
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 32-year-old male patient presented with a chief complaint of ongoing endodontic treatment and swelling in the hard palate, specifically in the rugae region. On examination, a soft, non-tender, non-fluctuant swelling was observed between teeth #11 and #12, accompanied by radiographic evidence of periapical radiolucency and perforation. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans confirmed a well-defined radiolucency in the affected region, indicative of a radicular cyst. Root canal treatment was completed with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) obturation during the second visit. An apicoectomy was performed to remove the cystic content, followed by the placement of bone graft material, a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane, and sutures to facilitate bone regeneration. This comprehensive approach aimed to resolve the periapical pathology and promote tissue healing around the affected tooth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Endodontic surgery, which includes apex resection, retro-fill and some regeneration procedures, is a traditional way to deal with apex fenestration. The endodontic surgery could bring large flap, curtate root length, non-healing mucosa and soft tissue deficiency in the apex area. Other treatment options might be considered according to different etiological factors. Mucogingival surgery provides some ideas in accumulation of soft and hard tissues, especially some unique methods such as \"tunnel technique\" bringing us a view of minimal invasive surgery approach. A novel surgery named \"apical tunnel surgery\" was reported here to resolve a root apex exposure with the tunnel-like technique.
    METHODS: A young female complained about root exposure of upper right anterior tooth without history of trauma or orthodontic treatment.
    METHODS: The intraoral examination revealed a buccal root apex exposure about 3mm in diameter of #12 (FDI teeth numbering system). The tooth was slightly dark with Class 1 mobility. The periodontal situation was good and the occlusion check revealed no traumatic bite on #12. The cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) showed a bone fenestration from the buccally lower 1/2 root surface to the apex and bone absorption around the apex. It also revealed a bone contour deficiency in #12 area.
    METHODS: Root canal treatment, root surface debridement, and soft tissue combined with hard tissue accumulation were carried out in one tunnel-like surgery.
    RESULTS: Examination of 12-month follow-up showed a healed and thickened mucosa in the buccally apical region and CBCT showed the continuous lamina dura occupied the buccal aspect of #12 root apex.
    CONCLUSIONS: This new apical tunnel surgery provided soft and hard tissue accumulation in one minimal invasive way in the apex exposure case caused by bone fenestration and thin mucosa.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The most frequent cystic lesions that affect the jaw are radicular cysts. The current case report describes the surgical management of a radicular cyst in the periapical region of maxillary central and lateral incisors, and highlights the efficacy of natural platelet concentrate [platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)] along with Ostoden bone graft material used for postoperative healing. A 46-year-old male patient presented to the department with swelling in the palatal aspect of the maxillary anterior region. On radiographic examination, a radiolucent periapical lesion was evident in relation to the left maxillary central and lateral incisor. In the maxillary anterior region, root canal therapy was performed, followed by periapical surgery, and PRF with Ostoden bone graft was placed in the surgical site to initiate the healing at a faster rate. The patient was recalled at follow-ups after 7 days, 3, 6, and 9 months. No symptoms such as pain, inflammation, or discomfort were observed during the review period.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report documents the diagnosis and successful management of a substantial periapical lesion located in the lower left region of the jaw. The patient presented with clinical symptoms indicative of periapical pathology, and radiographic examination revealed an extensive radiolucent lesion. The chosen treatment approach involved endodontic intervention coupled with surgical decompression, leading to the resolution of the lesion and restoration of oral health. This case underscores the significance of an accurate diagnosis and a multidisciplinary treatment approach in addressing large periapical lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    There has been a significant increase in robot-assisted dental procedures in the past decade, particularly in the area of robot-assisted implant placement. The objective of this case report was to assess the initial use of the Yomi Robot\'s assistance and haptic guidance during endodontic microsurgery. The robot was used during the osteotomy and root-end resection of the first and second upper left premolars. The report aims to inform clinicians of the initial implementation of this cutting-edge technology in endodontics and its potential to enhance endodontic microsurgery. The Yomi Robot was used in performing osteotomy and root-end resection during apical surgery in a patient presenting with symptomatic upper left first and second premolars. The treatment procedure was decided after clinical examination, chart data, and radiographic examinations, which showed periapical lesions on both premolars, taking into consideration the failed endodontic retreatment on the first premolar, the post and ceramic coronal restorations on both teeth, and the desire of the patient to save them. The Yomi Robot system provides auditory, visual, and physical guidance to clinicians during surgery while using a cone-beam computed tomography scan for precision planning with greater accuracy and minimized potential for human error. Further studies are needed to prepare a protocol for robotic-guided procedures in endodontics.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Endodontic microsurgery (EMS) of maxillary molars may represent a complex challenge to the clinician due to the location of the roots and the proximity of the maxillary sinus floor. This report aimed to describe the simultaneous use of a computer-assisted dynamic navigation (C-ADN) system and piezoelectric bony-window osteotomy for the transantral microsurgical approach of a maxillary left first molar with adequate root canal filling and symptomatic apical periodontitis.