adult victims

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual violence (SV) against women is common in higher education settings, causing serious harm to the health, well-being, and academic outcomes of victim/survivors. There have been numerous systematic reviews of the quantitative evidence on this topic, highlighting the prevalence, health impacts, and barriers and facilitators to help-seeking after SV. To date, however, qualitative research exploring the lived experience of women higher education students has not been synthesized. This scoping review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies aims to map the global evidence on women higher education students\' experiences of SV and explore how they understand and make sense of their experiences. We searched five databases (CinAHL, Academic Search Complete, Medline, PsychInfo, and SocIndex) in January 2023 for relevant articles. Eligible articles needed to be published in English and describe qualitative or mixed-methods primary research on the lived experiences of women higher education students who were victim/survivors of SV. In all, 34 articles describing 32 studies met these inclusion criteria. Thematic analysis of data extracted from the included studies suggests that, for women higher education students, the experience of SV is characterized by profound shame, with often-irreversible impacts on hopes and plans for the future. Yet, at the same time, SV is normalized and expected as a part of the \"student experience.\" Furthermore, an imagined \"specter\" of \"real violence\" is held up as a constant comparison that serves to minimize and trivialize their experiences. These findings have important implications for higher education providers seeking to improve programs to address SV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Between 50% and 70% of campus sexual assaults (SA) involve alcohol and campuses frequently promote bystander intervention strategies to prevent SA in student party contexts. This systematic review evaluates the measurement and outcomes of quantitative studies on how alcohol affects campus SA bystander outcomes. Using four search strategies and rigorous systematic review methods, we conducted a review of 36 studies. We included studies published after 2,000 conducted with college students in the United States, its territories, and Canada which contained information on alcohol use and SA bystander outcomes (behaviors and upstream proxies). Only a third of included studies measured bystander behavior directly, the majority measured upstream proxies (e.g., intentions, self-efficacy). Most studies considered the influence of victim intoxication on bystander outcomes. No studies assessed the pharmacological or physiological effects of alcohol on bystander outcomes. A single study examined hypothetical bystander responses when intoxicated, one-third examined bystander\'s typical alcohol use in relation to bystander outcomes. Many findings are contradictory, including fundamental details such as how often students encounter SA involving alcohol or whether bystanders\' alcohol use predicts outcomes. Findings suggest that students are less likely help intoxicated victims compared to sober victims, but there are clear moderating factors. Perpetrator intoxication was not studied in relation to bystander behavior and did not influence any upstream proxies. Evaluations of interventions on alcohol and bystander topics are promising yet more research is required. This review illuminates key gaps in the literature, including the need for validated measures and scenarios, event-level studies, and alcohol administration trials.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Dating app facilitated sexual assault (DAppSA) is a concerning phenomenon with minimal published research. This retrospective study explored if DAppSAs were different than other sexual assaults (SAs) committed by acquaintances through a review of 3,413 sexual assault medical forensic examination (SAMFE) charts from 2017 to 2020 in a Mountain West state in the United States. Routine Activities Theory and Confluence Model of sexual aggression provided the theoretical framework for the study. Inclusion criteria for DAppSA cases included (1) victim was 14 years of age or older; (2) victim indicated meeting the perpetrator on a dating app; (3) SA occurred at initial in-person meeting; and (4) victim had a SAMFE with SA kit evidence collection. DAppSAs (n = 274) represented 8.02% of overall cases and 13.92% of acquaintance SAs (n = 1,968). DAppSA victims had unique characteristics including a higher percentage of male victims (7.5%), college students (22.2%), and victims with self-reported mental illness (MI) (59.6%). Victims were less likely to fight back during the assault with lower percentages of kicking (5.8%) and hitting (9%). DAppSA victims and perpetrators were less likely to use drugs or alcohol before or during the assault. DAppSAs were found to be more violent SAs with increased strangulation (32.4%); assaultive/penetrative acts; and victim injuries, especially anogenital and breast injuries. Unique and troubling differences were found in DAppSA cases than other SAs committed by acquaintances. Due to the increased violent nature of DAppSAs, the researchers propose that sexual predators use dating apps as hunting grounds for vulnerable victims. Recommendations to address dating app safety concerns, influence dating app usage policies, and improve care to survivors are discussed through systems-based and trauma-informed approaches.