. Jelleine-I, but not the other analogues, also has antiparasitic, healing, and pro-coagulant activities in addition to indirectly modulating tumor cell growth and controlling the inflammatory process. Although it is sensitive to hydrolysis by proteases, the addition of halogens increases the chemical stability of these molecules. Thus, these results suggest that jelleines, especially jelleine-I, are a potential target for the development of new, effective and safe therapeutic molecules for clinical use.