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report highlights the importance of C-ADN to carry out a minimally invasive buccal surgical access to palatal roots affected by apical periodontitis and provides a practical example to help clinicians make treatment decisions based on the available evidence. Clinical and tomographic evaluations were performed before the surgical procedure and at 24-month follow-up. This case was treated using a C-ADN system fitted to a piezotome for the buccal approach of the buccal roots, maxillary sinus membrane lifting, and for transantral location, root-end resection, cavity preparation, and filling of the palatal root. The navigation system allowed to achieve an accurate apical canal terminus location and root-end filling of the three roots with a minimally invasive piezoelectric crypt approach. At the 24-month follow-up examination, the patient remains asymptomatic, with normal periapical structures, and regeneration of maxillary sinus walls. It was concluded that the combination of dynamic navigation with piezoelectric bony-window osteotomy offers enhanced accuracy, tissue preservation, diminished risk of iatrogenic complications, and could maximize success and survival rates in transantral EMS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Endodontic therapy aims to treat or prevent apical periodontitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the periapical tissues at the apex of the tooth root. This case study demonstrates the successful nonsurgical and surgical management of a large periapical lesion involving the lower central incisors with root displacement induced by a periapical granuloma. A patient was referred from the maxillofacial department for endodontic treatment due to persistent pain and swelling in the lower anterior region started two months ago. Upon arrival, a clinical examination and radiographic assessment were performed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The CBCT scan revealed a significant radiolucent area measuring (10x8) mm extending from the lower left lateral incisor to the right central incisor. The lower left central incisor was necrotic and tender to palpation and percussion. A nonsurgical root canal was performed followed by an apicectomy using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) to facilitate healing of the periapical lesion. Histopathological examination of the lesion confirmed the diagnosis of periapical granuloma. At follow-up 1, 2, and 3 years\' visits, the periodontal assessment was performed and found to be free of pain upon percussion or palpation. No other clinical or radiological signs or symptoms were identified except for a small radiolucent area mesially adjacent to the root of the lower left central incisor. The development of materials such as MTA has significantly improved the prognosis of cases with large periapical lesions. In this case, healing and spontaneous realignment of the root were observed after three years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Radicular cysts are the most common cystic lesions that affect the jaws, which, though mostly asymptomatic, can be seen radiographically as an oval or pear-shaped unilocular radiolucency in the periapical region. Nonsurgical root canal procedures and periapical surgery followed by placement of bone substitute and bioceramic root-end filling material is generally the treatment of choice. This case report highlights the endosurgical management of long-standing trauma that led to a radicular cyst with respect to three maxillary anterior teeth in a young adult. The clinical and radiographic examination led to a provisional diagnosis of a radicular cyst, which was confirmed by biopsy. Non-surgical root canal treatment was performed with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) as the apical barrier and surgical enucleation of the cyst was performed followed by placement of hydroxyapatite bone graft. Follow-ups till two years were done, which revealed the successful management of the case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dental trauma often has tooth discoloration and periapical lesion as its sequelae. Intracoronal bleaching restores the aesthetics, while a retrograde approach is required for non-healing lesions. A patient with discolored teeth, draining sinus, tenderness and a periapical lesion on the radiograph was treated initially with conventional root canal therapy and walking bleach technique. After four months, the sinus tract reappeared and on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination, a large periapical lesion with loss of buccal cortical plate was seen. A minimally invasive retrograde cystic enucleation, apicectomy, and filling with biodentine were then performed. The defect area was filled with synthetic nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite granules combined with platelet-rich-fibrin. Follow-ups after one, three, and six months were taken. The six-month CBCT revealed complete bone healing. Non-vital bleaching yields acceptable cosmetic results. Additionally, if the conventional procedures are not successful in treating radicular cyst, apical surgery must be the ultimate choice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A significant percentage of lesions of endodontic origin require surgical management due to the possible diagnosis of odontogenic cysts and tumors in the maxilla and mandible. Ossifying fibroma is a benign fibro-osseous lesion that typically presents as a painless, slow-growing, and expansile lesion that appears as a well-demarcated lesion with a variable degree of internal calcification on radiography. Treatment results in a large osseous defect, utilization of a graft to fill the void accelerates healing and prevents complications that may result from failure to fill by the host response.
    UNASSIGNED: Following endodontic surgery placement of osseous graft material via Guided Tissue Regeneration to fill the defect aids to accelerate fill of the defect on a healthy 26-year-old female patient. A case discussing the one-step treatment of an ossifying fibroma of the anterior part of the mandible following endodontic microsurgery with associated retrograde fill of the apex, then site grating with biphasic calcium sulfate (Bond Apatite®) used in regeneration of the osseous defect related to the lesion and resulting surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: Histologically, the ossifying fibroma is dominated by connective tissue containing cell rich areas with a few fragments of fibrosis. Moreover, in the connective tissue numerous small fragments of spongy and compact bone with areas of partial necrosis present and a significant number of inflammatory cells are observed. Surgical removal of the cyst with thorough curettage of the osseous walls and grafting of the defect provides predictable healing and the desired clinical results sought. Utilization of the biphasic calcium sulfate graft material allows the elimination of the need to overlay the area with a membrane before the flap due to its hard set and the prevention of soft tissue ingrowth into the graft material during the healing phase. Additionally, the hard set of the material allows tenting of the area to maintain the desired volume and ridge contour. Conversion of the graft material depending on the volume placed to host bone occurs over a 3-6 month period.
    UNASSIGNED: The case report presented, as well as the authors experience mimics the literature on biphasic calcium sulfate in its use as an osseous graft material and is an effective method for the repair of osseous defects that result from the removal of tumors and cysts of the maxilla and mandible. Treatment of an ossifying fibroma is an ideal application of the use of this biphasic calcium sulfate material allowing tenting of the surgical site over the defect created after cyst removal without the need for resorbable collagen membranes. This simplifies its use and decreases material costs that may hamper patient acceptance of treatment without a decrease in expected clinical results.