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Sexual assault and intimate partner violence (IPV) are common experiences in women, but few studies have examined correlates of social reactions experienced by victims telling others about assault. This systematic review identified 30 studies through searches of research databases on correlates of social reactions to disclosure of sexual assault or IPV in samples of adult victims or disclosure recipients. Studies showed evidence of greater negative social reactions for Black and Hispanic victims, less educated, and bisexual victims. More extensive trauma histories in victims were related to receipt of greater negative social reactions, whereas assault characteristics (e.g., victim-offender relationship, alcohol use, perpetrator violence during assault) were sometimes associated with negative reactions. In terms of postassault factors, more psychological symptoms, self-blame, avoidance coping, less perceived control, and less posttraumatic growth were related to more negative social reactions. Disclosure characteristics, telling informal sources, and telling more sources were related to more positive reactions, whereas telling both formal and informal sources was related to negative reactions. Demographic, attitudinal, and relational factors were related to disclosure recipients\' intended social reactions. Future research needs to examine how various factors relate to social reactions in the context of theory, and clinical treatment and interventions should use this information to identify and intervene with victims to reduce negative social reactions and their psychological impacts and to increase positive social reactions particularly from informal support sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This article reports the findings of a scoping review designed to identify research exploring the losses associated with childhood sexual abuse in women survivors. A systematic search of databases for articles published between 1983 and 2019 were conducted using keywords related to loss and women survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty studies were selected for review using predefined inclusion criteria: studies that include adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, studies that include child/childhood sexual abuse, studies that include stigmatized loss, studies that indicate stigmatized loss in adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Sources were subject to quality appraisal and data were extracted in line with the review question.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings acknowledged and extended on Bloom\'s model of stigmatized loss and suggested that female survivors of childhood sexual abuse may experience an overall loss of self-efficacy, presenting as a loss of personal agency, interpersonal agency, and sexual agency. The results of this research suggest that loss be considered in support interventions with women self-reporting childhood sexual abuse. It is recommended that further research be conducted to confirm these findings so that they may advocate for inclusion in childhood sexual abuse treatment interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The consequences of sexual violence are substantial and include both intra- and interpersonal problems. Notably, sexual violence has been associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships including intimate relationships. While there have been prior reviews considering various interpersonal and dyadic consequences associated with sexual violence, there has not been a comprehensive review considering the various aspects of adult dyadic functioning including intimacy, relationship conflict, and satisfaction satisfaction among both child and adult victims of sexual violence. The databases PsycINFO and PubMed were searched for terms related to sexual victimization (e.g., sexual assault, sexual victimization, sexual abuse, rape, revictimization), terms related to relationships (e.g., romantic relationship, intimate relationship), and terms related to relationship functioning (e.g., satisfaction, relationship quality, conflict, communication, intimacy, sexual functioning). Eligible studies for this review were required to (1) be an original study, (2) be written in English, (3) identify a sample or subsample consisting of women reporting a history of sexual violence in either childhood or adulthood, and (4) measure at least one of the following relationship areas: intimacy, relationship conflict, or relationship satisfaction in heterosexual adult romantic relationships. A total of 20 articles met inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Results demonstrated mixed findings on the association between sexual violence and relationship functioning, with some studies demonstrating an association between sexual violence and relationship functioning, and others failing to find such associations. These findings are discussed within the context of gaps in the extant literature and future research directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global public health issue which disproportionately affects women. Health-care providers have an important role in recognizing and addressing GBV in practice, yet research suggests that the issue remains underrecognized, with many qualified professionals reporting lack of confidence and a sense of unpreparedness. Prequalifying GBV educational strategies are inconsistent in both quantity and quality worldwide, and to date, there has been no comprehensive review of those