barriers and enablers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inappropriate use of lumbar spine imaging remains common in primary care despite recommendations from evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to avoid imaging in the absence of red flags. This study aimed to explore factors influencing ordering behaviours and adherence to radiographic guidelines for low back pain (LBP) in chiropractors in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada.
    We conducted two focus groups in December 2018 with chiropractors in different regions of NL (eastern, n = 8; western, n = 4). An interview guide based on the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) served to identify perceived barriers to, and enablers of, target behaviours of guideline adherence and managing LBP without X-rays. We conducted thematic analysis of chiropractors\' statements into relevant theoretical domains, followed by grouping of similar statements into specific beliefs. Domains key to changing radiographic guideline adherence, LBP imaging behaviours, and/or informing intervention design were identified by noting conflicting beliefs and their reported influence on the target behaviours.
    Six of the 14 TDF domains were perceived to be important for adherence to radiographic guidelines and managing non-specific LBP without imaging. Participating chiropractors reported varying levels of knowledge and awareness of guidelines for LBP imaging (Knowledge). Many chiropractors based their decision for imaging on clinical presentation, but some relied on \"gut feeling\" (Memory, attention, and decision processes). While chiropractors thought it was their role to manage LBP without imaging, others believed ordering imaging was the responsibility of other healthcare providers (Social/professional role and identity). Contrasting views were found regarding the negative consequences of imaging or not imaging LBP patients (Beliefs about consequences). Communication was identified as a skill required to manage LBP without imaging (Skills) and a strategy to enable appropriate imaging ordering behaviours (Behavioural regulation). Chiropractors suggested that access to patients\' previous imaging and a system that facilitated better interprofessional communication would likely improve their LBP imaging behaviours (Behavioural regulation).
    We identified potential influences, in six theoretical domains, on participating chiropractors\' LBP imaging behaviours and adherence to radiographic guidelines. These beliefs may be targets for theory-informed behaviour change interventions aimed at improving these target behaviours for chiropractors in NL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In 2015, an evidence- and consensus-based palliative care guideline in adults with incurable cancer was published by the German Guideline Program. Barriers and enablers for the guideline implementation of members of the German Association for Palliative Medicine (DGP) were unknown. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to evaluate professionals\' knowledge, motivation, and outcome expectancy towards already existing recommendations for palliative care and (2) to evaluate the self-experienced competence in five medical key topics presented in the new guideline.
    METHODS: A web-based online survey with all DGP members in 2014 using a specifically designed questionnaire including 62 questions was used. Independent predictors for identified barriers were analysed using multivariable logistic regression analyses.
    RESULTS: All 4786 members with known email address were invited, 1181 followed the link, 1138 began to answer, and 1031 completed the questionnaire. Fifty-four percent know already existing recommendations concerning palliative care, 8.4% know and use these recommendations; of the latter group, 44.2% do not notice any improvement of their treatment when applying them. Of key symptoms addressed in the guideline, depression was the symptom with lowest perceived competence (63.7 vs. > 90% for other symptoms). Non-physicians and those working in settings with little contact to seriously ill or dying patients feel less competent in almost all symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Emphasis on the high-quality and evidence- and consensus-based character of the guideline should be underlined in future implementation processes. Implementation strategies should focus on depression and non-physicians and those professionals working in settings with little contact to seriously ill patients.