programs\' effectiveness. This internationally focused literature review aimed to identify best educational practices in GBV for prequalifying health-care students. A systematic search of six databases yielded 17 studies meeting the inclusion criteria, with all studies examining one or more educational intervention. Quality appraisal was undertaken and data were tabulated to capture relevant information. Thematic findings suggest that interactive educational strategies yield better results than didactic approaches. Similarly, interventions with a focus on practical application of learning are generally preferred over strictly theoretical approaches. Courses of longer duration seem to be more effective in instilling attitudinal changes. Lastly, gendered differences were noted in a number of studies, with female students consistently outperforming males. However, more research is needed before conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of single- versus mixed-gender audiences. This review makes a useful contribution to the literature of health education, supporting many findings from previous studies and identifying knowledge gaps to be explored in future research. There are implications for both educators and practitioners in creating discernible change for women in their care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    College students are a vulnerable population for dating violence (DV) because of the social environment in which they live and interact with other students. Campus climate surveys are considered best practice for gathering information about the severity and cause of college DV; however, there are still unanswered questions as to why DV remains an alarming public health concern among college students. The aim of this systematic literature review was to examine DV risk factors specific to college students with a special focus on methodological factors and gaps in the literature. Databases EBSCO, Scopus, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, ERIC, and PubMed were searched for articles published between 2006 and 2016, resulting in 23 articles that met inclusion criteria for this review. Very few studies were conducted at private universities (n = 4). Most researchers used descriptive cross-sectional surveys (n = 22), while only one utilized a mixed-methods approach. Measurement scales used to collect DV rates were similar across studies, yet the definition of DV was inconsistent. Types and severity of DV varied across studies, but overall, females were more likely to perpetrate and/or experience DV than males. Individual risk factors (e.g., substance use, risky sexual behaviors) were identified more often than family risk factors (e.g., intergenerational violence) and peer and social risk factors (e.g., Greek-life or athletic team membership, relationship type). A better understanding of new college relationships is critical to identify modifiable risk factors for DV. Recommendations for future practice and research are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homeless individuals are at higher risk of criminal justice involvement (CJI) and victimization compared to their housed counterparts. Exposure to childhood maltreatment (CM; e.g., abuse, neglect) is one of the most significant predictors of CJI and victimization among homeless populations. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize current knowledge regarding the relationship between CM and CJI and victimization among homeless individuals. Guided by the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) methods, a systematic search was performed using PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature for published studies investigating the relationship between CM and CJI and victimization among homeless samples. We identified 20 studies that met the inclusion criteria. Findings showed that across the majority of studies, CM, and in particular childhood physical (CPA) and sexual (CSA) abuse, is associated with increased risk of both CJI and victimization, regardless of various important factors (e.g., sociodemographic characteristics, psychiatric disorders, substance use). These findings support the need for prevention and treatment for \"families at risk\" (i.e., for intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect) and also document the need for trauma-informed approaches within services for homeless individuals. Future research should focus on prospective designs that examine victimization and CJI in the same samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few adolescent and adult women seek out formal support services in the acute period (7 days or less) following a sexual assault. Instead, many women choose to disclose weeks, months, or even years later. This delayed disclosure may be challenging to support workers, including those in health-care settings, who lack the knowledge and skills to respond effectively. We conducted a systematic literature review of health-care providers\' responses to delayed disclosure by adolescent and adult female sexual assault survivors. Our primary objective was to determine how health-care providers can respond appropriately when presented with a delayed sexual assault disclosure in their practice. Arising out of this analysis, a secondary objective was to document recommendations from the articles for health-care providers on how to create an environment conducive to disclosing and support disclosure in their practice. These recommendations for providing an appropriate response and supporting disclosure are summarized.





